Home » Oregon shooting [UPDATED]


Oregon shooting [UPDATED] — 40 Comments

  1. Ditto to what Molly said — the victims and their families have my deepest sympathies.

    Other than that, I’m going to do what I wish the press would do… and refrain from comment until more facts are established.

  2. No doubt another “Gun Free Zone.” When are we going to learn that we must teach our criminals and crazies to respect Gun Free Zones!!

  3. Pres. “Let No Innocent Person Escape” is going to Address the Nation at 6:20; brace for incoming fire. (Or codswallop, if you will.)

  4. I heard the president of the college was calling for armed citizens with guns to come and fight back. Would be rational if true. Also heard that the shooter was asking people what their religion was, and shooting the Christians, but that’s still just a rumor.

  5. Reports from survivor that victims were being asked what their religion was by shooter prior to shooting them.

  6. Reports that victims were asked their religion and if they said “Christian” they were shot dead.
    But, clearly, it’s the guns that are the problem …

  7. Didn’t you find out that all these mass school/theater killers were Democrats or sons of Democrats, Neo? someone posted about that.

    President Bozo demanded further violations of our civil rights tonight. Makes as much sense as confiscating every sober driver’s car if someone else drives drunk and kills somebody.

  8. Also heard that the shooter was asking people what their religion was, and shooting the Christians, but that’s still just a rumor.

    But this turn out true?

    Australian Online ISIS Jihadist in Florida

  9. Someone commentating said He d like to know how many of these shooters are on/ or have taken psychotropic drugs eg Prozac & those that are similar & drastically alter brain chemistry.
    It would be important to know if that is any kind of a factor. There seem to be more frankly mentally ill in the *younger* shooters, the Colorado theatre, Arizona Congress woman, Dylan & Kleebold, Virginia Tech
    Whereas perps who go postal & shoot fellow workers seem older & have *scores* to settle.
    Ft Hood guy was older But I consider his motivation Jihadism.

  10. Obama says it’s the guns that are at fault. But he ignores the shootings in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, and even D.C. Multiple victim shootings are not a gun problem, they are a people problem. More specifically it is three problems — untreated mental health cases, social dysfunction in the hood, and the intolerance of the “Religion of Peace.”

  11. Saw a profile of the shooter. He reportedly was not a student at the college. Race is hard to determine from online pictures, but could be white, or mixed. It is reported that he identified as a conservative Republican who hated organized religion. Apparently this all comes from social media. None of it is verified.

    Originally from Torrance, Ca and moved to Oregon with his mother. He is 26, contrary to initial reports. It is not clear whether he still lived with his mother.

    You can find information by googling “Oregon shooter”.

  12. same old, same old, except with a clear anti-Christian bias: Shooter asked religion, and if answer was “Christian, he fired a head shot.” If non-Christian or atheist, a leg shot.
    The Sherriff designated this a formal “Mass Casualty Event” which title by regulations mobilizes hundreds of cops, detectives, crime analysts,fingerprinters, etc. including the now-mandatory grief counselors.
    But per MCE protocol, victims’ names will not be released for 24-48 hours. We live in regulated times.
    As of today , campus is “gun-free”. What a relief?!???

  13. I have seen 2 people confirm that they shooter asked if they were Christian. One was the original young lady in the classroom. The other was a grandmother who was also attending class that day. Sounds like it is true.

    Newest rumor is that this guy is muslim. Some random website posted supposed pictures from his facebook page that showed muslim connections/photos.

    I’m sure we’ll find out more from the survivors over the next few days.

  14. Off topic, but I hope Neo embeds Netanyahu’s speech at the UN. We are living at the edge of war. His speech was chilling. There was not a single voice in the whole UN Assembly, in the whole world, raised in defense of Israel. No one shouted out Never Again. Nothing. Dead, dreadful silence for nearly a minute while he waited for someone, anyone to offer support. It brought me to tears.

  15. K-E, not everyone was a Christian if names are an indication. The 1st victim was the college English Professor. His name was Levine.

  16. At least POtuS was honest, for once, and said he wanted this politicized. Before the bodies were even cold.

  17. Pontificates The One,

    “Right now, I can imagine the press releases being cranked out: We need more guns, they’ll argue. Fewer gun safety laws. Does anybody really believe that?”

    Always love it when someone else states my position for me.

    “Fewer gun safety laws. Does anybody really believe that?”

    No, Mr. Affirmative Action Nobel Peace Prize Winner. To answer your question, NO ONE REALLY BELIEVES THAT. Gun owners I know are *very* supportive of gun safety laws. However, they are not at all supportive of imbecilic posturing by ideologues.

  18. To “The Other Chuck”:

    Having a “Jewish-sounding” name is no guarantee of being Jewish even if it’s a truly Jewish name like Cohen or Levy. Most “Jewish” surnames are actually Germanic, including my own and neo’s. There is a considerable evidence the gunman was targeting Christians, even if it turns out not all the victims were Christian. Imagine the MFM hysteria had he been targeting Muslims, not to mention Obama’s.

  19. The guy was just a flat out wacko.

    His bizarro rationale was akin to Lenon’s assassin.

    He killed just to be ‘somebody.’

    This points to a severe error in MSM policy.

    They have to STOP making these wackos famous.

    It’s the MEDIA that’s causing the carnage — not the firearms.

    Before repeating arms, nut cases were fabricating bombs to blow up entire schools — kids and all. (19th Century)

  20. Here we go again. It’s like the Left is generating these incidents.

    What happened to all the Crazies under Bush II?

  21. We are living at the edge of war. His speech was chilling.

    You can sit right back down, C, since you don’t believe Hussein has killed anyone.

  22. another anti christial anti capitalist leftist with a gun does stuff AGAIN… you could end more than 3/4s of these incidents if you put liberals and their victims in jail or forbid them to have a gun.

    meanwhile, the liberals were out in force yelling how its an NRA person, and a conservative, and so on.

    because the story that hits first is the one that is remembered, so being wrong from the hip in favor of your football team favors the lie for the team

    Nihilism is the religion of the left who despise all religions that are not nihilist

    the funny thing is when you try to read the left try to deny lefts association. ie. when a person who is not on the left does it, then there is a solid connection and nothing can assuage that. but if a person on the left does it, then the perpetrator has to include leftism overtly in their actions or else it doesnt count.

    here is a great example

    Nidal Hasan — Ft Hood Shooter: Reg­istered Democrat and Muslim. (Hasan had become a radicalized fundamentalist and there is no such thing as a leftist fundamentalist Muslim)
    Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter — black liberal/Obama voter (there is exactly zero evidence that political ideology was a motivating factor)
    Seung-Hui Cho — Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat. (there is exactly zero evidence that political ideology was a motivating factor)
    James Holmes — the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu­py guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians. (there is exactly zero evidence that political ideology was a motivating factor)
    Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter. (there is exactly zero evidence that political ideology was a motivating factor)
    Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas — Leftist Democrat (His manifesto was extremely anti-government and even more explicitly anti-IRS. Now what political movement do we know that loathes the government and IRS?)
    James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel — progressive liberal Democrat. (Hey, this guy is kind of left wing! He was so extreme he thought humans were a plague on the planet! He must have had quite a body count! But actually, as anti-human as he was, he didn’t kill a single person despite having all the time in the world to do it. So why is he on this list?)
    Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter — Leftist, Marxist. (there is exactly zero evidence that political ideology was a motivating factor and I’d like to point out he shot a Democrat)
    Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists. (Anarchists, not exactly leftists but they were planning to blow up a bridge. Yet, another zero body count)
    Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters — families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists. (there is exactly zero evidence that political ideology was a motivating factor)
    Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber — Leftist Democrat. (40 years ago)
    Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat — killed Kennedy. (50 years ago)

    notice how they make their association reletive so that they can never conclude that its their ideological position.
    [edited for length by n-n]

  23. Harry The Exremeist Says: Reports from survivor that victims were being asked what their religion was by shooter prior to shooting them.

    True as far as most reports.

    The shooter asked, and if you were not christian, he shot you in the leg, if christian, he shot you in the head.

    Given that christians are the protectors of the jews and leftists and anarchists both have a bad love of jews, it makes sense to demonize christians to move them out of the way of the target or include them.

    ie. the racist concept of being a friend or protector means you share the same fate.

  24. Molly NH Says: Someone commentating said He d like to know how many of these shooters are on/ or have taken psychotropic drugs eg Prozac & those that are similar & drastically alter brain chemistry.

    actually what i would do is ask how many were drugged by feminism when they acted like boys and were put on ritalin as children developing their brains on the drug, rather than adults having their brains tweaked

    if you try to look up the figures they are often stated in the negative… ie. the percentage of children with adhd that are not on drugs. rather than the percentage of children who are forced to be on drugs.

    and yes. your FORCED to give them if the teacher says certain things… otherwise they will take your kid put them in foster care and drug them. so the choice is bad or worse, and thats that.

    if you look at this map
    Percent of Youth Aged 4-17 Years Currently Taking Medication for ADHD by State: National Survey of Children’s Health

    you realize that the diagnosis and prescribing of such drugs are very much political… with some states having less than 1% and others having 10%

    when you have a real desease that is diagnosed properly and treated properly there isnt a 10X difference in rates when you cross a state border.

  25. M J R Says: Always love it when someone else states my position for me.

    thats a left tactic. read feminist articles, they talk for men and tell you what men think and all that, and basically say no one can talk for women but women..

    so if a feminist says you hat ewomen, you must hate women, and cant have any reasoned position.

    if a feminist says men feel their masculinity while standing to pee, then women believe thats what men think… (i never thought of my masculine advantage to peeing until women started to grouse about that being so unfair. yeah, and multiple orgasms or the potential for them doesnt count… tit for tat is a stupid game when feminists play it)

    the left speaks for their opposition so that their followers never actually hear the opposition.

    the more hated the person is the more they talk for them and the harder it is for you to actually hear them in an honest way. they been working over time on trump, to the point, they know, that even those that would like him may not… as they believe what they know is valid, and yet cant be separated from the din taht constantly plays in the ears.

  26. Ymarsakar Says: Here we go again. It’s like the Left is generating these incidents.

    not like. IS…
    they do so by feeding into the worst parts of human psychology… race hate, economic hate, refusal to take personal responsibility, the constant din from nickelodeon to the news to programs of how one has to contribute to the cause and be radical, their favoring acts of extreme terrorism, the fact that some like ayers end up in better jobs and futures for bombs or guns, and on and on.

    after all, kill a cop and you may end up in cuba and have high schools named after you in the US… (Assata Shakur)

    or you can bomb a room full of dancing teens at a military ball where the debutants of the wealthy come out to society… and claim the nails in the bomb that killed your friends and had you raise their kids… then followed by a brinks robbery to start a race war, you beome a professor, and close to the president (Ayers)

    or… you can plant bombs and try to murder women because they are acting like women. years later your celebrated and let off for the crimes as the terrorksm of feminism is forgotten (Rote Zora)

    if you go to prison, thats ok, as you can be a big hero, have articles written about you… you can have whole groups with signs protesting in your favor. a whole category of music can be named after you, call it RAP… and your books published and you can kill cops. (Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (a.k.a. H. Rap Brown))

    i can make this a very long list of people that have done some horrid things that the anarchists and left idolize..

    HECK even the man who tried to kill the pope is now famous, outside of jail, and got to meet the pontif!!!!!!! (Mehmet Ali AÄŸca)

  27. on another note
    Record 56,647,000 Women Not Working…

    meaning that women as a group are making less than men (though women individually make more than men in the same job…)… oh well, have to get out and start hurting more unprotected white male class…

    that might help foment more of this postal outbursts. you know, destroy families, and all that cause their fix which never fixes but puts more and more on the backs of one class of people, end up doing what to the weak minded or those that dont care any more

    another example of Ymarsakar’s point as toi manufacturing things.

    first you need soem premise of justification
    then you purposefully ignore reality and set the scape goat, jews christians white males
    then you come up with policies to hurt them
    then sit back and wait

    voila… you now have used one bs excuse to manufacture another bs excuse and pychopathically your laughing your ass off as you can never ever be held responsible for what your doing… and can go pick up the prize money and noteriety..

  28. another exampe of the same thing except that its not deadly (yet)

    VIDEO: Vegan protesters storm steakhouse, shout at customers…


    the left teaches that to make change you ahve to get in the face of people and force them by such behavior to comply..

    hey… didnt the shooter just do that?

    of course… but since most dont kill we dont associate the two togethher… but they ARE together as they are BOTH examples of getting in the enemies face and teaching them a lesson.

    why do vegans get to ruin other peoples meals?
    why are people not allowed to protect themselves from such people?
    why dont such people get punished

    why does the left support such and others and not see that this emboldens them to sacrifice their lives and others lives for a cause and some really nasty people manipulating them?

    the army of violent, crazy, criminal people, IS The army of the left… they are unpaid, extreme, disposable, and act out without any blame on the actual instigators and so are safe to be used.


    Army vet shot seven times trying to save others…

    ‘Gun-free campus’…

    one unarmed security guard for protection

    Obama Vows to Change Gun Laws…

    Refers to Himself 28 Times In 12-Min Speech…

  30. Harper-Mercer said he was ‘mixed race,’ a ‘conservative Republican,’ ‘not religious,’ and ‘living with parents’

    The killer, who said he idolized the IRA and Nazis, on Thursday walked into Umpqua Community College in Roseburg wearing body armor and carrying three handguns and a rifle before shooting dead students.

    sorry, nazis were on the left
    and the IRA turned out to be communist..

    so his conservative republican thing doesnt fit the other things… meaning, mish mosh, and the left gets to pick details they like to focus on

    ex-president of Umpqua Community College, Joe Olson, say this morning that he did not regret disarming the lone security guard at the school.
    [bet the parents would say something else]

  31. Police Say 14-Year-Old Confesses To Stabbing Pregnant Mother

    lets start a national campaign to get rid of knives to save all the pregmant women from their own kin!!!

    Viva la spork!

    chopsticks not allowed… someone might run and poke their eye out.

    want to know why so much of this is happening AND see how clueless the left is tothe ill they cause with inane policies?

    Declining Student Resilience: A Serious Problem for Colleges
    College personnel everywhere are struggling with students’ increased neediness.

    basically that whole everyone is a winner and gets a trophy has turned a generation of smart people who cant handle being failures and cant function in a real world.

    but from the comments you can see that the pin heads with degrees cant fathom that the everyone wins no one loses stuff they been pushing for over a generation would lead to this…

    and this would lead to people like the shooter…

  32. The laws of gun safety: 1. Every gun is loaded. 2. Always be aware of where the muzzle of the gun is pointing. 3. Never point the muzzle at anything you do not wish to destroy. 4. Always be aware of what is around and behind your intended target. 5. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you have acquired your target. 6. Anyone who wants to take away your firearms in the name of safety is your enemy.

    Every child at the age of 8 should learn these simple rules. I blame his irresponsible, whack job parents for little barry’s failure to understand gun safety.

  33. Geller is posting that the anti-White, anti-Christian assassin had jihadi connections on line.

    Further, that the authorities scrubbed his social media with all due dispatch.

    Further, the allegations that he was a glory hog don’t jibe with his on-line persona.


    ISIS is claiming that they were his inspiration.

    While he’s pitched by the LEO community as a White power fanatic — the boy was mulatto — and living with his Black mother in some on-line dream world of porn and rage.

    Dave Chapelle did a riotous bit about a blind Black member of a White Power movement. At the end of the sketch, his character comes to realize that he is NOT White.

    So this assassin gives every appearance of being very damaged goods. For he was way too dark to fit in with a bunch of skin head toughs, no matter how closely he cropped his hair.

    Every photo I’ve seen shows him with an almost bald head — short, short, short hair indeed.


    No doubt Barry had that anti-civil defense speech sitting in his top dresser drawer for months now.

    I know he’s desperate to humiliate and wreck this nation. Yet, most of the humiliation is landing on him. Even bozo politicians can’t humiliate a nation, a society.

    Even now no-one connects the strange antics of the Wan with American national culture and norms. He’s that freaky.

  34. Now it’s being revealed that the perp is largely the exact opposite of that crafted by the White House// MSM.

    They’ve changed just about everything —

    Away from his true name…

    His true skin tone — he’s mulatto…

    He’s sociable… not a loner at all…

    His on-line pals were Muslim jihadis… in the Middle East. !

  35. G6loq Says:
    October 1st, 2015 at 9:07 pm
    ♦ Umpqua Community College was/is the local college attended by Alek Scarlatos. Scarlatos was one of the 3 U.S. Heroes who took down the jihadist gunman on the train in France recently.
    Oregon Community College Shooting — Pre Planned Act of Jihad — Warning Posted Yesterday…
    Hmmm …

    The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.

    According to this report, the black-Islamist terrorist who committed this act of terror, Chris Harper Mercer, had previously been indentified by electronic intelligence specialists within the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) adherent after he had attempted to gain passage to Syria via Turkey during the first week of September, 2015.

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