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Election Day reflections — 27 Comments

  1. Yup. Which is why Terri Lynn Land will lose to Gary Peters in Michigan, unfortunately. The issues are a lot less important to the people in the middle, than they are on the left and right.

  2. personality? from my working with liminaries, that comes off as funny as few people see these peoples personality, but they DO see their populous persona.

    what personality do you think you see dustin hoffman have? you have never met him, and even those that have, might not know his personality… but his persona, that is another thing.

    in the public eye, personality is not what you often see

    on another note:
    And that’s my message to voters, this isn’t about Barack, it’s not about person on that ballot— its about you. And for most of the people we are talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this— that shouldn’t even come into the equation. – M Obama

    obama has shown his love of populous
    his love of sovietisms..
    the way his campaign went a la reifenstahl
    the talking style
    the name of his two daughthers
    (one named after pushkin (sasha pushkin), the other after puskins (martin malia) biographer)
    and lots and lots of other things

  3. What a difference from 4yrs ago when I was so incredibly enthusiastic about the midterm election. Thanks, Republican party for bringing me back to earth. Off to vote now.

  4. Looks to me like the GOP is getting a transfusion of youth, whereas the Donks are still the usual suspects from 20 years ago. Cruz, Rubio, Paul, etc. versus Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Rangel, etc. etc. This is a good thing – I always want to be associated with edgy, transgressive youth. 🙂

  5. Neo,

    The question I ask is “why should it be otherwise?” Who would anyone rather hang out with — some dusty, dour, humorless, taciturn politician who sequesters himself (herself) or someone who projects genuine vivacity and friendliness? I don’t think that one can easily win on the issues if one is not at first liked.

    Off topic, but did others see Megyn Kelly’s incredulous questioning of Joni Ernst about hog castration? Now Megyn is an intelligent woman, yet I was somewhat amazed that she had no idea that castration was a normal procedure among most husbanded species (castrated bull=steer, castrated rooster=capon, castrated horse=gelding, etc.) except, of course, for breeding stock.

    Many years ago, when Merrill Lynch was running its vaunted “Bullish on America” commercials, they actually used a steer, not a bull, as their TV image. The inside joke in the financial world was the subliminal message of a lack of testicular fortitude.

  6. in fact, you see the personality when their mask cracks

    “Why can’t I just eat my waffle?”

    his feet on the desk
    his middle finger, passive agressive posing

    how about helen thomas saying the jews should go back to poland?

    you see their real personality when their persona cracks or they forget themselves

    this is a good example:
    the woman that said she has never been proud of her country, who manipulated things in the prior workplaces, whose husband plays games using IRS, and so on said:

    We learned about honesty and integrity – that the truth matters… that you don’t take shortcuts or play by your own set of rules… and success doesn’t count unless you earn it fair and square.

    who is real, Obama the statesman or the Choom gang?

    Without an acquaintance with the rules of propriety, it is impossible for the character to be established. Kung Fu Tse

    Superficial Charm:is the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick and verbally facile. The phrase often appears in lists of attributes of psychopathic personalities

    Contemporary interest in superficial charm goes back to Hervey M. Cleckley’s classic study (1941) of the sociopath: since his work it has become widely accepted that the sociopath/psychopath was characterised by superficial charm and a disregard for other people’s feelings According to Hare, “Psychopathic charm is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything.”

    The term also occurs in Hotchkiss’ discussion of narcissists: “Their superficial charm can be enchanting.” For such figures, however, there is no substance behind the romantic gestures, which only serve to feed the narcissist’s own ego Narcissists are known as manipulative in a charming way, entrapping their victims through a faé§ade of understanding into suspending their self-protective behaviour and lowering their personal boundaries Closely related is the way impostors are able to make people fall in love with them to satisfy their narcissistic needs, without reciprocating in any real sense or returning their feelings

    Social chameleons have been described as adept in social intelligence, able to make a charming good impression, yet at the price of their own true motivations Their ability to manage impressions well often leads to success in areas like the theatre, salesmanship, or politics and diplomacy

    Similarly, for the histrionic personality, the attention seeking through superficial charm may only reinforce the splitting of the real self from the public presentation in a vicious circle

    A “charm offensive” is a related concept meaning a publicity campaign, usually by politicians, that attempts to attract supporters by emphasizing their charisma or trustworthiness. The first recorded use of the expression is in the California newspaper The Fresno Bee Republican in October 1956

  7. Personality and principles can be complementary. Some would even say that the right principles create an appealing personality. Ernst seems to have a positive combination of each. Well, at least with respect to the fiscal and limited resources issue, and the related minority — especially authoritarian — establishment of capital and control monopolies.

  8. I wonder if she would support castrating men and women convicted for committing rape and false claims of rape. That would remove the principal obstacle to securing universal human rights; mitigate progressive, liberal, and libertarian corruption of science; and constrain the creation of moral hazards left for surviving children to reconcile. It would also undermine the establishment of a libertine theocracy.

  9. Each time we investigate a sociopath, we find that they always have a little cult group following of spellbound worshippers who consider that particular sociopath to be a “guru” or “prophet.”

    Sociopaths are masters at influence and deception. Very little of what they say actually checks out in terms of facts or reality, but they’re extremely skillful at making the things they say sound believable, even if they’re just making them up out of thin air.

    4% of the population are sociopaths

    #1) Sociopaths are charming (check)
    #2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people (audacity, check)
    #3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse (bengazhi, fast furious, race baiting.. check)
    #4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences
    [he Kennedy family did not provide the funding for a September 1959 airlift of 81 Kenyan students to the United States that included Obama’s father, his birth post selma, and bergen belson. check]
    #5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and “win” at all costs [how many under that bus now? check]
    #6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, [five out of six aint bad]
    #7) Sociopaths are incapable of love [ask michelle]
    #8) Sociopaths speak poetically [check]
    #9) Sociopaths never apologize [check]
    #10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth [check]

    Most sociopaths will become angry or aggressive when their integrity is questioned, whereas a sane person would simply be happy to help clear up any misinformation or misunderstanding.

    Sociopaths never answer facts; they always attack the messenger

    people who live under the spell of a sociopath almost never realize it until after the spell has been broken

  10. This election is the swan song of the Silent generation.

    [ Reid, Pelosi, Rangel are all Silent generation players.]

    We are still seeing the echo of the Great Depression.

    The Silent generation witnessed it as children — then later WWII — as children. Then as young adults, the world was showered upon them. (1946-1968)

    This was the generation that produced the vast majority of TV stars. (as against film)

    James Garner
    Steve McQueen
    Clint Eastwood

    They all made the cut in TV first. We all could list actors who made it big — as young adults — during the period 1957-1973.

    What they all have in common is a fantasy experience. The world of their youth became an America astride the globe — and they had absolutely nothing to do with it.

    They were in a position, though, to hand out the sugar. This tick is evident in countless TV episodes — laden with both moralism and charities.

    As young adults, they imagined themselves reversing all of the indignities of their childhood — correcting the Great Depression or WWII — from a position of plenty, of high morality expressed as giving… This story arc dominated the TV horse operas — and the high tech fictions of U.N.C.L.E. and Star Trek. ( Knights of the modern age. )

    This tick entirely explains the chronic, spendthrift, over-giving of Big Nanny-state Government.

    The experiences of the Boomer generation is entirely different. For Boomers the world is over-loaded with hyper competition, crowded classrooms — and Silent Generation superiors riding high on Boomer output and the heritage of the G.I. Generation.

    My Silent generation parents forever lament as to how tough life was for them — when they were born to one of the most fortunate cohorts to have ever existed on this planet. They neither bled in war, nor suffered bankruptcy in a slump. And they’ve been largely calling all the shots for at least 35-years. (Sweeping into Congress during the Nixon-Ford era. Countless Democrats fit that story arc.)

    Barry Soetoro’s entire pitch resonates with the Silent generation. It’s no wonder that Pelosi and Reid lapped it up.

    (Reid lived THE classic Silent generation story arc. Look it up.)

    We are at a generational nexus in Congress. THAT’S what’s at stake.

  11. “Absolutely. I give everyone full permission to eat some fried chicken after they vote. Only after, if you haven’t voted… You make a good point. Because I am, I do talk about health. But I think that a good victory for Democrats on Tuesday, you know, should be rewarded with some fried chicken.” Michelle Obama


  12. blert:

    In 2012 the Silent Generation was a cohort that did not vote for Obama.

    65 and overs went for Romney 56 to Obama 44. That’s the highest Romney proportion of any age group.

    By the way, Steve McQueen was a conservative politically.

  13. Went to vote and my district is, oh, 99.99% democratic. In 2012, lines to vote were around the block. Today? There was one other person voting besides me. I was in and out in about 30 seconds. I think even hard core dems are feeling discouraged.

  14. Artfldgr:

    Some people are better able to see personality, as opposed to persona.

    Of course, psychopaths who have a very successful false face can fool just about anyone.

  15. I was happy to cast a vote for Cory Gardner. It’s nice to have a candidate who isn’t just the lesser of two evils, especially with such a clod of an opponent.

  16. with these capable women candidates in the Repub ranks there will be greater appeal to *other* women
    who perhaps are now liberal but are begining to sense the need to reconsider. I don t have the names but I read there is a republican Black lady leading in the polls who will become the first back lady elected to the HoR !
    thanks need to be extended to Sarah Palin who has taken the INITIAL wave of derision, ridicule, mockery,
    a pummeling from the Left & their sycophant media
    when *she dared* to break the mold THAT all political women must be Lefties. There is less of this Left tactic being used now, the public can now check the facts more easily & call out the double standard ( witness Old White Guy) Harkin & his EPIC sexist remarks on Ernst, at least he was questioned on this & apologized, IMAGINE a Dem having to apologize for sexism & pandering !!!!
    Also looks like it may be the *end* for this War on Women bunk thanks to Mark Uterus it s becoming the *punchline* of the actual *joke* it was all along!

  17. I have met Joni Ernst twice and have taked with one on one with her for at least 5 minutes. In person she is every bit as energetic, witty, and genuine as she appears before the cameras. I have donated to her primary and general election campaigns. I have also knocked doors for he campaign, including from 8 to 2 today. I have not been this enthused with a politician since Palin showed up on the national scene.

    The race in Iowa will be close, but she seems to have momentum in these last 2 weeks. Make them squeal!

  18. “I was in and out in about 30 seconds. I think even hard core dems are feeling discouraged.”

    The democrats’ ballots will appear from out of some party hack’s car trunk later tonight.

  19. Mia Love of Utah is the lady you are thinking about. She was the mayor of Saratoga Springs, UT.

    She is Haitian-American, born in NYC. She is also a Mormon, so that will confuse some folks.

  20. Closely related to the issue of personality is looks. Some people believe that the Kennedy-Nixon debates on TV brought in a new era of looks being critical for a candidate. Obama took it to the bank in spite of being an empty suit with no record of accomplishment.

    Chris Cristie is a notable exception to the trend.

  21. Mr. Frank:

    I kind of like Christie’s looks. They remind me of where I grew up—also his voice.

  22. Yes, personality matters. A lot. But I think that regardless of whether the GOP candidate has personality, smarts and principles, they can count on intense character assassination from the other side. The GOP is IMO, generally speaking, less likely to engage in personal attacks and/or receive a helping hand from the press to boot.

    In fact, the more personally appealing (and therefore more threatening) the GOP candidate is, the more they can expect to be ripped to shreds. So it’s an uphill battle in more ways than one.

  23. Looks, I believe ,work against Ted Cruz. he just comes across as White Guy as know it all. I agree with him on alot but I dont think he will resonate with the public. He seems too easy to get the nasty libs out there all riled up against him & the LIV will follow right along.
    I like Christy though he s got that “sit down & shut up
    business” down pat & I admire that spunk. He s the anti Romney. Does anybody think Candy would have gotten away with that baloney in the debate if Christey was there or Geo S could have conjured up that war on women birth control issue & gotten very far.

  24. CV:

    They tried to destroy Reagan, too. But because of his personality it didn’t stick.

  25. neo-neocon,

    fuhgettaboutit… Christie could have been cast on “The Sopranos”, yes?

    It’s a popularity contest within the context of the tribe.

    “A second class mind, but a first class temperament.”

    “A summation of his [Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.] opinion of Theodore Roosevelt, indicated in various letters, but not recorded in so succinct a form; often incorrectly stated as his opinion of Franklin D. Roosevelt”

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