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Still another candidate throws <i>his</i> hat into the ring — 14 Comments

  1. Instead of all the jibber jabber she should of said, “Well, according to Article II Section I Clause 5 of the US Constitution, you can’t. And while I’m thinking about it that pacifier goes into the garbage.”

  2. Well, Zeke certainly has been watching our man-child.

    He has the position absolutely pegged.

  3. Yeah, kid is too old to have binky, and subjecting very young children to the hot topics of politics is a form of emotional child abuse. Not funny.

  4. parker:

    I don’t think he was subjected. I think the TV was on, he happened to hear Hillary, and this was his response. The mom is just egging him on and capturing it on video.

    Kids pick up on anything they hear in a home. Unless parents BAN all political talk, and all radio and TV, from a child’s hearing, kids will indeed pick up on it. I don’t think such a banning is at all necessary or desirable, although I’m not big on putting one’s kid up on YouTube with this sort of stuff.

    However, I find it funny. The kid is so perfectly kidlike (and yes, narcissitic, as kids often are), and he also perfectly mimics the narcissism of so many candidates, were they to explain why they’re really running.

  5. We will have to disagree neo. As parents we were very restrictive about exposure to TV and other sources related to politics and world events when our children were young. This included adult conversation. Exposure to politics and world events was reserved to the teenage years when more nuanced family discussions were possible.

  6. Children should be exposed to conservative politics and values from conception. You want to inculcate the founders values when they are young so that they become the unconscious basis for their decisions later in life.

    If you can find a conservative church/synagogue, kids should be taken there weekly to help create an unconscious set of moral values as well.

    Ideally you should find conservative schools and send kids there.

    In sum kids should be immersed in conservative political and religious values their whole lives.

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