Home » The varsity versus the JV: remember Claire McCaskill and Todd Akin?


The varsity versus the JV: remember Claire McCaskill and Todd Akin? — 15 Comments

  1. Cornhead:

    I’ll say one thing—if Ted Cruz ever were to be elected president, and if the statute of limitations hasn’t run out on it by that time, I think you’d see an indictment or at least an investigation by the DOJ.

  2. This sounds like she is not planning on running for reelection to the Senate. Maybe she expects to have a nice position in the Hilary Administration.

  3. The law is never more than the pretense of the legislature, the selectivity of the executive, and the sum of its exceptions. What we need is another round of election reform — this time with real false teeth in it.

  4. The audacity of McCaskill to gloat about this publicly is amazing. She has admitted to cheating and disenfranchising voters. Sickening.

  5. Watched her on Charlie Rose. She defended Hillary to the hilt on everything … everything.

    Of course Obama also.

  6. This is against the campaign finance laws, though I suspect that if it were truly enforced, you would see indictments of everyone. This sort of coordination is exactly what the John Doe investigations in Wisconsin were supposedly trying to find, and failed. Of course, in Wisconsin, you didn’t have the governor or any of his supporters writing in Politico bragging about breaking the law.

  7. Is the Clinton campaign running this even now? Who is more likely to win against her: Trump, the charlatan, who wins whether he loses to her or not? (He’ll call in the favor, no doubt.). Would she rather “run” against DT, or against someone with actual experience of governance? Walker, Jindal, Perry, even Pataki or Bush are much better candidates.

  8. Neo said:
    “And you know what? If it happened again, the conservative electorate in Missouri and elsewhere would again fall right into the trap.”

    I think Neo is correct. That is what happens when conservatives hate their own leaders more than they hate the other side.

  9. Dennis: “That is what happens when conservatives hate their own leaders more than they hate the other side.”

    There it is again. Conservatives are wrong to assign leadership of the Right to the GOP.

    The GOP can fulfill its role in electoral politics once conservatives fulfill their greater role as Right activists.

    The Trump phenomenon is an exploitation of the failure of conservatives to win or even honestly compete as Marxist-method activists in the only social cultural/political game there is.

    Conservatives who blame the GOP for not leading the way are passing the buck on responsibilities that belong primarily to the Right, not the GOP.

  10. How much of the internecine hostility on the Right is engineered by the Left but also foreign actors, like the Russians?

    Critically study the range of rhetoric from supposed ‘burn it all’ conservatives and highlight the parts that accord with the POVs of our foreign competitors.

  11. Democrats have been doing variations of this since the dawn of time. One of the favorites is to run dummy candidates here in Massachusetts. If James P. jones appears to be a strong candidate there will suddenly be James B. Jones on the ballot as well as a james Jonas just to make sure to split enough votes so that JPJ loses. Dems are crooks, period.

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