Home » Eric Holder keeps playing that race card


Eric Holder keeps playing that race card — 35 Comments

  1. Whatever awaits Holder, he is a skilled lawyer and has at his disposal nearly unlimited help to evade charges. He will run out the clock on charges against him and then Chairman O will issue a full pardon to him, and many others, at the last minute of his Presidency. He will go on to write books and get some high dollar teaching post at a law school and lament how he tried to right the wrongs and those “Tea Party” types messed him over.

  2. Obama was only picked as a candidate at all because he as black.


    He literally had zero else to recommend him except the color of his skin.

    Let me be clear: Obama was nominated because of his race.

    Why? For exactly the reason that people would be afraid to criticize him or risk being called racist.

    That’s the devil’s deal Obama (a true racist himself, along with Holder and 99% of all Dems) made. He traded his skin color for the Oval Office.

    Obama was elected for almost the same reason. The margin voted for a black person – not for a good person or even a qualified person – merely a black one.

    They thought – knaves/fools that they are – that the job was easy (if Bush could do it anyone could, they deluded themselves), that they could prove to themselves they were not racist in dosing so (because secretly they know they are), and that they could erase the shame of slavery by a vote.

    Well, the racist bas%^ds and Bi*&^es who are Joe and Jane Democrat were wrong.

  3. Waitforit says, “And Sarah Palin is male.


    Oh, yeah, she’s just stupid.”

    I think that her greatest “sins” (to the democrats) are that she is beautiful, happy, and fertile. Oh yeah, and she didn’t graduate from an ivy league school.

  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2277737/Franks-Fish-Chip-Shop-Wisbech-Martial-arts-hero-fights-muggers-stabbed-holding-dinner.html

    This is what America will come to. Complete, 100% ethnic strife, can’t even go out your house safely.

    Whether the story is true or not, the fact is that England is falling into the darkness of migrant workers doing most of the time, creating ethnic conclaves that support the English aristocracy while violating the English commoners and working class.

    A few hundred years ago, Americans decided not to follow the British to where the Brits said to go. Now Americans love following Europeans into the Death Spiral.

    At this rate, you won’t even need to wait for Islamos to out populate you. By that time, they will have killed all the native babies anyway.

  5. Should Holder be left alone for forcing Elian Gonzalez into Cuba, while even right now Holder is forcing migrants into the US against the will of Americans?

  6. CORRECTION – impeachment is impossible – “… unless that person is a black Republican, such as Clarence Thomas. Then that person becomes an honorary white [RACIST].” Gotta say what’s really on the Left’s mind.

  7. I will sound like a redneck , but here goes: Holder is what the N-word was coined to describe. “It ain’t my fault (Massa), it’s them other people’s doing, and they’s blaming li’l ol’ me.”

  8. Y…

    “Brave: Pub landlord Wood, pictured with his fiancée Claire Upton, became a local hero after the fabricated tale of his exploits in fighting off his attackers spread”

    “Scene: The incident allegedly happened shortly after Mr Wood left Frank’s Fish & Chip shop in Wisbech”

    From your link…

    With that level of belief, why did the story even run?

  9. Mike at 4:35 PM:

    In more than twenty-one years my neighbor and I have never discussed politics.

    Two days ago we finally did, led off by the horrific effect Obamacare has had on his wife’s health insurance (for some reason he and his wife have separate plans). She now pays more than two thousand more a year, a significant sum for folks in our modest neighborhood.

    My neighbor told me he voted for BO the first time explicitly because he (my neighbor) wanted to heal the racial divide in this country. My neighbor is by no means a bleeding heart, he just thought it was good for the country.

    His story was the same as my long-time uncle and aunt, good, salt-of-the-Earth party-line Republican people, who really thought their vote for BO was a unique opportunity to heal the historic wounds.

    2008 was all about race for BO voters. It has never stopped being about race for BO (as an adjunct place of hatred to the other places of hatred he promotes).

    Turns out, voting for BO was a vote for reviving and intensifying all sorts of polarizing issues, bogus as they are, chief among them race.

    And it turns out BO’s race has nothing at all to do with it. It is all about BO’s hatred.

    Since the French revolution the Left has assiduously and continuously organized this hatred, refining it, making the politics of it more subtle and effective.

    Violence has always been essential to it.

    In the next two years, I believe, we will see the sophisticated visitation of Leftist violence in our country such as we can hardly believe. It will be in the form of jihad, most likely.

    It will be hard to fight without necessarily causing widespread destruction. When it is visited, it will present a conundrum long enough to make us wonder what to do.

  10. Take a look at my girlfriend.

    I want me a black woman. Strong in the kitchen. Strong in the bedroom. The kitchen and the bedroom. The kitchen and the bedroom. (Women, take notes. You could wind up alone with no man.)

    “Take a look at my girl friend. She’s the only one I got.” If you can follow the video from the black woman to the one that looks like Linda Ronstadt to Katie Perry, well, you did better than me.

    What’s the point you ask? How can this possibly be relevant to the topic our host provided.

    Barack Obama. Eric Holder.
    Eric Holder is Katie Perry.
    Think about that.


  11. If Holder is accusing someone of racism it must be a day ending in “y.” One trick pony, that guy.

    Yes, they hate Palin because she has done the opposite of what feminists/Lefties tell women to do at every turn, and she is happier, more secure, more beautiful (inside and out) than any of the angry, feminist hags. Love how she can get their goat – they just can’t contain their hatred of her and what she exemplifies.

  12. All this reminds me of a remark by the late columnist Joseph Sobran (conservative-turned-libertarian). I can only paraphrase, but it’ll come close, ’cause I recall it so well.

    First, the context. It has to do with the civil rights push of the sixties. Sobran was pointing out how most Americans were supportive of the civil rights movement, pointing out that many Americans had lingering prejudices, but they knew they had lingering prejudices and were accepting in good faith the emergence and integration of black America into the culture at large.

    Finally, the Sobran paraphrase. Sobran wrote [paraphrase] how back then, with respect to blacks entering mainstream American culture, Americans were expecting Sidney Poitier but what they got was Eldridge Cleaver.

  13. If you’ve ever read “Look homeward, Angel,” and kept on reading it, that is because you delighted in the author’s brilliance in rhetoric and description. However,unlike Crime and Punishment or War and Peace, your reading did not accelerate but diminished.

    Obama’s brilliant presidency is like that for liberals. (It was not brilliant for us tea party persons who did not share the circumstances or emotions, but we should allow, that for those similarly situated, it was brilliant merely because it described so well their inner world.)

    Now the presidency has grown long. There is still a wonderful memory and association of empowerment. However, that empowerment, divorced of accomplishment and proof is no longer empowerment. It is stale bread and wine.

    The “movement” is crumbling. Yes. It. Is. HAVE NO DOUBT.

    Yes, it may have gained a shit load of power, prestige and money. Doesn’t matter. It is not a classic. It will not survive.

    Yes, further similar “books” will be written and find audience. But they, until circumstances align as in 2008, will find the audience meager and poor.

    The end is not upon us. The end is upon them. Gather your breath and find your gait.

    We will survive and our posterity will survive. We will survive to produce such prosperity as to engender yet another revolt against it.

  14. Impeachment is CRISIS MODE politics.

    Consequently, it can never be seen as obvious or probable.

    (The Presidential target would modify his stance/ mollify his critics before the catastrophe if it was in any way a viable threat.)

    Nixon didn’t look vulnerable until the 11th hour 59th minute.

    Then BAM!


    As for the GOP Rino faction: no doubt they’ve been inside the beltway too long. They’ve been coddled by Big Businesses since forever.

    None the less it is imperative that Reid be demoted to minority leader.

    That would have an immediate impact on who’s able to attain Senate confirmation to the Federal bench. That’s the big issue in play.

    As for Barry’s financial follies…

    The loss of both houses would provide a tag-team of exposure.


    Barry’s form of government can’t be financed, not in the intermediate term.

    I expect that further debacles in the exterior world that can’t be blamed on Congress are going to erode the sand out from under the colossus of Air Force One.

  15. Clarence Thomas is not an honorary white – he’s just a plain ol’ Uncle Tom.

    Or to use the words of Harry Belefonte – a house slave who thinks he is better than field slaves because he does the master’s bidding.

    Surely, Neo, as a former liberal you knew that didn’t you?

  16. Charles:

    Did you follow the link?

    I was referring to the fact that Harry Reid said Hobby Lobby was decided by the SCOTUS votes of “five white men.”

  17. “Perhaps the proper word for the relationship might be “surrogate” or “mouthpiece.” This is not to say that Holder does not have opinions of his own. I am not claiming he is a puppet. But his opinions are so closely in sync with Obama’s on these issues that for all intents and purposes they are one.”

    IMO, the word that best fits Holder’s relationship with Obama is ‘consigliere’.

    “Consigliere is a position within the leadership structure of Sicilian, Calabrian and American Mafia. The word was popularized by the novel The Godfather.”

    Obama is as a ‘Godfather’ to Holder’s consigliere…

  18. Holder is the single most important member of the Obama Cabinet.

    As long as Holder is in there, there will be no progress on the IRS and Lerner’s contempt.

  19. wait @ 6:43 – –

    Please be right.

    Here is my (probably totally irrational) fear, which supersedes all the rational political expectations.

    BO is looking and acting as if he knows something we don’t know. I could be wrong, and probably am, but I get the very definite impression of BO telling us to go fuck ourselves, every day, in every way he can.

    The ear-ringed bland performance of Ayers was so bizarre; it probably means nothing, but why would BO’s soul mate and ghost writer turn up when he did, when the sole point was to remind us of his existence? A very minor but nagging point.

    The BO foreign policy looks to my very untutored eyes to be highly principled. The principle is, if it is good for Iran it is good. If it is not, it is not.

    I cannot urge folks strongly enough to read The Looming Tower. I say that in part to explain why I say the following.

    Beslan was a low tech operation. Malvo/Muhammed was a low tech operation. Nord-Ost was a low tech operation.

    A few dozen simultaneous low-tech operations involving vulnerable necessities are hard to even contemplate. The implications are disturbing.

    How do we know that the administration would even do the right thing in response?

    My fear is that BO is joyfully acting as if electoral politics are irrelevant.

    I keep thinking, any jackass can kick down a barn. And BO is a jackass.

  20. @ Tonawanda:

    “My neighbor told me he voted for BO the first time explicitly because he (my neighbor) wanted to heal the racial divide in this country. My neighbor…just thought it was good for the country…My long-time uncle and aunt, good, salt-of-the-Earth party-line Republican people, who really thought their vote for BO was a unique opportunity to heal the historic wounds.”

    I mean this in the nicest way: Your neighbor, your aunt and your uncle are telling lies (not the same as lying).

    The leis they are telling is that there is a “racial divide” in this country, and that we can even possibly “heal historic wounds”.

    1. There is no “racial divide”. That’s made up Bull-youknowwhat. “Blacks” are born with the same opportunity any other American is born with. Relative to your average Somalian, they are born like Nebufreakinchaneezer. Stop with that. The only “divide” is with people who take government money (which is my hard-earned money that Uncle forces me to hand over) to be professional victims and professional voters. If that is 95% African American, then their problem is their own. Deal with it.

    2. “Heal historic wounds”? That is actually a joke; a cruel and ignorant joke. How would that work? A wound that happened in history, made by one historical eprsona against another historical person is to be “healed” by the actions of someone who was not there and is in NO WAY responsible for the wound, and another person who was not there and didn’t suffer squat.

    The Commies – aka the majority by far of actual Democrat voters today – made up that lie and we are supposed to believe it.

    I don’t.

    I say eph them for telling it. Lying is a sin. I say we treat them accordingly.

  21. Torquemeda (Ooops, I mean Tonawanda)

    In D’Sousa’s America, Lincoln gives a speech where he states only America herself can bring her down.

    That has happened.

    We are the comeback.

  22. “With that level of belief, why did the story even run?”

    It’s the Daily Mail. They run stories they can’t verify because they are in the process of verifying them.

    This is as opposed to US publications that run stories that are fake, because they have been verified as fake and that’s why the Left publishes them in the Times.

    Or in other words, they present two mutually contradictory sides to a story and let the future decide what the audience can make out.

    Nixon didn’t look vulnerable until the 11th hour 59th minute.

    The campaign against Nixon was run from the FBI, with the puppets in the journalist wing going by carefully prepared tactics and information from the FBI.

    Who is organizing and orchestrating the campaign against the Leftist alliance? There is none, visible.

  23. Tonawanda, I have exactly the same fear you do, and for exactly the same reasons.

  24. USA speaks at History’s court:

    Back where I was where I was
    before, I know now more than
    before. I ran hoping I
    would do as I did before.
    Nation. I am the nation.
    I am less and I am more.
    Now my understanding is
    the less that is more than more.

  25. Folks, I saw a story linked at Ace’s place (Ymarsakar’s blog?) about the bombing of Israel by Hamas, and saying that the Usual Suspects are for once not condemning Israel for fighting back.

    Alas, not true: In NYC, all the network propaganda machines are showing video of distraught muslimas wailing, palestinians being carried in stretchers, because of Israeli “attacks” on the (apparently defenseless) moslems.

    NO mention is being made of the hundreds of Hamas rockets being fired at every target they can reach in Israel.


    Here is See BS: worth quoting at length.

    “GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip [noted embedment] – Thousands of Palestinian residents of the northern Gaza Strip fled their homes on Sunday and sought safety in U.N. shelters, heeding warnings from the Israeli military about impending plans to bomb the area in the sixth day of an offensive against Hamas that has killed more than 160 people.[Evil Jooos!]

    “The fighting showed no signs of slowing, despite international calls for a cease-fire [Evil Joooos!] and growing concerns about the mounting civilian death toll in Gaza. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and voiced U.S. “readiness” to help restore calm, while Egypt, a key mediator between Israel and Hamas, continued to work behind the scenes.

    “Amid the diplomacy, Israel said it was pushing forward with preparations for a possible ground invasion of Gaza. Thousands of troops have massed along the border in recent days.

    “We don’t know when the operation will end,” Netanyahu told his Cabinet on Sunday. “It might take a long time.” He said the military was prepared “for all possibilities.”

    “Israel launched the offensive last Tuesday in what it said was a response to heavy rocket fire out of Hamas-controlled Gaza.”

    [Note the snide “What it SAID was a response to heavy rocket fire….”]

    I only wish it was unbelievable.

  26. Britain

    Holder is a brother that had the experience with the grifter Clintons so he knows the game. Loyal and an inside player who has control of the guns (FBI) and lawyers.

  27. Beverly, I believe Bookworm wrote a post like that.

    For certain nations like France, they may have backed Pali causes before, during Chirac.

    With Muslim support of Hussein in the US, I doubt the media has the guts to do anything anti Pali. Only anti Palin.

  28. The weakness to the Left’s offensive stanced operations is that now we can see how their command and control chain is formulated. We know who gives the orders, who obeys the orders, and which person sits in which function seat.

    There are entire lists of Leftist alliance members and their key core billionaire funders that have been disclosed, that have hence been undisclosed due to IRS 501c 3s.

    Before hand, average ignorant people thought it was a bunch of conspiracy “connect the dots” fake stuff. But now the dots have become people. And the people have declared and funded operations to spread disease, rapists, and other killers around the country, intentionally.

    Recently the scale of operations have increased, from letting Hasan kill people in Ft. Hood and calling it a “mistake” that should not eliminate “diversity”, to the indirect killing of selling arms to AQ via Benghazi/Qatar and Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious, to the intentional “stand down, let them die” command at Benghazi, to the border invasion now.

    It’s all going up. The Left is beginning to activate more and more active cells in their insurgency and occupation wings. It’s becoming obvious, even to the dim wits, that “something is off”.

  29. Tonawanda:
    Your fears are totally rational. And are shared.
    Don’t put yourself down going out the gate.
    We are dealing with Evil.
    Evil needs no analysis as to its origins, only identification and action.

  30. Can’t identify evil when you don’t know where it comes from. That was 97% of America’s problem going back a century or two.

  31. “…Tea Party” types messed him over.” Correction, I meant to add, “…Tea Party” types messed him over — in our dreams. :\”

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