Home » Cop-killer’s suicide was a little more complicated than that


Cop-killer’s suicide was a little more complicated than that — 9 Comments

  1. pandelume:

    It was that morning—clearly part of the same event cascade.

    And he didn’t kill her—he shot her in the abdomen, and she is expected to survive. I assume it was an attempted murder, however.

  2. It’ll be interesting to see what effect this has on Obama’s poll numbers, as crass as that sounds.
    Will people blame him for the poisonous atmosphere?
    He certainly deserves blame.

  3. Remember how the mainstream media, especially so-called news outlets, and other usual-suspect leftie types were all over themselves blaming Sarah Palin and/or the Tea Party for various heinous shootings of innocents?

    And now, after that toxic and vile “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now” — it’s crickets, crickets, crickets. It’s crickets all the way down.

  4. According to some reports, the perp was also apparently a Muslim, who reports say put up a quote from the Qur’an on the Internet about “sowing terror among the unbelievers” before his assassination of these two cops and his death.

  5. But he wasn’t on some spree it seems. Reports are that two ConEd employees followed and confronted him after the shooting. The threatened them and they backed off. Then he went on his way. They were able to direct the police to the subway and give a description.

    His shootings had a purpose other than just to kill.

  6. And what was Benghazi, except the US funding terrorists to kill our own ambassador and CIA covert action squads?

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