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The Middle East… — 10 Comments

  1. The knockout game has moved from America to Israel and morphed there into the knife-out game.

    Rev. Wright surely cannot believe his Jesus, alive today, would be one among the Arabs stabbing Jews in the streets across the nation of Israel — but then that Jesus would not be in solidarity with the people Wright claims for him. Abiding ever out of step with convention, the Jesus.

  2. The Reverend Wright is no different from those black historians who claim the ancient Egyptians were really black and black Africans did all those amazing things like build the pyramids.

  3. Wright’s “hate is palpable. Barack Obama couldn’t have missed it, which means that he must have agreed with it, or at least been fine with it.”

    Incapable even of emulation by all but the exceptional few, all they can do is tear down the standards that expose just how far they fall short. It is not white society’s former certainty of superiority that galls, being but an excuse. Rather it is their current certainty of inferiority. And deep down, they know it and that is why they hate.

    White liberal guilt driven solicitude is subconscious confirmation that a level playing field is a ‘hill’ too steep for them to climb.

    Ironically, black privilege is what they seek and must have for their hate has made them into what they hate.

  4. sdferr Said:

    “…Rev. Wright surely cannot believe his Jesus, alive today, would be one among the Arabs stabbing Jews in the streets across the nation of Israel…”

    Oh, Rev. Wright certainly can believe his Jesus would be stoning elderly Jews as they drive home from a dinner on the high Holy days, stabbing them in the streets, joining in mob violence against whites on the streets of Chicago, all that.

    Because his Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible who died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. His Jesus is not the same Jesus that Christians believe in. His Jesus was a caricature of the Biblical Jesus invented by James Cone, who invented the heresy of black liberation theology, and is not God but a fiction that is subordinate to black political interests as radicals such as Wright would have it. As James Cone famously said:

    “Black theology cannot accept a view of God which does not represent God as being for oppressed blacks and thus against white oppressors. Living in a world of white oppressors, blacks have no time for a neutral God. The brutalities are too great and the pain too severe, and this means we must know where God is and what God is doing in the revolution. There is no use for a God who loves white oppressors the same as oppressed blacks. We have had too much of white love, the love that tells blacks to turn the other cheek and go the second mile. What we need is the divine love; as ex­pressed in black power, which is the power of blacks to destroy their oppressors, here and now, by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject God’s love.”

    From A Black Theology of Liberation, James H. Cone, 1970

    This is why Obama is so screwed up,and when questioned about St. Paul’s condemnation of homosexuality (as a sin among many other sins) Obama said that passage was “obscure.” It to liberation theologians in general, and here we are speaking of black liberation theologians in particular, because it does not serve their political purposes. They have embraced what Pope Benedict XVI, then John Cardinal Ratzinger, so eloquently called the “Marxist Fundamental Option.” A Jesus that does not serve the “class struggle” and fight on the side of the “oppressed” against the “oppressor” must be destroyed and replaced by another. James Cone fabricated another, as did Latin American liberation theologians.

    Hence, Wright’s church that Obama attended is in no way a Christian church. It preaches a Gospel that is not Christ’s, where the kingdom is very much of this world. It is a heresy, a distortion of Christianity, in which Christ is enlisted to serve their hatreds. So, yes their Jesus would be a violent, Jew-stabbing, cop-killing, revolutionary arsonist.

  5. It seems that we have gone from racism to “geographism”

    One century ago, it was about what race you had.

    Now it’s about where you have been born. If you were born in US, you’re american, it doesn’t matter you don’t love the country neither you feel it neither you respect its traditions.

    If Jesus was geographically born in Palestine, he was Palestinian!

    That seems like a new “ism”, though instead of being about race, it’s all about geographical place of birth.

  6. If Jesus was geographically born in Palestine, he was Palestinian!

    Palestine was renamed from Judea to Palestine, because it was Roman territory and Emperor Hadrian didn’t like the Jews rebelling all the time.

    So technically, using that logic, Jesus Christ was born a Roman.

  7. So, yes their Jesus would be a violent, Jew-stabbing, cop-killing, revolutionary arsonist.

    The entirety of the Leftist alliance, with all One Thousand member factions in it, are a death cult and have their own religious hierarchy, dogma, and doctrine, very similar to Islamic Jihad or technically the Caliphate.

    So it isn’t surprising that Liberation Theology is there, nor that the Catholic Pope is part of it, nor that the Pope doesn’t care too much for Christians being converted or killed in Africa or the ME.

    It’s not his business, so to speak, as they consider it. To “liberate” the oppressed is his business, which probably includes the Muslims since they are “oppressed” in the West.

  8. Yann said:

    “If Jesus was geographically born in Palestine, he was Palestinian!”

    There was no such thing as Palestine when Jesus was born. He was born in the Roman client kingdom of Judea.

    There was no Palestine until after the Romans put down the Second Jewish Revolt in 135 AD. And even then there were no Palestinians; the Romans renamed the province after the old and no longer extant enemies of the Jews as an insult to the Jews.

  9. The Jewish political leaders had decided that the Jesus Christ prophet’s advice to give unto Caesar etc, was not enough to tolerate animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount, so the Jewish zealots and orthodox forces ambushed and destroyed a Roman legion.

    This was way after Jesus Christ’s living time, and maybe even after his apostles had left the area. Well, the apostles are probably dead too.

    As a result, the Jewish people suffered. The Romans lined up the streets with the crucified remains of Jewish rebels.

    Back then, even before the Arabs came around, the ME blood had a lot of “recklessness” in it, violence wise. Religion was supposed to put a cap on that kind of stupidity, but it only worked some of the time.

  10. “Jesus was a Palestinian” — WOW… that’s a new one! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but more ignorance and lies from Jeremiah Wright… I won’t be surprised when I hear others on the left end of things saying this idiocy.

    I also hate it, as an American Indian, when we are aligned with “Palestinian” terror and Jew hatred. I know there are Indians who side with this nonsense, but not all.

    Of course Obama must have been influenced by this nonsense and bought into it.

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