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Let’s see… — 16 Comments

  1. ” ABC seems to think he’s just as objective as ever; . . . .”

    Well, Stephanopoulos *is* just as objective as ever.

  2. Who doesn’t have a conflict of interest in high politics. I suppose the best we can hope for is that those interests intersect with The Constitution and Americans.

  3. n.n.:

    Journalists are supposed to disclose their conflicts of interest. Stephanopoulos not only didn’t disclose it, he did interviews and commentary directly about the Clinton Foundation while not disclosing it.

  4. Georgie made continual references to the author of Clinton Cash working for Bush, but conveniently failed to tell the audience *he worked for the Clintons & donated over 3 years
    $25000 to their …. Slush fund er Foundation* !
    Hardly a neutral interviewer.

  5. Really worse than outright lies of Brian Williams. At least Williams didn’t lie on air. George presents himself as an objective journalist when he is really a complete tool of the Dem party.

  6. ABC (All Barack Channel)
    is a totally saturated Democrat party operation.
    Stossel says he was *shut out * not spoken to in the hallways etc when his political leanings became Libertarian & incredibly upper management still carries a *torch* of sorrow &
    breast beating & garment rending over the
    JFK assassination !!! Talk about your unprogressing Progressives !

  7. Remember, Georgie is also the one who worked with the Democratic Party to support their whole birth control campaign ploy by injecting it into an interview where the issue didn’t even exist. And beating it like a dead horse. People were scratching their heads about what had gotten into him. It only became clear later that he was acting as a tool for the Democratic campaign, and not as a journalist doing his job without fear or favor. That should have gotten him booted from his job right there. ABC really has no integrity. At least NBC has a bit.

  8. I’m still waiting for the day we stop complaining that the force of gravity is 9.8 m/sec2.

    Look, when you drop things they go down! And I so wanted them to go up!

    Look, an MSMer is a partisan hack and not really a reporter at all! An I so wanted him to be!!!!!

    I think I will cry until gravity is reversed and the MSM is fair.

    We should not be complaining about gravity. We should be flying. We should not be complaining about Joseph Goebbels. We should be defeating Hitler.

    Make no mistake, We have an enemy now inside the country far more dangerous than Hitler ever was on his worst day, and far more deadly potentially.

    That’s the truth.

  9. If the GOP allowed Georgie anywhere near a debate, even before the news broke of the contributions, the people in charge should be beaten with a stick

  10. Any media person as a GOP debate “mediator”? For God’s sake, why? I mean, even before the Crowley mauling of Romney. The RNC is peopled with worms.
    There is nothing to mediate in these debates. Just give them the questions (pre-screened, pre-approved by all candidates) and have a timekeeper, cut them off if they go over.

  11. A GOP debate moderator? How about Mark Levin? yeah, that’ll never happen.

    I’d be happy for any debate moderator to be someone who can’t be demonstrated to be a Democrat shill with no more than 30 seconds with Google. I’m not even sure _that_ will ever happen.

    I remember saying in 2004 that the MSM (meaning the “usual suspects”) had stopped making any effort to be objective and non-partisan, and in 2008 they’d stopped even pretending they were. In 2016? Let’s just say, even Saturday Night Live’s sharpest satire will probably pale in comparison.

    I’m beginning to believe that “The Onion” really is “America’s finest news source”, since it’s becoming harder and harder to distinguish their witty parodies from the alleged real thing.

  12. The Left seems to have a lot of resources. One wonders why people continue to allow the Left to re use those resources.

  13. First Dan Rather at CBS, then Brian Williams at NBC and now Georgie S at ABC. The Big Three have been exposed for the partisan lying shams that they are.

    And MSNBC’s ratings are at all time lows.

    CNN race baits and covers wrecks and natural disasters to fill time.

    If Big Corporate just stopped subsidizing them, maybe they would just go away.

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