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CJ for President — 10 Comments

  1. If Barack had a son, he’d look like this young man but I don’t think he’ll be invited to the White House very soon. Not a good hoax bomb builder skilled at manipulating the MSM.

  2. Not a good hoax bomb builder

    What was interesting in first place his Teacher which claimed be science teacher did not know what its! and told him to kept inside and do not showed to others?

    Is that teacher knows why she/he advised this young boy not show it to other? what the reason all about of this fuss?
    Is she don’t know simple electronic that make a clock and she/ he is scenic teacher?

    I think his school just make all this fuss for some thing not worth it at all if they just look discussed within there team..

  3. CJ done broke the code.

    From Instapundit: “So I turned to eBay, searching for vintage alarm clocks. It only took a minute to locate Ahmed’s clock. See this eBay listing, up at the time of this writing. Amhed’s clock was invented, and built, by Micronta, a Radio Shack subsidiary. Catalog number 63 756.”

    Ahmed took the clock apart and put it in a pencil box. It appears that Ahmed may have been attempting to create an Islamophobe incident. According to the link, which is here:
    this “invention” looked like what a homemade bomb might look like. The story has been reverse engineered by the media to be a case of Islamophobia. When in fact, the school authorities and police did the right thing considering the ongoing threat from Islamic terrorism.

  4. How comforting to know that there is at least ONE 13 year old who knows the word ‘blatant”.

  5. At age 13 he seems more informed than most voters today. That is encouraging.

    I doubt there will be any invites to the WH or dates with Sasha in the stars.

  6. JJ,

    It’s more than about recognizing a narrative. It’s about which side’s activists prevail in spreading their narrative to social conformity.

    In the narrative contest for the zeitgeist of the activist game, narrative is elective truth. The actual truth is just another narrative that must be competed for like any other.

    A recurring theme on Neo’s blog for her and from commenters is the common experience of confronting acquaintances to correct seemingly obvious factual errors, logical flaws, etc, with a popular narrative – eg, the Dems/Left/Russian false narrative of the Iraq intervention vs the straightforward documented law and policy, fact basis of OIF – only to discover to our dismay the lack of impact of our efforts.

    Recognizing a narrative is not the gist of the problem. The people who chose to stick with a false narrative and dismiss our corrections are not stupid. They just aren’t seeking the truth, or at least the actual truth.

    The Emperor’s New Clothes was an inspiration for bloggers like Neo, but the fable is off the mark.

    Merely pointing out an obvious contradiction or error is insufficient. The boy in the fable was only effective if his chosen truth, actual or not, won the narrative contest for the zeitgeist of the activist game. The boy perhaps was a blogger, too, but if he succeeded in exposing the Emperor, he was foremost an activist who won the zeitgeist.

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