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I challenge anyone… — 48 Comments

  1. Carly did not back down and she slapped Chuck silly! She played him perfectly.

    A perfect example of why Carly is my number one.

    And she kept on smiling the whole time.

  2. Wow. I can’t imagine anyone watching that who didn’t know much about her before coming away unimpressed. The challenge is to increase her exposure to more and more people.

    Was it just me or did Chuck Todd give off a definite I-don’t-like-her vibe?

  3. I did note her allusion to H-P’s deep state connections.

    H-P has entirely supplanted the Polaroid Corporation and Control Data as the image processor shop for the NRO and CIA.

    { Those with long memories will recall that Control Data burst onto the scene with the first image processing computer. A device that could DIRECTLY process 128 bit word sizes in one digital cycle. That was unheard of before. Today, you see it in every single modern digital gadget.

    Land was the hyper-genius behind the cameras that made the U-2 the U-2. That plane was designed AROUND Land’s camera. It produced the massive film that Control Data’s digital wonders had to process.

    This was the basis for the U-2 discovery flights over Cuba.

    All popular accounts omit the fact that Control Data machines were ‘drilling down’ to discover the camouflaged cruise missiles (atomic tipped) and other naughties. }

    Fiorina used H-P’s critical technology status to push back against the Dell-MSFT trust. It was quickly determined that it would be entirely against the national security interest for MSFT to destroy its competition.

    Prior to her play, Gates had been able to slay countless digital competitors. The list is too long to post. Suffice it to say that the monopolist has more death threats than the President — twice over.

    Gates has to maintain an intense security detail that must run up towards $ 100,000 PER DAY. He has a platoon of retired FBI//Secret Service// SEAL agents protecting him. He has to travel like an evil Muslim despot.

    He’s in weird territory.

    It’s interesting to see the maladministration permitting Dell and Gates to re-enter their old firms.

    Something about an etch-a-sketch memory. Every time they roll over — their minds go blank.

  4. Which reminds me…

    Most Cuban Missile Crisis pop history conflates IRBMs with the problematic missiles in Cuber // Cuba.

    The REAL reason why JFK and Company were freaking out was that the atomic missiles in Cuba were low flying cruise missiles. They would be entirely capable of flying north across the Atlantic and thence west into Washington DC — providing absolutely NO NOTICE at all.

    In 1962, the USSR didn’t have ballistic missiles that didn’t have the need for a HUGE launching foot print.

    Whereas, cruise missiles — even back then — were seen as extremely effective penetrating atomic weapons.

    One might note that when atomic disarmament talks began, the FIRST issue salient to the Soviets was the prohibition of atomic tipped cruise missiles.

    For America had entirely recreated the ‘Cuban dilemma’ with submarine launched cruise missiles. These could fly south from the Arctic — and take out the entire Soviet defense in the blink of an eye. All final approaches could be so synchronized that they’d explode “Independence Day” style upon the same count down clock.

    All of the above is just a taste of the manipulation of the public memory that Hollywood is engaged in.

  5. She’s wrong in what she claims and the interviewer is right. I admire her poise, but I don’t admire her unwillingness to admit error. Why not just admit that she misinterpreted the video, then make her criticism of Planned Parenthood, if that’s what she wants to emphasize? The longer she insists that she was right about the video, the more she’s going to be beat up on by the media for it.

  6. At this point the GOP base is perfectly willing to overlook past policy differences if the candidate is a fighter. It just doesn’t matter if someone has been a “principled conservative” for 30 years. If they’re unwilling to fight for those principles then they’re useless.

  7. Every time I hear her I move more into her camp. I used to think of her as a possible VP, but lately she’s looking more presidential with every interview.

    Fiorina/Bush??? Fiorina/Rubio????

    She did not mention it this time but she’s right about career politicians who get too close to the way things are done and don’t want to push too hard against the status quo. She would ask some hard questions and make some changes for the better.

    I saw the video she referred to and the thrust of her comments about it are accurate. I’m not going to worry about a few splinters this side when the other side has 2X4’s littering the floor.

  8. Word Bully:

    The error is a technical one. The baby in the film was not the baby being described. The description was real, these things are happening, and that was her emphasis—I think, rightly so. Whether that exact baby was THE baby being talked about, it is a baby of roughly the same age and stage of development as the baby[ies] being described in the video.

    Here are the facts as best we (or anyone) can tell. What error was Fiorina supposed to admit? That we weren’t watching that exact baby having its brain harvested? But she never said we were.

  9. Word Bully said:

    “She’s wrong in what she claims and the interviewer is right. I admire her poise, but I don’t admire her unwillingness to admit error…”

    She wasn’t in error. Everything Fiorina describes happens in this video. Not in the exact sequence she described, but that doesn’t make her wrong as every element is there.


  10. It’s very powerful when Carly says in response to Chuck’s going all technical on the video: “No one can deny this is happening because it is happening”. Chuck knew there was no response to that and so moved off on a different tack, namely whether the GOP in Congress will go for a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood.

  11. Steve57 Says:

    “She wasn’t in error. Everything Fiorina describes happens in this video. Not in the exact sequence she described, but that doesn’t make her wrong as every element is there.”

    Like neo mentioned; the audio and video don’t link up as the same event so she was in error IMO to say ‘just watch the video’… as it implies the video portion was connected… It was more like; listen to the what the person is describing being told to do… with some file footage on top.

    anyway; we have to be really careful. Our every word will be parsed while they can claim anything. That’s the way it is. Easier to just triple check everything than fight it… since we’ll lose fighting it.

  12. Assuming for the sake of discussion only that Carly is wrong, how does that compare to the deception, lies and damage to our national security by Hillary?

    Big picture.

  13. Cornhead Says:

    “Assuming for the sake of discussion only that Carly is wrong, how does that compare to the deception, lies and damage to our national security by Hillary?

    Big picture.”

    Not going to get any of that from the MSM. Carly’s approach is probably the best. Don’t admit error to them but let pundits explain what happened. In the end; the extended discussion hurts the left by further hashing out the facts… which the left was trying to confuse and fog up.

  14. Actually, not only is Carly Fiorina right about what she describes in the video, Planned Parenthood is even more ghoulish than Fiorina describes.

    At approximately the 4:40 mark a Dr. Van Handel of Novogenix Labs admits that sometimes after “the procedure” the infant’s (it’s no longer a fetus) heart is still beating.

    Which is good news for StemExpress, as they supply fetal hearts for cardiovascular research using a method called Lagendorff perfusion.


    “To isolate fetal human Sca-1+ cells, anti-mouse Sca-1 antibody based magnetic separation was used, as described in a previous protocol [4]. The study protocol used here was approved by the Stanford Institutional Review Board. In brief, human fetal hearts (StemExpress, Diamond Springs, CA) were perfused using a Lagendorff apparatus, using Tyrode solution containing collagenase…”

    What is Lagendorff perfusion? Google it. It’s a method of keeping a heart beating after it’s been cut out of the body. But you can’t have a dead heart. It has to be beating until the moment it’s cut out, then there is a maximum of five minutes to prepare the heart and place it in a solution.

    The thing is, other tissue also is prepared the same way. Such as nerve tissue. So first the other tissue has to be cut out, and then the beating heart last. So, good news for StemExpress and PP but very bad news for the infant that has to endure their barbarity.

    Consequently some researchers have long suspected that PP keeps these infants alive as long as they can in order to get them through what they euphemistically call the “tissue harvest.”

    All this, by the way, is a clear violation of federal and California state law. The rules are pretty simple for what constitutes a baby born alive following an abortion. If the infant is moving voluntary muscles (such as the infant in the metal pan next to the forceps at the 5:55 mark) or a detectable heart beat, then it must get the same medical care as any other infant.

    Instead, PP and StemExpress prefer to dissect them for profit.

  15. blert, your description of Russian cruise missile technology in 1962 certainly is contrary to my understanding of the state of the art; and I was on active duty when the U.S. Navy’s Harpoon was just going operational, and the marvelous Tomahawk, was still in testing. I was also heavily involved in fleet defense in the 1970s, and to the best of our knowledge the USSR had nothing like what you describe.

    Carly Fiorina will be tested, smeared, and vilified. I trust that she is up to the challenge.

  16. SLR said:

    “Like neo mentioned; the audio and video don’t link up as the same event so she was in error IMO to say ‘just watch the video’… as it implies the video portion was connected… It was more like; listen to the what the person is describing being told to do… with some file footage on top…”

    No, Fiorina implied no such thing. When the CMP shows the infant dying in that specimen pan they clearly mark it as “Courtesy of Grantham Collection & Center For Bio-Ethical Reform.” Someone would have to be illiterate to get the impression that Carly Fiorina was implying the video portion was connected to Holly O’Donnell’s description of removing an infant’s brain.

    The fact that it is clearly marked as stock footage blows PP’s line of BS that the CMP’s videos are deceptively edited out of the water. They’re far less deceptively edited than an average MSM newspaper or broadcast which uses stock photos and footage without identifying it as such.

    Also it would be great if the the left continues to insist a) Fiorina is lying about the video and b) don’t you dare watch it, fellow leftists!

  17. Three months ago, Carly Fiorina trounced Whoopi Goldberg on The View when she explained that the DNA in a zygote is the same as the DNA on the day you die.

    When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg, the result, in scientific terms, is a “zygote.” Within the zygote, the DNA of the male and the DNA of the female combine to produce human DNA, that is unique in all of time and in all of existence. Each of us began as a zygote. When we die, our DNA will be exactly the same as when we were a zygote. At what point in time were we ever not a human being?

  18. Fiona was good and strong on Planned Parenthood. She lost me on her claims about her accomplishments at HP.

    Her claims about “leading in every single product in every single market” are patently false. The only product category where HP has a leadership role is printers. PCs? Dell beats HP. Servers? IBM and Oracle beat HP. Software Services? IBM and Accenture beat HP. Innovation? Apple easily beats HP. Mobile Technology? Everyone beats HP.

    This is the money quote from Fortune magazine:

    The many, many people who believe she was a disastrous CEO–and that group would include me–observe that she doubled revenue and employment simply by buying a large company, Compaq, in a deal that was a huge loser for HP shareholders. Her claim of going “from a laggard to a leader in every product category” is distinctly odd, since HP was already the overwhelming leader in printers when she arrived, and by the time she left, the company still didn’t dominate any other business. Increasing patents is nice, but only if it pays off for shareholders, which it didn’t. Neither did anything else during her tenure. The stock dropped, and while she likes to point out that her time was a tough period for tech firms, it was a lot tougher for HP shareholders than for those of IBM, Dell, or the S&P tech index. She underperformed them all.

    That being said, she would still be a vast improvement over any Democrat currently on offer.

  19. Oops, Fiorina. I’d just responded to a Face Book friend named Fiona who had posted a cute cat photo.

  20. Did anyone else note the MTP panel’s uniform dismay at Carly’s refusal to give in to Todd’s “it’s been fact checked!” premise? Even that despicable ersatz-conservative Brooks.
    I’m sure there have been others, but the first conservative that I can remember using this approach – explicitly rejecting the biased premises of a MSM interviewer to double down on his/her position in the debate – was Newt Gingrich. Newt proved that the technique works; the questioner is usually not well prepared to defend the premise, gets defensive, and comes off looking a bit flustered and weak. Donald Trump does it as well, with great success. Even Dr. Carson has had some success with it. The “Hit them back twice as hard” tactic does seem to work.

  21. Blert, Oldflyer,

    I was in Peshawar, Pakistan during the Cuban missile crisis monitoring the Russian EMP tests.

    At that time neither the USSR nor the US had enough missiles for a first strike. They didn’t even have enough missiles to be a credible retaliatory threat. They vast majority of the offensive forces were bombers.

    The US had the Russian bomber fleets pinned with the Jupiter IRBMs based in Italy and Turkey. The Russians sought the same goal with missiles in Cuba. The quid pro quo in the resolution of the crisis was the removal of US missiles in Italy and Turkey.

  22. carl in atlanta, 1:57 am — ” . . . the first conservative that I can remember using this approach — explicitly rejecting the biased premises of a MSM interviewer to double down on his/her position in the debate — was Newt Gingrich.”

    I can hardly believe it took so long. And yes, Gingrich was a (or maybe “the”) master at this; I wish he weren’t so flawed in other ways.

    The hard fact is, and most of us here on this forum acknowledge it, the main stream media are every bit part and parcel the adversary as are the Democrats, so-called progressives, the politically correct. (And then there’s islam; heaven help us. I’ll include them and their apologists, “useful idiots” all, in the category of the politically correct.)

    It is high time we good guys recognize and internalize this. Trump gets it. Cruz gets it. Fiorina gets it. As carl in atlanta points out, Carson is getting it. Republicans like John McCain, who hails even his adversaries as “my friends” (I think he’s sincere in that), never got it. Romney never got it. I don’t think either George Bush really, really got it, even when the younger George Bush was as roundly vilified as he was.

    What we have to look forward to is “the burden of a long twilight struggle”, as John Kennedy described the fight against communism in his inauguration speech. He was pretty candid: “All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.”

    I mean, what’s the alternative?

  23. Used appropriately, the spewings of the MSM are invaluable as a near perfect reverse barometer of truth, public policy, and political candidates.
    In this episode, F Chuck’s blood was up in the same way that General Lee’s blood was up when ordering Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg.
    It is predictable that such misinformation eruptions will repeat forever. The existence of proofs of leftist perfidy cannot be admitted to because they expose the underlying falsehood of their entire worldview.

  24. @M J R: Well said.

    We drifted along from the Reagan days thinking that Communism was dead.

    It isn’t. The seeds were planted among the progressives in America in the early twenties and they have bloomed today.

  25. Carly has performed a much needed service in popping the Trump bubble. Since 2008 She seems to have been intensely honing her politician skills and presents well in candidate situations. The one time she was entrusted with executive leadership, she prevailed over naysayers in forcing a devastating merger between HP and Compaq. Quite bitter feelings remain to this day. If she were Potus, I wonder if she would wrongly assume that she was always right, and manage to piss off both opponents and supporters on a regular basis. And I wonder if she could ever build up reliable support in Congress. I’ll support her if she’s the nominee, but I have a nagging doubt that she’s over-skilled as a candidate and under-skilled as a leader.

  26. The “Hit them back twice as hard” tactic does seem to work.

    After being in a turtle defense mode and constantly stomped on, I think American conservatives, even the elites at the top, are getting the message.

    The best defense is a good offense, for when your defense sucks too.

  27. As I said, make them hurt. It works. Even if it doesn’t, it helps cull evil, which should be enough for any true believer.

  28. the whole point of the fabians symbol is to show how idiotic and deserving the public sheeple are. you can openly tell them that your a wolf in sheeps clothing, then watch people like neo show you the wolf in sheeps clothing and say – see, she is a sheep…

    she is not.

    The whole game is about lies and misrepresentationg with the best at it being on top.

    this is why you have to use other things AND not be nice in terms of forgiving tresspasses which amount to the only clues as to why you should not side with them.

    yes. neo. i agree, a lying sociopath is very beleiving, your training in psychology should have you know more, but it doesnt it seems when you WANT what the lying glib person that is another poster child for psychopathy is who you like and want.

    Carly Fiorina is no conservative and she’s definitely not an outsider

    There is significant proof that Fiorina IS a part of the establishment. In 2012 Fiorina was tapped to work as Vice Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). This was a powerful “second in command” of one of the most notorious anti-conservative establishment outfits in the nation.

    so much for her lying false position as an outsider so you can like her instead of another insider

    the same NRSC that helped leftist GOP Senator Cochran run one of the dirtiest primary victories over a true conservative in my lifetime. The same NRSC that blacklists any consultant or firm that does business with conservative candidates they don’t like. The same NRSC that preserves the power grip held by McConnell and the rest of his leadership ilk in Washington.

    The NRSC is what keeps liberals in power. The NRSC is what keeps conservatives away from Washington. And Fiorina was as much a part of that nasty machine as she could be. She used her network of powerful big business to raise huge sums of campaign cash, money that was used in primary season to defeat conservatives.
    [edited for length and language by n-n]

  29. Carly is tough, bright, knowledgeable, a really great candidate.

    But like Mitt Romney and Tom Foley in Connecticut and her run against Boxer, I haven’t yet seen a realistic plan for how to counter the Dems narrative that Republican businessman are monsters. A majority of voters seem to be ready to believe it.

  30. Carly Fiorina is putting flip phone users on notice: You’re going to have to upgrade under a President Fiorina

    she wont use the web, she will instead force anyone who wants to participate to say ok to being tracked as to where they are and so on…

    yeah.. she is all about freedom and such…

    Harold Says:
    September 28th, 2015 at 10:13 am

    Carly is tough, bright, knowledgeable, a really great candidate.

    wow… just like obama…

  31. Art:

    So I take it that you’re one of those former HP employees laid off by Carly after the tech bubble crash?

    Also, what’s up with that crude misogynistic term you keep repeating in your attacks on Fiorina? Hell, I’m a southern redneck male and even I find it offensive. It’s certainly not helping your cause. The term “woman” ought to suffice, no?

  32. I saw the Carly interview in real time and I noticed that she was smiling away just like she had won an Olympic gold medal. Why? She looked too dour during the last debate and her pollsters told her she had to counter that negative image.

    Carly is enormously disciplined. Another reason she will win and govern with great effectiveness.

  33. donal trump took 40 million and multiplied it 100 times to 4 billion… employes 22.5 thousand people… and the worst you can say is his style is abrasive, and he has funny hair

    carly got over 100 million from her games
    she is now worth $58,954,494.88…

    she couldnt even hold on to what she had.
    and she is the better one to make american economically great again.

    how so?

    they dont even list the microscopic employment she offers others..

    Cornhead Says:
    September 28th, 2015 at 10:58 am
    Carly is enormously disciplined. Another reason she will win and govern with great effectiveness.

    so was bernie madoff and obama… duh…

    she has a huge failure rate, but wins popularity contests
    trump has a huge success rate, but does not win popularity contests.

    your gonna hate her if she wins..
    she isnt what she says she is, what the press claims she is, and more.

    oh.. and if you actually read articles on how she did what she did, you find out she is NOT enormously disciplined, but a tyrant wacko that alienates everyone she works with.

    In an article about worst CEOs in USA Today in 2005, Yale business Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld said that Fiorina was “the worst because of her ruthless attack on the essence of this great company. … She destroyed half the wealth of her investors and yet still earned almost $US100 million in total payments for this destructive reign of terror.”


    “virtually everything she bought [while at HP] … has been shuttered or divested,” and he pointed out (emphasis his), “She has NEVER been offered another CEO position in the decade since.” – Sonnenfeld


    she was asked to leave Taiwan Semiconductor’s board in 2009 “as she only attended 17 per cent of their board meetings.”
    [edited for length by n-n]

  34. 1) Carly has shown that she can stand up to the press.

    2) I agree with Carly on many of her positions, including her foreign policy, military policy, abortion views, and others.

    3) She is on the list of possibilities

    4) I love that it is irrelevant to almost everyone that she is a woman…which is how it should be.

    My guess is we will narrow it down to the following 5 candidates: Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Cruz and Rubio. And then we will really get down to brass tacks. I would like to see these 5 in the primaries. I think this gives us enough to work with and will distill things down to a great candidate. The weaker ones with less conservative positions will likely fall by the wayside. We will see if Trump truly has good, conservative positions We will see if Carson can stand up to the heat. We will see if Fiorina is really conservative enough in all areas. We will see if Cruz can keep up the fundraising and increase his percentages by scooping up voters from those that drop out and also lose the robot talk. We will see if Rubio can convince enough conservative voters that he isn’t a Cuban Jeb. Etc.

  35. Instead, PP and StemExpress prefer to dissect them for profit.

    Ever wonder why whenever a Leftist hydra head gets damaged, the other heads go and regenerate it? It’s because of this kind of money laundering. All heads generate cash and all of it can be used to repair any damage done to the Leftist alliance.

    That is why they cannot be destroyed piece meal or by soft methods. ACORN can’t be taken down this way. Nation of Islam cannot be. Sharpton cannot be. Hussein and the TSA and the IRS cannot be. They are hydra heads that regenerate.

  36. Art’s bashing on Fio the same reason why he bashed on Neo some odd years or months ago. It’s because Art doesn’t have the guts to actually say what he wants to say to his feminist academic tormenters and bosses and co workers. So he has to find someone that the rest of his crowd will support him for grilling.

    Transparent as it is pathetic.

    Ymarsakar Says: July 21st, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    So assuming that there’s a problem with women or control there of, in this country, what are people, like Art, going to do about it?-Y
    not a damn thing… the took away my schooling so i had to be homeless to get my degree, now i am priveleged..

    wacko took my son away and used the system to create a crazy thing in which i nearly went to prison for a dead person that to this day 30 years later is still not dead

    my son quit honors in genetics to enter the military as no phd program wanted his kind, and wanted to look good helping the favored.

    so nothing..
    i been fighting this since the late 1970s.

    so what did i do? accidently found a wonderful woman who we wanted to have kids. but alas, the feminist academia i work for has tortured me till i had a stroke, to which the law said i had no rights, to which i still work for and have been here for 10 years… right now they are trying to hire some h1b visas at $40,000 more than i make now.. which is not much above entry, but i cant get work…

    if things go south, i can leave to another country and have citizenship there with a huge family that welcomes me

    your on your own Ymarsakar

    i gave up long ago after the stroke
    and nothig can be done..
    the ladies will have their way
    even if its driving off a cliff like thelma and louise
    and they have nothign to trade to get their way
    after all, hookup culture negates any of that

    I’m not sure why anyone with that kind of pov goes around criticizing Fio for, it’s not like he cares one way or another.

  37. neo-neocon said:

    ” …The baby in the film was not the baby being described. The description was real, these things are happening, and that was her emphasis…”

    John Hinderaker of Power Line and Ann Althouse have an interesting take on this “error” of Fiorina’s.


    “…But on the videos, several Planned Parenthood officials talk about killing babies that have been born alive and selling their organs. So Carly is right about the fact, if not precisely what is seen on the videos.

    Ann Althouse suggests this is intentional:

    ‘…she’s creating pressure on everyone to view the video for themselves, and once people do that, most will be horrified by the story and want to know if it’s true, and those who want to say but Carly was wrong about seeing the incident in the video will seem morally unbalanced, perhaps monstrous. That’s what you want to talk about?!'”

  38. Oldflyer Says:
    September 27th, 2015 at 11:30 pm

    It’s forgotten now, but during the 1950s both the USSR and USA had HUGE programs aimed at cruise missiles — sons of the V-1.

    These included the infamous Snark. It was a total money pit. “Snark invested waters” was the universal jibe.

    The Tomahawk didn’t get rolling until Williams created the super efficient tiny jet engine. That was a full generation AFTER the early stuff.

    The Snark and its Russian counter parts — MOST of the original Soviet missile subs were solely for cruise missiles — practically identical to those stationed in Cuber // Cuba — were rapidly phased out when IRBMs and ICBMs were perfected.


    The Bomarc was designed in the exact same era — and is most notable for being a total military-economic fiasco. It was a missile for a threat that never arose. The Soviets jumped completely past bombers — to missiles.

    The technology of the Bomarc, the Snark, the Regulus provided the base for our IRBMs and ICBMs.

    Everything the US was doing, the Soviets were doing, too.

    If you look at the actual photographs it’s immediately apparent that the Soviets were installing cruise missiles. These HAD to be based in Cuba because they had such limited range.

    The cruise missiles on Soviet subs had the same limitation. They had to get all too close to America — AND — they were slow to launch.

    BTW, did you know that the Sapwood, circa 1962, had only THREE launch pads in the Soviet Union ?

    That it took the Soviets 24 hours to erect and launch each rocket ?

    That the facility was in Estonia — just a hop and a skip up the coast from Denmark and Germany ?

    The Soviets were NAKED during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    Wiki is a mine field, BTW.

    It is true that SS-4 IRBMs were part of the equation. Modern audiences focus on them because they are — as ballistic missiles — something familiar.

    But the Pentagon — back in 1962 — was absolutely certain that the Soviets would not limit themselves to IRBMs when they had proven cruise missiles — now being sent to sea with the Russian navy every time you looked.

    Unlike V-1 launchers, the Snark and Regulus had extremely short launching rails. So too did the Soviet versions. These missiles were short enough that they would appear outwardly (boxed on a truck) like a basic semi-trailer truck.

    Like the V-1, they had dry wings — no fuel. So they could be assembled in the field mighty quickly — with nuts and bolts. The Soviets worked this out so that they could do so on the high seas.

    The Polaris program — from the start — rejected this scheme as wholly impractical. They’d had enough of the Regulus.

    “Production of Regulus was phased out in January 1959 with delivery of the 514th missile, and it was removed from service in August 1964. A number of the obsolete missiles were expended as targets at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Regulus not only provided the first nuclear strategic deterrence force for the United States Navy during the first years of the Cold War and especially during the Cuban Missile Crisis, preceding the Polaris missiles, Poseidon missiles, and Trident missiles that followed, but it also was the forerunner of the Tomahawk cruise missile.” Wiki

    Left politely unsaid was that the USN hated the Regulus. It was a PITA.

    Somehow the cruise missile threat from Cuber has been edited to the cutting room floor. Indeed, if you don’t troll the ancient records, you’d never realize that the USN sub fleet was operating atomic deterrent patrols all the way back in the mid-50’s.

    Yes, even the American cruise missile program is now largely forgotten.

    The Soviets cloned everything we did — and usually — vice versa.

  39. The Soviets cloned everything we did – and usually – vice versa.

    Which is why they lost the arms race, they should have went all Slavic Russian, unfortunately Stalin put a stop to that. Play to a culture’s strengths, instead of mimicking a richer country like the US.

    It wouldn’t take heroes or strategic geniuses to save a nation if people followed more natural guidelines like that.

    Also the Chinese advanced cruiser missiles designed to take out carriers, was helped along by the intel Clintons sold to them. And people think Snowden is still the issue and that all the Pentagon generals talking about Snowden had the authority to tell us what was what… same generals that punted out some Special Forces for disobeying procedure in funding and training child rapists, that is, by the US Armed Forces chiefs, staff, and officers.

  40. One other note; the number of lies in the lefts attacks on Carly for ‘lying’ keep adding up… right while citing fact checks and such…

    one; they’re counting a couple fact checks as on their side that are not really taking sides… such as snopes… which center on whether PP broke the law or not… not whether the videos or what Carly said was correct or not.

    Two; some of them are claiming the video is all togeather bogus on top of not representing what Carly is describing (read this in a wapo oped). I’m under the impression it is real video from the sting operation. Just not from the event the narrator is describing.

    if Carly is a liar… ummm… whats that make them?

  41. @blert: My wife’s uncle was a test pilot during WW2. In his reminiscences , he wrote:

    “Our government had secretly gotten the plans for the German buzz-bombs and was manufacturing them here and testing them. We launched them out over the Gulf of Mexico. This was before we had telemetry so we flew formation with the bomb and radioed back the speed, altitude, heading.etc. A secondary Mission was to shoot the bomb down as it headed back towards land. One time the bomb I was chasing turned around and headed back toward the base, so I had to shoot it down quickly.”

    He left us some photos of the US version being launched. You can see them here:


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