Home » It occurs to me…


It occurs to me… — 20 Comments

  1. I often wonder what the 60s felt like, politically. I suppose future generations will ask us what 2016 felt like.

  2. Nick:

    I like policy debate as much as the next person, maybe more (else why would I be doing this?).

    But I also am interested in humans and their foibles, sometimes even fascinated by it. This election is nothing if not dramatic in that regard.

  3. DJT will need to appear presidential. IF he can restrain his natural tendancy to spout off he may be able to do so. HRC will need to control her out of control coughing fits, avoid fainting, and attempt to bait DJT into simply being himself. I might watch this one, but naw, I will read about it the day after.

  4. “interesting” is one way to put it. To me, it is sad and pathetic. Having to experience it feels ghoulish and voyeuristic . Worse than watching a train wreck because the train happens to be our country.

  5. Ah. I’ve been waiting for the chance, and it’s finally come.

    May you live in interesting times.



    Now I’ve got it off my list.

    …not that I haven’t used the line before, understand. But never quite so, umm, nerdily.

  6. Oh, here is something interesting: at Hot Air there is a picture of Trump and Cruz side by side giving a thumbs up. Close study of this picture reveals Trump’s hand to be a good one or two glove sizes larger than Cruz’s. Kind of makes me wonder about Cruz’s non-endorsement.

  7. Usually AoS,

    I am amazed by the brilliance of your comment. Hot Air, photoshopped thumbs, glove sizes, and wonder about non-endorsement. Sounds like a senate investigation in the making.

  8. Whether Chinese or not, the line “May you live in interesting times” is reputedly a curse.

    Which is pretty much how I feel about it and the year 2016.

  9. I am very nervous about this; kind of like an upcoming night catapult shot, or more appropriately, my favorite college football or basketball team approaching a big game.

    One good thing about this election is that it has generated a plethora of political cartoons of questionable taste. I love ’em.

  10. I just read about HRC’s little “incident” on Sep 11.

    October Surprise, aren’t they a little bit early for something like that…

  11. huxley Says:
    September 21st, 2016 at 7:35 pm
    Whether Chinese or not, the line “May you live in interesting times” is reputedly a curse.

    Which is pretty much how I feel about it and the year 2016.

    * * *
    I try to avoid profanity, but it has been getting harder and harder since, umm, about November 2007.
    I have finally settled on: May you spend eternity in the world you create for other people.

    Can be a blessing or a curse 😉

  12. . . . widely reported as being of ancient Chinese origin but is neither Chinese nor ancient, being recent and western.

    Demonstrable proof that humans are easily fooled by the telephone game, so long as it is said by someone in a position of authority and wearing the right suit of clothing to denote their class/rank.

    Humans are easily fooled, that’s not anything new of course.

    But in this context, of this election, it is even more interesting an application.

  13. The build up to the debate is on. Many TV pundits are reading the tea leaves and opining on what must be said, done, accomplished, etc. The audience is projected at 100 million. NBC is licking their chops at the ratings.

    It could be a knock down drag out like the “Thrilla in Manila.” Two heavyweights punching and counter punching – battling it out to the end. My expectations are somewhat different. I think it may well be a snooze with both opponents being very conservative and uptight – afraid of making the fatal gaffe. Of course, I’m no good at reading tea leaves so it’ll probably be something completely unexpected.

  14. JJ,

    We have the wild card versus the coughing fit. It will be interesting. How so is beyond my magic 8 ball.

  15. The most interesting thing to me if Clinton handlers would be able to give her medication strong enough to keep her on her legs for 90 minutes without making her half-conscious.

  16. This will be as interesting as to watch gladiator’s fighting in Roman circus. What a pity Russian TV will not translate it live.

  17. “May you spend eternity in the world you create for other people. [Aesopfan @ 9:54]

    I’ve not heard that “curse”; it’s very good and profoundly appropriate for our Progressive elitist masters-to-be.

    It sounds like an old Yiddish curse, many of which are absolutely delightful in their mean-spiritedness (can I say that?).

    Two of my other favorites are: May you eat [follows a list of great foods] and choke on every bite; May all your teeth fall out except one so you can get a toothache.

  18. I have heard one pundit describe the debate as between the class valedictorian who always has all the answers and is the teacher’s pet versus the class wise guy. Seems about right to me.

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