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Is anybody else very very tired… — 32 Comments

  1. The mainstreamers own the microphones. Whatever bad happens — check that: whatever happens — it’s the Republicans’ fault. And if nothing happens, they’ll fan this flame or that, and it’ll be the Republicans’ fault.

    That’s the country we live in. God bless America.

  2. more biased?

    hows this

    The Texas school curriculum derived from Common Core, known as CSCOPE, includes an infographic portraying society as “progressing” from capitalism to socialism then communism, referring to the latter two as “new systems” and “new ideas.”

  3. The Republicans should get all the Dems on record as supporting Obamacare and then back off to allow the program to crash.

  4. I think most people suspect this is just kabuki at this point, largely because we’ve been here way too many times over the past couple of years — in April 2011, August 2011, September 2011, December 2012, and March of this year — and most of those shutdown threats were forestalled by 11th-hour deals.

  5. Again, as Ace says: Let it burn.

    When those insurance cancellation notices start going out (along with millions of and mandate notices to those young and healthy LIV’s) folks might just start paying attention.

    Regardless of MSM agitprop.

    As some redneck once said: Money talks, bullshit walks.

  6. “. . . their sanctimonious insistence . . . .” The universal motivating factor of the Progressive left on any subject. In fact they have driven this concept from “we know better” to “you know nothing” thus the extreme and excoriating rhetoric.

    IMO the debt ceiling accomplishes nothing fiscally. To establish a debt ceiling that one continues to raise each time it is reached is no debt ceiling at all. It does however, serve an important social/political purpose. By regularly bringing the deficit spending discussion into the public eye it makes the voting public more aware than it would be of this business as usual of deficit spending. If it weren’t for such discussions most people wouldn’t know that this country is “in the hole.” Even with such discussions, some low-information Americans still don’t realize this.

  7. Ann (@2:37 above) wrote:

    “I think most people suspect this is just kabuki . . . .”

    It’s always Kabuki; nothing has changed. Remember it was Mark Twain (I think) who said that there are two things one never wants to see being made: sausage and legislation.

  8. How that will play out I don’t know…

    actually, you do…

    there is only one way it can play out…
    so how cant you know?

    your so normalized to a “demoralized existence” you dont relize its a precursor to things that always come after, and never other things

    go ahead..
    read what tells you what your in
    but none of it will get you to admit thats where you are

    Demoralization is, in a context of warfare and national security, a process in psychological warfare with the objective to erode morale among enemy combatants and/or non-combatants, to encourage them to retreat, surrender or defect, rather than defeating or imprisoning them in combat.

    in a civil war where you would lose outrigth, you keep demoralizing people till so may defect and change sides effectively, though not mentally or such, you win

    ie. most people are not feminsits, but most vote the feminists line

    they are demoralized to the point where they are too afraid to stand up to them or even stand up for their own ideas and their own concepts and not care what these others think. after all, if they give the wrong answer they are demoralized, no?

    In an environment in which two belligerents compete, the chances of success greatly diminish if those whose actions are necessary don’t have faith in the justness of the cause or its chance for success, are discouraged, morally defeated, disconsolate, uncooperative, sullen, inattentive, or lazy.
    Demoralization can be used to lessen the chances of success for an opponent by fostering these attitudes, and can generally be done in one of two ways: demoralization through objective conditions or demoralization through perception.

    IF you study actuakl history and your dari is not so big, then you might get what your living in. but its hard to tell your standing in ch*t when your standing in it and fuilly acclimiated to a life of standing in it

    Demoralization through perception, however, is the most commonly referred to means of demoralization even though its operation and results, like political warfare and psychological warfare in general, are the most difficult to gauge. This is the form of demoralization that is referred to as a tool of psychological warfare, and it is most commonly implemented through various forms of propaganda. Propaganda as a tool of demoralization refers to influencing opinion through significant symbols, through means such as rumors, stories, pictures, reports, and other means of social communication.[11] Other means of political and psychological warfare — such as deception, disinformation, agents of influence, or forgeries – may also be used to destroy morale through psychological means so that a belligerent starts questioning the validity of their beliefs and actions

    you have been on the battle feild so long you dont know that its not normal to discuss lies as if they were truth… to let liars go as just another perspective, and so on and so on.

    heck… if we just held our politicians to no lying for votes, what would happen?

    so far, i dont even see you guys even try to sort out what is a lie, what is truth, you just keep going like those toys in the fair that hit the wall, tumble over and go ht another wall.

    you only have to go through the wiki to see what is being done to you..

    Denial of an enemy image:
    An important precursor to successful demoralization is an effort to deny the target the ability to project their frustrations and hatred upon a common enemy.[16] Such efforts will affect the tendency of the target’s citizenry to project their discontent towards a common enemy identified by their government.[17] As a result, frustrations will build until it is necessary to divert them elsewhere, and seeds of doubt are then sown in the minds of the citizenry who now question the capability of their leadership in identifying the most ominous threat

    this is when they refuse to report blacks attaking whites EN MASSE… ie.. i can list 20 events in which more than 10 blacks rioted, had swat teams out, and people died.

    but you dont hear it on the news..

    same with blaming whitey… as long as they blame whitey, like jews, they cant blame the nazis… (nationalizers… remember, i said their knick name according to epopel that lived through it, was nationalizers, not short for their political title!!!)

    the rest of the paragraph is like a script for bengazhi or any other thing!!!!

    and if i try to make my case, you will censor me!!!!!!!

  9. Sowing seeds of doubt and anxiety

    Causing self-doubt or doubt in a cause is the simple definition most commonly ascribed to demoralization. Though this is only one aspect of a successful strategic demoralization campaign, it is the most pronounced and essential part:
    As noted by Harold D. Lasswell, “the keynote in the preliminary spade work is the unceasing refrain: Your cause is hopeless. Your blood is spilt in vain.”

    benghazi is demoralizing as the blood was spilled in vain, and that it will not cahnge!!! and what about the changes to the miltiaryk, health care, and on and on?

    the war you wage to take over acountry is a war in the minds, and i have watched you all play out your classic roles and still not catch on.

    communism may be 100% wrong for the public

    but for a despot who wants to own them, its 100% right as no other way will let them do that to the public!!!

    ie. the public will accept nothing less than a totalitarian because they will prevent anything less!!!

    Many studies have been conducted that indicate fear is one of the most widespread psychological traits, and this trait can be manipulated for the purposes of demoralization if it can be expanded into anxiety In order for anxiety to demoralize it must result in a distancing of the individual or group from their cause or leadership because they no longer believe them capable of offering a solution to the source of their anxiety. Real and conscious threats that normally inspire disquiet and fear can be made to cause anxiety and borderline neurosis through the use of such propaganda tools as fables and rumors

    what if they started a war and forgot to declare it
    would you have the will to declare it to stop it?

    or would you let them win, pretending there was no war, it was just social melieu?

    Using multiple tools of political warfare — such as deception, disinformation, agents of influence, or forgeries — can expedite the onset of anxiety by overwhelming the target with a constant onslaught of information saying their current cause or leadership is incapable of relieving the anxiety now felt. This anxiety cannot be calmed through a rational explanation of facts, and is in fact exacerbated by such an approach

    cant argue with a liberal, eh?

    no, you cant rationally explain away the anxiety that makes them act the way they do, whetgher or not that is what they agree with under the surface

    ergo, why studies say that most people hate feminsts, but yet, most will when in public support them.

    This newly onset anxiety places mass groups of individuals on the border of neurosis and can make them feel conflicts inherent within society or their past As a result of contradictions and threats, “man feels accused, guilty.” The target will then begin their search for a cause that will provide a sense of righteousness. The pivotal moment of a successful demoralization campaign is when the target is doubt-ridden and anxious, as this is the point at which individual members of a citizenry or group are detached from their current loyalty to their state or cause, and are then able to be focused in another direction more suitable to the antagonist’s needs

    too bad no one cared to realize the kind of war they are in, a trotskite war against the prols, and that they were prols and they could look up, like a dictionary, what was going on.

    heck… you realize that if you knew things, such things woudl be EASY to derail

    but they are impossible to derail, because the victims egos are standing guard at the doors!!!!!!!!!

    they cant allow themselves to accept their reality

    how long before riots of 80 blacks beating on a white will lead to actions of whites which then will be used to do what?

    i suggest you read the wiki on the demoralization as a way to war and coupe…

    because you guys been complaining as to seeing it, thinking they like it, and not understanding what it is , what to do about it, and what are the varous points.

    Diverting frustrations and hatred to a new target

    The most powerful strategy of demoralization is diversion, though this is an extremely difficult and multifaceted operation Lasswell notes that, “To undermine the active hatred of the enemy for its present antagonist, his anger must be distracted to a new and independent object, beside which his present antagonist ceases to matter.”

    divert anger from progressives, fascism, and comunism to white males… right? worked for hitler… no? and it worked for stalin, no? and it worked for mao, no?

    and it works for obama
    because you guys do not wish to learn about yourselves and your natural responses to things, and how to short circuit them.

    Because it is such a distinct change, the diversion of hatred towards a new target is necessarily predicated upon the antagonist both diverting hatred away from themselves and fostering a level of anxiety that cannot be mitigated by their existing cause or leadership

    ergo people intuitively knowing that if this is not played right you wont get nazis firing up ovens again, youw ill ge full blown civil war

    Once the antagonist has met these two precursors of demoralization, they can then “concentrate upon the particular object of animosity about which it is hoped to polarize the sentiment of the enemy.
    The antagonist can also attempt to divert hatred and frustration upon the target’s government or ruling class, and this is often the most widely attempted method. One technique of diverting frustration in this manner is to convince a target that their government or leadership is committing unjust and immoral acts; this is especially effective if the antagonist can convince their target that their leadership has forced them to commit equally unjust and immoral acts out of trickery or desperation.[51] If successfully and fully implemented, the leadership of a cause can be made sufficiently troublesome to inspire revolution during which time there will be insufficient capacity to exercise active hatred towards the external enemy

    and so, women say this is a mans world.
    diverting blame and hate from those advising them to the scapegoats, white males

    blacks say that white men rule the US (Which is why they are still slaves, duh).. and so, diverting the blame of state policies of the progressivs to white males

    our financial situation is because of the party of white males… no

    at what point will you guys realize your in the middle of Shoa II, as 99% of all jewish males are white?

    have you seen any of this
    and are you forbidden to stop it?

    Tactics of pursuing demoralization

    Insertions into neutral press
    Direct transmission (through publications or radio)
    Books and pamphlets (such as J’accuse)
    Forgeries, whether they be forged letters from home inspiring homesickness or forged government documents
    Smuggling (use of printed propaganda for packing materials, camouflaging propaganda to appear as currency so it may be carried about freely)
    Agents of influence

    Defense against demoralization

    too bad you guys didnt read that defense chapter 8 or so years ago… you might do better against a trained, edumacated oposition that people misjudge and always loose to

  10. I’m 62 and on the verge of receiving entitlement benefits I could really use. Still, I look forward to a government shutdown, and trading my benefits for a complete collapse of the welfare state would be the happiest moment of my life. Yes, to get a smaller, less intrusive government, I would cut off my nose. As recently as a few years ago, I would have dismissed such an attitude as irrational and foolish.

    I have to wonder how many other people have undergone a similar change, and what it might mean for future elections.

    The game between the House and Obama may well be kabuki, but I’m quite ready to see them all commit seppuku.

    Let it all burn down, indeed. We don’t need them.

  11. “The press has become even more biased…”

    Things will never begin to turn for our side until we start admitting the truth.

    All over the internet is the shock, the outrage, the incredulity at the “press”, the MSM, the whatever showing “bias”!!!!!!

    Wait, more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!

    How could they???? Don’t they see?????!!!!!!!!

    Everywhere today people saying again how biased they are!

    It’s ridiculous.

    Maliciousness is not bias. It’s maliciousness. They are not slightly malicious. They are not skewed a bit to one side over the other. They are not mostly for Democrats. They do not kinds sorta hate America. They do not in a certain way want to enslave us and obtain and exercise total power.

    They want it all. Short of that they will take whatever they can get, whenever and by whatever means, all the time, without fail. They only ever ever ever stop when they are fought….and what they hate worse than anything is the truth being told about them.

    Biased? No. That is one thing they are not. Bias suggests you’d even admit and see that there was another side or option.

    They are wicked, and we are in denial of that fact.

  12. Here’s an interesting NPR article about the mover and author of “defund Obamacare,” Jim DeMint:


    I doubt that Mr. DeMint can be accused of creating and developing his strategy to defeat Obamacare as mere efficacious propaganda. Maybe, I suppose. Hell, what CAN’T propaganda do?

    But no. Mr. DeMint means to defeat Obamacare and Senator Cruz joins him in that.

    There is real angst in the air signifying more than sound and fury of theatre. The media will spin, but perhaps this time, as with Chik-fil-A, the response won’t be what is expected.

    Brian Bozwell asserts the failure of Romney’s campaign begin in July of 2012 when the House capitulated to every liberal demand. That’s why too many conservatives stayed home.


    When does always capitulating to win the next battle turn into defeat? I think it has already. So used to playing ball their way, most have forgotten what the real game is.

  13. Mike:

    The word “bias” and those other things are not mutually exclusive.

    And who’s shocked? Not I, and not most people here, I’d wager.

  14. We have just what the founders promised us; a representative democracy.

    We are a largely ill-informed, corrupt, and greedy population with a largely ill-informed, corrupt, and greedy political class. We all agree generically with the idea of reducing the size and cost of government. (Except of course for that particular subsidy, entitlement, or benefit that we collect.)

  15. Let them shut it down. I couldn’t care less. Maybe people will realize that the world isn’t going to end, and that they don’t need the government as much as they thought.

  16. http://www.nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/359886/what-does-right-gain-government-shutdown-jim-geraghty

    Good article on the dubious ends of a shutdown. One criticism of the very beginning of the article which lists all the worthies that will be hurt by a shutdown. The list itself grows quickly dubious and the hurt is not a loss but a delay of funds. Wished that only such hurt accrued to the private sector!

    I believe the end is expressed in a better elected gov’t in 2014 and 2016. That’s the end game.

  17. Shut it down and leave it shut down.

    Lock the door and throw away the key.

    Of course, you know they’re deliberately going to make it as painful as possible, like the way municipal governments always cut police and fire protection first, without touching the vast numbers of patronage drones in do-nothing jobs.

    Do you think the EPA will stop enforcing regulations that are destroying private business and the energy industry? I seriously doubt it.

  18. What if there is a government shutdown and nobody notices?

    I recall the last shutdown and other than a lot of wailing and shrieking from the Left, it wasn’t any big deal.

    The Right picked up seats in the next election, too.

  19. As for being tired of the brouhaha and the ongoing uncivil comments, see Charles Cooke:


    A taste: “. . .“if Thomas Jefferson wins, murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest will be openly taught and practiced.” [nihil sub sole novum]

    Like Cooke, I am irritated by the inaccuracy passed off by the MSM as accurate, and note, once again that this is precisely the inaccuracy that Newt Gingrich would savagely attack.

    Neo, I offer with the greatest respect, that we sometimes need to remember that adversarial democracy is by its very nature a contentious process.

  20. T:

    Oh, I know it has a long and ancient lineage.

    But I still get very very tired of it. And especially tired of the one-sided MSM.

  21. leigh Says:
    September 30th, 2013 at 8:31 pm

    The Right picked up seats in the next election, too.

    But we lost the White House, the bigger prize.

  22. We picked Bob Dole. Nice guy, loser candidate.

    He looked prehistoric next to WJC. That, and referring to himself in the third person all the time was so strange.

    It was all over before it got started. Sadly.

  23. Neo-neocon,

    I agree with you on the one-sided media, thus my incessant drum-beating regarding right-of-center wealth to start purchasing media franchises.

    BTW does anyone have any update on the Koch bros purchasing the LA Times? Didn’t that story just fall through a crack in the earth?

  24. Evil is evil. I don’t particularly need to know about people’s excuses or politics.

    I seek the root of evil. Once I find it, I’m not bothered by what other people like to talk about.

  25. Heh. Don’t you just love it when all “non-essential Federal employees” have to stay home?

    And thanks, artfldgr, for your psyops postings.

  26. At the most basic of all levels, if the majority of people don’t want it, why do they HAVE TO have it? Is it against the Constitution to not have it?

    And if it is less affordable and fails to cover all the uninsured, why should it be defended?

    Do you have to be an informed voter to reason that 1) you don’t want Obamacare and 2) if the gov’t shuts down to force Obamacare on you, you’ll blame Obama?

  27. What is it about the defund Obamacare imbroglio that resists rationality? The normally coherent Mr. Schneiderman writes today and is all over the place.


    He obviously can’t figure it out. Of course, Neo was honest in that she could not: “Nevertheless, I have no good suggestions for the warring factions.”


    That post of Neo’s had 90 comments. This one, only a third of that. But the commentors who seems to not be getting weary are the pro Ted Cruz stratagists.

  28. The propaganda is already taking place. Internatinal conference VOIP lead me to believe that they think any party, Republicans, that does “this”, whatever this is, doesn’t deserve to be elected again.

    Or that a government shutdown is “horrible” and will affect “military pensions”.

    These weaklings, no resistance at all to propaganda. Wait until they realize that the puppetmasters can change colors too.

  29. I find it amusing that lots of the screaming about layoffs in both the Gov and Private sector jobs that relies on Gov contracts are comming from Red States………….Lots of Red State Governors are also upset because their tourism is drying up because of National Park closings…… Republicans are basicly scum…………..The only socialism they don’t like is the socialism that beniifits them……………

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