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Obama in a nutshell — 18 Comments

  1. When the South effectively threw off the shackles of Democrat monopoly control over the political, economic, and religious communities of the South, this forced the Demoncrats to withdraw their forces. Which inevitably leads to local communities resurging and consolidating their power, to such an extent that the Sharptons and other Demoncrats, can’t even get a foot back in any more.

    Of course had Sharpton rode in on a horse crying out against Sherman and Lincoln, they might have gotten the support they needed to face this consolidated community of the South. But the Demoncrats gave up much of that control and support, decades ago, even though their propaganda weapons still remain partially viable.

    Sharpton, Jackson, and Hussein communities were “organized” by Leftists. Superficially, they looked solid and in control of themselves against outsiders, as the South looked the same in 1840 and 1850. But the truth was, the community was set up against themselves, they were divided so that they could be conquered. Whites against blacks. Later on the KKK used Reconstruction to pit Democrat whites vs Republican whites. The division knew no end, because the Demoncrats needed power, and the easiest way to do that was to break the bonds of community, of humanity, between different groups.

  2. When Democrats say that all the slave and Jim Crow stuff were the fault of Dixiecrats, and Dixiecrats are now the Republicans…. it’s a kind of weak propaganda defense.

    A serious intel analyst can easily tell that the Demoncrat SOP is the same now as it was back in the 19th century. This makes it much more plausible when thinking of an alliance of Leftists, given so many years of history to see how they operate.

  3. Re The Tao of Poo – kulturkrieg and rassenkrieg

    Does not the cultural, social, political, sturm und drang present in Western, American, daily news reports suggest something horrifically familiar to those of a certain age — my age (comfortably over a half century)?
    The stories are evident and daily linked to by news aggregating blogs Drudge, Breitbart, et al. These stories, at least the most egregious, are routinely of interest to the Neo-neocon blog. In the instances of rassenkrieg, a writer, Colin Flaherty, has earned himself a niche and a fairly good living.

    Following, four quotes, a reminiscence, and a conclusion.

    The Quotes (re the ressentiments and contradictions (Equality and Hatred) of the Zeitgeist):

    “The common man, finding himself in a world so excellent, technically and socially, believes that it has been produced by nature, and never thinks of the personal efforts of highly-endowed individuals which the creation of this new world presupposed.” “Mass man” [indulges himself in] “the free expansion of his vital desires,” permitted him by the very inherited civilization he hates, and screams and acts out, “his radical ingratitude towards all that has made possible the ease of his existence…
    “Mass man” moves largely on the basis of “a deadly hatred of all that is not itself,”
    — José Ortega y Gasset (Revolt Of The Masses, 1930)

    “Culture, because of its superiority, [becomes] the enemy” and “its creations… because they are not available for all… must be annihilated.”
    “the greatest danger has not yet been even named. What if, one day, class war and race war joined forces to make an end of the white world. This lies in the nature of things, and neither of the two Revolutions will disdain the aid of the other simply because it despises its supporters. A common hate extinguishes mutual contempt.”
    Oswald Spengler (The Hour Of Decision, 1933)

    NB: OyG observes the fact “that there are so few countries where an opposition [to mass man’s indulgences and radical ingratitude] exists.”
    Surely he would be shocked now to find not only no opposition but cultivation of such ressentiment.

    The Reminiscence:
    Charlie Manson, Helter Skelter, and the overcoming of the natural constraints of ressentiment*.

    The Conclusion:
    Everywhere in the West ressentiment is being advanced, cultivated, nurtured, and strengthened. The Tao of Poo and Helter Skelter are more than in the air — the toxicity can be found in all the elements on which humans depend. Tao of Poo is not a recent phenomenon but an ancient hatred – Gnosticism. The Tao of Poo is not an American phenomenon but a Western one. And as the dates of the quotes (early ‘30s) attest this phenomenon has long been noticed; well before the advent of community organizers.

    That which we were warned about as the ruthlessness of nature — the war of all against all — has found it way into the daily polity of Western life. And as America has been bedeviled by race, Europe was, and is once again, bedeviled by Islam. Channeling virulent ressentiment is the modus operandi of the usual Lefist and Gnostic (they’re one and the same but for the awareness of Gnosticism as an ancient phenomenon based on hatred of God and his creation, of which hatred is shared by Leftists) suspects; academia, MSM, entertainment, politicians, complicitous Liberals, stupid conservatives. So how is it a surprise that a community organizer would be made president in such an environment?

    Finally, the ressentimentos have someone other than themselves to debase — with blessings and dispensations from the Zeitgeist.

    * ressentiment:
    a psychological state arising from suppressed feelings of envy and hatred that cannot be acted upon, frequently resulting in some form of self-abasement.
    ORIGIN via German (used by Nietzsche in this sense) from French ressentiment ‘feeling.’

  4. The activist game is the only social-political game there is.

    Creative destruction.

    Paradigm shift.

  5. Oops. Messed up my own axiom.

    The activist game is the only social-politicalcultural/political game there is.

  6. I think the Altgeld Gardens situation illustrates community organizing to a tee. You identify a situation where people want something (asbestos removal). You then work to fire up the people till you get a response from the fixers. Then you move on without seeimg that the job is done or the residents lives have gotten better. There is never any real concerns about the people involved, never any searching for different ways to solve a problem, and no worrying about the outcome. It is the perfect job for a narcissist. Whether it is affordable integrated housing, health care, gay marriage, climate change, or black shootings by a policeman, he puts himself in the center and claims credit. The less effort he has to put into understanding the situation, the better.

  7. Eric Says @3:34

    ”Yep. That’s diagnosis. What’s the prescription?

    1. Call a spade a spade, out loud, for everyone to hear. And never, ever, never ever, apologize.
    2. Indict the collaborationist, without benefitting them the doubt of useful “idiot” — they, the usual suspects, are usefully complicit.
    3. Take the page that was Charleston
    (Charleston did a remarkable thing (that shouldn’t be remarkable at all). They came together as Americans, white and black, male and female, conservative and liberal, and absolutely rejected the politics of division
    and turn it into a book. Stop looking for the next viable conservative politician and start building coalitions and supporting (financially and otherwise) black, brown, spotted, whatever, organizations/institutions unapologetically proud of their country and its heritage. That church in Charleston is a good place to start.
    4. Pray, if you are of that sort.

    There’s many a brain that comments here who could come up with more.

  8. George Pal,

    Yep. That’s diagnosis. What’s the prescription?
    Water the tree …

  9. Occam’s razor isn’t a religious dogma. If the explanation doesn’t account for the factors and observed events, then it needs to be more complex to account for such. So as applied to Newton’s Laws, he only needed to explain what happens in the solar system, or at most, what happens on this planet with the apples. If it doesn’t explain the additional factors and observed events in the universe… that’s what quantum mechanics is for, a significantly more “complicated” set of theories, that perversely are also more difficult to prove. If a razor is enough for a job, then use the razor. If one needs a nuke or dynamite, then one needs it. There’s no functional reason related to what people want to use, when it is insufficient for the job at hand.

    On another note, if a sufficient advanced incompetent were to try blowing up America, they would probably blow their own homes up, like Ayers’ buddies did. So to say that it’s indistinguishable from Hussein, is taking magic and technology and applying it clumsily to human acts of war. It’s not suited for it, the intellectual thinking must be rebuilt from the ground up for that one.

    America was always fated for this, ever since America was built upon passing down liberty to Posterity, their descendants so to speak. Americans inherited a power, they didn’t earn it. Their blood does not carry the virtues of the founders. So the only way to become worthy of it, was to continue passing down liberty to future generations. America did that in WWII and was rewarded for it with superpower status and more human responsibilities. America failed to do that in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, paving the way for divinity or your ancestors, to remove the gift of that inheritance. Americans have become unworthy of it, even though some are still patriots. Being a patriot was not that the requirement to sustain America. Passing down liberty untarnished to future generations is what made America America.

    Failing to do so, by tolerating Carthaginian esque atrocities like PP for profit abortions and pro Hollywood rapist agreements, is not enough to sustain the country that was founded on very different precepts. There is a significant amount of power passed through the inheritance, wasting it by supporting the Chinese in Vietnam, anti American dictators, and Islamic jihad allies of the Left, is not going to empower America, whether this generation or the next.

    A culture that sacrifices the future for the pleasures of the present, deserves to be destroyed. Whether that is man made law, natural law, or divine law matters not. If it exists, and I think it does in a format, it will be Enforced.

    In response to eric’s “proscription” item, one should work at what they are suited to. Thus Malcom X worked to ensure Martin Luther King’s protestors could do so peacefully, without being harassed or killed by the KKK. Even though Luther did not think Malcom X’s methods of violence were going to convince white America to give blacks an equal look. That violence was still critical.

    Most of what we have are puppies or pacifists, trying to negotiate with the Left. Personally, I prefer the role of bodyguard. Politics and negotiations are rather dirty, useless, and inefficient. I don’t care for them, although I am aware of the details going on in back rooms.

    There are 3 forms of power that an insurgency or rebel cause must have to succeed on the field and hold the country.
    1. Authority
    2. Wealth
    3. Violence

  10. Thank you Republican party for not explaining to the voters that community organizer = community agitator. And thank you John McCain for saying we had nothing to fear from an Obama presidency.
    It was almost like they were okay with him winning. Let him super size government and entrench another entitlement program – then we’ll take over. And no going back.

  11. G6loq,

    Water the tree

    Yes. Good and wet. And start with the arid ridges that have exposed themselves to the prevailing winds. I would expect more than just a few subscription cancellations to the likes of National Review over their capitulation to same sex marriage might give notice that no concessions to the Gnostics/Leftists will be tolerated. Other precincts and venues – and candidates – who refuse to learn the lesson that concessions to the demolishers merely make their demands proliferate ought also get a good dousing. On the issue of the Stars and Bars, for example, — goodbye Rand Paul. Adios Nikki Haley.

  12. RE: ADDENDUM: Plus, why has Obama been silent on the murder of Kathryn Steinle?

    Great article and all very good points; but, it left off one of the most obvious – she is a “typical white woman” – She doesn’t look like either of his daughters, not like his wife (Kathryn’s picture is a smile not a snarl), nor does she look like any of the kids in the hood, or anyone he would really associate with.

    Therefore, she is not worth caring about.

    Yea, Obama is a jerk; but he is first and foremost a racist. period.

  13. Check the reddit CEO resignation, VoxDay, and Tor vs their own authors.

    Those have been successful war pushback by the plebes.

  14. “why has Obama been silent on the murder of Kathryn Steinle?” neo

    I concur with Charles that Obama’s racism is a personal factor in his silence but there’s another factor. It’s a political calculation, Obama knows that his commenting on Steinle’s murder would give it far greater prominence, opening him up to greater scrutiny and criticism of his ‘open borders policy’.

    Often, silent, incremental erosion of America’s social infrastructure is the most effective. There are numerous examples of this, indeed the left’s “march through the institutions” is predicated on a strategy of silent subversion.

  15. The next organizing project will be seen on Thursday when Obama visits a federal prison and pardons a group of nonviolent criminals. Every parent of a jailed criminal will then be pushing for closing down jails and prisons. Who cares about Iran, Russia, or China?

  16. It’s not just that Obama doesn’t care about Steinle or his role in creating the environment in which it could happen, it’s that he doesn’t care about Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown, either.

    His fans haven’t figured this out yet, and I wonder what it will take for that to happen – their own kid killed by an illegal alien, or a jihadi whom DHS/FBI missed, an Iranian nuke, a criminal invited to live beside them in their formerly nice neighborhood, while fighting in the ME under impossible ROE, etc.?

    Like a good Marxist or Communist Obama is perfectly OK with lives lost in the pursuit of his transformed America.

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