Home » Un-PC murder in Oklahoma: bringing a gun to a knifefight


Un-PC murder in Oklahoma: bringing a gun to a knifefight — 30 Comments

  1. Neo this occurred at about 4 PM local time THURSDAY
    media held back on this story until just before noon
    FRIDAY. They seem to be taking a cue from Government
    operatives, controversial topics may only be aired on
    Friday, so the sheeple will all forget by Monday !

  2. Also note what happened at the OK police press conference: they were surrounded by Muslims chanting “Praise Allah.”

    This incident may have been triggered by the firing, but Nolen, a big fan of ISIS (judging by his facebook postings) used it as an excuse to launch his own violent jihad.

    Seems to me that IS has encouraged and given it’s adherents in other countries license to release their inner jihadi at will. This has already happened in the UK and France, and I have no doubt we’ll see more of it. It would be a mistake to assume that just because it was not a premeditated attack coordinated with a jihadi leader that it is not terrorism. That’s what generates the terror – that we never know when the Muslims in our midst will decide to launch their own jihad against their neighbors.

  3. My daughter suggests that the mainstream media is going to try and deep-six this story by Monday. I don’t think so. It’s kind of like the Ferguson/Mike Brown shooting, which just keeps coming back, and back.
    Stuff about the Oklahoma Muslim convert perp will keep coming up again and again. And I am fairly certain that there will be other incidents of lone-wolf jihadis.

  4. Re: the Powerlineblog guys. First thing I thought, too, when I heard about the guy’s criminal background. Thank you Eric Holder. Idiot.

  5. While American patriots think they won’t win a war against the Left and thus refuse to fight one, the Left’s allies are too busy slaughtering you in a war to care what you think you are in.

    Ironic, is it not.

  6. I’m not really concerned about why Alton Nolen was hired. The venue in which he launched his personal jihad is irrelevant. He was a bomb primed by Islam and ready to explode. The event which detonated the bomb is not important.

    The intellectual jujitsu which the left uses to exonerate Islam and to turn this type of event into an advantage for Islam needs to be analyzed and countered. The left is playing on people’s misconceptions about causation. Their argument is that because every Muslim doesn’t rush out and behead someone, and that some Muslims appear friendly that therefore Islam has nothing to do with the crime.

    They take their argument to the absurd extreme so that even when Muslims commit crimes while crying allahu Akbar the Left assures us that the crimes have nothing to do with Islam. Even when the perpetrators assure everyone that they are acting in the name of Islam, the left claims the perpetrators are wrong about their own motivation.

    The accurate response is to acknowledge that there are many factors which influence human behavior so that it is rare to be able to trace any behavior back to only one cause. It is equally difficult to completely exclude a potential cause as possibly contributing to the crime to some degree. What we are left with are probabilities. When a Muslim like Alton Nolen attends a Mosque regularly where he has been taught to hate Christians and Jews common sense compels the conclusion that his religion was probably the major contributing cause to the tragedy. Islam alone was not a sufficient cause to explain how and when the crime occurred. We know that because there are Muslims who have not (yet) decapitated someone else. However it is accurate to say that Islam was probably the most important cause of the crime.

  7. I’ve been thinking of a effective riposte for the leftist argument that because some Muslims are peaceful therefore Islam has nothing to do with the crime committed in the name of Islam. My answer is:

    To argue that Islam is peaceful because some Muslims are peaceful is no different than arguing that Nazism is peaceful because some Nazis are peaceful.

    At the Nuremberg trials some of the top Nazis were found not guilty. The fact that some Nazis didn’t commit war crimes did not change the evil content of the Nazi ideology. In the same way, just because some Muslims have not committed crimes does not change the criminal content of the Koran and Hadiths.

    What the left is doing it to conflate Islam the ideology/theology with Muslims the people. Because humans differ, some Muslims are peaceful but that does not change one whit the fact that the holy books which define Islam are violent books filled with totalitarian slavery, misogyny, and hate.

  8. He’s still alive. The muslims are tap dancing around the retaliation theme because that’s what they would do.

    There are no moderate muslims. Those who are described as moderate are the non-religious who are forced to accept the mantle of Islam. They stay quiet for survival.

  9. Well, the gun controllers always want to paint all legal gun owners as potential killers with each gun spree. Same goes for every Republican who breaks the law, or says/does something nutty like candidates Akin & O’Donnell. So why don’t they apply the same rules to Muslims?

  10. Illuminati
    The left is playing on people’s misconceptions about causation. Their argument is that because every Muslim doesn’t rush out and behead someone, and that some Muslims appear friendly that therefore Islam has nothing to do with the crime.

    Tru dat. Which is to be contrasted with the way that the left will try to pin any violent act on the Tea Party, such as the shooting of Representative Giffords. Another such example is Joseph Stack, who flew a plane into an IRS building in Austin. His suicide manifesto soon surfaced. An excerpt follows:

    Yet at the same time, the joke we call the American medical system, including the drug and insurance companies, are murdering tens of thousands of people a year and stealing from the corpses and victims they cripple, and this country’s leaders don’t see this as important as bailing out a few of their vile, rich cronies. Yet, the political “representatives” (thieves, liars, and self-serving scumbags is far more accurate) have endless time to sit around for year after year and debate the state of the “terrible health care problem”. It’s clear they see no crisis as long as the dead people don’t get in the way of their corporate profits rolling in…..
    Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let’s try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well.
    The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
    The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.

    The above from Stack’s suicide manifesto would indicate to me that Stack was a dissatisfied leftist. “Corporate profits…greed,” anyone? Yet repeated attempts were made to pin this on the Tea Party. Google austin irs bomber tea party: over 14 million hits. As an example of egregious misrepresentation, consider the WaPo columnist who stated that AFTER reading the suicide manifesto, it was clear that Joseph Stack= Tea Party.


  11. So why don’t they apply the same rules to Muslims?

    Because hypocritical mass murderers only care about themselves, not honor or the law.

  12. Soros, Ayers, and the Clintons were mostly behind the puppet strings of Occupy Wall Street. They admitted as much to Breitbart, the Ayers couple. Husband and wife assassin team, sounds catchy.

  13. If the average IQ is 100, and many say it is now less than that, then half the population, including even half the Black population, will be in that group that can’t handle abstract concepts very well. They will not be terribly successful in an information driven society. They will be led fairly easily, including being led into the belief that their failures are caused by someone else, some group targeted for hate. For less successful Blacks, there are always whites to blame, “institutional racism.” I’ve met quite a few. Nolen was already in a group that blamed another race. Islam, for the past thirteen centuries, has encouraged that sort of belief, that blame-shifting, in its own adherents. This is a most unfortunate convergence of streams. Whether whites are stampeded into disarming themselves, or lower IQ Blacks are herded into a violent cult of one sort or another, the prospect is quite a bit more Darwinian than old Charles himself, genteel Victorian that he was, would have envisioned. Please note, there are even more low-IQ whites, stats being the merciless things that they are. So far, however, few whites have taken the bait. And, let’s face it, there are few white opinion leaders beating that drum, in contrast to the Sharptons, et al. The Rousseavian elite have wanted to use Blacks to destroy the bourgeoisie for nearly a century. They may be sorry, yet.

  14. blert
    OWS would be more like it Gringo.
    It is a tactic the Demos/progs/lefties repeat and repeat: maximize the sins of your enemies, and minimize the sins of your friends [if not friends, the enemies of your enemies, whom Demos automatically assume are then friends of Demos.]/

  15. No matter how much the dems, progs, feds and MSM attempt to mischaracterize and minimize Islam’s inherent nature, it is an attempt doomed to failure. That is so because Islam won’t cooperate in the deception. In fact, Islam has, is and will continue to put the lie to attempts by the left and RINOs to characterize Islam as a “religion of peace”. More than 22,000 worldwide terrorist attacks by agents of Islam since 9/11… only the fact that so few have occurred on US soil has allowed the LIVs to ignore them. But attacks on American soil cannot long be hidden by the MSM and, Obama’s ‘policies’ guarantee that there will be many more attacks in America.

    ISIS either has already or will certainly infiltrate across our southern border. Our prisons have become Jihad Factories and early release of violent felons like Nolan ensure that they will seize upon the excuse Islam provides for violence.

    The MSM and democrats are in the impossible position of telling the LIVs ‘who ya gonna believe, us or your lying eyes?’ That is NOT a formula for success. Other than briefly, denial of reality can never be successful, once reality starts knocking on people’s doors.

    We’re NOT ‘doomed’, instead it’s those in denial of reality who are doomed.

    “Whoever is winning at the moment will always seem to be invincible.” George Orwell

  16. Thanks to Barry Meislin for the excellent links to Nicolai Sennels’ work. Sennel has actual data to support his causal link between Islam rather than the blithe lies which the left forces onto everyone who questions their “religion of peace” mantra.

  17. Barry…

    Jamie Glazov is impossible for me to listen to — podcast wise.

    His ‘show’ needs an editor/ focus concentrator that can keep Jamie truly on topic.

    Instead, he keeps kibitzing, with constant asides referencing personal events that ONLY his guests are a party to.


    The only writer at Front Page that is truly world class is Daniel Greenfield. He is prolific.

    (Did you know he’s not really a Sultan?)

    However, his blog structure is (IMHO) terrible, and there is nothing to contribute that Daniel hasn’t pretty much covered.

    If it is, and it’s not ‘on his (same) page’, it’s zapped.

    Consequently, his blog is largely a dead zone, not in any way comparable to neo neocon or the Belmont Club.

    I’ve seen other bloggers suffer the same fate. Quicker than they think, all of the talent shuffles off to better venues.

    If you want a Socratic debate then you have to let even tendentious, stinky, ideas to have a hearing. If nothing else, they give the commentariat something to shoot at.

    I wish Greenfield would follow the footsteps of Mark Steyn and become syndicated. Perhaps a pseudonym would work for him.

    As it stands, he’s preaching to the choir — and largely not influencing those who need insight most.

    I can think of more than a few politicians that need Daniel on their staff — even if he has to tele-commute!

  18. Just finished watching Local News out of boston, no mention whatsoever of Oklahoma incident & NBC news with Lester Holt did not mention it either. They did however cover for about several minutes & pictures of Hillary’s grandchild & gave air time to “The Global Citizen”
    concert to end poverty. ( I guess that is where the Leftys will be putting the *taxes* the developed countries are going to pay for carbon sins, they are planning to end world poverty, more Utopia)

  19. Soon to a high school football game near you, a grade school play ground, a shopping mall, a factory, a zoo in Omaha, etc. there will be suicide bombers, hostage takers beheading hostages, snipers on I-80 overpasses, tactical nukes in the port of Houston, jihad forest fires, and all of this will fit the lefts’ agenda of fundamental transformation.

  20. Barry’s links are really important. It provides the facts about why Muslims are not able to integrate. That kind of info needs to go far and wide.

  21. Um, there’s no need to wonder about the race of the victims.

    Just use Liberal Media Decoder Ring 101:

    If the race of the criminal isn’t mentioned=BLACK

    If the race of the victim isn’t mentioned=WHITE

    ALL reported crime MUST be WHITE on BLACK to fit The Narrative.

  22. Unless it’s intellectual and establishment crime, farthing. Then it’s professors and lawyers = Black, workers, women, the earth etc, and white men = don’t have a chance the New World Order.

    They made us the culprit so we got ours; now they’ll have to wait for it.

  23. One thing Islam has done QUITE successfully is give its misfits, psychos and morons a “Path To Greatness”: they get to become jihadis — super-warriors who get to terrify and then destroy the “normals” whose very existence makes the misfit feel like a loser.

    Of course they ARE losers; but Islam gives them a “get-out-of-loserhood-card”. They can “fight and die for Allah”, then their imams will praise their courage and exhort others to follow their glorious example of Holy War against the Infidels… and besides they’re guaranteed a Paradise filled with eternal virgins, flowing wine, and nothing-at-all forbidden to them.

    On the other hand, people who have common sense, and are reasonably bright, and have some talent or skills, tend to be immune to the call of jihad. Normal people who can function well in the world want to LIVE. They make plans; they get a job; they have spouses/ friends/ families/ whose lives they’re involved with; they’ve got hobbies or interests that keep them busy — they “fit in”, they DO things, they’re invested in “building something” in the world.

    The call of jihad, the urge to “destroy the Other”, doesn’t attract normal, competent people.

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