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No divorce… — 9 Comments

  1. Wow, I almost hit my vote call on the nose. I ended up actually underestimating the NO vote by a true“smidgen”.

  2. Scotland the Brave, wasn t so brave after all.
    It would have made for interesting entertainment on the world stage. Quebec has this same type of referendum every few years, it always gets voted down too.

  3. Puerto Rico has had somewhat similar ‘status’ votes. They have been blow-outs for the status quo.

    Some Hawaiian fanatics want a vote on leaving the Union — with only Polynesian blood quantums determinative for voter qualification. Crazy, I know.

  4. MollyNH, good comparison to the Quebec votes. I suspect that many English, when contemplating the exit of the Scots, have a similar opinion that many in Anglophone Canada have towards the exit of Quebec: good riddance.

    I spent a post-operative day in a Boston hospital around the time of a Quebec referendum. A fellow patient was of French Canadian descent, as many are in Mass. He did not have a high opinion of those Quebecois seeking independence: in his words, “my froggy friends.” From someone of French Canadian origin.

    I don’t know if it is true, but I have read that one influence increasing the NO vote was the Queen advising her Scottish subjects to think very carefully before voting.

  5. Basically, if you are on welfare, you can turn out the vote. If you aren’t and need to work, voting for independence that may or may not cost you your job and lifestyle, is probably less than ideal.

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