Home » Turning the other cheek—to spit on


Turning the other cheek—to spit on — 59 Comments

  1. “He noted that the men who spat on him are likely “very good” individuals who were probably “caught up in excitement and past resentment.”

    Turning the other cheek is one thing and makes sense in the situation but making excuses for the evil doer is another thing entirely. The priest’s excuses for evil are part that bothers me most about the story.

  2. This priest is no doubt a democrat, and probably gay himself. I know several in my community just like this.

    He is deeply misinformed. “Turn the other cheek” is merely an admonishment to avoid petty feuds or honor killings. It most emphatically does not mean that you cannot protect you and yours from violence. It has never been some sort of central doctrine, or high in the teaching of the Church, nor has had this sort of weight.

    Christianity is not a suicide pact; Christians have stood in arms and defended their faith (and even propagated it) for around 16 centuries. Time to do so again. Every Communist regime has tried to eliminate Christians.

    What the Left is trying to do with all of this must be pushed directly before the public.

    We really need to stop this “turn the other cheek” business. The Left is counting on it.

    I pity this priest for this reaction. He should have called a cop, and he is not doing those gays a favor.

    But note, they are not going into the Bronx and aggravating a fundamentalist black religious community. If they did that they would be lucky to make it out alive.

  3. As to the gays generally extremely petulant behavior, Genesis 19 comes to mind. Quite remarkable:
    The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 “My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.”

    “No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.”

    3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom–both young and old–surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”…

    9 “Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door….

  4. And the Constitution is also not a suicide pact either.

    With this Supreme Court headed up by King Kennedy and the deferential John Roberts I’m not so sure.

    Hattip: Fr. Morris is no Dem. He’s a regular on Fox. He may be gay but my gaydar isn’t alerted for him. The Church has been better about not hiring non-celibate homosexuals since the sex scandals. Many are just high minded nice people with a religious vocation.

  5. No mention of any other participants in the parade leaping to the defense of the priest, was there. Failure to stand up for his rights puts the other participants in the same category as the spitters.

    Now , the question is whether even Fox would dare to relate this incident on one of their news shows. Nah, I didn’t think so either.

  6. I agree with hattip442 that “turn the other cheek” should not be interpreted to deny people any moral justification for standing up for themselves.

    That said, I also have to call out the good priest. He had to have known that tweeting about the incident thereafter in the way that he did promotes his own virtues and uses the actions of two disrespectful people to smear a whole class of people even in presuming their “good[ness]”

    I am not saying he should not have tweeted about the incident at all. That is his right. But the wording came across to me as sanctimonious and passive aggressive.

  7. Yes, I suppose one can be a “very good” individual and nonetheless also be a rude, hateful jerk. But I am perplexed by “I deserve worse” . . .

    It’s not my mission in life to psychoanalyze Father Jonathan’s mind, but I simply cannot comprehend the thought behind “I deserve worse”; I cannot imagine what depths of self-hatred would lead one to blandly accept being spat on, *and* feeling s/he deserves (yet) worse.

    Humility is not the same as self-deprecation, Father Jonathan; humility does go hand-in-hand with simple individual dignity. (Sez M J R.)

  8. St. Catherine of Siena advised one of her followers that when you’re insulted, remember that you deserve it. There’s nothing un-Christian about that idea. In this case, I think that M is right; blogging about it comes off as passive-aggressive.

    A priest’s duty, in any religion, is to bear the burden of sacrifice for his people. It’s entirely correct for a priest to put himself in a situation to be spit on, and to pray for those who do.

  9. The Left is very close to a heretical dogmatic version of Christianity. They twist things a certain way.

    If people had a real education and a background in theology, they could argue back. These days they are just mindless zombies Obeying Authority.

    Spineless cowards aren’t going to defend Western civilization. The admirable part of saints and martyrs were that society persecuted, hunted, and spat upon them, but the saints and martyrs refused to bend knee to authority other than Divine Authority.

    Spineless cowards will do something else.

  10. I forgot to add that the priest, by this understanding, is cruel to the kind – that is, to himself.

  11. Not to himself, for all the other victims of the homos who have to stay quiet for fear of being targeted.

  12. For decades, gay activists told us straights that we were intolerant. They were joined by the media. They wanted us to treat them like “normal” people. We normal people knew we were not intolerant. We knew that all human beings had certain rights, so we began to yield a little here, a little there. Jobs, etc. We figured that if we accepted them a little bit more into normal society, they would act more like normal people. And we knew normal people were tolerant, and proved it by our acceptance.

    But jobs, housing etc. wasn’t enough. They wanted to be couples, like normal people. So we yielded some more and gave them civil unions, with all the same rights as married heteros.

    That wasn’t enough. Even though they were/are different from heteros in a very basic way (what could be more basic than sexual preference?) they still wanted us to regard them as normal. So some states yielded on marriage, thinking maybe that would finally satisfy them. We would stretch our tolerance even further, and “treat” them as normal and they could play at being married (even though we all knew that their “marriages” could not entail the historic, biological and cultural mandate of producing children).

    That wasn’t enough. Some states didn’t give them the right to be married. They finally got the Supreme Court to ignore the Constitution and decree that they have a right to be married. But as we are seeing, that isn’t gong to be enough, either.

    They want us to think that they are normal.

  13. I doubt that this is the first time there’s two guys spat on anyone. Especially since they did it in tandem. What, do they go around with loogies loaded up, ready to double-punish those that they hate? Or did they have to confer first? “Hey, there’s that Fox News priest! I have a unique idea for two normally nice guys like us! Let’s both spit on him! Wait, wait wait! I’ve got to work up my spit! Wait! … Ok, let’s go!”

    But he’s right to forgive them, wrong to excuse them.

  14. Cap’n Rusty, 6:17 pm — “But as we are seeing, that isn’t going to be enough, either.”

    Nothing’s *ever* enough for bullies, particularly for bullies with attitude.

    And that’s not just gays we’re talkin’ ’bout here; it’s the entire friggin’ left. Nothing short of an authoritarian, left-governed dhimmitude [dare I use that word?] will do.

    Woe is us (what’ll be left of us, anyway).

  15. Just what was the Priest to do when they spit on him? Punch him in the face? Spit back on them? What would that achieve?

    If he did that we would see Washington Post headlines about a crazed priest attacking two innocent gay people. Fox News would let him tell his side of the story, but for most on the left that would be more proof of how evil he was (and how good they are.) If there was video of him being spit on they would still believe he was evil. This way, at least, he does not give them ammunition. While I don’t think his turning the other cheek will make the idiots who spit on him repent their actions, if he retaliated they would probably convince themselves that they were the victims.

    If you told me that the cop in Garland TX should have turned the other cheek and let the terrorists kill people, I’d think you were nuts. But these people were just assholes and if you were to retaliate against every asshole you meet you would never stop. There are just too many assholes in the world.

  16. You should see some videos that are out there of gays and feminists disrupting Masses, press conferences, pro life rallies, etc. Demon possessed, I’m sure. The Catholic in me thinks that not returning violence with violence is the ideal, the conservative in me would probably spit right back.

    I’m a decent Catholic, but more like St. Jerome (who had a bad temper) than what we Christians expect.

  17. I think the title of this post should be changed. Maybe it should read ‘turning the other cheek–to be spit on.’ Or ‘turning the other cheek–to those who would spit on you.’

  18. The dog stuff above should have been:
    You should see some videos that are out there of gays and feminists disrupting Masses, press conferences, pro life rallies, etc. Demon possessed, I’m sure.


  19. “They want us to think that they are normal.” Cap’n Rusty

    Not quite. They want us to act as if they are normal, so that future generations will believe that any deviation (no matter how extreme) from the norm is ‘normal’. Absent a belief in an objective, transcendent divinity, ‘normal’ is whatever the mob is told it to be.

  20. They want some external voice to tell them their actions are normal so loudly that it drowns out the internal voice telling them they’re not.

  21. I’ve watched and listened to him a lot on Fox, Imus, and other spots, and I doubt he’s gay, but more to the point, he’s a decent guy. He gets a lot of flak from almost everyone, and handles it graciously regardless of who’s throwing crap at him.
    He’s an easy target to pick on, and there’s not much else he could have, or should have done. The fallout would have been far worse for him and his church.
    If your saviour is Jesus, and you’re a freaking priest, I’d say that’s the response your Lord expected, including the forgiveness.

  22. starlord, 7:33 pm — “If your saviour is Jesus, and you’re a freaking priest, I’d say that’s the response your Lord expected, including the forgiveness.”

    To turn the other cheek, yes. To forgive, yes. To “deserve worse” — no. Gimme a break.

    Perhaps to *expect* worse, then yes. Jesus warned his followers of persecutions to come (and he expected his followers to love their persecutors; now that’s one heckuva tall order!).

    So, to expect worse, yes. But to *deserve* worse? No.

  23. I read his “I deserve worse” as a sort of “we are all sinners” type of response. As in, “any amount of contempt and ill-will these two individuals, who do not even know me, may still have towards me is more justified than they might think because, having an insight into my mind and my soul, I know that I have done things worthy of a much stronger reaction and am therefore a fellow sinner”.

    The translation of his second tweet is probably something like: “_I_ commit to presuming the more charitable interpretation of another’s act, rather than the less charitable one, in absence of a fuller context – even when they do exactly the opposite thing with regard to my own person.”

    His non-reaction is probably due to the fact that this was an insult more than an assault (which would allow for self-defense). What should he have done without lowering himself to their level?

  24. Matthew; Anna:

    I don’t think the priest should have retaliated in kind—that’s not the point at all. But what he said was definitely a problem—he deserved worse? They are good people? What sort of claptrap is that? Perhaps we should send him a hairshirt and a scourge, although those are more okay because they are between him and the deity rather than between him and other people whose bad behavior he’s excusing and validating.

    I was unaware they had come to him to confess. And even after confession, aren’t people supposed to do some sort of penance?

    By the way, spitting at a person is a crime, the crime of battery; see this:

    It may come as some surprise that a battery generally does not require any intent to harm the victim (although such intent often exists in battery cases). Instead, a person need only have an intent to contact or cause contact with an individual. Additionally if someone acts in a criminally reckless or negligent manner that results in such contact, it may constitute an assault. As a result, accidentally bumping into someone, offensive as the “victim” might consider it to be, would not constitute a battery. –

    The criminal act required for battery boils down to an offensive or harmful contact. This can range anywhere from the obvious battery where a physical attack such as a punch or kick is involved, to even minimal contact in some cases. Generally, a victim doesn’t need to be injured or harmed for a battery to have occurred, so long as an offensive contact is involved. In a classic example, spitting on an individual doesn’t physically injure them, but it nonetheless can constitute offensive contact sufficient for a battery. Whether a particular contact is considered offensive is usually evaluated from the perspective of the “ordinary person”.

    If the people can be identified, they actually should be charged with battery.

  25. Christ advised to turn the other cheek, but he condemned calling the dysfunctional (i.e. “evil”) functional (i.e. “good”). The priest should not apologize for his religion or God’s nature.

  26. If there are good people in there somewhere then they need to be taught manners and restraint. That’s why police put people in jail for battery for spitting on people… to make them stop the behavior in the future. Should have learned as children… but if they failed to…

    Turning the other cheek won’t help them.

  27. If Fr Morris felt *he* deserved “worse”, perhaps his conscience is bothering him for some reason only he ‘s aware of ????

  28. Being of the Left does seem to grant one a license to hate. TB is one the rise in many places as a result of TB infected drug abusers not staying on their meds long enough. But we should never judge people by their action, nor insist that they stay on their meds until they are cured. That would be narrow minded, and bigoted.

  29. ‘Fraid I ain’t nevr gonna be that high minded and noble. Jeepers, and I’m Goooood with that.

  30. “It spreads TB, among other diseases. TB is making a comeback, by the way.”

    Ellis Island’s primary purpose was to screen new immigrants and insure they were disease free and economically able to support themselves. Also the shipping companies that brought them over had to transport those that were rejected back to their country of origin for free. So one would think an initial screening took place before their departure.

    Compare that idea of selective immigration for the benefit of the country to the current one- Come one, Come all. We are a nation of immigrants!!! We will even send planes down to Central America to bring parents up.

    Is it any wonder TB is making a comeback? Just another fact to consider: The disease resistant type of TB costs the hospital that treats it around $250K/patient. Who do you think pays that cost? Gracias Gringos Stupid –> Thanks Stupid Gringos 🙁 🙁

  31. A question for you Neo:
    What do Al Sharpton and Ben Carson have in common? Now apply that to the spitters, and all those gays who wouldn’t be caught dead at a gay pride event. Collective guilt works both ways.

  32. Whether or not you agree with Father Morris, he’s not acting outside what his Savior would expect. (And I can’t believe I am arguing this as I am the worst Christian on earth)
    Here’s a few of Jesus’s own words that are probably familiar to the least devout of Christians – from Matthew 9, in one of many translations:

    Our Father, which art in heaven,
    Hallowed be thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come.
    Thy will be done, in earth,
    As it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    As we forgive them that trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    But deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    The power, and the glory,
    For ever and ever.

    And in 14: “14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

    Seems pretty clear to me why a priest would excuse someone spitting on him. And we are arguing over semantics – I don’t for a second believe that Morris doesn’t know the difference between evil and good. Spitting is an insult, it’s not evil. It’s bad behavior. Does he deserve worse? Only he knows, but I would guess without knowing him it was his version of “let he without sin cast the first stone”. The idea that making such a comment hints toward dark secrets seems like a stretch.
    It’s hard for me to read some of these comments – some openly insulting and accusatory toward a guy who reacted consistent with his faith. Imperfectly, maybe, but not incorrectly.
    It seems to me a lot of the anger and surprise expressed here has to do with a representative of good, not setting an example by speaking out against immoral or bad behavior. If that’s the criticism, it could be made without suggesting he’s a pervert, a sympathizer to evil, and whatever else seems to be the issue.
    I would have knocked the guys teeth out, but I can also understand his response, in the context of what Jesus would have done, and trying to walk his path, which is how I understand the priesthood. And I admittedly don’t understand much of it.
    Father Morris isn’t Jesus, but it seems he tried, imperfectly, to behave in a way that Jesus would have approved. Like it or not, Jesus was the guy who stood up for prostitutes and other imperfect people – sinners, many of them, with the basic message it was up to his Father to make those judgments, and for us to love the sinner as we would non-sinners.
    I can’t do it – not sincerely. And that among other things is what makes a me a shitty Christian.

  33. I can’t do it — not sincerely. And that among other things is what makes a me a shitty Christian.
    Indeed, you’re supposed to turn the other cheek.
    We’re just not sure which ‘cheek’ anymore ….

  34. … on 11 April 1793: after the insurgents’ victory, many of them planned to avenge their dead and slaughter the Republican prisoners (approx. 400). D’Elbée tried to prevent them, and eventually asked them to recite the Our Father, which they did; then, when they had reached the sentence “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us”, he interrupted them with the words: “Do not lie to God!”. Moved by this reproach, his men turned away, and d’Elbée was able to save the prisoners. This episode has since become known as “Le Pater d’Elbée” (d’Elbée’s Pater Noster)…

    Eventually the Chouans were victims of systematic mass drownings by the French Revolutionaries. D’Elbée himself was casually dispatched as we shall all be if we let it happen if we are too confused about which ‘cheek’ to turn …

    Your Obama voting Libtard family, ‘friends’, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances do not mean you well ….

  35. Now class..
    does anyone not understand how the shoa (final solution to the jewish problem) was easy to make happen?

    J.R. Salzman is a champion log roller and disabled Iraq war veteran who lost his right arm below the elbow, and had his left hand crushed.

    He was commenting on the gay marriage case on Twitter when he came under twitter attack by despicable people who attacked him for losing an arm and being a veteran therefore ‘killing children and raping women’.

    the things they said were horrible..
    the money comment as to their behavior:
    “No wonder these people want despising them to be criminalized.”

    not my problem any more..
    i poured my heart out and was also spit on by a few here (only a few), and was trying to explain what was coming…

    want to know how far back you could have known what was to COME?

    with the newest ruling from the supreme court that non citizens can vote in elections and such… which i guess would include people on vacation from a communist state too…

    not my problem..
    i am only waiting to die
    there is nothing else to do here

    good luck.
    as i said 10 years ago..
    if people dont wise up and learn how things work and how things are accomplished under this system, the end of the United States as we know it would be a fait accompli… i was told i was being too negative.

    would i be too negative to point out: fait accompli?

    have to go before this reaches procrustes proportions and trigger actions.

    way too funny in a infinite goof kind of way!
    the big fun will be when the feminists and others find out what the consequences of this is and what will have to happen.

    after all… before they did something to make them all come out and exclaim what they are in ignorance that various socialisms consider them to be tagged with pink triangles, and taken care of.

    the state favors sharia, and sharia favors exterminating them, and before you exterminate them, you need them to tell you what they are withough hiding..

    gonna be fun too when the feminists and women lose power because they no longer represent a dominant group by numbers – and ended up exterminating themselves to the point of going from huge numbers to more dying than being born today… good job grrrrrls… your going to LOVE what you did!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and for those that were not a part of it, your gonna love what you let happen… the same way good people in the black community let thugs define them!)

  36. Western civilization is dying. Soon there’ll be public urination and turning the other cheek. Then again, Europe may already have developed that.

    The Roman Catholic church had a lot of negative blowback concerning homo and promiscuous and unnatural pleasure, due to the orgies the Romans liked to partake of in the latter days of their era.

  37. starlord:

    I suppose that it depends on what the meaning of “forgive” is.

    I am not an expert on Jesus, that’s for sure. But “forgiveness” in Judaism is predicated on the idea that you need to forgive someone if he/she recognizes that he/she has wronged you and asks you for forgiveness. It is considered wrong to withhold forgiveness if the person shows remorse and a desire to act differently in the future. Short of that, forgiveness is not required and is even frowned on, although it is certainly permitted. The idea is that forgiveness without the person showing remorse, etc., just encourages bad behavior.

    I don’t know all that much about the words of Jesus, but I also found this in the New Testament:

    5. Luke 17:3-4 NIV

    So watch yourselves. “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says , ‘I repent,’ forgive him.”

    “If he repents forgive him” is exactly the sort of thing I’m talking about. The statement in Luke 17:3-4 is pretty much the same as the Jewish teaching on forgiveness. See this for a more complete explanation of the Jewish attitude towards forgiveness and repentance.

  38. i poured my heart out and was also spit on by a few here

    The truth is the Leftist feminists spit on you and you do nothing against them, but instead target people like Neo Neo here because she won’t do the same to you. Thus it’s a lie you are telling yourself and the one thing I hate more than a pathetic loser male is deceivers, even if they are useful to the cause.

  39. The Other Chuck:

    I did apply it when I wrote:

    Well, it’s true that most in that parade didn’t do it, although I’m not sure there weren’t some others who would have if they’d seen him. I am almost positive that most gay people wouldn’t do it, either, nor would most liberals.

    My focus is on the priest’s response to the people who did spit on him.

  40. starlord Says: And in 14: “14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

    Seems pretty clear to me why a priest would excuse someone spitting on him. And we are arguing over semantics — I don’t for a second believe that Morris doesn’t know the difference between evil and good.

    you do know the meanings of that phrase, no?
    why not include the Luke version?

    And he said to them, “When you pray, say:

    2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

    3 Give us day by day our daily bread.

    4 And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

    Though Matthew 6:12 uses the term debts, the older English versions of the Lord’s Prayer uses the term trespasses, while ecumenical versions often use the term sins. The latter choice may be due to Luke 11:4 [above]

    Matthew continues with a request for debts to be forgiven in the same manner as people have forgiven those who have debts against them. Luke, on the other hand, makes a similar request about sins being forgiven in the manner of debts being forgiven between people. The word “debts” (ὀφειλήματα) does not necessarily mean financial obligations, as shown by the use of the verbal form of the same word (ὀφείλετε) in passages such as Romans 13:8

    The Aramaic word ḥé´bé¢ can mean “debt” or “sin”


    now… if you read it correctly… the gay persons spitting deserve nothing… to what do they owe the priest? to what prior relationship do they have?

    the bible does not say that one cant protect oneself, in fact it says the opposite…

    the way this is in the discussion is the idiocy of the pacifists, not turning the other cheek among the people you live with, work with, etc.

    jesus did not intend you to be a door mat

  41. Ymarsakar Says:
    June 30th, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    The truth is the Leftist feminists spit on you and you do nothing against them, but instead target people like Neo Neo here because she won’t do the same to you. Thus it’s a lie you are telling yourself and the one thing I hate more than a pathetic loser male is deceivers, even if they are useful to the cause.

    Really? so being one of the founders of the MGTOW movement is nothing? i wrote articles for a long time…

    and my point was to people that came before you… like huxley.. and others..

    but thanks for standing up and volunteering to be heard…

    by the way… how could you claim what you claim without being a moron assuming everything in a life of a person you have not met, and dont particularly talk nice to or even care about?

    which leads me back to the point i have been making the past couple of weeks…

    given that there is a bible theme running, i will use that to explain:
    Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother’s eye.

    And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

    broken people cant fix a broken society
    even less, if they dont know it about themselves
    or if their morals and ethics are conditional

    hey Ymarsakar
    what caused you to act that way, think that way, and respond to me that way? to what end or purpose? do you treat everyone that way, if not, why not?

    your NTB… but you think you are…

  42. oh… and i am not a deciever…
    and i am not a loser any more than anyone who is halted by a larger power against their will and without recourse

    What would you suppose i do?
    and would you give me the money to do it as i dont have any… my family came here with nothing… they lost their money, their friends, their family, their language, their property, and more… we lived in a bad area, and never had much money… i went to bronx science, but did not know at the time that the state had conspired to end that career before i even finished that… just as the state and the acadamie now conspires against people like my son, or the chinese, and many others…

    so what would you suppose i do?
    risk my family? do something nutty that wont change anything?

    maybe i should teach people who are somewhat interested in the history they dont know, the methods they havent learned and so on

    but then again… we are talking about people like you, and your about as receptive to learning and understanding as oil is receptive to water.

    by the way… neo and i have been friends for over ten years… and you dont know crap about much other than what you make up in your head and assume in the same place then come out and act upon as an idiot without any kind of consideration

  43. Activist Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, is demanding the U.S. military conduct a purge of chaplains who holds to the traditional teaching of homosexuality and marriage espoused by the first commander in chief, George Washington.

    Weinstein claims chaplains who are “maintaining the state of antagonism between their religion and the sexual/gender identities of service members” have no business serving in the military.

    to those that dont know history in the fine details,…
    this is what hitler did..
    and lenin tried
    and stalin pressed for

    the larger point to take home from this is that there is giong to be a war as all this social faceting has the point of making our defense machine a broken one!!!

    from forcing people who cant do the job into critical places… ie manufactured failure
    to adding people and priveleges that demoralize the larger contingents
    to removing the ability to have a reason to fight
    to removing the ability to repair and make and so forth

    feminism removed dad teaching son, who in war would have abilities outside of what boot camp could teach… like basic machine repair, physics principals, etc… moms dont teach that very much

    feminism removed the inspiratoin to defense… what for? a woman that takes your property, for kids that may not be yours… to wives that clean out husbands who serve but cant come home to go ot court… to removing pictures… ending the family back home to think about… and on and on

    in fact… they exterminate so much of themselves that from 1968 to today, the population has collapsed to the piont in which more of the people who want freedom and would and have fought for it are dying than being born… they made themselves irrelevant as the left only represents the groups that are large or growing in power.

    ie. they shift with the winds of power and nothing else.

    to those that always knew what was going on for the past 40 years… this is a comedy… its hysterically funny…

    but the real fun will start when the people who extermintated their own base for the fake power they got to do it, wake up and realize what they did…

    “will it ever be the same?” no sascha…

    or to quote franken furter: “nothing, will ever be the same”

    eventually we all are forced to sit and dine at a table laden with consequences of our actions and inactions

    will the ladies that dismantled the USA take a bow?
    heck.. they dont even know that it was them that did it!!!!!!!!!
    they mostly dont even know that their movement is communist and doing that to society was the goal from day one with the left.

    the Making of the Feminine Mystique
    Friedan was first exposed to socialist thinking while an undergraduate at Smith College in the late 1930s (pp. 39-49).
    (so unless you have a socialist revolutionary concept to point to that goes prior to that and the humongous multibillion dollar movement that has changed family, language, social practice, law, negated constitition, showed how to game the supreme court with penumbras that set the stage for todays stuff, and more…)

    Beginning in 1940, while still a junior at Smith, Friedan became an outspoken advocate of the Popular Front, a pro-Communist umbrella that embraced a broad range of radical groups (p. 10)

    While studying psychology at UC-Berkeley 1942-43, Friedan was a member of the Young Communist League (p. 93)

    From 1943 to 1946, Friedan worked as journalist at the Federated Press, a left-wing news service established by Socialist Party members (p. 102).

    In 1944, Friedan requested to join the American Communist Party. According to her FBI file, Friedan was turned down because “there already were too many intellectuals in the labor movement” (p. 93).

    From 1946 to 1952, Friedan worked as a journalist (some would say “propagandist” is the more accurate term) at the radical United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America. According to historian Ronald Schatz, this labor union was “the largest Communist-lead institution of any kind in the United States.” (p. 133).

    the movement started with the most gullible in our society
    the women

    and since women cant admit that, we will never be free
    because without that, there is no way to reverse course
    thelma and louise are taking everyone over the cliff!!!!

  44. “There is nothing that feminists said or did in the 1960’s-1980’s that wasn’t prefigured in the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA) of the 1940’s and 1950’s.”

    Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women’s Liberation, feminist historian Kate Weigand states: “ideas, activists and traditions that emanated from the Communist movement of the forties and fifties continued to shape the direction of the new women’s movement of the 1960s and later.”(pg 154)

    In the late 1940’s, CPUSA leaders realized that the labor movement was becoming increasingly hostile to Communism. They began to focus on women and African Americans. They hoped “male supremacy” would “bring more women into the organization and into the fight against the domestic policies of the Cold War.” (pg 80)

    Communist women who made up 40% of the party wanted more freedom to attend party meetings. After the publication of “Women Against Myth” in 1948, the CPUSA initiated a process of “re-educating” men that we recognize only too well today.

    “Families are stronger and happier if the father knows how to fix the cereal, tie the bibs and take care of the youngsters.” (pg 127)

    The Party ordered men who didn’t take the woman question seriously to complete “control tasks involving study on the woman question.” In 1954 the Los Angeles branch disciplined men for “hogging discussion at club meetings, bypassing women comrades in leadership and making sex jokes degrading to women.” (94)

    [we call that mansplaining now]

    Communist women formalized a sophisticated Marxist analysis of the “woman question.” The books In Women’s Defense (1940) by Mary Inman, Century of Struggle (1954) by Eleanor Flexner and The Unfinished Revolution (1962) by Eve Merriam recorded women’s oppression and decried sexism in mass culture and language. For example, Mary Inman argued that “manufactured femininity” and “overemphasis on beauty” keeps women in subjection (33)

    and from the 45 goals of the communist party

    26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

    37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business

    38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

    40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

    42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems

    Thursday, January 10, 1963…

    i think ALL the points are now fulfilled as of the latest supreme court ruling and so on.

  45. I remember a time, not that long ago, when a guy was accused of having SPIT on a congressman.
    1.) The mainstream media covered it ad nauseum, playing up the allegation that the “SPITTER” was a Tea Party radical. An illustration as to how “evil” these conservatives were.
    2.) The issue of race was brought up, given that the congressman was a black man and the media did their best to foment racial anxieties and divisions.
    This incident was covered for days if not weeks. Much was made of it, even after video of the event was released, giving pretty clear evidence that it was not a spit at all. Not a LOOGIE or anything akin to it.
    I remember when the media made much ado about nothing in a spitting incident that turned out to be nonsense.
    Spit on a priest? Nothing to report here.

  46. so being one of the founders of the MGTOW movement is nothing?

    What does that have to do with anything, you think some title or award from society, what some normals gave you before, is going to improve your status here?

    by the way… how could you claim what you claim without being a moron assuming everything in a life of a person you have not met, and dont particularly talk nice to or even care about?

    Most of those things are things Art told us. And judging by your textual formatting, you’re the same person as before. The idea that you get to decide who is a moron when you think reading Sun Tzu’s Art of War makes you an equal to Sun Tzu… is not helping you out here. That’s also something you wrote down and claimed before.

    oh… and i am not a deciever…

    Says the person that thinks Huxley and others here spit on him. This is the internet, if I could transfer enough energy to make a spit appear on your side of the computer screen, other things could happen too. But that’s not how current physics work. So who do you think you’re lying to, yourself when you think you got spat on here or the other people here who you think are gullible enough to believe your claims? Also, information travels between these computer screens, spit however does not, even though people have wanted it to. So we “know” you Art because you expose yourself all the time by your behavior and attitude. We know a lot more about you than you know about being spat upon on the internet, just so you know since spit is a physical phenomenon and you were trying to make yourself into a masculine martyr by co opting that priest’s problem.

    If you hadn’t kept repeating that you had Asberger’s in order to avoid losing arguments, it might be assessed that your remark about being spat upon was a joke or exaggeration. Except people like that don’t take hints, they take things very literally because they can’t read between the lines.

    So compared to the delusions you’ve had before where you convinced yourself Neo Neo was helping feminists out here, that piece reinforces the line of thought that you’re deceiving yourself, deceiver.

    Why do I assess Art like that? I’ve been updating his profile for at least a year now. Maybe because you don’t read the old comments where you start arguments but never finish them, you think what I’m writing is something new. It’s not new for me.

    they are there, and other men… but unlike the women the men are smarter. a bunch of bikers beating up half naked women would come out how in video on world news? instead, what you have now is an example of wacko nuttiness up against stoic morality… with the idea that the wacko nuts want more abortion, and the stoics want to just worship and be left alone.

    as far as i can tell the only people admiring the women are elits and more wacko women… pretty much everyone else is not looking at them with favorable eyes, and are looking at the men putting their bodies in the way to protect the churches without hurting the women admirable, heroic, stoic, and basically the things that make men great (that these women hate so much)

    the feminists have tried to hide what makes masculine great, but when they do this, they bring out exactly why it IS great, and why women were not equally part of politics for eons… not cause they are women, but because they behave this way and have a nutty set of ideas of whats important for government blatantly siding with being paid off to exist.

    http moonbattery com/?p=55228

    Art, you wrote that 4 months, according to Dis. What part of Art ful dodger here lecturing us about Neo Neocon helping feminists, ignoring Leftist events that Art wants to talk about, what part of Art ful dodger lecturing us as his inferiors, is part of your masculine nobility? What are you defending and who are you linking arms with here, besides nobody? To you, someone taking abuse is heroic and stoic. This is from you, not me. You’ve already described how Leftists harass you without describing anything you did to get back at them, yet you go to such lengths to verbally harangue Neo Neocon about various things you want to talk about. If you’re such an honest art ful dodger about being a founder of the Men Going their Own Way, why do you never link to their blogs and articles? Why do you always like to harangue people about feminists you hate on the net and lecture us about how superior you are to the rest of us? Half the links you get about feminists you copy and paste here, probably come from their websites and social media.

    Do you just lie to yourself all the time that you can’t tell the difference between reality and personal subjective views now.


    As for why else I think as I do about you Art, you can refer to the old threads.

    Art elevates himself above the rest of us, on the presumption that he has skills, that his understanding is greater than, for example my own. And yet, his performance and judgment leaves much to be desired to the point where I must once again inform him that as far as he thinks he is above me, I think a more accurate assessment is how far beneath me he is.

    Maybe your memory is retarded Art, so you can claim to not remember what you did here and wrote about me back when you got your “I am an equal to Sun Tzu because I read his book” negated and rejected by me. Since my intellectual abilities are better than yours, I do still recall it.

  47. To the readers: While Neo has tried to make this an adult conversation, some reader members have gone off the reservation in my opinion. As a member of the reader class, let me offer an apology for the blowhards above. And while they share some interesting facts in their posts, their “liberal win at all costs personal attack” approach makes reading their shared relevant facts- tedious and unsatisfying. But then none of them will understand what I am talking about, in my opinion. 🙁

  48. But then none of them will understand what I am talking about…
    What are you talking about?

  49. “liberal win at all costs personal attack….”
    … Agents with weapons drawn swarmed through every part of the house. They barged into the bathroom where my partner was showering. I was told to shut up and sit down. The officers rummaged through drawers, cabinets and closets. Their aggressive assault on my home seemed more appropriate for a dangerous criminal, not a longtime public servant with no criminal history.

    After they left, I surveyed the damage. Drawers and closets had been ransacked. My deceased mother’s belongings were strewn across the floor. Neighbors gathered in small clusters at the end of their driveways and the press arrived in force…
    …I have also been subjected to derogatory headlines and made the butt of jokes on talk radio and anti-Walker websites about everything from my personal appearance to my sexual orientation and mental stability. Neighbors became distant and suspicious….

    Is there anyone out there who still thinks that the publicly employed won’t slit your children’s throats for an extra $20 in their paycheck every week?

    Democrat Milwaukee County prosecutors tapped the email and text communications of conservative activists as part of a five-year probe aimed at bringing down Republican Gov. Scott Walker, affidavits reviewed by Wisconsin Watchdog reveal.

    …approach makes reading their shared relevant facts- tedious and unsatisfying. But then none of them will understand what I am talking about, in my opinion.
    Opinions are like a-holes. Everyone has one ….

  50. Mike II acts like Hussein, apologizing for America to the Saudis. Not sure where he thinks he gets enough Authority around here to do that for the community or its members.

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