Home » Smiley face in space


Smiley face in space — 20 Comments

  1. It is that which inspires me to revisit your site; your desire to take some of the focus off of the, “cycle of cynicism” which pervades our culture, our country…

  2. One ought to take note of the orange streak just below the ‘face.’

    It’s orange because it’s extraordinarily old — the first stars are ALL orange. They started off as pure hydrogen gas clouds — and thus never developed enough density to generate white hot emission.

    Ultra radiant stars — like the Pistol star — require seeding with iron.

    So the ‘eyes’ are certainly very much younger than the orange streak galaxy.

    The lensing effect also imparts ‘spherical aberration’ to the far-side image, hence the streak.

  3. Its a trick designed to lull us into a false sense of calm and contentment. That makes it easier for them come harvest time. When the outsiders arrive we’ll all be herded smiling into the galactic slaughterhouse, I know it.

  4. Neutron stars have such intense gravity that the light warps enough to see part of its other side. It’s like being able to see the dark side of the moon.

  5. As we indulge in childhood fantasies, and impatiently join our ancestors in peering beyond the scientific domain, we must wonder if we will ever pass beyond inference and confirm our perceptions. First, it was gods riding through the sky. Now, it is uniformity and independence to calm our fears of the unknown and anchor our identities in divine grounds.

  6. If we’re going to impatiently join our ancestors in anything it ‘ill be a thick stew in a big boiling pot somewhere simmering with carrots and potatoes. Not me brother. I plan to go out with a bang and take as many of them with me as I can.

  7. somewhere on the other side of the galaxy, there’s a civilization that finds this image very, very disturbing.

  8. Harry The Exremeist:

    Out of the pot and into the fire. The second death. Perhaps.

    Or a mortal combat. Fight!

  9. starlord:

    From a certain frame of reference, that happy assembly is perceived through a local transformation as a scowl.

    The gods smile upon us. Don’t worry. Be happy.

  10. The human mind is a hyperactive pattern recognition machine. Perhaps it evolved to find order in its evolution. Darwin really did a great disservice when he anthropomorphized the evolutionary or chaotic process. It’s been reduced to a progressive process or monotonic change, with expectations of uniformity and differentiability. Scientists have dutifully followed with these convenient assumptions and conventions.

  11. Harry — I, for one, welcome our new Galactic Overlords — No, no! It can’t be! They all look like Obama!

  12. the end of neo neocon is iminant..
    when they came for X i chatted, and talked about jello
    when they came for me, there was nothing i could do
    the time was long past…

    Dems on FEC open to new regs on donors, Internet

    Claiming that thousands of public comments condemning “dark money” in politics can’t be ignored, the Democrat-chaired Federal Election Commission on Wednesday appeared ready to open the door to new regulations on donors, bloggers and others who use the Internet to influence policy and campaigns.

    i guess soon, jellow and ballet is all you will be allowed to comment on… they are seizing power faster than you can comment on it… russia is threatening wwiii with no comments or discussions here, and thats the end of that..

    Democratic Chairwoman Ann Ravel, who called the hearing, has said she wants to regulate politicking on the Internet, though she has pulled back amid a public outcry, especially among conservatives who see her move as a bid to silence center-right websites and Internet based conservative groups and news sites.

    i hear taps playing low in the distance…

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