Home » Obama looks great in comparison


Obama looks great in comparison — 20 Comments

  1. Yes. Nearly every second term in US history features a crippling scandal. There hasn’t been one for President Obama.

  2. There hasn’t been a crippling scandal involving Obama ever. The overlapping and convergent interests and culpability from left and right, JournoLists of the Fourth Estate, empathetic popular culture, and compliant schools, ensure a complete cover-up of progressive wars, refugee crises, trickle-up poverty, health penalty tax, anti-native policies, mass emigration, violent regime changes, Libya-ISIS Affair, resetting the cold war, green blight, class diversity, selective exclusion (“=”), abortion rites, Planned Parenthood, etc.

  3. I don’t think his approval rating matters for Clinton. I think the lack of likability of the two main party candidates explains it all. Whether or not the country wants a third Obama term is found in the wrong track/right track poll. For whatever reason, the public seems to have absolved Obama for what they view as the country’s problems. They may well have figured he had nothing at all to do with it (mostly my view).

  4. Wait until Iran tests its nuke.

    I imagine the millions of displaced people who have been forced to emmigrate to Europe and the Europeans who aren’t keen on so many guests probably don’t have a high opinion of Barack.

    But I could be wrong.

    Face it, neo. Bread and circuses are what interests the masses. Until the one day the axe falls.

  5. Cornhead, after Iran puts its nuclear weapons in action, they will find a way to blame Republicans for it. Just you watch.

  6. And we’re never going to be rid of this guy. He’s going to be opening his gaping maw on every subject for the next 25 years.

    What a disappointing time to be alive.

  7. I’ll believe the polls taken a couple of years after he leaves office, when he can neither threaten nor bribe anyone.

  8. Basically, people just like how he makes them feel. He plays the part of “President” in a way they’ve been trained to see as credible and reflecting well on them. Other people are the Bad Guys, always ineffectually interfering with the Mighty and Heroic Obama and his Magnificent Destiny. They have no real notion what he’s actually done and how it will actually impact them.

    And, we will not be rid of him. He will be up in everyone’s grill, lecturing and hectoring and with the press running interference.

  9. Matt_SE Says:
    October 6th, 2016 at 4:40 pm
    I’ll believe the polls taken a couple of years after he leaves office, when he can neither threaten nor bribe anyone.

    AMartel Says:
    October 6th, 2016 at 7:08 pm
    Basically, people just like how he makes them feel. He plays the part of “President” in a way they’ve been trained to see as credible and reflecting well on them. Other people are the Bad Guys, always ineffectually interfering with the Mighty and Heroic Obama and his Magnificent Destiny. They have no real notion what he’s actually done and how it will actually impact them.

    And, we will not be rid of him. He will be up in everyone’s grill, lecturing and hectoring and with the press running interference.

    * *
    If you think the Clinton Foundation is sleazy, wait until Obama’s gets rolling. The thing he lacks most is current/future direct influence to sell, which Hillary’s tenure as Senator and SoS provided (I suspect a large part of Clinton’s “favorability” rating comes from people who want to get what they’ve already paid for); I suspect he will become the Community Organizer Emeritus whose every pronouncement will become gospel, and who will be well paid for his sermons.

  10. What can one say? People are stupid. A lot of things are going very badly (the arts and the state of medical care may not rise to the top of everyone’s concerns, but I’ve noticed), including the readiness of the Armed Forces — which few will think about until we badly lose a war.

  11. Compared to Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Chavez, or Che the boychild looks tepid. Until one realizes he was restrainted by the last shreds of that icky, racist, hateful Constitution.

  12. Where the mention of the measuring of a life in terms of coffee spoons can justly resonate, who save PresidentPseudonym would proudly and properly claim to have measured his life in terms of dollops of hundreds of thousands of Syrians annihilated, one dollop by one (now totaling five, yet with many more on the horizon); or of nuclear tipped missiles enabled to an Islamic revolution, soon to come batch by batch?

    To a lot of Americans: Such measures! Such a legacy! Such greatness of soul!

    And all in your name, Americans. Now revel in your accomplishments.

  13. Voters seem to react to Obama the way Mark Twain did to Wagner, about whom he said, “His music better than he sounds.”

    With Obama, the less we see him, the more we like him. Certainly the ineptitude of his policies, and the scolding tone of his speeches, don’t do much for his popularity.

  14. A Christian friend of mine referred to Trump as that “rough beast” referencing Yeats’ 1919 poem The Second Coming. That Rough Beast that “slouches toward Bethlehem to be born” is pretty clearly the Antichrist – which raises the question who is the Christ? Who the saviour? Who was sold as a saviour 8 years ago? He who would lower the oceans, and begin the healing of the planet and receive the Prix Nobel for eliminating nuclear weapons? The Lightworker himself. For anyone who doubts the deep archetypal saviour complex of the secular left take a long, hard look at that iconic picture of Che and tell me that murderous rogue does not carry the left’s unconscious projection of The Saviour. So how did those rank and file Republican voters do it? Those clingers to God and guns throw up the Antichrist? Insist on Trump over the objection of the GOPe and people like many of us who read this blog? (I was a Rubio supporter, but would have gladly voted for unpleasant Ted and will vote for the Rough One.) I have a couple of theories. One is Karl Marx’s observation that history repeats itself – the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. But I think it is deeper than that. It is a response on an archetypal level to the reality of Obama and the leftist myths he embodies so skilfully. Who are they? They are the dark Jacksonian heart of America, the ones who make the intelligentsia uncomfortable, that fight our wars, and without whom there is no America. And they have responded to Obama with postmodern irony – or perhaps it is only postmoderns who think they invented irony. As other commenters have predicted the Lightworker will go on carrying that projection of the Christ in approval polls and saying insufferable things long after most of us had shrugged off this mortal coil. And may God have mercy on his soul.

  15. “Trump makes Obama look and sound like a kindly, thoughtful, measured, even-handed statesman.”
    Only if you know nothing and look to the Ministry of Propaganda for knowledge.
    And so very many do.
    Obama is a poseur.

  16. Hussein is a sociopath, malignant narcissist. The ones who voted for him twice, aren’t much better.

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