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Coming out as a Republican… — 11 Comments

  1. “As a prominent Hoosier Republican, Scott said he has kept a photo of himself and former President Bush stashed away in a drawer, but previously displayed it on his desk.

    “One of the professors here saw it,” Scott said. “He said, “You don’t know him,” He said, “and that’s a fake picture…” He went running up and down the hall with it.””

    My God, the collapse of the university system can’t come fast enough.

  2. Calling in artillery and air support on one’s own position, as we said in the service.

  3. Functionalist theory sociology is intrinsically conservative, and I’m betting he’s a functionalist. Conflict theory sociologists, who proudly trace their lineage to Karl Marx, are the liberal activists we stereotypically associate with sociology.

    Studying conflict theory sociology on a macro level is like a window into the leftists’ playbook, presently as well as historically.

  4. The execution list at the end of the war will be a very very long one. No matter who wins.

  5. Ymarakar,

    I’d be happy if we just put them all in a bit of a fenced in national park with a pack of matches and a Swiss army knife. If they want an environmentally pure utopia where animals are trated equally to humans, let them set it up.

  6. We can ship them to the moon or build an undersea Utopian metropolis of New Atlantis for them.

    Without the parasites sucking up the cash and production, a lot more funding would be available for such human endeavours

  7. expat, 4:15 pm — “I’d be happy if we just put them all in a bit of a fenced in national park with a pack of matches and a Swiss army knife. If they want an environmentally pure utopia where animals are treated equally to humans, let them set it up.”

    I’d be happy if we just put them all somewhere friggin’ *else* — and left us good guys alone.

    No need to wish hardship on them; they’d discover reality soon enough, once left to their own devices/ideology.

  8. Marvin Scott’s story is a warning of what it would be like if these progressives ever take over. Militant progressives are arrogant, meddling busybodies. With power and authority they become insufferable like Obama.

    expat: “I’d be happy if we just put them all in a bit of a fenced in national park with a pack of matches and a Swiss army knife. If they want an environmentally pure utopia where animals are trated equally to humans, let them set it up.” Perfect!

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