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Watching the Democratic Convention — 19 Comments

  1. Why do people call the democrats the democratics? Did the democrats change their name?

  2. Haven’t watched a single minute, but I will watch Hillary tonight. Should give me a sense of how the upcoming debates will play out. Talk about popcorn time, those things should be “entertaining”.

  3. No. Just the coverage alone of the dnc convention is stomach churning. Perhaps never have so many applauded, so large a collection of dishonest liars.

  4. As the saying goes, “life is too short”. After you pass your 81st birthday, the minutes are too precious to use for anything but napping, and other enjoyable, or necessary, pursuits.

  5. What’s rather interesting is that my lefty friends, who seemed to have watched every minute of the Republican convention so they could make snide and patronizing comments about everything, have been comparatively silent this week.

  6. When I was in elementary school I watched the 1960 Democrat convention. I recall hearing “We want Stu. How about You?” while delegates with signs paraded on the convention floor. (Missouri Senator Stuart Symington). I was a big politics hound at an early age. I found a JFK campaign poster near my parent’s house the morning after the election, and put it on my closet door, where it stayed until I left for college. Lost track of it.

    I watched some of the 1968 Republican convention, as I recall hearing my father comment that Nixon was an intellectual, while Nixon was speaking. During the 1968 Democrat convention, that near-riot or actual riot in Chicago, I was hiking in the Sierras with relatives after having hitched cross-country.

    Somehow people must be free I hope the day comes soon
    Won’t you please come to chicago show your face
    From the bottom of the ocean to the mountains of the moon
    Won’t you please come to chicago no one else can take your place

    By 1968 I was still a big politics hound, but was not pleased with the choices available. I was the only person at my high school to vote for Boy Governor Harold Stassen in the school’s straw poll. As in none of the above. As such, I decided that anyone could take my place at Chicago. Sorry, CSN&Y. CSN&Y does not improve with age. Decades later they sound exceedingly self-righteous. Which is probably why I listen to little of the music from my high school and college years, but prefer Doo-Wop. Doo-Wop is not pretentious.

    I believe that sums it up for my convention watching on TV. I have enjoyed some video snippets of the current Democrat convention, such as DWS getting booed while addressing Florida delegates.

    [Speaking of convention stories, there is an interesting one from the 1944 Demo convention, where Henry Wallace got replaced by Harry Truman for the VP spot. The US dodged a bullet on that one!]

  7. I don’t watch either. I read the speeches of the heavy weight politicos afterwards, and I read a selection of reactions from both sides, and those writers I generally feel can honestly critique both sides. Right now I can tell what I see- Clinton is fighting an enormous uphill battle. Obama did her no good last night on my own read- when polls are telling you that supermajorities of the electorate feel change is needed in the direction of the country, you can’t run as the incumbent status quo candidate.

    She needs Trump to really, really gaffe badly at some point, but one has to be honest, as Neo points out in the other post today, Trump plays the game with different rules and the electorate applies different standards to him for exactly that reason.

  8. Trump was supposed to be dead in the water from gaffes many times during the primaries. It now appears that he owns the water.

  9. Rudy Giuliani asserts this to be the most anti-police convention ever and that he was told by four high ranking police officers, two of whom he knows well, that uniformed police are banned from the convention floor. Incredulous, Giuliani walked the floor to confirm it to be true.

  10. I saw bits of Obama’s speech on TV today. Let’s just say that if I were anorexic, I wouldn’t have to stick my finger in my throat. I will not look at Hillary.

  11. GB –

    The ban is probably doing the cops a favor, given how stupidly hostile so many of those people are to the police. If the cops were allowed, I wouldn’t have been surprised if some of them had been attacked.

  12. The DNC has coopted the entire Republican philosophy. It’s really no wonder since the majority of Americans self-identify as conservative, but not Republican. So, by adopting Republican philosophy, the DNC is several days of pandering.

  13. As I predicted months ago, Trump stiffing the trades in BK is a problem.

    Weak speech!

  14. I’m in the exact same boat. I watched 5 minutes of the Dems as I wandered through the TV room, but left because I couldn’t stand it. I watched none of the GOP convention, except Cruz’ speech (and Trump’s ambush of him).

  15. Hillary Clinton, democratic candidate for US president: “Now, here’s the thing, we’re not only going to make all these investments, we’re going to pay for every single one of them. And here’s how: Wall Street, corporations, and the super-rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes. Not because we resent success. Because when more than 90% of the gains have gone to the top 1%, that’s where the money is.”
    Sound familiar?
    Someone once asked Slick Willie Sutton, the bank robber, why he robbed banks. … Sutton looked a little surprised, as if he had been asked “Why does a smoker light a cigarette?”
    “I rob banks because that’s where the money is,” he said, obviously meaning “in the most compact form.” (The Saturday Evening Post in January 1951.)

  16. Liberals have reason to be patriotic today. The country is largely controlled by them and their allies. Everything from the bloated federal government, to pop culture, education (k-higher ed), the media, etc. is led by leftists. The country has caved to the left on all social issues: gay marriage, lgbtq rights, abortion, and legalization of drugs. What’s not to celebrate? The Bernie supporters are truly frightening. They haven’t realized they’ve won and keep screaming about a revolution. From the dnc pics, the Bernie army doesn’t appear any healthier than the supreme leader worshippers in N. Korea.

  17. hey haven’t realized they’ve won and keep screaming about a revolution.

    Muslims in Europe scream about jihad even though they get welfare from the infidels.

    Same concept. Greed and dependence, doesn’t lead to virtue or gratitude. Give a person money once, they might be grateful. Give a person money for 20 years, and they’ll feel entitled to it, whenever you stop.

  18. I watched and with all the praise not a single mention of the Clinton foundation.

    Why not?

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