Home » Obamacare enrollments got off to a very slow start


Obamacare enrollments got off to a very slow start — 9 Comments

  1. I see the reporter on the piece is Sharyl Attkisson, the same person who’s been on the Benghazi story from day one.

  2. Ms. Atkkisson was also a determined reporter on Fast and Furious. Yep, there’s a pattern there.

    Merely yelling at her didn’t work to shut her up! Call out the dogs! Get her!

  3. I’d hesitate to call it ‘actual reporting’. On the other hand, a few people might learn a little bit of what the MSM has been hiding about this corrupt administration for the last few years. Too little, too late.
    Hope Ms. Attkinson has her paperwork in order for her upcoming IRS audit.

  4. The ship of fools, whores, thieves, and sociopaths has been holed below the water line; a few of the MSM rodents are savy enough to abandon ship first. Attkinson has been one of the few who are dauntless and willing to let the chips fall where they may. A pebble can lead to an avalanche… good for her.

  5. I wonder if Atkinson has any friends among her co-workers? Probably not, nor I do suspect she will be getting pay raises comparable who do “Obama is g-d” stories. In fact I bet when she walks through the upper east side people follow her throwing chunks of horse manure at her while curling insults. She probably has also been throw out of the upper scale wine and cheese bars and gossiped about being a closet Emanual Goldstein supporter.

  6. “through the upper east side people”

    And no telling WHAT the people on the upper west side will throw at her.

  7. The Leftist alliance is organized in a way that doesn’t require us to label them as such. They determine for themselves who are loyalists and who are traitors.

    This… person is closely approaching a precipice and if too much attention is drawn to her, they will give her an ultimatum. If they haven’t already.

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