Home » The cruel cupcake caper…


The cruel cupcake caper… — 21 Comments

  1. Perhaps if they used CG to replace the soldiers’ weapons with walky-talkies…

  2. “Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions,” the Head Nanny said. But the opinions of one student’s mom regarding our nation’s soldiers, oh . . . well . . . that’s different.

  3. Shoulda gone with her first instinct to top with condoms.

    My parents would take us kids on, at least, monthly trips up to the cabin in the woods my grandpa, dad, and uncles built. We’d be sure to stock up on army men that we’d then set up on stumps and in strategic places up a hill side to shoot up with our bb guns.

  4. To agree with Capn Rusty,

    It is not surprising how often “…respect for opposing opinions,” really means “only my opinion counts”. Tar, Feathers, and a pink slip.

  5. “Fountain said it was beyond outrageous to compare American soldiers to deranged mass murderers.”

    That line line says it all; to those on the left, a gun is a gun is a gun. And guns are just plain evil!

    All the more reason so many Americans are now joining the NRA, buying up guns, and stockpiling ammo. A lot of loyal Americans are seeing the damage the left is doing to this country and they are getting prepared for the coming years.

    I wish that I could say that I am just being pessimistic that things are going to get worse. But, I fear that the worst is yet to come.

    (maybe, hopefully? I am just reading too much into “cupcakes”?)

  6. Sometimes I wonder what for USA still has public education which costs so much and teach so little. I was astonished to know that 80% of graduates of NY public schools CAN NOT READ! The whole institution is broken. In Russia 50% kids entering 1 grade already can read, and I simply do not know a single case when graduates were illiterate. Dumb and lazy drop out much earlier.

  7. “‘Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions . . . .’”

    A false premise. Respect for opposing opinions does not mean capitulation to them. The founding fathers were concerned about the tyranny of the majority, however in the 21st century, we succumb to the tyranny of any single opposing point of view, however tangential or minute.

  8. I wonder when the rabid dog part of To Kill A Mockingbird will be edited out.

    And just think Bill Ayers is being honored for the effect he has had on education (from Powerline, a few days ago).

  9. Furthermore, I offer that the following is the real crux of the matter:

    “teaching non-violence”

    Just as all guns are “bad” and”evil” so, too, all violence is bad and evil and must be avoided at all costs. To the leftist mindset capitulation is always preferable to self defense.

    Is it? If it weren’t for the violence of the Allies in WW II the European Jews would have long ago ceased to exist. If it weren’t for the violence of Hiroshima and Nagasaki hundreds of thousands more American (and Japanese) lives would have been lost to end the war in the Pacific. Violence is the last resort of a civilized man/woman, but it is a last resort.

    At Legal Insurrection today Joel Engel has a post about the wishful-thinking “bumper stickerism” of the left’s theoretical utopia v. reality, physics and facts. It serves as a complementary post to this topic.

    See “Liberals v Reality, take two” (2:57 pm):


  10. Hey,

    Whaddaya say we decorate cupcakes with little model drones (and little pictures of the incumbent president)?

  11. “Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions,” she stated. “In the climate of recent events in schools we walk a delicate balance in teaching non-violence in our buildings and trying to ensure a safe, peaceful atmosphere.”

    Fountain said it was beyond outrageous to compare American soldiers to deranged mass murderers.

    Outrageous, but commonplace. And of course we must cater to those who would do so rather than those who would try to point out the difference.

    Tolerance == “Agree with us completely, and we’re fine with that”.

    What about parents who are offended by the notion that there is ANYTHING wrong with being a soldier?

    “Their opinions don’t count.”

    No, TOLERANCE is recognizing that some people disagree with others, and acknowledging that doesn’t mean that everyone has to act as though ONE position is right above others. Tolerance is “getting along, and not letting PETTY THINGS become a big deal.”

    For the parent with the toy soldiers to FORCE the school to HONOR soldiers in class and school, by ADDING something like a toy soldier — THAT is just as wrongheaded as forcing them to be removed.

  12. What about being offended by everything PC? Any room for that opinion? Those are the questions a few parents need to ask the easily offended Principal Susan Wright.


  13. Before we put our child in school, I’m going to have a sit down with the principle and ask him/her how s/he would react if my child brought a toy gun to school. That should reveal much, I would think.

  14. The American people better stand together and fight this nonsense now. It is already very late in the game, and the clock is running. Unfortunately, too many will go along to get along– don’t make waves for goodness sake–and those few who try to hold the line will be swamped.

    I have been around a long time. I think I saw the best the country had to offer back in the 40s and 50s. I don’t like what I see now.

  15. The citizen-parents are to blame. They should ALL show up at this liberal asshat principal’s office chanting “Bill of Rights! Bill of Rights!” and not go home until she capitulates and begs their forgiveness.

    Seriously, we really DO outnumber the Numpties.

  16. There is a purpose to this kind of thing. Children are being deliberately conditioned to associate guns with punishment. “I better not even think about a gun or else I’ll get in trouble.”

    Over time, fewer kids will grow up into adults who wish to own guns and learn how to use them. Thus civilian gun ownership will be marginalized.

  17. Another instance of Instapundit’s idea that sending your kids to public school is parental malpractice.

  18. Oh please!

    When common sense goes out the window, the leftists have gone too far.

  19. “Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions, …”

    No-one is under any obligation to respect “opposing opinions”. We are only obligated to not use force, particularly government force, against those with opposing opinions. It seems the school administration fails in this regard as they used the force of government to suppress an opinion they didn’t like.

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