Home » Ryan on immigration bill—“never mind”?


Ryan on immigration bill—“never mind”? — 11 Comments

  1. Trying to increase his negotiating position, whether against the Regime or against his fellow Repubs.

    It’s somewhat difficult to attempt to improve one’s position after knowingly falling into the spider’s web.

  2. Paul Ryan has a point. Barack Obama will not enforce any law which he does not like. There is no point in having a federal law if the President will simply refuse to enforce it.

  3. He is trying to game the party base.

    He is saying … “Re-elect me so I can do this when you can’t immediately vote me out of office. Business lobby, just wait until after the elections, be patient.”

    The point is to state to “Business” that he still is loyal to them, never mind the voters.

    Does this mean he does not have a “golden parachute” type job lined up? Has not delivered yet, so no reward?

  4. He said a plan that puts security first could only pass if lawmakers believe the administration would enforce it — an unlikely prospect given Republicans’ deep opposition to Obama.

    What you say? That “Republicans’ deep opposition to Obama” is the reason the Pubs doubt the POTUS would enforce any border security? That otherwise the POTUS has an impeccable record on enforcing the law? That the POTUS has never given explicit directions to not enforce a law? 🙂

    As they say in Venezuela, tell me another cowboy tale. [tall tale] [Dime otro de vaqueros.]

  5. Really – What does anything signed by Obama mean anyway? Nothing.

    Pass a law? he is the Law. he is a Lawbreaker. There is no Law now!

    Ryan is just catching on?

    Why doesn’t he SPEND ALL HIS TIME AND ENERGY trying to get Law back…and then he can pass them to his heart’s content!

  6. Perhaps Paul has received a few letters from the hinterland suggesting that it’s one burning issue his own district is not excited about?
    Sadly, I think his move to support immigration reform is/was based on trying to stay on Boener’s good side, and not become marginalized in the ongoing fight with the TEA party.
    I would have hoped he’d be one of the leaders who would bridge the gap, but he seems to have fallen more on the side of the establishment since he lost the election. Odd, because that approach didn’t produce results. I thought he was a tough enough guy to stand up to Boner and lead. Guess not.
    He was once outspoken on fiscal restraint and reducing budgets and debt; nowadays he’s nowhere to be seen on that front. He just another one of Boner’s Boys, going along and getting along.

  7. I wish Paul Ryan were the Speaker of the House. He’s smart as hell, rock-ribbed conservative and tough. Boehner gives me a rash just to listen and(worse)watch him. Enough with the teary eyed-tanning salon guy. Gimme the Very Smart Guy.

  8. Ryan is not a “rock-ribbed conservative.”
    He is a tool of the establishment, and has been at least since running for VP. Whether he’s smart or not is irrelevant.
    Per my usual philosophy, trying to divine his thoughts is a waste of time so I shan’t try.

    As far as this “reversal”:
    Establishment leaders went through the trouble of holding a confab on immigration, then released a list of principles. A few days later, they back away from their position.
    Which do you think is more likely: A) All that work and strategy was casually thrown out the window when they establishment “discovered” the uproar (which assumes they didn’t know it was controversial months ago), or B) this is a ruse.

  9. And another thing:

    I’m getting awfully tired of reinstating the benefit of the doubt to those who’ve already lost it.

    Right-thinking Republicans DO NOT PROPOSE immigration “reform” before the border is secure.
    Right-thinking Republicans DO NOT PROPOSE immigration “reform” while Obama is the one carrying out the enforcement.

    Really…these thoughts should not even be occurring to the leadership, if they were actually primarily concerned with America’s well-being.

    And yet, they *are* occurring. Which should tell you something about their priorities.

    These people cannot be trusted. We need to throw them out and get new leadership.

  10. Matt SE: “These people cannot be trusted. We need to throw them out and get new leadership.”

    Bingo! We have a winner!

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