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Try to grab a police officer’s gun… — 20 Comments

  1. And there is a report that the policeman’s eye socket was broken; not just his nose.

    No confirmation. Yet.

  2. Neo, your analysis is spot-on. My wife and I were discussing this very topic over breakfast and came to the exact same conclusion.

  3. Michael…Homes…FOCUS,’Yo: Do what the policeman says. Don’t give him your mouthy horses**t nor attack him,’Yo. If you hit that officer(and you weigh in at nearly 300-lbs)then he has the duty to defend himself by shooting your well deserving azz. That this Bulls**t Fuss is wasting anyone’s time ought to make the black communities nationwide and the MSM-Lapdog Media hang their heads in shame,’Yo.

    Duuuhhhhhhhhh, Homes. Oh, and, Buuu-Byeee.

  4. What is knowable but will never become known is how the first riot started and who started it. Just a few hours after the initiating event, before the professional race hustlers were even aware.

    Interesting call-in to Rush today: a white man was shot by a “color other than white”(per local media) cop in the Salt Lake City area last week. The cop was eventually ID’d as black. Them white folks just took it. No non-local media response neither.

  5. If attempted murder of a police officer is a felony, should Michael Brown’s accomplice be prosecuted for felony murder?

  6. Don Carlos…Ya mean NO Jake Tapper with ISIS Signs in the background?? Us white folks are soooooooooooo behind times.

  7. This is beginning to sound like the Zimmerman case. What started out as a choir boy black kid victim is looking like another street thug beating a white guy. The multiple shots by the cop are evidence that the kid was not stopping, and the report that the kid fell a couple feet from the cop, if true, shows the cop did not fire any time to soon.

  8. It’s been confirmed.

    Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown

    “Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whose fatal shooting of Michael Brown touched off more than a week of demonstrations, suffered severe facial injuries, including an orbital (eye socket) fracture, and was nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun, a source close to the department’s top brass told FoxNews.com.”

    It’s possible but unlikely that Brown initially went for Officer Wilson’s gun. According to the source, Wilson “was beaten very severely.” and leaned far into the car window “beating Officer Wilson in the head and the face”.

    In reaction to being beaten nearly unconscious, Wilson probably went for his gun, an entirely appropriate reaction as it was his last line of defense. That is when Brown probably went to wrest Wilson’s gun away and a struggle for the gun ensued, with it going off. It makes sense that the bigger, stronger Brown would fail to wrest the gun away from Wilson, if Wilson already had it firmly in his possession, rather than Wilson managing to wrest the gun away from Brown. Once the gun went off it’s very likely that Brown decided that retreat then made sense.

    Here’s another angle; Brown’s reaction of “What, you’re going to shoot me?” after Wilson yelled freeze and Brown turned around with his hands in the air indicates that Brown thought that Wilson was unlikely to shoot him now that Brown was no longer attacking Wilson. That’s an indication that local young black men do NOT think that white cops in Ferguson are racist murderers.

    If so, Brown miscalculated because once he attacked Wilson, it was Wilson’s duty to arrest him using whatever degree of force was required. Something convinced Brown that Wilson would indeed shoot him if he did not surrender and a belligerent Wilson tried to bumrush the cop, an action entirely in keeping with his previous behavior that day.

    I’m not saying this is exactly what happened. I am saying that based on what we know so far, it is the most plausible explanation of what happened.

  9. Well said.
    Watching much of the coverage on this event, I get the sense that Michael Brown should not have been bothered for robbing a store, since he was a disadvantaged minority, and that assaulting the police is also within his civil rights for being asked to use the sidewalk, which appears to be a uniquely white preoccupation.
    The media’s narrative to characterize Brown as a victim of a predatory police department is despicable and outrageous. These same people who are encouraging lawlessness at every level of society are either short sighted or stupid, or both. They cannot honestly believe that a government which rules according to mob mentality will protect them when their time comes. If I were a policeman called to a journalist’s house for an emergency, I think I would wait an hour or two – go see a movie or read the paper first.
    At worst, it was an officer who panicked, although this doesn’t look to be the case either. The truth seems to be irrelevant to the media or even the governor. Both seem to be exercising some kind of revenge for every grievance they have harbored toward our society.
    That Holder and BO have literally pounced on this opportunity to railroad the investigation, speaks volumes about their own deep seated racial hatred and desire to publicly punish the white cop.
    If this were a black officer, it would not have raised a single eyebrow with local media. In BO’s transformed America, we’re into territory never seen before when it comes to race relations – where ALL whites are guilty of possessing a racial bias, which they carry around, looking for an excuse to murder black people. And all black people are permanent victims in an unjust society, justified in going on rampages to exercise their frustration with not having their share of stuff.
    If the media and democrats think embracing lawlessness and social division is going to bring them all a better life and country, they’re in for a rude awakening when the they’ve systematically unraveled finally does. They will not be able to contain it or direct it in a way that benefits their class; it will come apart and devour them in ways they never expected.

  10. Very good analysis GB. I’m very interested in learning whether there was any gunshot residue on either of Brown’s hands. If so, that would almost certainly indicate that his hand was on or very near Wilson’s gun when the shot in the car happened.

  11. “The media’s narrative to characterize Brown as a victim of a predatory police department is despicable and outrageous. These same people who are encouraging lawlessness at every level of society are either short sighted or stupid, or both. They cannot honestly believe that a government which rules according to mob mentality will protect them when their time comes.” southpaw

    I don’t think the media is either stupid or shortsighted. I think they’re blinded by ideology. They’re encouraging lawlessness and a lynch atmosphere as a methodology to create pressure toward engineering greater ‘social justice’. Holder has already called for much greater minority presence on police forces across the country. Watch for demands to institute minority quotas, regardless of qualifications, on police forces and federal ‘civil rights’ lawsuits to enforce compliance.


    I hadn’t thought of gunshot residue on Brown’s hands and that certainly would prove that Brown was going for Wilson’s gun. But no residue does not prove the reverse. In wrenching his hand and gun away from Brown it could have gone off sufficiently far enough away from Brown for gunshot residue to be too minimal on Brown’s hand to be declared definitive.

  12. The news about Officer Wilson’s injury makes his chief’s early vapid remarks to the media all the more perplexing.
    When using a handgun, one targets “Center mass” and empties the weapon. Otherwise one is in a movie. It is not just the lethality of an injury; it is also the foot-pounds of stopping power. A 290 lb guy can kill you in 30 seconds easy even though lethally wounded unless brain or spinal cord were hit..

  13. neo – About five years ago, here in the Seattle area, there was an example of what you are talking about.

    A naked man was acting crazy in a public street. A police officer came to calm him down, get him dressed, get him out of there, whatever.

    The naked man attacked the officer, took his gun, and killed the officer with it.

    As I recall, the killer was found to be high on one of the nastier drugs, just as you would suspect.

    I may not have written about it, because I didn’t think there were any great general lessons to be drawn from the incident — other than one almost all of us already know, that you have to be careful around people who are acting crazy.

    (As it happens, the naked man was black. I don’t think race had anything to do with the incident, but have learned that our local journalists are fully capable of suppressing racial aspects to a story, if those aspects are politically incorrect.)

  14. My brother (USAF) said, “The reason Wilson shot brown six times is that he ran outta bullets.”

    Cops say they’re trained to, once a showdown starts, empty their pistol, because leaving bullets in a gun for the assailant to grab and shoot YOU is a deadly stupid idea. That jackass pathologist Baden who whined that Wilson shot Brown “too many times” should be thrown into the middle of the riot, with a sign around his neck saying “Honky Right Here! Come and get ‘im!”

    Ray Kelly (NYPD former police chief) said St. Loo should have released the video and all the rest of it ASAP, and said that’s what the NYPD did right after the shooting of Sean Bell: it short-circuits the propaganda.

  15. The Leftist alliance is composed of both police unions and black cabals. The fact that people on both side get made into mince meat is a feature, not a bug.

    And it doesn’t prevent the Left from controlling both sides.

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