Home » It’s not all fun and games for the mosquito, either


It’s not all fun and games for the mosquito, either — 12 Comments

  1. The reason why “scientists” and “doctors” are getting more incompetent each decade, is because they don’t really ask questions any more. They think because they got some kind of DC award, that they know it all or at least know a lot more than the rest of us.

    They don’t got a clue, in many aspects.

  2. Aedes Aegypti

    Yellow Fever Mosquito Turns Up in Southern California

    i guess obama wants us to be equal with the countries that have lots of horrid deaseases.

    though i would have appreciated curing them, rather than importing what we used to have and suffering.

    but to the leftist, suffering is a form of holy goodness
    bring back the flagists…

  3. Members of the Left must be wiped from the face of existence. Otherwise, they will wipe you all out.

    It’s almost a prophecy by now.

  4. Big whorls have little whorls
    That feed on their velocity,
    And little whorls have lesser whorls
    And so on to viscosity.

    — Lewis F Richardson

  5. Mosquitoes, parasites, ebola, Obama, Isis, Putin . . . .The moral of the story? The world is by nature a dangerous place.

    Those who are inured to the relative safety of Western civilization and those who would use it as the scapegoat for all the world’s ills take it for granted at it’s own peril.

    Are you listening Barack Obama?

  6. ultimately, everything is in competition with everything else, and if you stand still long enough something large or small will eat you…

    this is where the socialists prey upon the dream of every creature… not to have to live in that kind of world… but ultimately, that is how socialist creatures prey upon others to live and eat them up!!! they just use the promise of freedom from the forces of living which wear you down if you dont somehow “get into” the game and find a way to enjoy it, to get you to climb into their maws

    while this makes the socialists life easier as they have this farm of cattle to prey upon, even that does not free them from the game as they then prey on each other

    Ginsbergs theorem:
    You can’t win.
    You can’t break even.
    You can’t even get out of the game

    while its a parody of thermodynamic law, if one uses it as a tool in life, and really thinks, not imagines, then one finds its very useful

    1) you cant win
    in life there is no win and you can rest, you always have to be in motion, even if its to preserve your winning position. if you made 10,000,000 and you invested it in KKR at 20, you would get 500,000 shares. these pay 1 million in dividends (.50 per quarter). now… once your done with paying your expenses, and living.. lets say 100k… you have 400k left over. what do you do with it? the socialists will say, make more money, which is true on one level in that your never secure as value is never stable, and so it raises security. but ultimately, there is nothing to do with it but try to share the happiness. you dont want to give it away (though some do), so you try to find peope, who with your help, will become like you by earning… so winners make more winners but can never realax as the state of winning is transitory. and this is why capitalism breeds investors, and charity

    2. You can’t break even.
    well if the state of things never remains static, then breaking even is not a static concept. it implies balancing on a razor blades edge with the location of the blade changing location. to try would waste more energy than to win or lose.

    3)You can’t even get out of the game
    gets back to the concept that once you win, you cant sit still as the state is transitory… the game is life and the only way out is to die…and we all get out of the game, as no one makes it out alive…


  7. “but to the leftist, [anyone’s] suffering [but theirs] is a form of holy goodness
    bring back the flagists…”

    Fixed it for you, Art

  8. Midges are highly implicated as the source of the Egyptian calamity that triggered the Exodus.

    And, again about diet: first born Egyptian sons were STUFFED with a double ration of food. He was the retirement package.

    Hence, if the food were contaminated, he had a double dose.

    Then again, a pre-peat of the Spanish flu may well have occurred. If you recall: that virus was drastically more lethal the healthier you were.

    This whammy is just another reason why Spanish flu is underestimated in cultural and economic impact.

    Its legacy dictated the response to Adolf Hitler. It was THAT terrible.


    It’s my opinion that Barry intends to see ebola break containment. Like Barbarossa, this plunge is not well thought out.

    The population pressure out of Latin America will actually collapse once it’s obvious that America is the source of ebola. Barry’s determined that it will run riot in el Norte, first.

    Further, the only race known to have Delta 32 is the White. It is known to block HIV. It’s thought to block yet other viruses.

    So, at the end of the day, Soetoro is going to crush Latino populations across the entire hemisphere.

    As one can see in Liberia, the present path (ebola protocols) entirely shuts down the hospital system, the medical care community, and generally collapses the economy.

    The “incubation period” (cluster containment) proves up to be an entirely false hope that gulls the players at the top into folly.

    Quite simply: we simply touch too many people. And ebola is easily transferred in that period immediately before and after its characteristic fever kicks in. The fever is your first ‘tell’ that your body is in a total panic.

    As far as this epidemic goes, It’s tracking west Africa right on down the line. The authorities are making an endless series of mistakes — all the while with the happy talk.

    That sequence is the PERFECT way to destroy public confidence — and generate an epic panic — straight out of the movies. (“The Day After”)

    It’s the happy talk that has liberated infected nurses so they may flitt around the nation, and send media MDs off on soup runs, etc.

    “Business as normal/ don’t panic” spread Spanish flu just about everywhere.

    Barry Soetoro is turning the entire nation into a petri dish. That’s just perfect.

  9. While doing some reach for comments on Ebola and it’s structure and mode of production in the earlier thread about the 2nd nurse being infected I was reminded of something I learned way back in molecular biology class when I was in college. And that’s that bacteria are also victims of viruses. We tend to think of bacteria as pathogens who infect us and cause illness (in the worst cases). But bacteria are also susceptible to viral infection and have their own set of pathogens that kill them. They are called bacteriophages and they are very intricate little viruses. Some of them at least look like little moon landers and act as a syringe to inject their genetic material into the target bacteria. They multiply and kill the cell just like viruses kill our cells.

    Here’s the Wikipedia page for bacteriophages. Just take a look at the picture and imagine that thing exists and is microscopic in size. It looks like it was designed by an engineer. We should have a little sympathy for the bacteria (maybe). LOL

  10. Kcom, check out the new microbiome theories in biology.

    Bacteria has gotten as bad a rep as Sarah Palin, because the bad bacteria are mostly anti biotic resistant strands from hospitals and various drug using homosexual communities.

  11. Ymarsakar, i guess the point is its better to be piously dead and “moral,” than alive…

  12. I R A Darth Aggie Says:
    October 16th, 2014 at 1:46 pm
    Big whorls have little whorls
    That feed on their velocity,
    And little whorls have lesser whorls
    And so on to viscosity.
    — Lewis F Richardson

    LOL, beat me to it.

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