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My brain made me do it! — 12 Comments

  1. Fine. I won’t say Atkins!

    Good Day to you madame!!

    I said Good Day!!

  2. Yujin and FourWFive:

    Of course, you’re free to say anything you want. But if you look at the links I provided (and those are just two; there are more discussions of the same type at this blog), we’ve said almost all there is to say about it, over and over. I’m just tired of repeating myself.

  3. I’m not sure where the agouti related protein fits in to the entire scheme. It seems to be one link in a complex chain with links which are probably still undiscovered.

  4. I was just messin’ with you. You are right, it’s been talked to death.

  5. Atkins or no Atkins, it worth to remind that 99% of our species evolutionary history our ancesters were on the brink of starvation which clamed much more lives then all other causes of death combined. No wonder that we are excelently armed by our brains wiring to fight hunger and very poorly to fight abundance.

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