Home » Pajama Boy: don’t you think…


Pajama Boy: don’t you think… — 13 Comments

  1. Two visions of American manhood: Phil Robertson and Pajama Boy. You’re in a foxhole, in a fight to the death, and you need some help.


  2. Pajama Boy might be useful in a foxhole–heave him out into the open so he can draw enemy fire. Then you might be able to identify the enemy’s shooting positions. Otherwise, this is a no-brainer for Phil.

  3. waltj — absolutely a perfect use for Pajama Boy. And I’m sure many of Neo’s readers already know of Phil’s All-American past, but for those who don’t, check out


    Some of Phil’s comments remind me of another favorite American hero, Bartleby the Scrivener, whose reply to almost every request was “I’d prefer not to.”

    So very American, at least once upon a time.

  4. They’re trying to make Obamacare a part of a cultural identity independent of its rational merits.

  5. And…….it turns out he’s OFA employee Ethan Krupp, and he looks like that in real life.
    He works for the organization that put out the ad & sent the tweet. Not unlike those “bro insurance” dudes.

    Think of him as Chad 2.0.

    Oh, and put me down for choosing Phil (duh), and fully endorsing waltj’s strategy.

  6. The actor really has a Clarke Kent feel to him. He’s much more vibrant and manly than the effeminate flower above him. He’s just playing the role of a nerd. But he has a thick neck and arms. He’s lifted some weights. He smiles and doesn’t smirk. It’s really a contrast.

  7. I see pj manchild as an example of the demasculinization effort of the left. How pathetic it is and ultimately doomed to failure.

  8. This is disturbing on so many levels – The fact that they used this means they must have marketing research which supports this pathetic image as someone with whom young men identify. From John Wayne and Clint Eastwood to this little tweak in just 35 years.

    God help us all if France declares war on us.

  9. The ad campaign has inspired mockery, and I wonder if bringing on the mockery was actually their intent.

    The ad campaign seems exaggerated while still recognizably identifiable with specific social groups.

    Don’t make the mistake of underestimating them in their subject matter expertise. These people aren’t stupid. While they may lack in ethics and responsible governance, don’t forget that they are aggressive, capable, and proven propagandists.

    The Left is all about race war, gender war, class war, etc.. Identity politics. Culture war. Let’s you and them fight. Divide and conquer.

    If they can successfully shift the Obamacare controversy into a dead-end, irrelevant, soap-opera culture war, it strengthens their culture-war Narrative and marginalizes rational critical attention on the substantive problems with Obamacare.

    Culture war places the Left on their home field. At the very least, they can play for time to distract and defuse the controversy, and kill the debate.

    So, warning: Folks mocking the exaggerated stereotypes/archetypes in the Obamacare ad campaign may well be swallowing the bait and skipping gleefully into the kill-zone of the Left’s trap.

  10. Add: Unease over Obamacare could be an issue with which the Right could rally people across different groups, but not if they’re mocking each other.

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