Home » Wikileaks, Hillary, Democratic tactics/strategy, and cynicism


Wikileaks, Hillary, Democratic tactics/strategy, and cynicism — 9 Comments

  1. *

    Kul tur comes on
    little Kant feet.

    It squats, (blindly),
    over her-boor and his-y
    with urgent business —
    mov’d: then strolls on.


    * [Without apology to Carl Sandburg whatsoever]

  2. I essentially hold the same POV.

    “If the public doesn’t care about a certain tree falling in the forest, does it actually make a sound, even if the right is fussing about it?”

    Yes, it makes a sound whether anyone’s there or not and regardless of whether anyone cares. Objective truth matters and to confirm it, all one has to do is step into a freezing cold shower. Then if they deny it, commit them to an insane asylum.

    “If the public doesn’t expect integrity or truth from what used to be called our public servants (what a quaint phrase!), then lies and strategic stonewalling will not bother most people at all.”

    Then they’ll eventually reap what they’ve sown.

    “What matters is what those public servants can get for you, and what they can scare you into thinking the opposition will take away from you (tampons, anyone?)”

    That Ponzi scheme only works so long. Then reality arrives.

  3. @Neo – One other aspect that deserves mention is that there is so much to be “outraged” about that it becomes near impossible, if not exhausting, to keep up.

    @GB – speaking of ponzi schemes, Gov Brown is proposing a deduction of 3% to 5% from wages to give to CALPERS to manage, on each citzen’s behalf, their pension savings.

    Of note, the CA public employee’s pensions, also managed by CALPERS are gravely underfunded. Related?

  4. podesta email is even worse.
    but who cares?
    the left lies, the left doers not care about a constituency that is so stupid it WANTS to be slaves etc.

    its the same old same old
    problem is not that its the same old same old
    problem is that most are ignorant of that!!!!!!!!!!

    its been like this for a century of gaming things
    people who can be used and trickd are not respected
    even less by socioapaths/psychopaths

    end of story
    next bs issue!!

  5. A good proportion of the present USA citizens are men without chest, as Lewis described this moral pathology. Remove an organ and demand function?

  6. The wiki e-mail dumps are confirming all that we on the right have suspected for many years.

    The MSM coordinates with the DNC? Check. The cable news people leak debate questions to the Dems? Check. The progressives are hostile to Catholicism? Check. Hillary has positions she tells the voters she favors and other positions that she really favors she tells to her donors? Check. That the Clintons was deeply involved in a high tech Russian operation called Slolkovo, which has earned them and John Podesta some funny money? Check. That John Podesta is a deeply committed Marxist who serves both George Soros (Center for American Progress) and the Clintons. Check. That the Democrats have long used focus group tested talking points which are then used widely by the MSM in service of the DNC and Democrat candidates. Check.

    We can now officially no longer consider anything the MSM says or does as being objective. Well, I haven’t for years, but now we have the PROOF! Unfortunately, it is not a crime to be a Marxist or a biased media. There will be no trials. Since the MSM controls the narrative, the LIVs will never know any of this. So, the WikiLeaks dumps are as if a tree fell in the forest and only a few people (The loyal opposition) heard it.

  7. J.J.,

    Its the same old same old. Nothing new under the sun. I strive to remain positive in my daily life. It is easier to do so in flyover country. It is more mellow and friendly here, and people have more simple pursuits. We are more family orientated, which is a good thing unless you are DNW who finds that bitter and shrill.

  8. Re J.J.’s comment above: it would be really useful if someone would put together a compendium of those and other points with chapter and verse citations from the emails.

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