Home » The search of the area where “pings” were heard…


The search of the area where “pings” were heard… — 5 Comments

  1. With a few alterations, the world can quickly change from a small connected place to a big isolated place.

  2. The fallacy as Eric points out is that we’ve been conditioned to believe that technology is so good today that a plane cannot be hijacked by a motivated and skillful group of people, working together.
    Stealing a plane seems like a big undertaking, but it took more planning and coordination to crash airliners into the World Trade Center and the pentagon- nobody saw it coming or dreamed it possible. If it hadn’t been for some quick thinking when they grounded every plane in every airport, it would have been worse. When you think about how widespread it was, and how easy it was for them to evade detection, It was one hell of a bold and more difficult operation than making one plane disappear.

  3. I’m still betting that it’s in Pakeestan. Haven’t been proven wrong yet. 🙂

  4. This restates some of the above, but there are a lot of technological dark spots in the world, more than is acknowledged.

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