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Police officers killed in Baton Rouge — 41 Comments

  1. I read that the Panderer in Chief stated that more people are killed by guns, autos and bath tub falls than by terrorists. My take is that we–at least our law enforcement community–are under terrorist attack; and Obama is desperately trying to divert attention from that fact.

    Years ago, Obama famously said something to the effect that white people feared young black men. Is there now good reason not to?

    There is discussion that ISIS is at war with us; or that we should declare war on ISIS. Such talk may refer to the wrong war. Clearly, we are approaching a situation that borders on domestic insurrection, and I am not talking about Islamic extremism. This is fanned by statements from the national political leadership; and by the media. Cities and freeways are regularly shut down. Property is destroyed. Innocent people are randomly attacked–or killed. (See the reports of a random double murder in a Florida hospital last night.) What happens when the majority population gets fed up? How will the government react if there is a backlash? What if armed neighborhood militias are formed for self defense when law enforcement is ineffective? Then what?

    Social order is always fragile. Leadership is needed, and is lacking.

  2. Cleveland FOP asks for declaration of an emergency and suspension of open carry law. Kasich turned them down flat. Idiot.

  3. Cornhead: “Idiot.”

    I disagree with you.

    The terrorists will have their weapons. An armed populace that can fight back will not cause more of them to act.

  4. “What if armed neighborhood militias are formed for self defense when law enforcement is ineffective?” Oldflyer

    They’ll be arrested of course and, if they resist, shot.

    Obama is doing his best to divert attention from the fact that we are under terrorist attacks both foreign and domestic. When his efforts finally collapse, do you actually think he hasn’t any ideas of what next to do?

  5. Remember all those morons who swooned over The One in 2008, assuring us that His election would usher in The Age of Racial Harmony?

  6. Geoffrey Britain: “They’ll be arrested of course and, if they resist, shot. ”

    It is interesting to speculate on who would do the arresting and shooting. I recall looking into the number of local, state (including the national guard) and federal police and IIRC it is about 2 million. That is not much for a nation of 330 million that owns 10’s if not 100’s of millions of weapons.

    There will probably be a strong Red/Blue state difference but even here in deep blue California, it is the far Left coastal enclaves that control the politics while the interior of the state is much more moderate. The coastal cities are mostly disarmed right now but even the LA police did not try to arrest the Korean militias that defended their nighborhoods during the Rodney King riots.

    We hear rumors that the Dept. of Homeland Security has stockpiled billions of rounds of ammunition so perhaps they might form the core of the Democrats Gestapo but I do not know how many they number. I suppose they could hire mercenaries.

  7. Bob_CA Says at 4:57 pm

    “…even the LA police did not try to arrest the Korean militias that defended their nighborhoods during the Rodney King riots.”

    I wouldn’t count on the same tolerance next time. That was quite a few years ago and things have changed considerably. Also Koreans have brown skin so their actions were less offensive to the left than if a bunch of white men had taken up arms to defend their property.

    That said, the present conflict is the result of the left assuming power at the national level and targeting the police who are agents of the local community. In other words in this new conflict the left view the police as the enemy. That means that the police should be more inclined to support local citizens who take up arms to defend themselves.

  8. I thought “corn head” was a lawyer. there apparently exists an open-carry law for the entire state of Ohio which Kasich cannot just suspend because of some anxiety.That would violate the Ohio constitution .
    Perhaps corn head should read Kasich’s full statement before calling him an idiot.

  9. I wouldn’t count on the same tolerance next time. That was quite a few years ago and things have changed considerably. Also Koreans have brown skin so their actions were less offensive to the left than if a bunch of white men had taken up arms to defend their property.

    Oathkeepers reported that they had members up on rooftops with sniper rifles and scopes, watching the arsonists and making sure they don’t proceed into certain areas.

    Far as I know, the police didn’t grab them, because the police were too busy cowling behind the unions, defended by unarmed US citizens forming a line between them and the rioters… That’s the benefit of Obeying the RUle of Law. Where You Protect the Police, not the other way around.

  10. Dennis Says:
    July 17th, 2016 at 5:47 pm

    Also, I don’t mean to counter what Dennis suggested. After all in Waco 2, the police were executing white bikers for almost no reason. SPLC, Muslim Brotherhood, labeled them as “terrorists” though.

    But in situations where the police are ordered to stand down or sit there and do nothing, that will constrain their reaction to every grassroots militia, BLivesM, terrorist, white patriot, whatever.

    My analysis is that the Leftist alliance will activate another 10% of their strategic reserves. They will also use combined arms tactics, such as what the RUssians used in the invasion of Georgia. They will have death squad, rape squad, advance vanguard ethnic “enclaves” in the target population, who will begin ethnic cleansing or BLM rioting or “target assassinations of white people”. This will then justify a response. The federal or state forces will then utilize this Emergency and Instigated Riot, to declare martial law or a state of emergency, in order to arrest or destroy the resistance, which would be the patriotic resistance. The ethnic cleansers… will be protected.

    Not quite the same as Erdogan, but Byzantine even still. The Left is clever, even if most of them you meet are zombies and idiots. Don’t think that that is the best they have to offer. Consider the number of people who have died by the hands of the Left, in this country alone. Underestimating the enemy can and will get you killed, I don’t have to do anything for that to happen.

  11. The Left secretly rejoices every time a cop is assassinated… or maybe not so secretly. This is exactly what they want to see.

    My sister-in-law lives about a mile from where this happened and she noted that CNN is describing the location as a sketchy part of town, but it is nothing of the sort. Just plain old middle-class Baton Rouge, just around the corner from where she and my wife and the rest of their siblings grew up.

  12. Atrocity fatigue sets in. We’re almost getting one a day of these incidents, somewhere in the world. I lose track of all the geography involved. I don’t watch much television, but when I’ve checked in, just to get an update, the coverage is so worthless and unintelligent it lowers your IQ if you listen to them.

    We’ve advanced into a version of the Dark Ages, wherein nobody knows any history — even recent history — and various religious cults have full sway and can lie without contradiction.

    “Religious cults,” that is, faith-based movements, include the environmentalists, LBGTs, rape culture feministas. BLMs, suicidal, masochistic pacifists, and so on. The children meanwhile are brainwashed in the public schools and colleges to believe in the cult of PC.

    Where will it end? Probably with Islam taking over the world within the next 50 years. Because they have a simple, unnuanced goal, no internal dissent, and the West lacks all conviction but for a few isolates here and there. They will go down fighting and history will end.

  13. Bob in CA,

    Organization, logistical supply and targeted application of force. The Romans repeatedly demonstrated just how effective that is against a mob and make no mistake, the Gaul and German tribes were as ‘patriotic’ as ourselves.

    The key for the left is a crisis, one severe enough that it precipitates a bi-partisan call for order, that supports a legal Presidential declaration of martial law. Done properly, the military has to support it. If Obama or Clinton is in office they will use it as leverage.

  14. GB

    And it will be all good if DJT is at the helm?

    You are having to cast back a bit far for historical analogies. The Roman approach didn’t work with the Germanic tribes BTW, just sayin.

    Try looking in the last century for strong man rules.

  15. OM,

    There is little to no possibility of Trump engineering a successful coup for reasons that I have enumerated here on many occasions.

    The Roman legion’s performance against tribal mobs and the reasons for it are an exact match and counter for those who blithely think that small arms in the hands of patriotic Americans would deter a leftist coup backed by the US military. And the Roman’s poor performance against the German tribes was entirely due to the topography, which prevented the use of the Roman legion’s superb tactics.

    As I’ve said here before and more than once, I fully expect Trump to trash the Constitution and the rule of law. He can’t save the country, no one can but he may (it’s uncertain if he will try) be able to prevent the Left from taking over. That is, if he’s not assassinated. That someone will try is certain.

  16. I’m not into conspiracy theories but I am beginning to wonder if the October Surprise will be something akin to a declaration of martial law in this country. Particularly if the ongoing chaos boosts Trump in the polls and threatens Hillary’s coronation. Between the increasing regularity of terrorist attacks, and the BLM-related breakdown of law and order/war on cops, it’s really not that far-fetched of a notion, sadly.

    Every time it seems that things couldn’t possibly get uglier here or abroad…it gets uglier.

  17. It is perhaps unrealistic to expect that racial vengeance-violence is a one-way street. Baltimore has 15% fewer cops than a year ago. BHO wants dialogue and so does simpleton Paul Ryan, plus “understanding” the chronic, unending, self-inflicted woes of the poor poor pity us black Americans. Bho brings guns to knife fights, his very words.
    America is not going to let this 13% run the country.

  18. Imagine every major metro area in chaos. Roits, looting, and BLM types shooting cops and national guard forces as the rampage in the cities spills over into suburbs. Hell fire, even Des Moines would be chaotic. DC would burn. How would local, state, and federal forces regain control and return to some semblance of order? How would foreign enemies take advantage of the chaos?

    Lots of unknown unknowns in such a situation. And martial law might not be so effective unless DC is willing to napalm their favorite victim classes.

  19. OM,

    Once again with the personal attacks, rather than specific disagreement. Sad.


    My take is for something like that to be successful, a severe enough crisis is needed that it results in bi-partisan support for a declaration of martial law. Only that would be seen as a valid rationale for support of martial law by a majority of the military.


    I hope you’re right but I can’t help reflecting upon Obama’s current 54% approval rating.

  20. GB,

    I do not share your opinion that djt is less authoritarian, nor less a creature of the left than the Shrew Queen. His own children could not vote for him in the NY primary and his past positions reflect support for unfettered abortion, strong anti 2nd and 1st amendments, and crony capitalism on steroids. Yes, hrc is dangerous, but I am not certain based on his character and his past positions that he is marginally less dangerous that hrc.

  21. Murderer was an erstwhile member of the Nation of Islam, one of Calypso Louie’s adherents. Though he said don’t associate him with anyone.

    Judging by his remarks on social media etc., he was an equal-opportunity racist, hating whites, but also Arabs, Indians, whatever ya got.

    The EneMedia mostly are leaning on the “ex-Marine” angle (News for Yahoos, for example). You know, “Military service for America makes young men insane with rage; and it’s all about the guns, too.”

  22. Hillary is a traitor on a massive scale; so yes, WORSE.

    The terrorists will have their weapons. An armed populace that can fight back will not cause more of them to act.

    Mad ups!

  23. Officer shot in ‘vicious’ attack on Milwaukee’s south side, suspect dead
    Brandon Baranowski ‘saved by his vest,’ assistant police chief says

    there are actally a lot more incidents than are being reported in a way that peopel can put them together.

    but what else is new in a press that has consistenly labled the black youths as “teens” of no color or description that can do no wrong or blame the victim (they are still looking for the man and woman that cold cocked a 75 year old white man from behind).

    been reporting it for a long while, and now its led to where i said it was going, but we were not allowed to consider it under pc mind control bs… ie. cant say the statistical truth, or any other if its agains the states narrative.

    even today, you have articles of incidents that amount to be on the look out of someone we cant describe, but if they were white, we would have led with the story and given it a few pages (unless the white is a victim, like the unarmed white guy shot by police the other day)

    its going to get a lot hotter if hillary dont win, because they wont sully their own trousers with the sh*t they make.

  24. Cornhead Says: Cleveland FOP asks for declaration of an emergency and suspension of open carry law. Kasich turned them down flat. Idiot.

    which is the idiot to you, the one asking for the suspension of constutiontal right, or the one that says he does not have the power to turn off your constitutional rights?

    ie. if they can turn that one off for convenience, then i guess all of them can be turned off for convenience and mean nothing

    ie. and if they can act in ways outside their constutional powers i guess cornhead prefers despotism as that is what this arbitrary law by decree that denies rights would be..

    our constitution limits government, not people, and so, once you can have government turn off its limits and then act upon the people, you are happily in communist totalitairan dictatorship of the proletariat territory.

    they WANT a constitutional convention and cant have won unless the people are fed up enough to create it, then they can move the outcome to what they want.

  25. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    July 17th, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    “What if armed neighborhood militias are formed for self defense when law enforcement is ineffective?” Oldflyer

    They’ll be arrested of course and, if they resist, shot.


    why? they arent now…there are tons of such groups and forces aorund the US that do carry guns and do patrol neighborhoods…

  26. parker Says: His own children could not vote for him in the NY primary and his past positions reflect support for unfettered abortion, strong anti 2nd and 1st amendments, and crony capitalism on steroids.

    funny… you realize that he would destroy his own wealth and unlike hillary would not make more by acting in such a way. he wouldnt, in fact, his empire is built completely on the things that get completely clobbered in such a situation.

    Trumps past positions mimick the nyc council so that he can build in the city and be less fettered by them… period… you want to do business here and build a building in midtown, you better make it worth their leftist socialist communist asses…

    as far as his kids… you realize that one of the most conservative men in hollywood, has a daughter who is almost the most leftist liberal feminist comminist in hollywood?

    Jon Voight – Very conservative
    Angelina Jolie – His daughter..

    may i ask how many times do you have to beat your children a day to make sure they grow up and have the same ideals as you? after all, if this were true you would have no athiests, no people leaving one religion to go to another, ever father would have a father and son company, and on and on.

    it doesnt work that way at all, despite your point having to lean on that false idea to make itself…

    Trump derangement syndrome consists of repeating the fears of the lefts goals as if the left dont have them and the opposition who doesnt have them. does.

    its inane to think a man with hotels, and golfcourses would love a despotic position and to ruin his fortunes by shutting down world travel and so on.

    his casinoes wont make a lot of money in a war, its not casablanca. golf courses and restaurants do not do well in a war… nor does most of his other assets like property rental.

  27. Terrible news indeed.

    Bill O’Reilly, whom I don’t care for and won’t watch, has a five minute commentary that is making the rounds in which he calls out black leadership in the US, including our President, for allowing the disintegration of the black family. He says (and I can’t vouch for this statistic) that 76% of black children are born into homes with no father and the predominant role model is rappers who call for killing and drugs. He does not say, but I have seen elsewhere, that the number of black abortions far surpasses that of any other group.

    I think he is onto something here, and I think it is no surprise that the black lives matter finds a home in such a dysfunctional community — if you can even call it a community.

    All the sensitivity training in the world for law enforcement officers will not correct this. It really is time for leaders of all races to stand up and address this publicly, including calling out the people like George Soros who fund programs that only encourage more of the same.

  28. Oops! Hit the publish button too quickly.

    I meant to add a plea for sensible bloggers like you, Neo, to begin speaking out on this issue. We mustn’t avoid it because “it’s not our problem.” It IS our problem, and we should all be speaking out about it every chance we get.

    I’ll step down from my soap box now.

  29. GB:

    You cited Gaul and the German tribes in the times of Caesar as an analogy for the present. You were wrong about the Germans. Sorry that is a fact, nothing personal.

    Then you predict the future. Your predictions may turn out to be correct but when you make them they are opinions, not facts.

    You are very certain in how you state your predictions. That doesn’t make them so just because you state them with certainty.

    It’s how you roll. But carry on.

  30. Funny, but its the same groups, and same people and now often their children… heck, its funny they should ask the rappers to stop, when rap music is homage to h rap brown and his style, and that shakur is related to one of the members of the brinks job by the BLM/BLA who needed the 1.6 million to start a race war to fundementally change the USA… (not to mention one of the men changed their name to a name that is the same as the last name of Obama uncle, a hero in communist kenya black anarchist circles until they scrubbed the history for the same group to put up a president)

    how can anyone think that what is happening now is not a continuation of an organization who changed tactics but never changed their stripes?


    Look at Obama pedigree through Ayers, weather underground and the communist organizations of the SID and before that LID

    One of the last things they did before some of them died, some of them went to prison, and more, was to rob a brinks truck to start a race war to fundementally change the USA… of course, this back history is nicer than donald trumps and why we elected someone with these connections to office. right?

    Brink’s robbery (1981)

    The Brink’s robbery of 1981 was an armed robbery committed on October 20, 1981, which was carried out by Black Liberation Army members Jeral Wayne Williams (aka Mutulu Shakur), Donald Weems (aka Kuwasi Balagoon), Samuel Brown (aka Solomon Bouines), Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Burns (aka Sekou Odinga), and Cecilio “Chui” Ferguson; several former members of the Weather Underground, now belonging to the May 19th Communist Organization, including David Gilbert, Judith Alice Clark, Kathy Boudin, and Marilyn Buck.

    They stole $1.6 million from a Brink’s armored car at the Nanuet Mall, in Nanuet, New York, killing two police officers, Edward O’Grady and Waverly Brown (the first African American member of the Nyack, New York police department) and a Brink’s guard, Peter Paige

    pedigree of the perps back then who are now back in play again today… same organizations, same people, some of them the children of the prior people

    The Black Liberation Army (BLA) was an underground, black nationalist militant organization that operated in the United States from 1970 to 1981. Composed largely of former Black Panthers (BPP), the organization’s program was one of “armed struggle”, and its stated goal was to “take up arms for the liberation and self-determination of black people in the United States.” The BLA carried out a series of bombings, murders, robberies (what participants termed “expropriations”), and prison breaks.

    “We are anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, and anti-sexist.”

    According to a Justice Department report on BLA activity, the Black Liberation Army is suspected of involvement in over 70 incidents of violence between 1970 and 1976. The Fraternal Order of Police blames the BLA for the murders of 13 police officers.

    On October 22, 1970, the BLA is believed to have planted a bomb in St. Brendan’s Church in San Francisco while it was full of mourners attending the funeral of San Francisco police officer Harold Hamilton, who had been killed in the line of duty while responding to a bank robbery.

    On May 21, 1971, as many as five men participated in the murder of two New York City police officers, Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones.

    On August 29, 1971, three armed men murdered 51-year-old San Francisco police sergeant John Victor Young while he was working at a desk in his police station, which was almost empty at the time due to a bombing attack on a bank that took place earlier

    On January 27, 1972 the Black Liberation Army assassinated police officers Gregory Foster and Rocco Laurie at the corner of 174 Avenue B in New York City. After the killings, a note sent to authorities portrayed the murders as a retaliation for the prisoner deaths during 1971 Attica prison riot. In January 2007, eight men, labeled the San Francisco 8 were charged by a joint state and federal task force with John Young’s murder

    On the 3 November 1971, Officer James R. Greene of the Atlanta Police Department was shot and killed in his patrol van at a gas station. His wallet, badge, and weapon were taken, and the evidence at the scene pointed to two suspects. The first was Twymon Meyers, who was killed in a police shootout in 1973, and the second was Freddie Hilton (aka Kamau Sadiki)

    On July 31, 1972, five armed individuals hijacked Delta Air Lines Flight 841 en route from Detroit to Miami, eventually collecting a ransom of $1 million and diverting the plane, after passengers were released, to Algeria.

    The BLA was active in the US until at least 1981 when a Brinks truck robbery, conducted with support from former Weather Underground members Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, left a guard and two police officers dead. Boudin and Gilbert, along with several BLA members, were subsequently arrested [mentioned above]

    pedigree of the perps

    Mutulu Shakur (born Jeral Wayne Williams, August 8, 1950) is an American black nationalist and acupuncturist. He was a proponent of the Republic of New Afrika and a close friend of Geronimo Pratt. He is currently incarcerated in the United States Penitentiary, Victorville in Adelanto, California for conspiracy to aid bank expropriation, not the actual robbery. He is also the stepfather of legendary rap superstar Tupac Shakur

    Kuwasi Balagoon (December 22, 1946 — December 13, 1986), born Donald Weems, was a Black Panther, a member of the Black Liberation Army, a New Afrikan anarchist, and a defendant in the Panther 21 case in the late 1960s.

    Nathanial Burns, known better as Sekou Odinga, is an American activist who was imprisoned for actions with the Black Liberation Army in the 1960s and 1970s [LAST name is same as OBAMA UNCLE]
    In 1965, Sekou joined the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), founded by Malcolm X. After Malcolm’s death the OAAU was not going in the direction he wanted and in 1967 he was looking at the Black Panther Party. In early 1968 he helped build the Bronx Black Panther Party. Sekou Odinga remained underground, partaking in revolutionary clandestine activity for twelve years until his capture.

    the rest were white members of the revolutionary weather undergroud whose main members and founders were AYERS, BOUDIN, etc

  31. F Says: I think he is onto something here, and I think it is no surprise that the black lives matter finds a home in such a dysfunctional community – if you can even call it a community.

    yes… it was the left and feminsits that did that to the black community first, then destroyed fatherhood in the white community, and the point was population control (a la sanger), and demographic changes… (not to mention the killing of the wisdom passed down from generation to generation)…

    its why the BLA/BLM says they are for (since the 1960s) – “We are anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, and anti-sexist.”

    i have been ringing this bell for a long while as everyone spit hate at me and said, no, no, nothing of that is real… and the past was so long ago, it has no bearing… etc.

    The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (about 3 times higher than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty.

    The most devastating by-product of the mushrooming welfare state was the corrosive effect it had (along with powerful cultural phenomena such as the feminist and Black Power movements) on American family life, particularly in the black community.é¢â‚¬¨ As provisions in welfare laws offered ever-increasing economic incentives for shunning marriage and avoiding the formation of two-parent families, illegitimacy rates rose dramatically.

    the idea of men out of the home, women in control, the state providing everything from school to tampons, and such is the feminist platform…

    but watch how they get a free ride from their own policies and experimentation on various populations…

    Without men as earners, women cant afford to take care of the kids they have without the state. they thought if they could do this to the underclass, they could then create the world order they wanted and you can read lots of articles and such by them on this from the past if you dare to go back then

    the late feminsists goals have remained unchanged and remain considered the sentiments of a fringe which is the main characters in the movement and their goals and who have changed law, the consideration, dominated the colleges for race and gender politics and have openly stated for 50 years and more that the destruction of the family is their goal, and it was easier to do this to the black families than white families. but they did it there too… (ergo the huge increase in poverty and underclass and lack of births)

    despite peoples opinions, there are groups that know better… like the rate of black abortion and welfare games has managed to stagnate the birth rate and percentages of that population (as sanger wanted), as well as cause huge decline (to be evident post baby boom deaths) in the dominant race, and the necessity of importing from the south more people to “hide that decline”

    Activist Gloria Steinem Admits This About Black Women: ‘They Invented The Feminist Movement’

    Steinem explained that in earlier years, surveys showed that African American women were twice as vocal and biased towards feminist issues and beliefs as their White counterparts. She also spoke on her personal practice of giving the floor to other young women (whether or not they self-identify as feminists) to address concerns for people of varying socioeconomic backgrounds.

    Steinem has a history of working with Black feminists. In 1972, Steinem founded Ms. Magazine with Dorothy Pitman-Hughes, the author and child welfare advocate. Steinem was also affiliated with the deceased lawyer Flo Kennedy and worked alongside Alice Walker, making Walker one of the earliest Black editors at Ms. “[W]e haven’t been raise with our masculinity to prove. All the studies show that if a woman cop arrives on the scene, she de-escalates the situation by her presence and a man cop escalates. So while we’re talking as we should about cops looking like the community, how come we don’t say they should be half women?”


    The result of “Black feminism,” in the US is the abortion of fifteen million Black babies since abortion was legalized due to pressure from Black and white feminists. The result has also been Black males lowered to the position of ‘high tech slave,” because many of these males lost their fathers to feminist chauvanist policies from the welfare/childsupport conspiracy that conspires with some women to discard Black males. The result has been the rapid upliftment of Black, white and other women, men of other races and the lowering of the social life and destruction of the strength of the Black male. In fact the white female and Black female feminist types have been as brutal and as genocidal as the white male with his centuries of wars of genocide aginst others. In America today about 450,000 Black babies are aborted every year due to feminist policies. That number is nothing short of genocide.

    remember when they put up a advert to inform people of this policy, the feminists went wild, called it racist to point out that more black children die of abortion than anything else!


    I feel sorry for the black lads who are not only disposessed by the dems importing people to negate their job prospects, but how feminism also denies them a place at home, and a future as a man with a family… how when the state pays the women to kick the man out, and gives them financial bonuses for doing so, and having illigetimate kids?

  32. Artfldgr:

    You write “i have been ringing this bell for a long while as everyone spit hate at me and said, no, no, nothing of that is real… and the past was so long ago, it has no bearing… etc. ”

    Not only did “everyone” not “spit hate” at you, but virtually no one did (there may have been one or two random people, but I usually remove personal hateful comments, certainly if I happen to see them). In fact, most people would agree (then and now) that the rise of the welfare state has hurt black families in particular. That’s not even a controversial position.

    Feminism has hurt the family, too—both black and white—although among the general black community, feminism was later to catch on than in the white community (although there were always some black feminist leaders in the feminist movement).

  33. OM,

    Actually, Rome did conquer a substantial part of Germany so the analogy held, sorry that is just a fact, nothing personal.

    Of course predictions, regardless of how logical the rationale are opinions. They can’t be factual until they either prove to be true or reality proves otherwise.

    As for certainty, opinions couched in qualifications are rarely given serious consideration because the reaction to such is, well, if he doesn’t have confidence in what he’s saying, why would I?

    What differentiates bombast from considered opinion is whether the opinion has a coherent logic from which the rationale extends and whether the conclusion is consistent with its originating premise and its extending logic.

    When a rational opinion is characterized as bombast, it indicates an emotional reaction that discards intellectual honesty.

    You have a perfect right to disagree, unfortunately rather than disagreement that specifies, you often resort to veiled insult.

  34. parker,

    “I do not share your opinion that djt is less authoritarian, nor less a creature of the left than the Shrew Queen.”

    I do not hold the opinion that Trump is LESS authoritarian than Hillary, in fact in that attribute I think them cut from the same cloth.

    I don’t think the evidence supports the notion that Trump is as much a creature of the left as Hillary. She’s an Leftist ideologue masquerading as a ‘progressive’ democrat. Trump is a social liberal, a capitalist and a nationalist.

    “His … past positions reflect support for unfettered abortion, strong anti 2nd and 1st amendments, and crony capitalism on steroids.”

    Yup, he’s a social liberal. I can’t agree that he’s anti 1st and 2nd amendment in that, unlike Hillary, he doesn’t want to do away with those amendments. But he does wish to use them to his advantage. And what that implies is obvious.

    As for his admittedly reprehensible crony capitalism, that’s a pragmatic response to the ‘lay of the land’. Trump competes within the ‘rules’ of the game and suggesting that he should act in a more principled manner is to assert that he act as a “Don Quixote”. Changing the ‘lay of the land’ is the job of the politicians, not of businessmen.

    That is not approval or even condoning a dysfunctional system, that’s recognition of the reality within which he operates.

    “Yes, hrc is dangerous, but I am not certain based on his character and his past positions that he is marginally less dangerous that hrc.”

    HISTORY demonstrates the danger of Hillary’s supporters, the massive network of leftist organizations absolutely committed to America’s destruction and transformation into a socialism that logically, MUST evolve into a 1984 communism. THAT is the danger that Hillary promises. And history demonstrates and reason confirms that to be far more dangerous than Trump’s authoritarianism because he does not have the organized, ideological support that Hillary represents.

  35. Cornhead and Rob — We will now conduct an interesting experiment to see whether there is more terrorism in gun-free zones or in places where the populace is armed.

  36. CV, parker, Frog, et al: the United States has an unbroken record of dealing with rebellion, from Shay’s Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, John Brown, the Utah War, the Civil War, the Indian Wars, and even potential rebellion — the Bonus March, Kent State, the Detroit Riots, the Rodney King riots, etc. I might very well be wrong, but I don’t see that changing.

  37. Then you predict the future. Your predictions may turn out to be correct but when you make them they are opinions, not facts.

    GB’s track record is not so good with predictions.

    Yup, he’s a social liberal. I can’t agree that he’s anti 1st and 2nd amendment in that, unlike Hillary, he doesn’t want to do away with those amendments. But he does wish to use them to his advantage. And what that implies is obvious.

    Like all Democrats, they are traitors and enemies. If Trump wants to convert and atone, perhaps he should done it before he got paid off for it.

    Neo and GB certainly changed their views early on, before 2008. Although GB was a bit latter compared to Neo.

    Of course predictions, regardless of how logical the rationale are opinions. They can’t be factual until they either prove to be true or reality proves otherwise.

    Yet when you are constantly proven to be wrong, and you don’t change your methodology and or beliefs, then there’s a problem. Using the same train of thought that got you thinking American Leftists and patriots would defend your freedom “to the death” is exactly why the US is in the situation it is in, being buried alive by the Leftist alliance’s power.

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