Home » If only Obama knew


If only Obama knew — 33 Comments

  1. George Pal: the first? Hardly. I first used the “if only Obama knew” comparison long ago.

    It’s really more about the mindset of Stalin’s supporters and Obama’s supporters than Obama himself, who is not shooting and torturing the political opposition. But he doesn’t need to.

    Would he if he needed to? Let’s hope we don’t find out.

  2. I’m sure Woodward knows Obama knew and is letting him know it. THis is more about letting the President know that he is not really in charge at some level. While the 20 something Twitter reporters just want to bask in the sun, O’l Bob is reminding Barack that he can break Presidents if required.

  3. Interesting to note how the left is rushing to denounce Woodward now that he’s on Obama’s enemies list. Now Woodward is a washed out has-been who’s just looking for attention.

  4. Harry the Extremist: I don’t doubt that Woodward is looking for attention.

    But I don’t agree with that article. The context was that the guy who wrote the email had just unloaded in anger on Woodward in a phone call. Plus, this is a pattern (war on Fox, other journalists coming forward, etc.).

    Read the comments to the post you linked for more, but there’s lots and lots around the blogosphere.

    Plus “you will regret” is not the way a normal person would say it. That would be “I think you are mistaken and you’ll come to see that.” “You will regret” is a very strange way to put it, especially emanating from a White House aide who had just chewed you out.

  5. You nailed it perfectly. Unfortunately, so did David Pluff — Bob is an old geezer. I hate to say it, but I think you are half right. Most of Bob’s life, his cynacism as a jounalist was directed at the political right.
    The reaction he has had – to give Obama the benefit of the doubt, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, suggests he might not have dug so deep into Watergate had Nixon been a democrat. His instinct is clearly to believe that Obama is a man of virtue and he’s surrouned by scoundrels. His instinct and perhaps own vanity are causing him to believe that little Barack just needs some guidance about the proper use of presidential power from the wise old men around Washington. I believe he truly is baffled — this administration is not the virtuous image of the intellectual progressive left he has long believed himself a part; it’s a corrupt, power hungry, paranoid bunch who make Nixon’s guys look responsible and weak.
    And he genuinely can’t understand why Obama and his team aren’t interested in governing for the overall good, but will risk national security, release criminals into the general population, and use any tactic necessary to make political points. He’s out of his league, but I hope you’re right and he’s learning fast. We shall see if the rest of the MSM has his back, or ostracizes him. I’m betting on the latter.

  6. southpaw: they will ostracize him. They are already doing so.

    That’s part of the reason he will “regret” it.

    Or maybe he’s sick of cocktail parties :-).

  7. I agree Woodward does not yet realize the true nature of BHO, but he’s a bright man and may come to see the truth. A few others, such as Lanny Davis are also beginning to smell the coffee. I hope the hounds of the MSM keep baying at Woodward for he will push back.


    She is grates on the sensibilities, but stick around until 1:10 to ‘learn’ the impact sequestration will have on unemployment. 😉

    “Stupid is as stupid does.”

  8. When you assume that Obama has the best interests of the country at heart, then what he is doing doesn’t make any sense.

    Here’s my take. Obama wants the sequester to happen. But he’s going around the country proclaiming he doesn’t want it to happen because it will devastate government services that people depend on. His objective is to be sure that the “obstructionist” Republicans are blamed. My guess is that he is even hoping the sequester will tip the country into another recession, which can then be blamed on the Republicans. In other words, he is prepping the battlespace for the 2014 elections. If many services are cut back in 2013 and the country is in a recession caused by “the Republican’s desire to protect the wealthy,” will it not make it easier for the Democrats to win offices in the House and Senate come 2014.

    I know, it sounds too cynical to be true. Not to me.

  9. Neo-neocon,

    I wasn’t aware of the linked post but it makes the correlation that much more insightful by way of prescience. Though O hasn’t shot or tortured the opposition he has set the precedent (I think) of being the first Pres to order the execution (by drone) of a US citizen without trial. I’d assume supporters of O would think that the start of an omelette.

  10. “I think if Obama himself saw the way they’re dealing with some of this, he would say, ‘Whoa, we don’t tell any reporter ‘you’re going to regret challenging us.’”

    At first I thought this was naivete, but it could also be a sly way for Woodward to publicly give Obama the chance to swoop in and apologize for Sperling’s treatment of Woodward’s treatment. Sorta like when a customer service rep mistreats a customer, and once the supervisor takes over the aggrieved customer says something, “I know it must not be your policy to do X, right? So how are YOU going to address my complaint?”

  11. Stalin, the Tsar…let’s not forget the other one: “If only the Fuehrer knew!” And now Obama. Hmm, what on earth could link individuals of such different eras and cultures?

  12. I agree with Lizzy and DirtyJobsGuy. Woodward is not naive. He and Sperling are talking in a kind of Washington Mafia code in those emails, embedding their true meanings.
    I’m not a cynic by nature, but I’m learning. You have to be a Kremlinologist to even guess at what’s going on with the O administration. My question is: was it ever thus? I mean, were all administrations corrupt, and Obama’s just more so, or more blatantly so? Or is this something new in the world?
    My late father-in-law used to say, in his heavy Old World accent: “All is swindle.”

  13. Neo – you have a point — at 68 or whatever he is, the parties are probably getting old anyway. From here on out, it’s just a long steady decline into senility and his own conservative blog. 🙂
    Come to think of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if the WH starts a rumor that Alzheimers might be a reason he’s confused about the facts….then they discredit him with words of kindness and understanding about his unfortunate and tragic demise.

  14. “were all administrations corrupt, and Obama’s just more so, or more blatantly so? Or is this something new in the world?”

    IMO all administrations have had a degree of corruption. There has always been, over the years, too much cash sloshing around in DC and plenty of schemers dealing under the table. The BHO administration is operating per Chicago standards where corruption is the rule, not the exception.

    Its not something new, but it is blatant and on a grand scale. The price of pardons come 12/16 will be astronomical.

  15. How could anyone be stupid enough to put that in an email? Well, they aren’t. Because it’s just another in a long line of distractions, and it’s serving it’s intended purpose–no one’s talking about the economy, are they?

  16. Obviously a member of the Left thought that what he did to others, could not be done to him by the Left. Oh no, that’s not so.

  17. Its not a matter of naivete with Woodward. It’s a matter of holding on to his beliefs, his world view and what Obama represents to him personally and really, to every typical liberal. As obscene as the thought surely is, think Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln for a comparable mythos.

    Obama is the ‘great black hope’, not just to blacks but to white liberals. To them, Obama is literally a modern day prophet.

    Thus, he cannot be playing them for fools because if he is, all activists on the left become suspect and the beliefs and policies that liberals support are revealed to rest upon intellectual quicksand. As neo said, “the thought is too dreadful” to contemplate.

    “Say it isn’t so Joe” would be the reaction were Obama’s duplicity to be revealed in an undeniable manner.

    Woodward et al will maintain their denial, as long as possible.

  18. mizpants Says:
    February 28th, 2013 at 5:06 pm

    My question is: was it ever thus? I mean, were all administrations corrupt, and Obama’s just more so, or more blatantly so? Or is this something new in the world?

    You have to be a Kremlinologist to even guess at what’s going on with the O administration.

    You answered your own question.

  19. “Because it’s just another in a long line of distractions, and it’s serving it’s intended purpose—no one’s talking about the economy, are they?”

    It is intended as a distraction, but I’m not so sure it is the correct distraction for their purposes. As far as economy is concerned, the measly sequestration ‘cuts’ will come and go and no one on Main Street will notice. DC will continue to spend more between now and 10/1/13 than was spent in 2012. The FED will pump up the bubble until the DJIA pops and we’re back in 2008 (only deeper) and BHO propelled by Uncle Ben will come to the rescue. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    The juggler has thousands of plates spinning and then one day another plate will be added and all the plates will fall to the floor and splinter into a 100 trillion slivers. That’s my take and I’m sticking to it. 😉

  20. The economy is 0bama’s vehicle for his sole purpose in life: redistribution of wealth. The economy’s been stagnant for four years because that’s what he wants. He simultaneously silences those most affected via increased welfare and extended unemployment, and stifles private sector growth via massive public sector debt. The rest he distracts with manufactured crises and the appearance of ineptness, all the while aided and abetted by the useful idiots in the T-P Media. This is by design, and it’s working so far.

  21. Liberals and their naiveity about Obama are a far distant second to the most naive among us. Those who think, “if only liberals knew”.

  22. I am reading a volume of leftist bilge — for work — and their one theme, their obsession, is “Give Us Your Money, Give Us Your Money, Dammit!”

    ALL the world’s problems and evils will be solved if they can only get their mitts on the MONEY belonging to those they hate, and then act like Lady Effing Bountiful spreading [some of] it around to Those Who Sit in Darkness, who will then sing Hosannahs of Praise to their Leftist Deliverers!

    Srsly, that’s the whole dream. The whole book hums with hate for the Haves [non-Leftist Haves only, of course], and drips with condescension for the retarded, pathetic, helpless Have-Nots. Poor babies who can’t move, breathe, or even Live without the Leftist Gods to take care of them: with the Hated Haves’ money.

    And they think they’re so godlike and righteous.

    They talk of the Haves as “receiving” money [from whom? who the hell knows? don’t bother them with any Vulcan dee-tails]. That they may have actually Earned it never crosses their greedy little brains. Their greed is staggering — they covet everything that is, all the wealth in the world, to be “redistributed” at their command. Their lust for power is something that would make a Mafia chieftain gag: they want nothing less than power over the whole freaking world.

    Woodward? I’d suggest reading Lassky’s book “It Didn’t Start with Watergate,” if you want to have your eyes opened to the criminal, thuggish behavior carried on by the “American” Left since the beginning of the 20th century. Woodward and Bernstein didn’t play nearly as big a role as the Left’s mythology claimed; most of what they dug up on Nixon didn’t amount to spit, and much of what they created in “All the President’s Men” was a fable. Check it out.

    So, I don’t think he’s so intrepid; it’s good he’s kinda-sorta calling the Jackanapes on some of his bullsh**, but really, he just wants to have one of those Beer Summits and get the Jackanapes to be a little better at the Game.

  23. Slightly back on topic: this morning over at drudge, there’s a whole section of articles of the MSM viciously turning on Woodward. It will be interesting to see if Neo’s prediction that Woodward will continue to push away from his consciousness that “thought too dreadful to contemplate.”

  24. Bob should probably give Juan Williams a call. They can commiserate on how it feels when your liberal comrades turn on you — all of a sudden the viscious hate machine which didn’t bother you one WHIT when it was directed at all the wrong sorts – now is turned on you…..and to your further shock and surprise, the only ones treating you in any sort of civil mannner are those crazy right wingers over at the Faux News Channel.

    That’s gotta be so jarring, for the enlightened who are our betters, like Juan and Bob. Poor saps.

  25. If only Obama knew what their side’s mass murder, rapist, looting, totalitarian tendencies will bring them in the future. It won’t be the riches and luxury they all envision as their rightful prize.

  26. Woodward’s entire career was a tool of personal destruction wielded by the Left.

    Why does he think now that he is allowed to bare his fangs against his own Masters…

  27. The awrd is already being chiseled on Marxist Hall of Fame plaque in the Kremlin
    Bob Woodward (USA) : USEFUL IDIOT ( Magna cum laude).

  28. “I thought of the old saying ‘if only Stalin knew.’ …”

    speaking of reaching back in time, my mother’s family (from the Czech/Ukraine region) remembers that one.

  29. It is as if the author and many commentors are still trying to prove their points about Obama. To whom that would truly matter would come as a complete surprise to me. Sides have long since been chosen. Such compiling of evidence, analysis of it and sort of plea for sanity really are just a waste. More to the point, marks of someone scared to move to the next step. Congress suffers this infliction, chronically.
    The way to stop a bully, plain and simple, is to coldcock him. No warning, no mercy, and never a sideglance at spectators. That signals your guilt and want of their approval.
    Boehner and the house Republicans have a constitutional set of brass knuckles. They’re embarrased of it.

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