Home » The NY Times writes a hit piece on Clarence Thomas…


The <i>NY Times</i> writes a hit piece on Clarence Thomas… — 12 Comments

  1. Prof. Kerr’s last paragraph is exactly right. His use of language from briefs is only marginally higher than the others, statistically insignificant and use of language from briefs, in and of itself, is meaningless.

    Go back and check on Brennan and T. Marshall.

    The worst sort of hit piece; attacked because he is a black conservative.

    The point I want to make is this: These people NEVER stop!

    Give it up Libs. He has a lifetime appointment and he’s not changing.

    And I would add Thomas was Alpha Sigma Nu at Holy Cross. That’s the Jesuit school equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa. Was Barack PBK at Columbia?

    Full disclosure: Ginny Thomas was my classmate at Creighton.

  2. Even Kevin Drum at Mother Jones questions the NY Times piece.

    Love this in one of the comments: “I hate it when someone gives the wingnuts a legitimate reason to say that the MSM is picking on them.”

  3. Meanwhile, the hate-crime killer Bryce Williams, an African American who apparently had sense enough not to hold conservative views like Clarence Thomas, continues to have significant portions of his writings protected by the dominant media so as to avoid scrutiny. What fine timing from the publisher of all the news that’s fit to print.

  4. TWANLOC, They never stop, they never tire, they never rest, they never sleep, they never give up.

  5. It is a shame that the New York Times seems to still be held in high esteem; I gave up reading it decades ago when I realized what nonsense they seem to print.

    For example this article starts with:

    “His majority opinions tend to be brisk, efficient and dutiful.”

    I kind of get the feeling that they are trying to say that is a bad thing; but, I see it as good, shouldn’t one’s writing be succinct, clear, and to the point? At least, I thought that is what my teachers were telling me all those years ago.

    Further, they are using “linguistic software” to analyze Thomas’ work; how about running Obama’s speeches through the same software and see what the results are?

  6. The left always lets us know what they fear. Black and hispanic conservatives in general and conservative women go against the grain of their narrative. I guess this fear is a natural reaction when all you have is a narrative to deflect reality.

  7. Re Obama, Gads his post gun tragedy speeches
    are Ground Hog Day experiences !
    *we must work to stem gun violence which is
    becoming all too common in America today*
    *This happens no where else in the civilized world*
    And these are all blatant lies, & he just stands up there & by rote harangues us with Lies, over & over. again & again !
    It s so disgusting & he s the idiot that said
    “You want a street fight you bring a knife I ll bring a gun”

  8. Re Thomas, & the Left, they have to be counter attacking because Sotomayor’s *legal opinions* have been * excoriated* by legal scholars as
    being of poor quality & actually not what should be expected from a SC Justice .

  9. The leftists believe they are intellectually and morally superior people. Given the past century of history and the results of putting these leftist ideas into practice, this is obviously hubris.

  10. Lee Says:
    August 29th, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    Charles – I would do love to see the results of THAT!!!!

    Even HAL 9000 would lock-up trying to parse BHO’s fearful circumlocutions.

    Mathematically put:

    Function of ( Gab ) = Racism [ the irrational constant ]

    Most of us have learned of Pi and ‘ e, ‘ the exponential number.

    Whereas Barry’s noggin is plied by: Foes and Fumbles.

  11. These are our supposed journalistic lords, superior to us in all ways, for they are the 4th estate designed to inform us of what’s what, right.

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