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A Bridgegate too far — 18 Comments

  1. With “Bridgegate” as a prime example, the MSM has been and is doing a fine job of getting us to focus on minor issues blown up into major ones i.e. getting us to focus on one hand, and preventing us from even noticing what the other hand has been and is doing, all to the benefit of Obama & Co. and to the detriment of his opponents.

    So much “chaff” has been thrown up into the air, so many “fog machines” have been at work, that is is very hard, indeed, and almost a full time job, to wade through all the deliberate exaggerations, hyperventilating, hair on fire screaming, diversions, and obscuration, and to be able to identify and separate what is really important–the wheat, what is not really important–the chaff.

    Thus, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, NSA spying on everyone, Obamacare, the dead in the water economy, stalled employment, insane deficits and debt, soon to founder entitlements, the Knockout Game, not important, Bridgegate, the Treyvon Martin case, the Obama’s wedding anniversary and their new White House dogs, supremely important.

  2. Who cannot see we have a more clever version of Soviet style propaganda, a true state media dedicated to advancing the party line only?

    A media where our version of the edited photograph – – pretending by omission that something didn’t or isn’t happening – – is just as important as the two minute hates expanding into rolling hate-fests.

  3. He made the mistake of thinking he could cozy up to Obama. The press will never ignore a Republican’s minor scandals the way it ignored Obama’s major scandals.

    A fool and his image are soon parted.

  4. Democrats and the press are just like sharks; circling because they smell blood and are looking for a feeding frenzy.

    One thing that I find so funny is that almost all of the local TV news in the NYC area starts each story about Bridgegate with a “disclaimer” that there is no evidence that Christie was involved; but, then they continue with the “scathing” story as if that disclaimer doesn’t really matter. Sort of like the “fake, but, accurate” Rathergate document reporting.

  5. Let’s reflect that a lot of people on this site really really liked Christie.
    The flip side of the media’s getting us to focus on Christie was in 2012, when the focus was on this non-candidate, but again, not Obama, not Romney, not substantive issues.

  6. I was going to leave a comment about the difference in the intensity of the coverage of this and any of the multiple Obama scandals, but everyone beat me to it. I’ll just say I’m not convinced (before this), that Christie is the guy who can win. He is just prickly enough and confrontational enough that I think eventually during a long primary season he’s going to snap at someone, and then that become a soundbite the media can play about 500 times.

  7. “What could be more important?”

    For starters:
    * Millions starting the new year without health insurance thanks to Obamacare, and untold numbers more who are paying more for less coverage, again, thanks to Obamacare.

    * Gates’ book revealing Obama’s incompetence as a leader, and how he let domestic & political issues affect his Ira and Afghanistan war decisions. Think the high death toll over there since Obama’s been in charge is part of this.

    *An IRS scandal that not only continues, but will be made worse with Obama’s proposed rule changes for non-profits.

  8. **I knew you were being sarcastic, Neo, just annoyed at this latest MSM “squirrel” when there are real scandals taking place (not to mention all the ones that have already come and gone).

  9. “……….according to Scott Whitlock of the Media Research Center, ‘In less than 24 hours, the three networks have devoted 17 times more coverage to a traffic scandal involving Chris Christie than they’ve allowed in the last six months to Barack Obama’s Internal Revenue Service controversy.’”

    They are no longer the Fourth Estate. They are the communications wing of the DNC.

  10. I wish I could take credit for it, but in the comments section someplace else (Yahoo, maybe?), someone said:

    “Well, there’s Christie’s mistake. If he had promised people that if they like their bridge, they could keep their bridge, this would be a non issue.”

  11. Local NJ TV news is reporting that Congress critter Pallone, who has a “D” after his name (no surprise there) is calling for an investigation into how Christie spent federal money that was earmarked for hurricane Sandy relief.

    Pallone is claiming that the money should not have been used for TV ads saying that the Jersey shore was open for business.

    Pallone who has parts of the Jersey shore as his Gerrymandered district most likely had no problem with those ads; but like other sharks, he now smells blood and is going in for the kill. Which, if successful, would make him a hero to his party. He already was one of those who sponsored Obamacare in the house; so, is this another feather in his cap or is he trying to make up for that failure to the voters?

  12. An Obamabot friend sent me a graphic from a group called Occupy Democrats that says, “Hey Fox News, Bridgegate is a real scandal, Benghazi was not. Nice try.”

    These are the same fact-based folks who claim to own “science”.

  13. As someone who spends upwards of 12 hours a working week in Houston traffic, I couldn’t give a rats ass about New Jersey traffic jams or who caused them.
    I suspect a lot of Americans are like me too and will not want to relive somebody else’s traffic jam every night after they get home from their own, over and over.
    This is one “scandal” for which I think the media has miscalculate the American people’s attention span, if not their sympathy.
    Give me a break NJ. GET OVER IT.

  14. Governor Christie responded by firing the responsible people. Fast and Furious: Holder not fired. Shall I go on? I

    One thing for sure: the MSM media will never look at Bridgegate in that vein.

  15. The zombies are needing an outlet for their Hate, a vessel for their Hate. Bush and the Iraq war are no longer functional, even though they still spew zombie clouds on the net about it every once in awhile.

    So they are going to program the zombies to utilize another Hate Vessel. Something they can cleanse their filthy souls with by spewing hatred on the nets, in order to make themselves feel righteous.

  16. The MSM has devolved into a parasite that needs to destroy its host so that it may take the next step in its life-cycle.

    (Revolutionary vanguard?)

    In any event, the MSM has this snail marching into the full sun — or is that the ant is out on a limb?

    Either way, madness comes first.

  17. I’m sure I’m no different from most here – not necessarily thrilled with Christie but disgusted at the media hysteria ginned up over this petty “scandal” while far worse transgressions by Obama are pointedly ignored. The MFM is ruining our country.

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