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Another problem with single payer — 19 Comments

  1. I’ve been posting about that for weeks.

    In socialized set ups one is not allowed to sue the sovereign.

    Some of the most significant advance in care have happened because of torts.

    It took torts to force America’s cross-infection problem — which was pervasive because of legacy attitudes.

    The NFL is only now responding to concussions — because of lawsuits.

    The above dynamics create endless scandals in Britain and Canada.

    It’s a huge deal.

  2. Single payer would seem to present a problem for America’s trial lawyers. Since they are such big Dem backers they most have thought about this already. Right?

  3. Due to the unique nature of our Constitution, you will see people suing for medical treatment (e.g., organ transplants, etc.) base don their race, gender, etc.

    You will have medical decisions being made by judges not doctors. You will see Rev Al Sharpton protesting medical decisions. You will see basic care decisions made by politicians base don your demographic and their voter base (i.e. heterosexual white males lose).

    But you will see race-based law suits to enjoin and force medical treatments.

  4. It’s a bit like trying to sue the police – good luck with that. And trying to sue the government? How can you when the courts are instructed to always assume the government is in the right, whether you are charging them or they are charging you? The deck is stacked.

  5. It’s times like these I wish I didn’t love my country and everything about the real America…and that I was really wealthy.

    Wouldn’t it be great (in a selfish way) to buy an Island in the Caribbean and watch everyone who voted for Obama suffer the consequences?

    How wonderful it would be to watch them pay every penny in sweat and tears that they thought to coerce out of other people’s hard work and get stuff for free on Obama as head of an organized government crime syndicate.

    Turns out government can’t even do syndicates well since at least the mob bosses have legit side businesses and provide services that they can deliver on.

    I’m a few million short on that Day Dream though. Stuck here with the ingrates and trying to undo the cultural damage they have done.

  6. I’ve already experienced ‘single payer’ – and so has my daughter – the military version thereof. You want to get an earful of what it would be like, just get some military veterans and family members started talking about their experiences with it, generally.
    Yes, if you are pretty lucky and fairly healthy, you will have adequate to OK care, depending on location, the service, your particular condition and how good your doctor really is. Personally, I usually had pretty good care, but some of the stories that I have heard from other military members and their dependents, and some of the doctors and clinics that I did have to deal with … not pretty. And there’s damn all that a military member can do about having been a victim of military medical malpractice.

  7. it also implies control over your life and what you do or dont do as it can affect health. wait till they push the mass exercises, as they are now talking of using executive powers to bypass congress (again) and seize more land for conservation (while corn ethanol eats it up and pollutes it removing millions of acres that were not being used as there was not enouh market for that much to till till ethanol hit the scene. in indonesia, mountain over mountain is being stripped to grow corn very few if any eat as rice is the staple)

    with single payer, they can give out IDs and forbid you from eating too much, or the wrong things, or food that is not nutritious enough or has gratuitous pleasure added which is not needed in sustenance (here comes soy-lent green, gruel, soy seaweed insect blends, etc/ good stuff, just ask saul).

    maybe you wont be allowed to certain jobs as they are too stressful for certain peoples health.

    all kinds of things are possible in a computerized networked micro-sensored integrated high storage administrative society…

    zoom zoom…

  8. A brief oversight. Rev 2 of the law will include clauses and exceptions for trial lawyers to exploit. Their donations pay for those to be included. Also a possible window of opportunity for some RINOS to pick up a few big donors.
    It’s all good.

  9. “all kinds of things are possible in a computerized networked micro-sensored integrated high storage administrative society…”

    Yep, that is the goal… micromanage every minutia of everyone’s life… except for the ruling class. Everyone else gets fines, taxes, rate increases, and death panals.

  10. With winter coming, those of you with fireplaces should enjoy them while you can — the EPA is considering BANNING FIREPLACES and WOOD STOVES.

    I mean, you would be allowed by your Masters to keep them, if you have “legacy” items, but NOT allowed to burn wood in them.

    Another industry put to the torch by the Savonarolas of the Left. God, how I loathe them.

  11. Artfl — first time I’ve ever seen you be late with a dystopic prediction – this morning the FDA announced it was banning trans fats.

  12. I said this on another thread, but people who aren’t engrossed in all this have no idea what “single payer” means.

    A Republican friend of mine who’s a regular listener of Mark Levin asked me just last night, “What does ‘single payer’ mean?” I was dumbfounded, but then I thought it over — when I first started hearing the term, I had no idea either.

    Let’s not use the Left’s euphemism for it: let’s call it “socialized medicine” nonstop.

  13. The VA is government medicine…

    The Indian Nations have government medicine…

    How’s that working out?

    What a track record of scandal and failure.

  14. Leftists kept slapping us on the face via the internet when they talked about soldiers getting good VA care.

    Although I always suspected that was due to the work of people who were humans and with a soul, not Leftists or Democrats. Especially given how much funding Democrats cut out of the military to pay for their own vacations and luxuries.

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