Home » Hillary Clinton supports the fight


Hillary Clinton supports the fight — 9 Comments

  1. Its easy… she supports their fighting, and so does not pick a side… she loves a good fight… but then again, the game is to get them to raise it to 15, then let the unions have an excemption… this then would be what a company who may go out of business would have to side with to get a lower rate… ie. make the salary too high for anyone but union workers…

  2. Just as their Holy Grail, The Life of Brian is an excellent spoof of the human condition in so many ways.

  3. Hillary doesn’t support the goal, she supports the fight for the goal.

    IOW, she supports conflict for its own sake. Her foreign policy now makes sense.

  4. “….and, along comes this Jesus fellow…and, OFF he goes like a rat through the aquaduct..!”

    My Favorite Quote From “Brian”.

  5. The $9 an hour people marching for $15 an hour don’t realize that the $15 an hour person is a better employee who will replace them.

  6. “It’s symbolic of his struggle against reality…”

    Wow, sums up liberals in a nutshell.


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