Home » Sydney hostage crisis over…


Sydney hostage crisis over… — 11 Comments

  1. Though unindicted co-conspirators, i.e., Western officialdom , apologists, appeasers, dispensationalists – as in Rotherham – remain at large, free to reassure us it had nothing to do with Islam. Abhorring Islam has its drawbacks; to what then does one resort when considering the greater villainy — the treachery that had brought it amongst us – and continues to do so?

  2. I can’t help wondering how long it will be until an Islamist comes over our southern border as a Latino Illegal and destroys a crowded restaurant or shopping center in California. You remember Southern California, you know, home of the tallest downtown L.A. building that was saved a repeat 9-11 by those awful torturers in the CIA who got the info ahead of time by their Evil Rendition methods?

    ‘Nuf said.

  3. We have plenty of our own jihad supporters, but more will or already have crossed the southern border. How many more must die before the West gets serious about closing off any additional muslim infiltration?

  4. “How many more must die before the West gets serious about closing off any additional muslim infiltration?”

    Many in the west will not take the threat seriously until they are personally threatened. When jihadist terrorist cells start attacking American shopping malls and cutting off American women and children’s heads and, Libyan and Syrian MANPADS are used to blow up American passenger jets as they are taking off and landing… that ought to do it.

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    -Martin Luther King, Jr.

  5. By the way – also in 2009, in the wake of the Fort Hood massacre, General George Casey Jr., the Army chief of staff, famously said: “It would be a shame – as great a tragedy as this was – it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well.”

    Some things never change.


  6. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    December 15th, 2014 at 5:36 pm

    Many in the west will not take the threat seriously until they are personally threatened.

    And then we will have to deal with our political leaders who have been coddling Islam, if not outright supporting it, and thereby making such attacks possible.

    This phenomenon is happening across the Western world. Remember Mark Steyn’s prosecution in Canada? Then there was Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in Austria, who was prosecuted for speaking the truth about the life of Mohammad. (Most Americans have never heard of her unless they read Gates of Vienna.)

    Recently a man in England was arrested at a demonstration for reading Churchill’s famous quote about Islam. He was charged with “inciting religious hatred” or some such thing.

    An Englishman arrested for quoting Churchill. Let that sink in.

    We in America aren’t far behind, when Tea Partiers who revere the Constitution and the Founding Fathers are condemned as “racist”.

    Our own political leaders have taken sides against us, and they will one day have to be dealt with, one way or another.

  7. neo …

    Totten is lost right off the bat: Salafism was a radical movement consequent to the Sepoy Mutiny in INDIA.

    It had absolutely NOTHING to do with Turkey or the Middle East, generally.

    The British Army put down the mutiny. The primary fanatics fled West, decamping to Salaf — a city — IIRC.

    From that no-man’s-land, (anarchy) they hit the books { Koran, Hadiths } and started up a writing campaign that was vaguely echoed the Committees of Correspondence of the American Revolution… basically trying an Muslim-Indian version of our revolution.

    That didn’t quite get rolling — while it did get the British actively concerned.

    Ultimately the Salafists created their own school of rage, hate and doctrine. While their primary beef was with the British, their doctrine was fully applicable to the Turks.

    It was Salafist rage that Lawrence of Arabia tapped.

    Of course, being Muslims, their politics are a parody of American republican democracy… which they entirely reject, BTW.

  8. George Pal said:
    “Though unindicted co-conspirators, i.e., Western officialdom , apologists, appeasers, dispensationalists — as in Rotherham — remain at large, free to reassure us it had nothing to do with Islam.”

    That’s probably the hardest part with these attacks nowadays. Most of us who have witnessed the recent progression of jihadi attacks, from Bin Laden through to the non-stop, murderous ISIS & Boko Haram, have no trouble identifying them and the common sense (and survival instincts) to see what needs to be done. Who here took one look at that flag and thought, “Oh great, another jihadi here to kill infidels?”

    And yet time and again we are treated to feigned ignorance by the media and politicians that these attacks are related to a particular religion or a greater war on the West/Christian genocide. And worse, they insist that we must further submit, by instead focusing on preventing imaginary retaliatory attacks, allowing more mosques be built, and more sensitivity training be given to law enforcement agencies.

    It’s a very painful, slow-motion cultural suicide. How do we stop the enablers?

  9. Well, if President Barack H. Obama were the leader of Australia, he would know just how to resolve this issue.
    It’s an obvious case of “Workplace Violence” if ever there were one. Anyone suggesting differently is a bigoted hate-monger.
    Case closed.

  10. Mark Steyn talks about him being a member of Local 473 of the Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolves. Pretty funny.

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