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Questions continue about the Colorado Springs shootings — 26 Comments

  1. I have seen quite a bit of his electronic trail… including his posts on the dating site plenty of fish..

    but, obama, while talking to the french who just experienced a mass shooting that they only happen in the US…

  2. I’ve read that he lived in a house with no electricity in a remote part of CO where the only radio station one can get clearly is NPR. Not sure how harsh rhetoric from bloggers and talk radio could reach him there, despite Hickenlooper’s attempt to blame them.

    I haven’t seen or heard anything that indicates he was a pro-life activist and/or any other type of white, conservative boogeyman that the MSM is working hard to depict him as. Seems more like a crazy person who removed himself from society (like the Unabomber), with no news yet about what motivated him to get in a shoot-out with police.

  3. Those who start the narrative usually set it in concrete; it is difficult to impossible to change what the public remembers of the first reporting, even when a news service later corrects themself. So this will be known from no on as the Planned Parenthood Shooting, even if the shooter happened to be totally oblivious of his whereabouts when he flipped out.

    So once again, the liberals get their message out for free and the conservative side plays catchup.

  4. I should point out that we have turkey blockade applied to russia… russia now is mounting air to air missiles on their planes, and more as things are creeping towards something… which could be why the change agent in cheif is distracting us. a hot war would help him and dems a lot… but the dems are now pressuring yellen not to raise rates…

    so, this shooting is just a waste of time and distraction – even more so given the things we are ignoring (even if other shootings)

    i searched the blog and you have no mention of Amanda Blackburn

    The Blackburn home was the third burglary in the early-morning hours of Nov. 10. The perpetrators, police said, were after money. But the chaos ended around 7 a.m., police said, when one of the suspects – a teenager – leaned over Blackburn’s body and shot her in the back of the head.

    Then he leaned further, police said. He looked at her face. And he watched her bleed.

    The Marion County Prosecutor’s Office has requested an enhancement on the murder charge filed against a suspect in the Amanda Blackburn killing because Blackburn was pregnant.

    LOTS of mass attacks by people of preferred pigmentation..

    The seven suspects, believed to be between 15 and 17 years old, walked up to a 17-year-old rider and punched him in the face, leaving the teen with a broken jaw and a cut to his face. The group fled the bus after the alleged attack.

    and after another threatened to murder 16 whites and shut down a school..

    the black lifes matters is giving their list of demands. [im leaving some out so i dont get deleted again]

    – WE DEMAND free tuition for Black and indigenous students.

    – Non-consequential reporting system for students to disclose microaggressions, for monitoring incidents and tracking campus climate similar to the non-mandatory reporting of sexual assault.

    – Collaboratively Design & Launch the Bias Response Team (BRT) with Students of Color.

    – Increase funding of Black student organizations and programs.

    – Increase percentage of tenured faculty of color by 20% for the 2017-2018 school year, and by 100% over the next 5 years.

    – We demand that there be a 30 percent increase of underrepresented minority students by the 2019-2020 school year.

    – We want reparations for chattel slavery, Jim Crow and mass incarceration.

    – We want a guaranteed income for all, living wages, a federal jobs program, and freedom from discrimination for all workers.


  5. We continue to descend into a postmodern epistemic framework and entirely postmodern MSM. Facts no longer matter. EVERY newsworthy event is framed, reported and analyzed within a leftist narrative. And…believed. Not just by leftists but by reasonable and well-meaning (useful idiot) liberals who naively think the NYTimes is in any way objective. And, alas by the apolitical LIVs.

    I’m pleased the conservative media and GOP hopefuls (particularly Carly) are pushing back hard. But ultimately there’s only so much that can be done. The best news (however ghoulish and disrespectful as it may sound) is that in our ADHD, 15 minutes of fame news culture, it will largely be forgotten by New Year’s and entirely forgotten by the Iowa caucus

  6. Bette Midler was quick to point a finger, also using Twitter: “Thanks to overheated screeds spewing from the mouths of the GOP, and in Congress, innocent people have died in CO, including a policeman.” And, “We share the concerns of many Americans that extremists are creating a poisonous environment that feeds domestic terrorism in this country.”

    “Christian terrorism is a bigger threat to U.S. freedom than Islamic extremism. Today’s attack is an act of religious terrorism, there should be no other words to describe it. Just as many demand we label terrorism carried out in the name of Islam as Islamic terrorism, we must do the same to Christianity and realize the Christian religion is just as dangerous and prone to incite violence as its younger brother, Islam.” Patheos website

    “The time has come to hold @daviddaleiden accountable for violence spawned by his lying ‘baby body parts’ video. Indict him 4 manslaughter.” Newsweek journalist Kurt Eichenwald

    these act like totalitarians of many stripes, not just germans, or russians… but its amazing that given the permission and lack of protest, they will go so far as make their own death camps, re-education centers and dictate what you should think, who you go to bed with or not, how or if you go to school, whether you can keep your earnings depending on what color, and so much more… – and each day the crazyness gets worse as the crazies – even if employed by newsweek, all act like its a good idea and that such a beast would never get out of control and look at them.

    the people claiming this is christian terrorism cant show me a place in the bible that says, go out and do this… while i CAN show them parts of the koran and hadith that specifically shows such are following that religious systems missives.

  7. According to NARAL, there have been eight people killed and seventeen injured in attacks on American abortion providers in twenty-five years. And they have been getting rarer: this is only the second such killing – after the 2009 murder of George Tiller – in this century.

  8. There was a very extensive timeline I found yesterday based on the police radio transmissions that day and the few eyewitnesses that have been quoted in the press. Since all of the murders happened outside the clinic, it is pretty obvious that the clinic was not the target. It looks more like random chance. There were a number of medical offices that shared the same parking lot. Who knows why he chose there to go on his rampage…but I think it had nothing to do with Planned Parenthood. If so, he would’ve gone inside the clinic before he started shooting. Instead, it appears as if he sought refuge in the building from the police. That was it.

    I am looking forward to the police information once the case gets going down the road. I’m appreciate of the fact that the police are quiet about everything. It helps to tamp down the intensity of reaction.

    The shooter has a history of violence and rape. He is a mentally ill criminal. That’s about it.

  9. K-E:

    Actually, I think the police silence ramps up the intensity of the reaction. It allows the MSM and the left to set the narrative in people’s minds in the absence of factual information.

  10. Public revelations of other “final solutions” also caused their regimes and supporters great anxiety, as morally sane people united and confronted the slippery slope of progressive morality.

  11. Artfldgr Says at 3:57 pm:

    “Bette Midler was quick to point a finger, also using Twitter: “Thanks to overheated screeds spewing from the mouths of the GOP, and in Congress, innocent people have died in CO,….“Christian terrorism is a bigger threat to U.S. freedom than Islamic extremism.”

    It is interesting how the left has no problem connecting the dots in “Christian terrorism” even when the terrorist has little or no connection to any Christian group but when Muslims commit terrorism they hasten to inform everyone that the terrorism has nothing to do with Islam even when the terrorists are devout Mosque attending Muslims.

  12. “Bette Midler was quick to point a finger, also using Twitter: “Thanks to overheated screeds spewing from the mouths of the GOP, and in Congress, innocent people have died in CO, including a policeman.”

    Apparently, revealing that Planned Parenthood, at its highest echelons is selling baby parts is reprehensible. Ms Midler’s lack of outrage at that practice reveals someone utterly lacking in a moral compass. To such as Middler, Hillary et al, the deaths of those involved in the killing of the innocent unborn is appalling, while the deaths of 50 Million + is but a statistic. No more troublesome, than the removal of a hangnail.

  13. It’s just “Workplace Violence.” I can’t see what everybody is getting so excited about.

  14. Geoffrey Britain:
    Ms Midler’s lack of outrage at the practice…

    Moral outrage coming from Ms. Middler, from a woman who got her start entertaining in male whorehouses, I mean gay baths?

  15. Nothing more than “Ministry of Propaganda” need be said. The fact that a gazillion of your fellow citizens either agree it was a PP assault, or don’t care, shows how successful the campaign since RvW has been. 50 million dead! Mao would be proud.

    To check on the enemy, I watched ten minutes of a special (apparently) abortion report on msnbc this evening. The resounding themes were 1) choice, 2) access,and 3) cost, of abortion services. msnbc wants ABs without restriction, easily accessed and cheap to free. Baby parts? Morality? Children? Location in minority areas, as most are? Debate? Nope, of course not.

    All in all, it curled my toes. Joe Goebbels was applauding. Fortunately, few watch.

    But never forget what the ms stands for. The Gateses and Zuckerbergs are buying influence and policies as never before seen. Carnegie only built libraries. This new crowd will decide what you can read, think, love, and hate.

  16. An ex-wife of the man charged with killing three people at a Colorado Planned Parenthood said on Tuesday that he has targeted the reproductive health organization before.

    Barbara Mescher Michaux said Robert Dear put glue in the locks of another Planned Parenthood clinic when they were married more than 20 years ago. She characterized him in an affidavit she filed to divorce him in 1993 and in her Tuesday interview as a violent, isolated man, matching the descriptions of others who knew the 57-year-old suspect.

    more at link

  17. Frog, 9:52 pm — “All in all, it curled my toes. Joe Goebbels was applauding.”

    Speaking of whom . . .

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
    — Joseph Goebbels

  18. The truth will come out long after the leftist lies are solidified as fact in the MSM. That’s how it works, folks.

    Deal with it.

  19. If we can’t defeat people who advocate for a final solution (e.g. pro-choice or elective abortion, selective-child); if we can’t defeat people who defend clinical cannibalism (e.g. Planned Parenthood harvesting and trafficking); if we can’t defeat people who believe in spontaneous conception (e.g. “big bang” or punctuated evolution); then the moral sane Americans deserve to lose to the liberals, progressives, and “good Americans”.

    Well, now we know how it happened. Never again.

  20. By this time, the people already can feel the inevitable Civil War 2, and they know who the enemy is. Conditions meet certain required prerequisites before 1860 even. But what people lack is the sufficient hate, the critical mass, to begin active operations.

    It will not be long now, by my assessment and intel sources.

  21. Ymarsakar, with people like below making history in the good old communist way to get a revolution, do they not realize what would actually happen? that they are NOT on a winning side to such a thing? that all of us will lose? what do you think a leftist white run racist democrat based dictatorship will do with their problems once there are no more people who could complain? you think they will actually not remove the unproductive? the unproductive are only good before the revolution, they are the scaffolding that gets destroyed during and after… (and looks like africans have not learned a whit what has happened in their own countries when this has happened in no case has any of them turned out better than the hell that started that conflict)

    McKelvey, a self-proclaimed activist, participated in a student rally regarding racial issues on Nov. 17, but left midway through the rally and walked to a computer station in a university library.

    Once there, McKelvey allegedly created an anonymous Twitter account — @keanuagainstblk — and began posting threats of violence against black Kean students.

    The first message around 10 p.m. said “kean university twitter against blacks is for everyone who hates blacks people” and [she followed with] a tweet about there being a bomb on the campus, and then continued with several other tweets about shooting black students at the university.

    After making the posts, McKelvey returned to the rally and attempted to spread awareness of the threats, authorities said.

  22. Artfldgr:

    You know the old saying: “If it didn’t exist they’d have to invent it.”

    Well, so little overt racism exists of the type they want to exploit for propaganda that they have to invent it.

  23. It’s interesting to note that at one time Democrats did recognize human and civil rights. They were predominantly racists, but like the NAZIs, they did good work for their people.

    Unfortunately, since the Republicans took the lead in the reformation, the Democrats have stumbled over one human and civil rights issue after another. Today, Democrats in principle support selective-child policy (i.e. “final solution”), defend clinical cannibalism (i.e. harvesting and experimentation on electively aborted babies), advocate for class diversity (racial, gender discrimination under another name), devaluation of capital and labor (e.g. trillion dollar deficits), anti-native policies (e.g. excessive and illegal immigration, refugee crisis), quasi-scientific beliefs (i.e. outside a scientific frame of reference, including spontaneous conception), etc.

    It has meant that they must literally commit murder on historic scales in order to reconcile the diverse, diametrically opposed factions of their party.

  24. Sadly, there are more than a few Republicans and Libertarians who have overlapping and convergent interests with their counterpart.

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