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Europe reacts… — 55 Comments

  1. The cost of allowing massive numbers of unassimilable migrants, mostly male, black and Muslim, is not only borne by law-abiding, tax-paying citizens, but especially by young women, who are victimized at alarming rates by men who bring with them from places such as Afghanistan and Somalia vile and primitive attitudes towards white girls perceived as being loose, available and fair game as infidels. The case of Rotherham (and dozens of other cities in the U.K.), as well as Sweden having turned into the rape capital of the West, should be cause enough for suicidal policies of sanctuary to be abolished.

  2. Compassion begins at home. There are plenty of unfortunate people all around us. Compassion for unfortunate people in Africa, for example, rarely improves circumstances for the vast majority of people suffering from hunger or subjected to violence. Of course there may be some temporary relief, but things quickly revert to malnutrition, repression, and terror.

    It is indeed suicidal to allow millions of people fleeing failed, violent societies to swarm through your society, especially people fleeing nations with cultures that are not compatible with your culture. And, given the thoroughly shaky fiscal conditions of Western Europe and the USA its doubly suicidal to open the gates.

  3. The movements will stop when the people learn that they will always be met with force and turned back. Sovereignty means nothing if you aren’t a willing and able to defend your borders with force.

    As Bill Whittle said, “If you want to know whether you are living in a successful country or not, pay attention to the direction of the boats of desperate immigrants. Are they coming toward you or moving away from you?”

    It is time for the West to stand up for itself and to start acting like Donald Trump. We are very rich and we should be proud of it. We should be telling other people that there is a secret to getting rich and we want to share it with everybody. And then tell the world that reasonably honest representative government that protects private property, the rule of law, and allows free enterprise is the best model that has ever been found for helping people escape poverty. If they won’t try it, too bad. Not our fault. Too hard nosed? I don’t think so.

  4. Further immigration LEGAL or ILLEGAL will destroy the welfare state.

    Milton Friedman figured that out half-a-century ago.

    If I wanted to live in Brazil — I would’ve moved there instead of Hawaii.

    Brazil is EXACTLY what the future holds.

    The Romans insisted — in print — that they were being invaded by northern barbarians.

    They didn’t know what they were talking about… until the Huns showed up.

    The Vandals got a bum rap. The Emperor stiffed them — AFTER they had won his battle for him. (North Africa)

    Muslims – of ANY color – are totally incompatible with democracy.

    The fanatics make this plain to any who would listen.

    What are we to make of Huma, daughter of the high priestess of the Muslim Brotherhood ?

    No female has a higher position in the brotherhood than her own mother !

    Whereas her deceased father was a BIG WHEEL in the MB.

    So does it not pass strange that Huma had a ring side seat as HRC deposes Hosni Mubarak? — He, the most bitter enemy of the MB.

    The US State Department connection — and that of Google — Jewish Google – in NYC no less — in catapulting the Muslim Brotherhood into power — made for the STRANGEST bedfellows ever recorded.

    For the MB is not only fanatically anti-American — it’s fanatically anti-Jewish, anti-Copt, anti-Israeli, anti-Christian and anti-Mubarak, Sadat, Nasser.

    Yet THIS is the organization that Huma is born in blood to.

    As for the MSM on this angle: crickets.

    Anyone that chases these chickens home to roost will have a pullet surprise, let me tell you !

  5. “The moral question–how far need we go to alleviate the world’s suffering” neo

    Lifeboats share one thing in common with nations accepting refugees, they both have a finite amount of capacity. Exceed that capacity and they sink and all are lost. Europe will either give the world a direct example of the consequence when capacity is exceeded or betray its own ‘humanitarian’ principles.

  6. It’s the old life boat analogy. If you let too many in, the boat sinks and all are lost.

    An economic collapse in Mexico and Central America could trigger a sudden invasion of our porous southern border. Europe did not prepare for the recent invasion. Time for us to wake up.

  7. Ralph Peters in his book The War After Armageddon, describe a possible end game scenario to the ‘soft invasion’.
    Basically ‘they’re’ all put out to see or otherwise dispatched and this ruthlessly.
    Final solution so to speak.

  8. This is why they all the patriots and nationalists in Europe, “reactionaries” that are the flip side of Hitler and Nazism. You hear it all the time in England about that party and in France about the National Front. Leftist propaganda, as usual.
    And what do the Leftists do, do they use welfare to take care of poor Europeans?

    Or do they import in rapists and killers like the Left does here in the US?

  9. The case of Rotherham (and dozens of other cities in the U.K.), as well as Sweden having turned into the rape capital of the West, should be cause enough for suicidal policies of sanctuary to be abolished.

    Unless it is intentional, which it is. The Left intended it. Their allies the Islamic Jihad intends it. It’s intentional. It’s not an accident. Not a mistake. Not an oversight.

  10. The Jewish intelligentsia is vociferously pushing the multi-culti cult and the calling for open borders as they are in the US.
    One example: That Barbara Spectre Video.

    I have all kinds of bookmarks in French showing Jewish luminaries calling for a ‘mixing of the bloods’ as solution to the invasion crisis. A prominent position of the C.R.I.F. (mainstream Jewish organization.)
    Here, Raphaé«l Glucksmann, calls French Nationalists more dangerous than the Jihadists. If don’t speak French just watch the facial expressions of some of his panel members.

    A good blog for monitoring the French situation on these matters is Gallia Watch.
    It won’t end well …

  11. sdferr:

    That’s amazing! You found it!! I didn’t even think to try YouTube, since it wasn’t available at Netflix or Amazon. I just assumed there’s no way it would be on YouTube. It does seem quite blurry; I wonder how it was obtained. I don’t think a video or DVD exists, so maybe it’s copied from a TV screen or pirated in some other odd way?

    I can tell just by watching the cinematography of the first minute how beautifully it’s done in the scenic sense. Wish I could see it in a movie theater.

    I will have to watch it. Thanks so much!!

  12. C6loq:

    There is nothing especially different about the point of view of the Jewish intelligentsia, or the Jewish left, as opposed to the intelligentsia and/or the left.

  13. G6LOQ Says at 9:56 pm:

    “The Jewish intelligentsia is vociferously pushing the multi-culti cult and the calling for open borders as they are in the US.”

    Secular Jewish involvement in promoting the left and in the multi-cultural garbage bothers me a great deal since religious Jews have made so many important positive contributions to Western Civilization. It is time for the majority native populations in those countries to assert themselves decisively in their own self interest and to ignore the “intelligentsia”.

  14. There is nothing especially different about the point of view of the Jewish intelligentsia, or the Jewish left, as opposed to the intelligentsia and/or the left.
    Yes, except they’re over represented as to their numbers and, extremely vociferous, all over the West. Steyn coined a word as to their activities:

    Ask Pam Geller she’s been battling these self-hating nits.

  15. C6loq:

    Jews are over-represented in the intelligentsia as a whole; arts, sciences, law, etc.–so many fields it’s hard to list them.

  16. Let go back a bit, the mass killing suffering started after war with Iraq and the invasion of Iraq.
    The war was wrong or right it’s not a debate point now, let look to the aftermath when putting incompetent guys who were corrupted and thieves who lived on your tax money despite they had their degree in medical or other specialty but they used every doggy way even after went there and been in top position to continue living on your tax money, same these thugs you helped them in very wealthy country so what you expected?

    So 13 year passed US left Iraq & Iraqis drowning down to the degree that bring to you’re your memories back of “an aristocratic and originally arrogant guy, who has watched with his wife in growing horror as things degenerate all around him, decides in the end to take starving”

    The difference here that “an aristocratic and originally arrogant guy” was doing for his good faith to help the needy people, but what you let those thugs in Iraq brings millions of people between them some an aristocratic brought to starve on their land on their homes.

    The same can be said on Syria and Yamen and other part in North African.

    The solution simple and easy, to accommodate millions and millions who flee their land it not in Europe not in US land, go to the source there on their home land make it better for them,
    Those Tyrants brought down like Saddam & Gadhafi the massage was to help those nations to stand up not feed them to those terrorist and killers who running like wild animals in the forest.

  17. It will come to the point where we, as a people, will have to decide if we will kill people, any and all, who try to enter our country illegally. Europe is seeing that the situation in their own country is so dire that people will risk death to cross Europe’s borders. They won’t stop until they understand that trying to do so is certain death.

    The only alternative is that, once again, the West will have to send military force into those failed countries. This time, we need to not just occupy them, but to conquer them and occupy them for decades, until we force them to completely change their culture.

    The day is late and our resolve is weak.

  18. The only alternative is that, once again, the West will have to send military force into those failed countries. This time, we need to not just occupy them, but to conquer them and occupy them for decades, until we force them to completely change their culture.

    We don’t have the will.

    And in fact, if Obama hadn’t been in office, I don’t think that things would be as bad. Libya might still be intact. We’d have a SoFA with Iraq, which would have stopped ISIS the moment it stepped out of Syria. We wouldn’t have had the mess in Egypt (which hasn’t been entirely bad; the new guy has openly stated to the local Islamin authorities that modern Islam has problems). That would just leave Syria. And the countries further in the African interior.

  19. Crunch time is approaching for the EU. It is all very well Mrs Merkel welcoming 800,000 assorted brain surgeons this year; what will she do when 1.6 million turn up next year?

  20. “The Camp of the Saints” is well worth reading: chiefly for Raspail’s analysis of the weaknesses of the West.

    In 1970 the Académie frané§aise awarded Raspail its Jean Walter Prize for the whole of his work. In 2007 he was awarded the Grande Médaille d’Or des Explorations et Voyages de Découverte by the Société de géographie of France for the whole of his work.[3] In 2009, the Editions of Methuselah rewarded him the Wartburg Literary Award for the whole of his work.

    Here’s an interview with Raspail from the “Wayback Machine”:


    It begins with a brief synopsis of the novel. Excerpt:

    First, we must go back twenty years. It is 1973. For some years now the West has lost all sense of belief in itself and, because of this, has lost the will to defend itself. Such a clever and inventive civilization, this Western culture, but the things it creates are ugly. They destroy the self-respect of those who make them and of those who buy them.

    And the ideas it produces are worse. The biggest idea that this West of 1973 has produced is ”the beast,” the idea of ”world conscience.” This beast is made of two parts, one of guilt and one of anti-racism.

    The guilt portrays Third World poverty as a consequence of Western greed, while the anti-racism condemns any attempt by the guilt-ridden to protect themselves against the Third World retribution that is to come.

    The ugly material goods, the objects that corrupt their makers and consumers, are produced by capitalists. But the ideas come from the critics of capitalism, from left-wing activists and journalists, and from churchmen.

    And here is a nice paradox: the left dominate the media, but the right have to tolerate them because, without the audiences that left-wing broadcasters attract, the capitalists would have no means of selling their tawdry goods.

    In France, in particular, a proud tradition has deteriorated. A limping, ramshackle culture, full of self-interested cant, shot through with veins of self-hatred, is about to be tested. A mere hundred unseaworthy boats will bring a million uninvited immigrants from the other side of the earth, and France will be found wanting.

    It will fail the test and all of the West will fail with it.

  21. The moral question–how far need we go to alleviate the world’s suffering, and how best to protect ourselves while we try to be at least somewhat humanitarian–is a crucial one, and getting more crucial every day.

    thats not a moral question, that is a question of obligation… are we morally obligated? since when? why?

    if one was ever an EMT or a lifeguard, one would know that the morality of helping someone is held up to personal harm… one should not commit suicide to help another!!

    what good is helping a drowning person if the help makes two drowning persons and no one survives?

    but that is not how the government wants you to think, as its willing to sacrfice you and all the people before biden and obama, and buffet and others have to sacrifice…

  22. here is what libs are discovering about the world outside their academic boxes where they learn things by reading what others wrote without regard to lies and so…


    244 illegals rounded up in SoCal…

    Austria inspects trucks for migrants, creates 18-mile backup…

    Hungary shuts down rail traffic…

    Chaos at Budapest Station…

    Farage warns EU faces crisis of biblical proportions…

    Czech President Calls for Army to Defend Border…

    Murder of elderly couple in Sicily fuels Italy’s growing anti-immigrant sentiment…

    it makes me laugh to think that racist peoples from south of the border states who hate cacuasian politicians will be people who would keep dems in power… ie. under what wacko world do they think that spanish politicans wont get the vote and take it away from them once they set that up?

    its like the feminists have also forgotten to tell women that now there is absolutely no argument as to why they can be taken from jobs, homes, and work to die in a foreign land as a conscript/drafted person… cmon ladies, you just made sure that in the next big conflict you get shot at, blown up, mutilated and gang raped… all for the cause because you all argued that there should be nothing special about women, not even babies, that would give them license to stay home in a conflict. ALL arguments in favor of that specialness are GONE… so welcome to the world of men, so wonderful, where you can be grabbed and forced to be killed and if not killed will be spit on by your contemporaries back home that dont care if you been drafted…

    i am too old to care any more…
    especially if the people i am fighting for dont care themselves.

  23. Europe as a whole has roughly the same population as the US. They are now experiencing illegal immigration at rates we have seen for years (though that has slowed considerably in the last decade). One would think that the lesson they are experiencing would be obvious. Perhaps Americans are not actually some especially racist people. Yet apparently not.

    Much of my family of origin is liberal. Several have lived in Europe. I have been very discouraged to see how little any reality creates a dissonance that leads to a change of mind. There is always some excuse why all the bad things are really the fault of conservatives. I disagree with Ymarsakr that they are allied with the Islamists. However, they consider conservatives their enemies because they are competitors for power here. Other enemies are vaguer to them, not attracting their energy. They are therefore functionally passive allies of external enemies. As well as externals who have moved here.

  24. dont worry Assistant Village Idiot they will get theirs… too bad we will get theirs too, but hey, thats how life rolls..

    ask them if they like the idea of women being drafted and taken from work or home to serve…
    as they just created that…

    ask them if they like their tax money being spent at nudie bars and cruise ships and foreign travel while they work?

    they wont understand what you would tell them will come, because they are so sure it wont come that they wont prepare.

    one only has to ask what happened to liberal jews in germany after 1934 to realize what will happen to liberals eventually if they go to the end of their rainbow

  25. The headline from Investor’s Business Daily on their own poll uses the word “shock” — “Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals.” But as Jared Peterson wrote on these pages yesterday, for the last two years Rasmussen polling has demonstrated a huge gap between the overwhelming majority of Americans and the political establishment of the GOP on immigration policy. The IBD polling, which mentions mandatory deportation, reinforces this stunning disconnect between politicians and the people they supposedly serve, a chasm that Donald Trump has spotted and used to his huge advantage.

  26. néo-neocon Says:
    August 31st, 2015 at 11:05 pm

    Jews are over-represented in the intelligentsia as a whole; arts, sciences, law, etc.—so many fields it’s hard to list them.
    Yes and unfortunately there is the 80% that gives the 20% a bad name.
    Hence the American Thinker article about the ‘Specter’ I referenced above. You have to work very hard at reminding yourself of Horowitz, Levin, Savage, Mason, Geller, etc…

    It won’t end well. Only internal policing will have any effect. I won’t hold my breath about that.
    This delightful item popped up today:
    Sidney Blumenthal, who appears to have served as an unofficial adviser to Clinton during her tenure at the State Department, sent the former secretary of state an assortment of articles, many of them penned by his son, Max, regarding Middle Eastern politics.

    Max Blumenthal has not only accused Israel of committing war crimes, but he has also described the nation as an apartheid state.

  27. G6LOQ Says:
    August 31st, 2015 at 9:56 pm

    The Jewish intelligentsia is vociferously pushing the multi-culti cult and the calling for open borders as they are in the US.
    One example: That Barbara Spectre Video.”

    I stumbled across this video some time ago. I was so flabbergasted that I could not believe she was saying what she appeared to be saying in the snippet I saw.

    And in fact I do not believe that she was. In re-viewing various versions of the interview, it became apparent from longer and more amplified materials that what she was saying was, she imagined, descriptive of the facts and dynamic already largely on the ground, and not prescriptive.

    So, while she is no doubt a leftist and good to go with the agenda, I believe she was speaking less as a smug subversive, than someone who thought she was describing trends already set in political motion long before she arrived on the scene [back in the 1970’s] and offering up her version of how the scenario would play out.

  28. The trends, being set in motion by the Swedish parliament in the 1970’s; not Spectre’s arrival on the scene.

    I have no idea when she got to the Norse countries.

  29. What is very odd about the timing of this is that global poverty has been declining sharply over the last few decades. Things are, on the whole, not as desperate as they were thirty or forty years ago.

  30. “The guilt portrays Third World poverty as a consequence of Western greed, while the anti-racism condemns any attempt by the guilt-ridden to protect themselves against the Third World retribution that is to come.”

    That’s succinct.

  31. Another one advocating for retribution: Hee Haww!
    Top American feminist leader openly expresses hatred for white people

    Robin Morgan is one of the most high profile “feminist” leaders in America. She is an atheist from Ashkenazi Jewish parents. Since the 1960s she has co-founded a laundry list of “feminist” organizations. She is credited as the founder of “second wave feminism.”

    This is how Critical Theory, devised by the Frankfurt School, works. You attack religion, culture, heritage, and the family. You break down these bonds in order to make the people more willing to embrace international Communism.

    Here is how she feels about all white people:

    “My white skin disgusts me. My passport disgusts me. They are the marks of an insufferable privilege bought at the price of others’ agony. If I could peel myself inside out I would be glad. If I could become part of the oppressed I would be free.” — Morgan Robin

    She also openly admits to promoting class warfare and anti-male hatred:

    “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” – Robin Morgan

    “We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.” – Robin Morgan

    “Sexism is NOT the fault of women—kill your fathers, not your mothers”. — Robin Morgan

    That’s all folks! Break the bounds, let them in …

  32. ” Bryan Says:
    September 1st, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    What is very odd about the timing of this is that global poverty has been declining sharply over the last few decades. Things are, on the whole, not as desperate as they were thirty or forty years ago.”

    Some years ago I read sympathetic stores of the plight of illegal aliens who were so desperate to come to the United States by any means, that they had spent up to $30,000.00 in contriving to get here. These were not teenaged girls who were selling themselves into domestic slavery or sexual bondage for the cost of a ticket.

    These were relatively young men. Poor so and so, he spent his last thirty thousand dollars to get here and have a better life.

    The natural reaction is “What!? If he’s got $30k to spend on evading our laws, what the hell am I supposed to feel sorry for him over?”

    So, what are these people actually fleeing to? The realms of the rule of law; political and economic liberty, and the positive social effects of respect for such a system.

    What are they, and the political elites of the societies they are invading, set on undermining? (Including our own Mr. Positive Liberty”)

    Why, “The realms of the rule of law; political and economic liberty, and the positive social effects of respect for such a system.” of course.

  33. “G6LOQ Says:
    September 1st, 2015 at 12:52 pm

    Another one advocating for retribution: Hee Haww!
    Top American feminist leader openly expresses hatred for white people

    Robin Morgan …”

    Apparently her religion is “Wiccan Atheist”, and she is on record as opposed to all patriarchal religions including Judaism.

    Take a look at Wiki and her family history; the lies, the deceptions, the self-centeredness of her parents and the indifference of her father, and you get some idea of how this woman became so warped.

  34. C6loq:

    Oh, so you can find an atheist leftist woman from a Jewish background? How very extraordinary of you.

    You are demonstrating very little except your own attitude towards Jews. Someone could counter with lots of people on the left who aren’t Jews. And yes, Jews are somewhat overrepresented on the left, as they are in so many other areas (arts, sciences, neocons, etc.). Jews are high achievers.

    It’s nowhere near 80/20 (your statistic, not mine), however. Are you talking about Jewish Democrats? For that, the statistic might be correct. I’m not sure what your agenda is.

    Actually, the recent Democrat/Republican statistics for Jews are 61/29.

  35. They are therefore functionally passive allies of external enemies.

    A lot of what people consider modern behavior is a throw back to the ancient merchant republics and vassal systems, controlled by a dynasty patriarch.

    It’s an indirect alliance, like having your niece or aunt married to some other family, that you don’t have control over. When Islam, the other family, moves, it pulls the entire Leftist family over in the US here via gravity and the alliance of family ties. Due to common interest, alliances form. Marriages are common interest alliances in a form. So even if they aren’t directly allied with Islamic Jihad, the Left’s mafia family is. The clan patriarchy likes supporting whatever business initiatives Islamic Jihad does. Even if the branch members of the family disagree, they are pulled along. They will obey the clan patriarchy.

    Much as the Left likes to criticize traditional family and marriages, it is essentially a retrograde reaction, because the Left’s family politics are a direct throw back to something 1200 years old.

  36. That’s why I term them the Leftist alliance, because they do not adhere to modern political hierarchies nor even are they adherents of modern ideological factions.

    They are closer to a religion like Islam where a Caliph is a secular ruler with religious authority, the power of the tax, the army, and the Sword of Conversion. Except it’s older for them, due to the Democrat influence on the alliance. The Democrats are family based, have been ever since the plantations produced white aristocrat slave owners that justified their practice using eugenics and caste philosophy.

  37. actually neo, i dont think he cares if morgan is jewish, i think its more the mish mosh… wiccan is pagan, but she is an athiest, etc… she reminds me of my friends in the days of gerald gardner of the gardnerian faith… except they wouldnt say they were atheist…

    morgan is a pip… her jewish heritage of two unmarried parents and tons of other stuff would put her way outside the mainstream compared to the other jews you say are over represented.

    how much do you actually know about the wackadoodle leading women into exterminating the voting block blocking things?

    would you also get upset at the jewishness of george soros? whats your take on Emil Maurice (hitlers driver)? Werner Goldberg )whose image appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt as “The Ideal German Soldier” – who was also part of the Nazi regime?

    His image was later used in recruitment posters for the Wehrmacht. 1935 Nuremberg Laws classed persons with three Jewish grandparents as Jewish; those with two Jewish grandparents would be considered Jewish only if they practised the faith or had a Jewish spouse. Therefore Werner Goldberg was considered an “Aryan” German by Nazi authorities because of his German non-Jewish mother.

    how about Genrikh Yagoda? he was the first man to run the NKVD which was after the OGPU… would you think he was a man of faith? how about his successor? the obama look a like yezhov or beria (who was not of jewish lineage)?

    after all, these were athiests in an athiest state who tortured people and did all manner of the most nastiest kind of thing in history

    its very difficult to reconcile a positive faith with people whose only real claim to it is birth not idea or following…

    are you born a jew? then how did the magic make sammy davis jr? if your only a jew if you follow the religion, then what about a pagan athiest?

    seems like a whole lot of world nasty evil is done by people who came from the faith, and who for one reason or another, translated their lack of it into some leftist torturous actions whether real and physical, or just mental and supportive.

    where would the rothschilds stand in this spectrum? Their original name was bauer. and technically they are not jewish… though the nasty atheist stuff fomented by russia makes them out to be… technically they are Khazars from georgia, which you would call azhkenazi..

    of which the bible says they are faux jews which actually are satanists.. talk about mixing it all up till what comes out is mish moshed and useless.

    I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

    it kind of describes the hatred of people like soros, and the attributions of alinsky, and the ties of the feminists and eugenicists to lucifer as well… or havent you noticed the thread running through that?

    does it mean something? i have no idea.
    can you wist it to mean something? yeah, its been done for over 1000 years…

    heck, you now have satanists confessing that they work in abortion clinics so that they can use abortions as sacrifices… wacko city… but then again the aztecs ripped out hearts…

    heck… want some more wackoness?

    how about the rothschilds being the leaders of the same city that the cultural marxists did their work and funded the frankfurt school? Mayer Amschel Bauer born in Frankfurt, Germany

    their name change is for their symbol which is a red hexagram… (star of david)…

    but alas… if you study them, as well as others at the time (Which the anti jewish people seldom do), you find that what they did or didnt do was no more and no less different than what the Medici family did (another banking family)… or their predecessors the House of Albizzi

    and if you want to make up correlations.. the house medici symbol would be the points of a hexagram as well… 6 dots when connected also make a star of david… but i dont know if they were of ashkenazi decent… or connected at all..

    but the medici had no heirs and so died out..

    unilke the bauer family which put their heirs in each country to link up the banks of the world into one order.

    Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    the problem here is that they are both a religion and a race… and so, dividing the two is hard… if a black man is a slaver, would he be a real black man, a sell out, a betrayer, or a keen businessman of his times?

    you tell me… as the answer doesnt depend on the subject, but upon who is looking at the subject!!!!!

    Morgan is about as jewish as Soros is…

    by the way its these people and the ruthless families they created that were seen as the target for communisms hatred of family, hatred of bankers, and on and on.. in fact, so much rhetoric is directed that way that some on the left say or believe things that were fine then and truthful then, but today, make little sense…

    however, if you take a look at the families and who marries who, you will find a whose who leading to the current people that are often under discussion as part of the socialist movement…

    at the The 2nd Congress of the Communist International refers to otto bauer. an Austrian Social Democrat who is considered one of the leading thinkers of the left-socialist Austro-Marxist grouping. He was also an early inspiration for both the New Left movement and Eurocommunism in their attempt to find a “Third way” to democratic socialism.

    he was part of the birth of the idea for fascism..

    his works:

    Social Democracy and the Nationalities Question (1907)
    The World Revolution (1919)
    The Road to Socialism (1919)
    Bolshevism or Social Democracy? (1920)
    The New Course of Soviet Russia (1921)
    The Austrian Revolution (1923)
    Fascism (1936)
    The Crisis of Democracy (1936)
    Between Two World Wars? (1937)

    and if you want to know who marx was talking to when writing the anti semitic stuff about jews and the jewish question, well that name was bauer too… bruno bauer…

    a German philosopher and historian. As a student of G. W. F. Hegel, Bauer was a radical Rationalist in philosophy, politics and Biblical criticism. Bauer investigated the sources of the New Testament and, beginning with Hegel’s Hellenophile orientation, concluded that early Christianity owed more to ancient Greek philosophy (Stoicism) than to Judaism Bruno Bauer is also known by his association and sharp break with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and by his later association with Max Stirner and Friedrich Nietzsche. Starting in 1840, he began a series of works arguing that Jesus was a 2nd-century fusion of Jewish, Greek, and Roman theology

    as i said.. a mish mosh of religion, houses (families) and all kinds of stuff..

    however one hard thing is that for some reason the people related to most of this have the habit of changing their names..

    Bettye Naomi Goldstein = Betty Friedan

    funny eh?
    but is it really relevant? maybe if you think that people who come from the lineage who are not part of the faith hate the faith and self loath their lineage… while the people lumping them togeher cant make heads or tails of it..

    the quotes through time are even creepier
    Otto von Bismark:

    “The division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided long before the civil war by the high financial power of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economical and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world.

    The voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They foresaw the tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the financiers, to the vigorous Republic, confident and self-providing.

    Therefore they started their emissaries in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic.”

    hows this for linking lucifer?
    “LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” – Albert Pike

    Lucifer the Lightbearer
    Lucifer the Lightbearer was an individualist-anarchist journal published by Moses Harman in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Originally produced by a local branch of the National Liberal League as the Valley Falls Liberal (1880—1883), Harman changed the title after he assumed sole editorship in 1883. The mission of Lucifer was, according to Harman, “to help woman to break the chains that for ages have bound her to the rack of man-made law, spiritual, economic, industrial, social and especially sexual, believing that until woman is roused to a sense of her own responsibility on all lines of human endeavor, and especially on lines of her special field, that of reproduction of the race, there will be little if any real advancement toward a higher and truer civilization.

    after all, do the feminists know that this is their source? not the other things in womens studies?

    that this is the earliest start to the eugenics stuff?

    hows this quote:

    “We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

    Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

    A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

    sure sounds like a description of the new art of world war eh? Albert Pike again in 1871…

    the funny thing about pike is he is an american general and he laid out world war I (to destroy the tzars)… world war II (destroy fascism for political zionism)… and world war II which will include islam.

    you can read about him here:
    an attorney, soldier, writer, and Freemason. Albert Pike is the only Confederate military officer or figure to be honored with a statue in Washington, D.C

    this is history that you can read but is ignored… why? who knows… do you? i certainly dont.. and i can pretty much guarantee that those who are not at the core of it dont know…

    but it sure makes for some really creepy history
    (with the scariest thing being the idea that some houses work over spans of centuries not decades!!!)

    “Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce…and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.” President James A. Garfield just before he was assasinated…

    oh.. and if that wasnt bad enough, a good portion of the quotes and things are disenvormatzia.. non quotes added that probably were never said… and there of course, are quotes that are not remembered.

    some are really scary… like dodds quotes about the waldorf astoria… or the younger ford as to the ford foundation… and on and on and on and on.

  38. Assistant V I


    Fred made a comment in 2008, that echoes my own sentiments concerning Democrats or Leftists, which you referred to before here.

    I now have a very different take on Obama’s supporters. It is decidedly negative, because if they have no problem with this evil act then what does that make them? I’m not kidding around here; I’m dead serious with my moral accusations. It is deserved. Any Obama supporter who does not condemn this forfeits good standing in the human race.

    That may be a side point to whether people are allied with Islamic Jihad, but I don’t think so, given the evil of Islam itself.

  39. Ymarsakar Says:given the evil of Islam itself.??

    When People restrain themselves from keeping their chess full of poisons and hat other human for their believe, who are regarding themselves civilized and humans?

    One day, you find what you seeded…..

  40. néo-neocon Says:
    September 1st, 2015 at 2:31 pm

    Oh, so you can find an atheist leftist woman from a Jewish background? How very extraordinary of you.

    You are demonstrating very little except your own attitude towards Jews.
    Muhahahah! If I’d put in the whole list I’d be typing all day!
    Also who care if they’re non religious. They’re still ethnic Jews.. like this one.
    Such are destroying the political and cultural fabric of the West and as such they are their own Our Worst Enemy as Rabbi Lapin analyzed. Note how long it has been going on and the consequences!

    My agenda? To have you shake these people and their filthy kapo organizations by the throat like Pam Geller is doing.
    Sometimes Yid with Lid speaks up, Israpundit does once in a while, Israel Matzav often. Philips at Pro-Commerce rarely.
    Dennis Prager I heard a couple of times. Marc Levin never, nor Michael Savage, nor Krauthammer.
    It takes direct action, like the video you posted on ground wrestling in the Thalys train. Yup!
    You come out of these sessions utterly exhausted b-t-w.
    On the stage alongside Pam!

    As to this: It’s nowhere near 80/20 (your statistic, not mine), however. Are you talking about Jewish Democrats? …
    Actually, the recent Democrat/Republican statistics for Jews are 61/29.

    Muhahahaa! You know exactly what I am referring to!
    These morons voted for the ONE at 80/20 TWICE!
    Now at 61/29!!! Some progress! Slow on the uptake!

    Goys are limited as to what they can do to change that crowd from the inside. If only because these twits readily slap you with the “anti-semite” slur …
    [Easily countered these days: how can I be an anti-semite? I love Ayrabs!] Reality: absolute avoidance, limit contacts to bare minimum.

    Then there is the annoying matter of the North American ethnic Jews accounting for about 60% of of the Democ.rats’ financial proceeds.

    Goys are increasingly nervous and there is head bashing in our future.

  41. G6loq:

    Well, you’ve certainly said a mouthful that reveals quite a bit about yourself.

    Including (among other things) the fact that you are in error about the Jewish vote in 2012, which was actually 69% (see this) and not 80%.

    Also, your use of the word “kapo” in this context shows your ignorance, as well, about the history of kapos . I have noticed it’s one of your favorite words for Jews you don’t like, and I plan to write a post some day on who kapos actually were.

    In addition, why do you care so much about the ethnicity of people born of Jewish parents (or in many cases, Jewish grandparents, because their parents also have no Jewish affiliation or beliefs) who do not identify as Jews or practice Judaism of any sort? Why would such people have any loyalty to Judaism or Jewish causes? How far back do you want to go to label someone Jewish? And why is it so very important to you to do so?

  42. néo-neocon Says:
    September 2nd, 2015 at 12:02 am
    Well, you’ve certainly said a mouthful that reveals quite a bit about yourself.
    This is what we call “the snide” often combined with “the smug”. A constant of “mouthfuls” to be endured during my years working in NYC.
    Rabbi Lapin has it just right and we are all desperate … but, you skipped.

    Including (among other things) the fact that you are in error about the Jewish vote in 2012, which was actually 69% (see this) and not 80%.
    Please! Political Science numbers are not precise!
    The lady is being so … litteral!
    Those numbers are actually wrong by a factor of 0.8765 … usually.
    80/20 will do just fine as a working ratio.

    Once was bad. TWICE is a crying shame!
    Such a tiny minority providing 60% of the Demonc.rat monies is horrendous.
    Result is the Iran deal that will get us all zapped.

    As such the North American Jewish diaspora is thuggish as a whole. Lost all standing!
    Now firmly amongst the TWANLOC
    – the ‘good’ 20% don’t matter since they don’t push back. No activism —> no matter.

    Also, your use of the word “kapo” in this context shows your ignorance, as well….
    I’m ignorant. … snide, smug, etc…
    Meanwhile, Kapos congress critters all will vote for the Iran ‘deal’ and, the North American ‘Jewish street’ supports it! @50%!!! (+/- x0.8765)

    In addition, why do you care so much about the ethnicity of people born of Jewish parents (or in many cases, Jewish grandparents, because their parents also have no Jewish affiliation or beliefs) who do not identify as Jews or practice Judaism of any sort?
    Wrong! They identify … in association or opposition…
    As to the religiously affiliated, the [Reform] temple ones are virulent and busy, busy, busy …
    I heard some of the proceedings, they make the stupidest commie Christians Social Justice babble sound mild.

    How far back do you want to go to label someone Jewish? And why is it so very important to you to do so?
    How far back?
    Me don’t care about the DNA but about the deleterious state of mind and actions which … might be related to the DNA. So … dunno.
    Then, how to classify Tim Wise who wants all White people to off themselves?
    Heard him say so in Madison, Wi.
    A waste of my precious consciousness time in this realm.

    We know from past events what the outcome will be … last time was a baking, next time will be a zapping.

    And, we will be disarmed ….

  43. And, we will be disarmed ….

    North American Jewish Obama voting TWANLOC want us disarmed:
    List of U.S. Federal gun control legislation and sponsors 1968 – 2005: many more since 2005

    1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Congressman Emanuel Celler’s House bill H.R.17735. It expands legislation already attempted by Senator Thomas Dodd. America’s biggest and most far-reaching gun law.

    1988: Senator Howard Metzenbaum sponsors Senate bill S.1523. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.

    1988: Senator Howard Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill — S.2180 — to ban, or limit/restrict, so-called “plastic guns.”

    1990: Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone. The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.

    1993: Senator Howard Metzenbaum sponsors Senate bill S.653. It bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at a later date.

    February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy handguns, becomes effective. Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill. Senator Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill in the House wasCongressman Charles Schumer.

    1994: Senator Howard Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1994, aka “Brady II.” Congressman Charles Schumer sponsored “Brady II” sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of Representatives.

    September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as “assault weapons.” [Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not semiautomatic]. That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by Senator Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by Congressman Charles Schumer.

    1995: Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being unconstitutional.

    September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It was sponsored by Senator Frank Lautenberg. It bans people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun.

    1997: Senate bill S.54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997, proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws, including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It was introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Hatch, among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.

    January, 1999: Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.193, the American Handgun Standards Act of 1999.

    January, 1999: Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety Lock Act of 1999. It would require a child safety lock in connection with transfer of a handgun.

    February,1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999.

    February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show Accountability Act of 1999.

    March, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun Industry Accountability Act of 1999.

    March, 1999: Senator Dianne Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999.

    May, 2000: Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Lautenberg, and Schumer sponsor Senate bill S.2515, the Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2000. It is a plan for a national firearms licensing system.

    January, 2001: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer sponsor Senate bill S.25, the Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2001. It is a nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].

    May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer, and others introduce legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban expired in September, 2004.

    October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin, and Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending] of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.

    March, 2005: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, “to reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act,” in other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994”] which expired in late 2004.

    March, 2005: Senator Dianne Feinstein introduces bill S.620, “to reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act,” in other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994”] which expired in late 2004.

    July, 2005: Senator Dianne Feinstein introduces bill S.A.1621 — Fifty-Caliber Sniper Weapons. This amendment would convert all .50 BMG firearms to NFA weapons.

    July, 2005: Senator Dianne Feinstein introduces bill S.A.1622 — Fifty-Caliber Exclusion to S.397. This amendment would modify S.397 to allow suits when the firearm involved was a .50 caliber weapon.

    July, 2005: Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.A.1633 — BATFE Safety Standards. This amendment allows law suits to continue/be brought if the product did not meet the safety standards as defined by the BATFE.

    July, 2005: Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.A.1634 — ‘Sporting Use’ on Domestic Handguns. Applying ’sporting use’ clause requirements to domestic handguns could, almost completely, dry up the handgun availability in the United States.

  44. … to label someone Jewish? And why is it so very important to you to do so?
    the 60% of Demonc.rats financing.

    As such they make themselves a high value target …

    These are not times for making nice.

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