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Baby + puppy = — 2 Comments

  1. I’m a sure I wouldn’t. I’m always horrified at the “cuteness” pics of baby by big dog on Facebook.
    I had a call just his morning that my sister’s grandson was awaiting surgery because the family dog had attacked him. As a 4 year old he jumped on the back of the dog and was immediately attacked. He should have been taught better but the dog will probably be destroyed and Joey will be scarred for life on the face and ear.
    My grandson was attacked by a dog when he was just sitting with us when he was 4, no jumping or running involved.
    I just don’t trust dogs around small children, including my own Yorkie.
    My rant is over.

  2. A dog is part of a hierarchy. If the leader of the hierarchy lacks controls over their vassals, dogs included, the dogs will fight amongst themselves. Which includes, to them, smaller humans in the hierarchy.

    To put it into feudal terms, vassals can fight amongst themselves, but not against their liege except in treason.

    Preventing one’s vassals from infighting, is a difficult task for kings and emperors. It hasn’t gotten any better now that the common human owns pets, and are deemed alphas by their own pets. If anything, the inability to communicate with dogs in words, makes it worse. It also makes it better as it evades human greedy and misunderstandings.

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