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“All lives matter” — 15 Comments

  1. Propaganda forces people to think in line A, even though if asked they say they decided that entirely on their own.

    People say polls also reflect the public conscious, when in fact they merely enforce the public consciousness.

  2. “But the Black Lives Matter people scream the loudest, don’t they?” neo

    Their right to free speech doesn’t extend to a right to efectively deny other people’s right to speak freely. When they interrupt a political speech, pepper spray em. Then walk away and ignore them.

  3. “But the Black Lives Matter people scream the loudest, don’t they?”

    Hence your answer to your next recent post about the lack of conservative activism. We loath to look like extremists and get labeled that way at tea party rallies, while extremism on the left is a badge of honor. We just cant compete.

  4. “We loath to look like extremists and get labeled that way at tea party rallies, ”

    Well, then, just sob quietly in your corner after daddy takes the T-Bird away.

    This is why I like Reactionaries.

  5. Stockpiling pitch, ammunition, lengths of hemp rope, and making a list and checking it twice.

  6. The black lives matter people scream the loudest but do the least. Everyone knows that blacks commit half the murders and 90 percent of the people they murder are other blacks. So are the black lives matter crowd doing anything about the black murder rate? No, they are screaming about cops shooting blacks. I live across the river from DC and the murder rate is way up there. So what are the cops doing? The Mayor and Chief of Police went on TV and said they need to get illegal guns off the street. The cops are looking for guns. Evidently they believe that inanimate objects, guns, cause murder.

  7. “The Mayor and Chief of Police went on TV and said they need to get illegal guns off the street. The cops are looking for guns. Evidently they believe that inanimate objects, guns, cause murder.” Ray

    I’m doubtful that they actually believe that, especially the Chief of Police. It’s just that it’s politically incorrect, entirely verboten, to speak of the 800lb Gorilla in the room, that which, “Everyone knows that blacks commit half the murders and 90 percent of the people they murder are other blacks.” as to speak publicly of it in the media’s presence is for the left and media and most of all, blacks to accuse the speaker of truth of being a racist. Public opprobrium, job loss, and even death threats await anyone with the ‘unmitigated gall’ to speak the truth. Guns ‘off the street’ is the convenient excuse for refusing to discuss the problem of black violence and Hispanic crime rates.

    But it’s not race, racism being an equal opportunity oppressor with Asians notably absent from mass incarceration. It’s the culture, stupid.

  8. vanderleuen:
    “Stockpiling pitch, ammunition, lengths of hemp rope, and making a list and checking it twice.”

    In other words: Nothing either.

  9. Black “leadership” in this country is in a real quandry and the “black lives matter” confusion is just a reflection of their bewilderment. For years, politics, specifically allegiance to the Democratic party, has been marketed almost as a religion. With the end of the Obama era, it’s obvious that the Democratic party is a God that failed.

    “Black lives matter” represents a complete abandonment of the quest for justice for all that shaped and informed the civil rights movement of the 60’s. It contains no appeal to universal principles. It doesn’t aspire to arouse the “better angels of our nature.” It doesn’t even pretend to be true since it steadfastly ignores the stunning rate of violence inflicted on blacks by blacks. It has no real agenda, no real program other than disruption.

    But it’s what you might expect in the wake of a God that failed: political nihilism.

  10. The infatuation of white progressives with angry and violent black thugs dates back many years, and was immortalized in Tom Wolfe’s piece on Radical Chic. While honorable and decent black citizens are castigated for being “inauthentically black”, the worst elements of the black ghetto are celebrated (e.g. the cinematic hagiography of the repulsively misogynistic NWA, not to mention the academic embrace of “hip-hop studies” and numerous uncritical books and films on the Black Panthers).

  11. Black lives matter because the Left wouldn’t be able to fund Planned Profit otherwise.

    All Lives matter because the Left needs something else other than black babies to farm.

  12. In other words: Nothing either.

    Same result, different motivations and reasoning.

    Meaning, anyone can get the answer 4, but that doesn’t mean they computed the equation correctly. Nor does it mean they used the same methodology or number system.

    A person that loses his job because he found a better one after quitting, lost his job.

    A person that lost his job because an office power play kicked him out and destroyed his reputation, is slightly different.

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