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More stories from the French train attack — 34 Comments

  1. The boychild, taking a few minutes from biking and golf, had to pretend to honor 3 Americans for stopping an attempted mass murder by a fellow jihad traveler. Him and the horse he road in on. Same goes for VJ. Meanwile, where is the most honorable beau bergdahl, champion of bho’s appeasement policy?

  2. The story of these men’s bravery reminds me of a parallel incident from 2010: the lone Gurkha who fought off a gang of armed robbers who attacked a train in West Bengal. His name is Bishnu Shresta. He was then 35 years old and had recently retired from the Indian Army. The robbers, who were variously estimated to number from 15 to 40, had seized the train and were stealing money and valuables from the passengers.

    What prompted Shresta to fight back was an appeal from a young girl. The thugs had grabbed her and were preparing to rape her when she, knowing him to be a soldier, called on him to save her. At this, he stood up, drew his kurkhi and attacked.

    Ten minutes later 3 of the robbers were dead, 8 wounded and the rest fleeing into the night to escape.

    Afterwards, the girl’s family offered Shresta a cash reward in gratitude for saving their child. He refused it, saying “Fighting the enemy in battle is my duty as a soldier. Taking on the thugs on the train was my duty as a human being.”

    “…my duty as a human being.” An excellent sentiment and one that I am sure the heros in this recent incident would share.

  3. Contrast with the July 4 afternoon murder of Kevin Sutherland on the DC Metro where bystanders in the car, including men, cowered and refused to help while Sutherland died crying for help.

  4. I just love it when “authorities” explain after an event that they previously had the perp under observation, don’t you?

  5. I just love it when “authorities” explain after an event that they previously had the perp under observation, don’t you?
    Just like 9/11 when the people protected the government, not the other way around …

  6. But today the three American heroes explained that the Islamic terrorist said nothing before they beat him unconscious.

  7. Loved Skarlatos’ matter of fact description, and that they were cool-headed enough to immediately check the train for other terrorists, in addition to Stone’s determination to assist the injured passenger despite his own injuries.
    “Muzzlethumping” is such as great word.

    While it was certainly fortunate that the terrorist jammed his gun, I would imagine he might have been able to overcome it had it not been for two giant American guys charging him. As Ace at AoSHQ said, he went in prepared to carry out terror attack and found himself in a bar fight.

  8. Must have galled Obama to have to complement these “loathsome,” his opinion not mine, American military. After all he said “should the winds grow cold, I will stand with ISLAM”, or some such un-American remark. He s famous for them. He ignored an anniversary of Gettsyburg, he ignored an anniversary celebration of the authorship of the Star Spangled banner! Great prez…….

  9. As far as these *terror Lists* I think they are just *something* our overlords put together to mollify the public & make us believe they are doing *something* ! It seems this Jihadist moved freely all over Europe & N Africa.
    After all why would they want to single out Islamists for any *special* watching ?

  10. Kudos to these brave young men; and I mean young.

    I have to remind myself that folks of their age were not yet teenagers when 9-11 happened; they have grown up in a world in which terrorist acts are a very real possibility. Is that one reason why they acted?

    Or, just as likely, two of them had military training.

    Either way, how many of us others would have acted so swiftly?

    I would like to think that I would; but, in reality I most likely would not have picked up so quickly on what was going down and would not have reacted.

    Kudos to them, and others like them. They help to make the world a better place. May this not be the highlight of their lives; and may they go on to have healthy, happy, long lives.

  11. I re-read Bill Whittle’s essay on Tribes this morning. If you’ve not already read it you should. In this case we had three sheepdogs and one not particularly bright wolf. Not even a fair fight.

  12. I love the following quote from Airman Stone:

    “He seemed like he was ready to fight to the end,” Stone said. “So were we.”

  13. kaba, above at 4:07, “”Not even a fair fight.”

    Remember the old adage:

    “If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck”

  14. It has started, the perpetrator, a Ayoub El Khazzani, is shocked, stunned and amazed to be considered a terrorist.

    Asymmetrical warfare … when weak preach peace, when strong wage war, if caught play dumb.
    Use their law against them.

  15. Reading the French press, there were 6 defenders aboard the train.
    Of those, two are French citizen. They asked to remain anonymous when medals are handed out on Monday …
    Hmmm …. they know the enemy is within ….

  16. One of the Frenchman who’d like to remain anonymous is a railroad employee who happened to be on a personal trip at the time of the event.

  17. Quite a defeat for Demoncrats, when their ally Islam is humiliated in this fashion.

  18. Hussein ensured that the info on the SEAL Team Six that did the raid, was leaked so they would get shot down and ambushed. Solid theory with good evidence backing it, as well as modern day anti air shoulder pads sold from the US to Taliban forces, on Hussein’s orders.

    Hussein will also ensure that a Fort Hood 1 type scenario will occur here which targets the families of those counter revolutionaries and noted domestic terrorists, the Marines.

  19. Too bad they didn’t watch him more closely.

    but thats racist as all whites are racist…

  20. Read a discussion of packs vs herds with respect to response to danger. Clearly, these young fellows formed a pack; as did the folks on Flt 93.

    There were several good points in the discussion. One that leaps out, is that “fear is contagious, but so is courage”. The Brit allegedly commented that his first inclination was to hide; until he saw the guys attacking, then he joined them.

    Another theme was that bureaucracies want the public to be a herd, so they can be–well, herded.

    Surprisingly, this Jihadist was known to multiple anti-terrorist bureaucracies, but was free to launch his attack–in gun free Europe ironically. I guess he had been lulled into thinking that he was attacking a herd. Bad thinking in this case.

    Read another–stupid–psychological, and loving, analysis of Trump. Theme was that there are no longer any men in the west; except, of course for Trump. Well, Analyst, get your head out of your whatever, and read the news.

  21. “Contrast with the July 4 afternoon murder of Kevin Sutherland on the DC Metro where bystanders in the car, including men, cowered and refused to help while Sutherland died crying for help.”

    “Sutherland was a sensitive young man who loved politics and was committed to the principles of equality and fairness, said his father, Douglas Sutherland. A fan of Pope Francis and a supporter of liberal causes, Sutherland at the time of his death was working for a digital strategy firm that helps Democratic candidates.”

    What obligation has a man to defend those who will not defend themselves?

  22. i can prove it

    To this end, and to cash in on what they view as a vital market niche, two authors, Duchess Harris and Sue Bradford Edwards have written “Black Lives Matter (Special Reports).”

    The target audience for the “one-stop reference” with an introduction by [ultra-left Muslim congresscritter] Keith Ellison is students from sixth grade to high school, trumpets an email sent to The Daily Caller.

    The book introduces “nonblack children” to “antiblackness,” “antiblack violence” and “terror” “in U.S. law and society,” declares a gushing review by The Feminist Wire.

    Don’t worry, though, the book explains how “black people have been killed with impunity” “since time immemorial” in a way that is not “emotionally overwhelming 6-12th graders who are learning about the movement, and its inheritance, for the first time.”


    WaPo Writer Declares That Black Votes Should Count for More Than White Votes

    A writer over at The Washington Post has a bold new proposal he believes can heal the American racial divide: empower blacks by making their votes count more than those of other races.

    “Racial reconciliation is impossible without some kind of broad-based, systemic reparations,” writes Theodore R. Johnson, a former White House fellow and current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University. “But if a pecuniary answer can’t fix the structural disadvantage – and it can’t – what can?”

    The answer, Johnson argues, is simple: weighted voting, where black votes count for more than white ones.

    Specifically, Johnson suggests giving each black person five-thirds of a vote, to reverse the old three-fifths compromise written into the U.S. Constitution.

    As Johnson gleefully notes, counting black votes more than others would significantly alter many elections in the U.S. In the 2012 election, several Southern states with high black populations, such as Mississippi and Georgia, would have swung over to Barack Obama’s column, and their recent Senate races would have been decided in Democrats’ favor as well

    Johnson justifies his argument by saying it’s the only way to solve the “structural disadvantages” [i.e., cultural and cognitive shortcomings] faced by blacks.

    “A five-thirds compromise would imbue African Americans with a larger political voice that could be used to fight the structural discrimination expressed in housing, education, criminal justice and employment,” he says. “Allowing black votes to count for 167 percent of everyone else’s would mean that 30 million African American votes would count as 50 million, substituting super-votes for the implausible idea of cash payments.” With black voters so massively empowered, politicians will have no choice to but to put black priorities first if they hope to remain in office.

    To conclude, Johnson forthrightly says that only reverse racism will be sufficient to achieve the goal of racial justice.

    see? all whites are racist…
    that includes french whites…
    so they cant watch these people more, and probably watch them too much.

    see here:
    University of Wisconsin-Madison Director of Community Relations Wants De Facto Legalization of Stealing From Walmart

    Everett D. Mitchell is the Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also an attorney, pastor, and community leader.

    At a recent panel discussing “Best Policing Practices,” Mitchell said that police should stop prosecuting individuals who shoplift from Wal-Mart and Target.

    His reasoning? He simply does not believe that police have any justification to engage in policing practices with thieves who steal from Wal-Mart or Target because they are big box stores with insurance.

  23. Thats why i havent had a raise since 2004, not even cost of living… i am a white racist, and am waiting to die… that economic game has made sure i cant have a home, cant have a retirement, cant have children, or anything… and without friends given aspergers, well, thats that…

    anyone want to show up and cap me for the sake of my family?

  24. Leftist academics tell you what to do and when to do it, Art, that’s why you don’t get raises. It’s also why you aren’t allowed to talk back to your Masters, but here you have the freedom only humans deserve, not slaves of the Left.

  25. Slaves think “if I go against the Authorities, I will be killed, so someone do X for me”.

    Free humans think otherwise. They take the initiative or kill their enemies. Sort of like some crazies in France did. They kill their enemies or at least defeat them.

    Get the difference?

  26. Ymarsakar:

    Note, however, that Moogalian, one of the other heroes of the train attack, is a professor, definitely an “academic” (and although I have no idea about his left vs. right politics, professors in general tend to lean left).

    What’s more, my ex-husband (whom I tell a story about in that same thread I just linked to) was also a professor. Not a leftist one, though, although at the time he was most definitely a liberal.

  27. Academics being mutually exclusive with warriors or soldiers is a modern decadence and decay.

    Originally, they were combined or at least the separations were not quite as distinct.

    The ancient philosophy was that the brain was merely another muscle, and that what powered martial glory and intelligent decision making were virtues and habits. Things trained over a long period of time, with the brain and the muscles working together.

    Being literate and what not wasn’t looked down on because it was intellectual. It was looked down on because it had no direct application to martial prowess or any other immediate survival matters, and because it took time away from honing survival skills.

    Given a higher technological and social cultural level, though, martial knowledge becomes spread via literacy, the internet, and the written word as much as any other knowledge.

    Japan saw a similar transition during 1600, in their feudal internal wars. Once military technology transcends the limitations of muscle power, knowledge becomes a usable weapon.

    The modern world seems to treat labels as rigidly as Indians treated humans with castes. The kshatriya warrior class could not marry with the brahmin priest leader class, and nobody could touch the Untouchables. All part of Slavery 3.0 I’m sure.

  28. Mr Sadler has described how the attacker pleaded with them to return his AK-47.

    He said: ‘He was just telling us to give back his gun. ‘Give me back my gun! Give me back my gun!’ But we just carried on beating him up and immobilised him and that was it.’

    The cowardly serfs and wannabe zombie slaves of the Left, always lectured us that “we couldn’t use our firearms against the government, the government has tanks and bombs!”

    ….. Yeah, but to fight you need a human heart, which cowardly animals and zombies don’t actually have.

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