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<i>Camp of the Saints</i> author interview — 16 Comments

  1. The invasion requires sedition of your own
    and as i said before, the short term dem gain is not going to avoid the longer term heck they will bring on themselves… there is no way that such a large body of one race that has fostered racism (la raza) unopposed will keep people related to biden, hillary, etc in office… and unlike the prior system, the neuveau one WILL take what those people have for the good of the others.

    viva demé³crata vacaros – until the herd runs them over

  2. Not only are we assured it is possible to halt “climate change” but it must be done to preserve the species and insure a future. Not only are we assured it is possible to resuscitate a floundering debt bloated economy by financing it with yet greater credit/debt but it must be done because ‘workers’, ‘jobs’, and consumer ‘confidence’. We have been assured, socially and de jure, for nearly fifty years, that ‘choice’ trumps life and now, that ‘choice’ trumps even reality. But nothing’s to be done, can be done, about illegal third-world immigrants invading western nations and pervading their cultures. In the annals of human organized societies, has there ever been a time that so demanded and so deserved a bloody revolution and public gibbeting as now?
    I am as convinced of it more than I have ever been convinced of anything — spit God out and you’ll swallow anything.

  3. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Lincoln

    Artfldgr is correct. The elitists of the left really believe the alligator will never eat them. Fools every one of them.

  4. parker:

    Our intellectuals are twins to the intellectuals in Iran who thought the same thing about the Ayatollah Khomeini in the late 70s. Didn’t work out very well for them, either.

  5. Didn’t work out very well for them, either.

    Carter is doing fine isn’t he. And some of those intellectual Leftists in Iran escaped to the US and are living off of the bountiful system now.

  6. Ymarsakar:

    I certainly wasn’t referring to Carter, I was referring to Iranians.

    I’m sure some of them escaped and are doing just fine. Some did not. And some were quite distressed over what has happened to Iran.

  7. This invasion – from all over the world, but especially from Mexico – was entirely avoidable. The law was not enforced.

    That’s what American citizens so resent. It never should have happened. There was no vote to allow 10% of Mexico to move here.

  8. Well neo, I should have included the rino elite, they too believe their positions will remain secure when la raza holds sway.

  9. Mexico is the entry point, but Mexicans are not the major contributers to the border crash of the last two years. Most of this latest assault are illegals/criminals from Central America, Africa, and Asia.

  10. I read the book recently, it’s available on Kindle. It’s extremely well written and quite literary. The speeches and logic of the self-annointed do gooders of the left are eerily prescient and could be used word for word by Obama and his friends. It’s scary how well he understands the mind of the left.

  11. The book is racist; you can read it online here. Some text in a scene describing a meeting of the “People’s Assembly of the Paris Multiracial Commune”:

    Also present was a rather large number of white women, married–like é‰lise, for example–to gentlemen of color. Everyone listened to what they had to say, though a few whites were noticeably less than enthusiastic, seeing them as symbols of the death of the race. A number of years before, Ralph Ginzburg, the famous American publisher, had printed a series of photos in his magazine Eros, which had caused not a little ink to be spilled. They showed an interracial couple–white woman, black man–in various stages of nude embrace. With a caption that read as follows: “Tomorrow these couples will be recognized as the pioneers of an enlightened age, in which prejudice will be dead and the only race will be the human race.” Yes, that’s what it was all about. And everyone listened with an almost religious awe, because, in point of fact, they spoke in the name of death. Only a white woman can have a white baby. Let her choose not to conceive one, let her choose only nonwhite mates, and the genetic results aren’t long in coming. (In the first provisional government, by the way, é‰lise was named Minister of Population …)

    The great nameless mass was quite another matter. The dismal fauna of the Third World battalions, from the slums of Paris. And I have to point out that, moments ago, when I questioned whether anyone guessed how serious all this was, these certainly weren’t the ones I meant. They’re all there, every one. “The Chief,” with his troop of rat-hole blacks and his white advisers (from the ragtag priest to the militant tough); Cadi One-Eye himself, and his whole entourage; Mamadou, still grinning from ear to ear; and all the kinky-haired, swarthy-skinned, long-despised phantoms; all the teeming ants toiling for the white man’s comfort; all the swill men and sweepers, the troglodytes, the stinking drudges, the swivel-hipped menials, the womanless wretches, the lung-spewing hackers; all the numberless, nameless, tortured, tormented, indispensable mass … They don’t say much. But they know their strength, and they’ll never forget it. If they have an objection, they simply growl, and it soon becomes clear that their growls run the show. After all, five billion growling human beings, rising over the length and breadth of the earth, can make a lot of noise!

  12. Ann:

    “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” ~ Inigo Montoya

    At least not anymore.

  13. Oh, Raspail heaps plenty of withering contempt on his fellow Caucasians, too, don’t you worry.

    I suggest that the curious read the book and decide for themselves.

  14. I bought it mail order when the English translation came out. I must have read about it in National Review, and I remember I ordered it from something called The Institute for Western Values. I remember that because I mailed the order from my parents’ house where I was maybe at Christmas and one of my sisters made fun of that.

    But it’s a horrifying book. I remember a guru of some kind (not an actual Sikh Guru) sitting on the deck of a ship and women taking turns masturbating him. I remember the ending. It’s a horrifying book – made a big impression on me. I bet I still have that copy although it might be in a box. Freaked me right the hell out.

    And it’s happening right now, in Europe, in Greece, in Hungary, at the Chunnel. How long will Europe resist the pressure? They’ve been rather weak-willed since, what, 1900 or thereabouts.

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