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Obama and those racist “folks” — 19 Comments

  1. Also, I was under the impression that blacks were Republican until LBJ and the Civil Rights Act. Guess that isn’t true.

  2. The thing about Obama that makes me angriest, is that he has set back race relations at least fifty years, maybe more. His administration has empowered black racists to act out in the most damaging ways, starting with the knock-out game and going all the way up to Atty-Gen Holder openly favoring “his” people over any other ethnicity. I don’t see whites flocking to join a new KKK – being called a raaaaacist is still something which can do damage (especially if you are fairly certain in your heart that you are not) but I shouldn’t be surprised to know that whites are quietly and systematically disengaging with blacks whom they do not know and like personally. If there will ever be another black president, it will only be someone like Col. West. My .02 – YMMV.

  3. This reminds me of our recent conversations about Democratic Jews: they do not self-identify as Jews so much as liberals. If forced to choose, they would overwhelmingly choose liberalism.

    I guess the same applies to blacks.

  4. Also, with the observation that Democrats lose the white vote by double-digit margins each election, a cynic would suggest a direct correlation to Democrat policies designed to import more “people of color.”

  5. The Democrat funded KKK in Reconstruction South did a relatively good job terrorizing the black population into voting for Democrats. Well, Republicans weren’t really a choice in the South. You either voted Democrat or got lynched. It was easier not to vote, due to Jim Crow.

    The Northern Democrats weren’t supporting abolition and equal rights for blacks either, btw.

  6. It’s notable that the per cent of blacks voting for democrats jumps in 1964 and stays high after that. 1964 was when LBJ started his “War on Poverty.” It was also LBJ who pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That was when the black population began to associate the democrats with being pro-civil rights. The south was populated with anti-civil rights democrats and had been the party of discrimination. LBJ managed to change all that. The democrats have managed to maintain that inaccurate picture for the last 50 years. Much to the disadvantage of the blacks as a whole.

  7. Yeah, can’t be that fascistic “positive liberty” yoke he wishes to impose on everyone, could it?

    I suppose the question of his melanin level and the amount of personal antagonism it might elicit in certain quarters of the political population might be more easily settled if we had in fact elected a black Baptist constitutionalist/libertarian lawyer farmer whose parents were not either political or moral aliens, and whose admitted role models were not anti-American, anti-freedom socialist subversives.

    But that did not happen. We did not get a black libertarian or conservative; and I doubt one could have been elected.

    Instead, an intellectually and morally degraded electorate, giddy with the prospect of receiving either a secular form of political absolution for their personal sins and conscienceless interpersonal obnoxiousness (the progressive version of salvation through politics), or the prospect of free stuff from others, elected someone who had essentially pledged to make them possessions of the state if he could.

    So, the undisputed facts about Obama, the man who became president of this country and succeeded with the help of the Democrat party in further insinuating fascist principles into law, is nauseating enough.

    Leftists like to seize upon remarks from opponents of Obama, which might be construed as challenging the legitimacy of his presidency. They wish to leverage that challenge into a challenge to the challenger: “Oh, what makes Obama so different, Hmmmm? ”

    The simple fact is that he’s different because he’s our first successfully elected “Manchurian candidate”. A man with absolutely none of the traditional connections to this country in terms of life experience or moral formation and ideology. He’s a man who has sought to, and succeeded in, undermining if not immediately destroying the very legal principle that made this country worth one’s loyalty in the first place.

    It is all quite enough reason to become nauseated at the very sound of his voice, and at the sight of those of our “fellow Americans” who giddily sold their souls, and their and our liberty, for an ersatz version of a love and security they apparently never got, and were probably undeserving of, from their families.

  8. I happened to watch a 1968 movie last night, “In the Heat of the Night”, starring Sidney Poitier. The movie garnered all kinds of awards.
    On viewing it now, I see it appealed to “some white folks” just because Poitier is black. Not only that, he doesn’t speak black, his suits fit beautifully, and he is a force for righteousness when circumstances push him into a murder investigation horribly flawed by bias and error by the Mississippi locals (where the movie was NOT shot). He is of course from the North. Abortion without disapproval, done and defended by a black woman, is a minor plot feature towards the end.

    The Poitier movies of the time sought, nay predicted the rise of Obama, with the approval of some white folks just because he’s black. But these characters were not liars, nor corrupt.
    We are now living the results of Hollywood manipulation. Took 40 years, but they got us there.

  9. Many Americans were limited by their eugenics based social upbringing that said women and blacks, by nature of their blacks, were not as fully capable of independent judgment and life as other people, such as white property owners, white men, etc.

    The Asians were considered smart and cunning, but with funny eyes and accents. When they started speaking English, that removed most of the issues, especially once Japan and China got an actual industrial economy going that didn’t produce SH. Opium, jade, silk, and spices were considered the only things Asia could produce for Western consumption centuries ago.

    Seeing an individual woman or black, that acted white or like they could form independent judgment, was a novelty. It was similar to a talking dog or a really smart pet.

    People did not believe that you could live life as a servant, beholden to an aristocrat’s economic dependence, and be a person that can make decisions for yourself. While that’s mostly true, it is not always true. Just because women and blacks were not given the opportunities to learn warrior and martial virtues, or to read and write like a male politician, there was no DNA barrier separating them from the rest of the human species. Differences yes, but not natural DNA barriers. DNA is not what people thought it was, especially not the human breeders that called themselves eugenicists and racial supremacists like Margaret Sanger and those various current atheists in science.

    The issue with slavery wasn’t whether it was going to end or not. Slavery hasn’t even ended now. It wasn’t going to end and sex slave hasn’t ended in Arabia or Russia either. The issue with slavery is that American hypocrisy can only go so far, using armies to invade and destroy foreign nations in the name of liberty, while farming a bunch of slaves at home for votes, taxes, and economic profits. That kind of sh can only go so far in the world’s balance of powers. Even if no outside nation took down the US, those internal contradictions would destroy us by itself. Just as it is doing now.

  10. You lost me at the end there. American hypocrisy (at home v. abroad) is destroying us how?
    We’re raising pigeons, not doves, at home. That is hypocrisy enough.

    I saw it said that dealing with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon: The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits all over the board, then struts and prances like it’s won the game.

  11. Pax Americana

    The deal was that the world would accept the US as police in return for following America’s lead. The US would get to keep most conflicts off shore via proxies like Israel or Vietnam, and other countries would receive military and economic assistance (money).

    Diem, the Bay of Pigs, Rhodesia, South Africa, Vietnam, Iraq, and soon to be Afghanistan. Libya, Syria. Egypt.

    All are nations/people that might have believed in American promises of justice and peace. Hypocritical promises that cannot be kept, is why America is considered a cowardly nation full of people who want to be the world police, in non English speaking places.

    It doesn’t matter if Americans here refuse to accept the Left or Obama. To the rest of the world, America is Obama’s policies.

  12. After bringing so much ruin to the rest of the world, and doing nothing to stop the Left in America that was primarily responsible for such, neither God nor universal harmony will allow the people of the United States of America to get off without consequences.

    Iraq and Afghanistan were probably the last chance for American exceptionalism to demonstrates true faith and convince both the nation itself and our allies that we actually mean what we said we would do. Guess how that turned out.

  13. Jeez, the Ugly American theme all over again, after what, 50 years? Won’t play with me. The ugliness, the rot, is in DC, not abroad, but to Russians and many others (Chinese, etc.) we are and always will be ugly and rotten.

  14. You have been conditioned to reject American flaws because the Left has used it to undermine things until they have acquired power.

    You ignore international affairs at America’s peril, Don. Everything to an American, looks like Rome from a Roman perspective. But the world is larger than Rome. And it will come for Rome sooner or later.

    You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to. Won’t play with you? I don’t give a damn how it plays with you.

    You think people like you can convince Diem that he should care which kind of America got him assassinated? You think people like you can convince those that died at the Bay of Pigs that American Exceptionalism and Pax America was worth their deaths?

    You might as well try convincing women that Ted Kennedy had to kill a woman to save feminism and all of womenkind from American discrimination. That has better odds of success, though I won’t bet on it.

    To the JAPANESE, you as an American are seen as cowards. Not rotten, C O W A R D s. Do you understand what that means on the international level? There is increasing popular views that don’t want American military protection or help, because the strings attached to it are too crippling. To America’s supposed ally in Israel, you are Obama’s lackey and they are going to get rid of your American military and economic aid and trade it in for an alliance with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia?

    Keep thinking the world is 100% composed of Leftists, Russians, and the Chinese if that feels better.

    What you as a citizen of America allow American power to be used for, is the same thing that happened to the Germans and the Japanese in WWII. Just because you think the rot is in DC and the leadership, does not mean the Hammer will not fall on the citizens and the civilians. The rest of the world won’t care which American is guilty of what. Their excuse was always that they were following orders and didn’t know what the leadership were up to.

    What are our excuses going to be?

  15. Melanin is a skin pigment. It’s a chemical. Everyone has it.

    Now we are classifying people according to a chemical.

    Martin Luther King – call your office!

    Obama, like all liberals, is a stone cold dyed in the wool racist.

    Liberals are practically the only racists left in America.

  16. Michael Kinsley offered up the following definitions:

    many – some people including the author
    some – many people excluding the author

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