Home » Susan Collins is very surprised


Susan Collins is very surprised — 8 Comments

  1. And if it isn’t a royal flush, they’ll produce the necessary cards to make it one.

  2. That Senator “Susan Collins is very surprised” speaks volumes — none of it good.

    She (and so many others) underestimate the determination and fixedness on the ultimate goal of the enemy. But I gather Ms. Collins never saw them as the enemy (and still doesn’t), but as good-hearted colleagues with slightly different ideas. Part ‘n’ parcel of the overall challenge.

  3. She thinks that negotiation will always work, since she is the negotiator for everyone. Like an arms merchant selling to both sides, no matter what happens she thinks she will win.

    If only she knew… but then, it might not make much difference at this point.

  4. The strategy of the Democrats is (and has been for a while) to demoralize the opposition’s leaders. People like McConnell, Boehner, McCain and Collins are easy pickings for them.
    That’s why they HATE Cruz, Lee and other “new blood,” because they are much harder to demoralize or trick.
    Whatever the party leadership may think, the Republican base is not in a forgiving mood. If the leadership steps out of line, they will be challenged.
    I agree with Neo that blue-state Republicans are better than Democrats. With the right leadership, they will fall into line.

  5. Matt_SE, I agree except that I would not call Collins a leader. A follower is more apt. I also would not call her a moderate Republican. I would call her an establishment Republican. Same goes for McConnell, Boehner, McCain, Romney, Bush, etc. They may be better than dems, but they are like mid-level managers. They have no business being at the top.

  6. Steve:

    Collins is an establishment Republican but also a moderate Republican and a RINO. All of the above. But she’s popular in Maine, and she is still better than the alternative would be.

  7. Yeah…I suppose I should’ve used “scare quotes” around opposition leaders.
    Agree. They aren’t leaders in any conventional sense. But they might make adequate followers.

  8. Tools, not so much followers. Leave them to their own devices and they will do evil because bad people will use them. So make sure nobody else can use them.

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