Home » “Cornhead” endorses Trump


“Cornhead” endorses Trump — 70 Comments

  1. Looking forward to:

    1. Comments here;

    2. Traffic numbers from neo’s website. So far, over 3,000 views mostly via Power Line.

  2. A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for single payer health care.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for a Hillary Clinton donor.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for a Harry Reid donor.

  3. Spiral:

    Not exactly what I expected.


    Only the OWH beat reporter or DMR beat reporter had a similar opportunity and I think they missed some appearances.

  4. Here’s a piece by James Kirchick titled Beware the Hillary Clinton-Loathing, Donald Trump-Loving Useful Idiots of the Left.

    It’s no secret the Kremlin wants Donald Trump to win this November. Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has worked for the pro-Russian former president of Ukraine, and one of his foreign policy advisers, Carter Page, has a financial interest in Gazprom, the Russian state energy concern. Trump has repeatedly attacked NATO–whose destruction is Putin’s top foreign policy objective–and has gone so far as to state that he would consider recognizing Moscow’s annexation of Crimea. Last month, after Wikileaks published embarrassing email correspondence from the Democratic National Committee that was likely delivered to them by Russian hackers, Trump openly called upon the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s email server. For these reasons and more, both Russian domestic and international media have been overt in their support for Trump, whom Putin himself has praised.

    To be sure, Trump is not an “agent” of the Russian government. But . . . . .

  5. @Cornhead – you need to use the website reference when commenting here, so that we can easily get to your site.

    Nicely written, but… The thing is, I can agree with much of what you state as the downside of clinton, but it occupies too much of your why trump argument. Was hoping for a more solid positive case for him.

    “Trump will stop the open borders policy. He will restore the Rule of Law in this country. … Trump has a chance to do some good for America. Our taxes are too high, the tax code is a mess and that constrains macro growth. Obamacare has failed and it needs to be replaced. Clearly we can do better on trade deals. … Trump is an agent of change. He can put us back on the right track. (several paragraphs of bad stuff about clinton) … With Trump, there is at least a chance of making America great again.”

    The trouble is actually having a strong basis to believe that trump will reliably do any of those things.

    AND, our enemies can as surely exploit trump’s weaknesses as they can clinton’s weaknesses. He’s proven rather easy to distract, during the de”baits”.

  6. It’s now socially acceptable in my Connecticut suburb to put up political signs. I think it has something to do with Peak Leaf Season. I noticed that the Democrats in town put up all their candidate signs from school board to president but the republicans only put up signs for the down ticket candidates. My guess is 50% of active republicans will not vote for trump (or anyone else) here. My Johnson/Weld sign joins a few others in town.

    Cornhead’s endorsement is full of might’s and maybe’s. This is the best you can do when you imagine a Fake Trump. Again illegal immigration is the one he puts front and center. Yet enforcement of federal law can be done by congress if they are willing to use the power of the purse (something Ted Cruz did to everyone’s tut-tutting). By the time January rolls around Putin, Kim, the Chinese and the Iranians will be pushing for all they can get. Trump will then be the worst of all the candidates to be Commander in Chief. Safety First Kids

  7. Thanks for the effort Cornhead.

    The only hope to save the SCOTUS lies with the loathsome Trump.

    No guarantee, but a least a chance. With HRC there’s not even a chance.

  8. It’s gratifying that apparently, the only point of disagreement our host felt strongly enough to comment upon was cornhead’s claim of an exclusive status in attending political speeches… 😉


    I don’t agree that the facts support any of the assertions you make but even if they did, the alternative to Trump… in their actions and the policies they advocate… are far worse.

    Big Maq,

    It is distressing that, at best all we have are “mights and maybes” when it comes to Trump. But ‘might & maybe’ inherently imply the possibility of some chance. Whereas, nothing is more certain than the intentions of the Left with the only might & maybe on that side of the equation being how much and how far their agenda will advance during the next administration.

  9. For those who can’t bring themselves to vote for Trump, Google Sarah Root. Des Moines Register story is very good.

    If Hillary wins, thousands of more dead innocents.

    I’m not an emotional guy, but this really upsets me. She is everyone’s daughter or sister and Hillary could care less. Collateral damage on her path to millions and power.

  10. Cornhead,

    Sacrifices must be made for the common good. A small price to be paid for building the utopia that awaits. A world where, to paraphrase a Clinton ad, “we ensure that every child grows up to be somebody”.

  11. “Spiral Says:
    October 17th, 2016 at 3:20 pm
    A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for single payer health care.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for a Hillary Clinton donor.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for a Harry Reid donor.”

    As Jack Nicholson so famously said…. “Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.”

  12. I’m discovering that my personal definition of “endorse” is far, far more plastic than I had ever envisioned it to be.

  13. Seriously, as someone who made it abundantly clear a long time ago how I feel about Trump and why I believe that Trump’s selection was a horrible disaster, I am still going to vote for the vile, loathsome boor because I am not casting a vote (or refusing to) that will potentially benefit Hillary Clinton. There is almost nothing that Trump is likely to do that is worse than what Clinton and the entourage she brings is guaranteed to do, and I’m willing to toss the dice over the tiny percent chance otherwise.

  14. Here is a new group called Originalists Against Trump. One of the main arguments for voting for Trump is the US Supreme Court. But here we have a group of people who endorse the Antonin Scalia school of jurisprudence arguing against Trump.


    Originalists Against Trump

    We, the undersigned lawyers and scholars, are committed to the original meaning of the Constitution of the United States. We write to oppose the election of Donald Trump.

    Our Constitution vests in a single person the executive power of the United States. In light of his character, judgment, and temperament, we would not vest that power in Donald Trump.

    Many Americans still support Trump in the belief that he will protect the Constitution. We understand that belief, but we do not share it. Trump’s long record of statements and conduct, in his campaign and in his business career, have shown him indifferent or hostile to the Constitution’s basic features–including a government of limited powers, an independent judiciary, religious liberty, freedom of speech, and due process of law.

    -The President must take care that the laws be faithfully executed; he admires dictators as above the law.

    -The President must serve as Commander in Chief, enforcing rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces; he praises armed repression and makes light of the laws of war.

    -The President must hold a public trust on behalf of all Americans; he courts those who would deny to others the equal protection of the laws.

    -The President must preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution; he has treated the legal system as a tool for arbitrary and discriminatory ends, especially against those who criticize him or his policies.

    We also understand the argument that Trump will nominate qualified judicial candidates who will themselves be committed to the Constitution and the rule of law. Notwithstanding those he has already named, we do not trust him to do so. More importantly, we do not trust him to respect constitutional limits in the rest of his conduct in office, of which judicial nominations are only one part.

  15. Cornhead,

    It’s about as good an endorsement for Trump as it is possible to write, so I commend you for that.

    And it’s an excellent non-endorsement of Hillary.

    My main area of disagreement (no surprise here) is your short treatment of the sexual predator charge against Trump as a “red herring”. I already thought he was unfit and unelectable. That aspect of his character (which, frankly, was already known) just cements the deal. For me anyway.

    Republicans can’t be a viable party if a large majority of women can’t bring themselves to vote “R”. A Trumpian Republican party has no future.

    It’s really, really unfortunate, considering who we are likely to get in the oval office, but it’s the truth.

  16. Good for you Cornhead. It’s good to see a Catholic educated man discard the nonsense of Job, that stuff about integrity, and vote for someone whose entire life has been a giant refutation of Biblical teachings, someone who’s lined his pockets through fraud, bankruptcy and deceit, who flaunts his pride and wealth before God and the entire world, who lies when the truth would suffice; a man who mocks the deformed, belittles and degrades women as a matter of course, defames his righteous opponents, and brags about how he gets away with it; in short, a man who doesn’t care if he forfeits his soul to gain the whole world.

    Hey, if Hillary’s good enough for a Jesuit educated man like Tim Kaine, I guess Donald Trump should be good enough for you. Flip a coin.

  17. Questions for the Hillary supporters:

    Mrs. Clinton, when you were secretary of state, why did you let a Russian company purchase one half of the United States uranium reserves in coordination with your and your husband’s foundation? How much money was donated by Russian companies to your foundation in exchange for your moving half of our uranium supply to Kazakhstan?

    Mrs. Clinton, when you worked for the State Department, how did you conduct secret classified business without using a secure email server? And don’t say it’s a mistake that you won’t do again because you still had to conduct business. How did you conduct secret classified business on your public server?

    What kind of assault weapons were we funneling through Benghazi, and where were we sending them before Ambassador Stevens was murdered?

    Mrs. Clinton, why were you interested in the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad in Syria?

    Mrs. Clinton, when you left the White House after your husband’s last term as president in the year 2000, why did you steal $200,000 worth of furniture and China and artwork that you were forced to return?

    Mrs. Clinton, when you were secretary of state, why did you solicit contributions from foreign governments to your family foundation after you promised President Obama you would not?

    Mrs. Clinton, why do you and your husband claim to contribute millions of dollars to charity for a tax write-off when it goes to your family foundation that gives less than 15% of the money you collect and you use the balance to support yourself tax-free? How do you do that? How could other Americans set up similar arrangements as you have? What would you tell them?

    Mrs. Clinton, why are you unable to account for $6 billion of State Department money that seemed to have disappeared while you were secretary of state?

    Mrs. Clinton, you said you were broke when you left the White House, but you purchased a $2 million home. You built an addition for the Secret Service. You charged taxpayers of the United States rent in an amount equal to the entire mortgage. Why did you say you were broke?

    Mrs. Clinton, how is it your daughter, Chelsea, can afford to buy a 10-and-a-half million-dollar apartment in New York City after you left the White House when you were broke? I might throw that one out. I might leave out the question about the daughter.

    Mrs. Clinton, could you tell the average American how their child could get a $600,000-a-year job at NBC with no experience like your daughter did? That’s a better one, right? That’s a better one. Yeah, because the 10.6, that comes from the Mezvinskys, you know, she married that. But, yeah, the 600 grand a year, not having done it before.

    Mrs. Clinton, why did you lie to the American people about the terror attack in Benghazi, but you managed to tell the truth to your daughter the same night that it happened?

    Mrs. Clinton, why did you fail the bar exam in the District of Columbia? Why did your husband lose his law license? Take your time, Mrs. Clinton. We’re here for a couple of hours.

    I mean, this is just scraping the surface. I mean, there’s all kinds of other things that we could ask. But these are the kinds of things that are asked of Trump that are not asked of her, is my point. –RHL

    And THANKS, Cornhead!

  18. Nicely done, Dave.

    You were, of course, actually too kind to Hillary.

    As I’ve written before,

    Thans, Dave.



  19. Cornhead,

    Hillary’s term at State was worse than than incompetent, it was dangerous because of her and Obama’s embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The Muslim Brotherhood was essentially the Arab wing of the Nazi party during WWII. Their most important member at the time was Amin al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, known as the Fuerher of the Arab World. Had the Germans conquered Palestine he was set to be the leader of a country made of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan.

    The Grand Mufti spent much of WWII as the guest of Hitler in Berlin with a budget of about $200 million per year that he used to broadcast Nazi propaganda daily to the Arab world and to form Muslim brigades of the SS in the Balkans and souther USSR. The brigades were notorious for the massacres they carried out of Christians and Jews. He was a friend of Eichmann and a proponent of the Final Solution, which he intended to bring to Palestine.

    After WWII, the US and Great Britain wanted to prosecute Husseini as a war criminal but he escaped to Egypt where he was head of the MB and spent most of the rest of his life. The MB welcomed SS and Gestapo officers who were fleeing the Allies to Egypt, where they converted to Islam and joined the MB. His last protege was Yassar Arafat.

    In modern times, they were behind the assination of Anwar Sadat for making peace with the Israelis. When they took over Egypt after the “Arab Spring” they began burning down Coptic Churches and murdering Copts, an ancient Christian sect that goes back to the time of Jesus. Hamas the terrorist organization in Gaza and our friends, Al Qaeda, are direct spinoffs of the MB.

    Hillary’s number one aide is Huma Bedin, whose parents are MB, and who spent nearly a decade working for their MB publications. Obama stocked the executive office with MB members and you can bet that HRC was doing the same at State.

    Hillary will be an absolute disaster when it comes to foreign policy and she has and will invite the Muslim enemies of the US and Western Civilization in.

  20. The Other Chuck:

    I have a different take on the matter.

    I feel compassion and understanding for people on the right who cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump. And I feel compassion and understanding for people on the right who have very reluctantly decided to vote for him because they truly believe the alternative is much worse.

    Cornhead is in that second group.

  21. Neo, actually I agree with you. What bothers me the most is the contortions required of people with religious convictions, people like Cornhead who are from all appearances very decent and highly moral. I too was educated in Catholic schools, 4 years of Latin, the whole shebang. Without making this a religious test since I lost my faith somewhere along the line, the moral teachings stuck, especially the emphasis on integrity and principles. For me there is no acceptable choice between the two candidates, both being one form or another of evil. So people like Ted Cruz, and Cornhead, who endorse this monstrosity seem like they’re not only betraying their principles, but also their faith, and for the worst of all possible reasons, political expediency.

  22. Cornhead:

    How do you in square Trump’s support for Planed Parenthood in the past and through the primary with the emotional blackmail of:

    “If Hillary wins, thousands of more dead innocents.”

    THat appears not to matter to DJT.

  23. The Other Chuck

    Trump may not be the President YOU want, but he is the President America needs now.

  24. OM

    You can’t get always get what you want on every issue. Hillary and the Dems give money to PP and PP, in turn, contributes (big time!) to the Dems. Corrupt.

  25. Paul in Boston

    All the info you cite is completely ignored by MSM. I cited millions displaced and 450k dead in Syria and that DISASTER is all on Hillary. She was a massive failure at State. Promotion should not follow.

  26. The Other Chuck:

    But it’s not political expediency; I think that trivializes it. They see Hillary’s election as far more evil than Trump’s, and they know that in life one sometimes has to choose the lesser evil.

    I didn’t get a Jesuit education and don’t speak Latin, but do the Jesuits say one can never make a decision based on choosing the lesser evil, in this world of flawed humans?

    Not for the first time, I wish FredHJr were here. I can’t remember if you were a commenter back in the days of Fred, but he had studied for the priesthood under Jesuits and was a very insightful person about things like this.

  27. Cornhead, I’m sure there is significance in having actually seen and heard the candidates. The other day I listened to the interview that Hillary Clinton did about her defense of the child rapist. Levin had that and an interview with the adult victim on an episode of LevinTV. I had heard of the details of that interview years ago, but actually hearing her voice speak the words and the laughter; it was chilling and had an impact on me. Binary outcome ahead…Hillary or Trump. Trump will be watch-dogged, while she will be aided and abetted. The Other Chuck, I am a daily communicant in the Catholic church, I have no qualms about my Trump vote at all. I already accept that we are under the judgment of God with 8 years of lawless Obama and all the law-fare waged against religious people. With Trump, IF things go awry, there is a chance that the Constitution will come to the forefront, as his political enemies make their case.

  28. Trump may not be the President YOU want, but he is the President America needs now.

    Cornhead: America needs an angry, vain, vicious, ignorant, fast-talking, lying reality-tv star who revels in his debasedness, indulges late-night tweets attacking a woman for her weight in the most crucial phase of his campaign, and runs an incompetent campaign as well, to be president?

    I could go for another couple of paragraphs on Trump’s defects. These are the reasons Trump is losing badly to the worst Democratic candidate in the modern era.

    You are a good guy, but I can’t follow your logic at all beyond NeverHillary.

    The Nate Silver forecast for Trump is now 11.3%, just a half-point above his all-time worst score last August.

    America really doesn’t need a Republican to lose to Hillary in this crucial election, but that’s what we are getting and it boils down to how horribly flawed Trump is as a candidate.

  29. In “The Spiritual Exercises” St. Ignatius Loyola sets out his Two Standards mediation. Described briefly below. He influences my thinking.

    “The Two Standards meditation from the Spiritual Exercises comes to mind as a way to periodically check to see how we are living our lives. Ignatius believed that there is a battle between good and evil going on in the world and in our hearts. It is important that we are aware of this battle. In this meditation, Ignatius instructs us to imagine the armies of Christ and Satan in a big field. Each group has a standard or flag, which helps everyone know his position on the battlefield.”

  30. OM–Every name on Trump’s list for the SC is pro-life. That is the difference. I’m a Catholic and I believe PP has a right to exist. No excuses on second trimester or late-term abortions, though and that is a legislative issue that the Democrats protect year in and year out.

  31. Sharon:

    I realize your position, and your hope that Trump can be trusted. I don’t trust him on this or much of anything else. It doesn’t look like Trump will have to be tested on the SCOTUS, so the task is to keep the Senate and House away from Dem dominance. Donald isn’t helping in that regard.

  32. Neo, I don’t know what the Jesuits would say, but of course the lesser of two evils is what the argument has devolved down to, which is their excuse. The philosophical question is, can evil cancel out other evil? Is there a redeeming value in the man as some want to believe?

    The cynical side of me sees politicians like Giuliani, Christi, and even Cruz as being nothing more than politically expedient. I don’t buy Cruz’ flip as anything other than that, especially after the Mercer family threatened to pull the plug on his political financing. Christie hitched his wagon to Trump knowing that his elected political career was over. Pure expediency.

    Those who are voting for Trump as the lesser of two evils will live to regret that decision should he be elected, as will the rest of us. But the same can be said for Clinton. It’s an impossible lose/lose situation the electorate is facing.

  33. “It’s an impossible lose/lose situation the electorate is facing.”


    It’s been a curious thing to me why all the Trump backers are furious at those of us who aren’t going to vote for him. We told them we weren’t going to, told them that he was unelectable (although I make no predictions in this crazy election season), and told them that this October oppo research dump was coming. Meanwhile our pleas for a reasonable opponent to HRC were drowned out by all the MAGA.

    Now we’re the villains.

    Meanwhile, the Trump-backers are promising furtherm real violence if they don’t get their way. You see, they are “angry”.

    I’m angry too, at this whole ridiculous election year.

    I’ve really appreciated, Neo, your gracious stance toward both sides. I need to work up to that. I know the vast majority of people on both sides are well-meaning. I don’t believe either HRC or DJT are, though. Neither gets my vote. I understand lesser evil voting. But both of these are way, WAY beyond the pale.

  34. The one group on the Trump side that I won’t give the “well-meaning” tag to are the alt-right thugs.

  35. As I recall my Catholic education, Thomas Aquinas’s Principle of Double Effect would apply for Catholics choosing to vote for Trump but having reservations about his low character and concerns for the effects of Trump’s low character on his actions as President.

    This set of criteria states that an action having foreseen harmful effects practically inseparable from the good effect is justifiable if the following are true:

    * the nature of the act is itself good, or at least morally neutral;
    * the agent intends the good effect and not the bad either as a means to the good or as an end itself;
    * the good effect outweighs the bad effect in circumstances sufficiently grave to justify causing the bad effect and the agent exercises due diligence to minimize the harm.


    It’s a sliding scale sort of principle, so it would depend on how grave one judges the risks of a Trump presidency.

    Which is basically how discussions here have gone.

  36. Neo, no I wasn’t following this blog when Fred was here. And I didn’t study for the priesthood – just a standard uniform wearing kid in parochial schools. The Sister’s of Notre Dame and the Christian Brothers were my instructors.

  37. “Here is a new group called Originalists Against Trump. One of the main arguments for voting for Trump is the US Supreme Court. But here we have a group of people who endorse the Antonin Scalia school of jurisprudence arguing against Trump.”

    Showing that there is not end to the comedy from these marching morons.

  38. huxley, the genius and logic of Aquinas seems to fit here. I suspect that in this mix of qualifying evil, people are looking at those like Giuliani, Ben Carson, and even Cruz as agents exercising due diligence to minimize the harm.
    The problem with that is that Trump is so cocksure he doesn’t listen, doubling down on the irrational. It would be the same and worse when he has real power.

  39. I think Cornhead’s glowing endorsement is over the top.. but as I have stated before, I understand why Cornhead and others will vote for djt. I have stated that if its close in Iowa on 11/8 I will vote for the dangerous buffoon. I will also state I trust him to do nothing he has promised, including SCOTUS appointments. I will do so because hrc is a dangerous criminal, more dangerous than even bho. Plus, it would be much easier to impeach and convict an out of control djt.

    i also understand why some can not vote for the dangerous buffoon or the dangerous criminal. Vote your conscience.

  40. A vote for Hillary or non-support for Trump enables Wall Street and the MSM.

    Both are fulsomely corrupt and the locus of our financial-cultural maladies.

    The MSM is WAY too concentrated in the hands of billionaires.

    Bezos being the acme of the wound.

    If proper monetary policy were in place, the Bezos fortune would utterly collapse, as Amazon, the stock, is in an insane bubble.

    Those who bewail Trump have their minds closed about Hillary.

    For some crazy reason, they think that they can survive Hillary’s policy suite — which is concentrated on moving LEFT of 0bama.

    Even now, the war drums are pounding.

    Cyber war against Russia and Red China should never be overt — yet this is now where Soetoro is taking us.

    This is as mad as Barbarossa.

    That plunge into folly only felt good until the rains came. Then the wheels totally fell off.

    As for Hillary’s health, she’s got serious issues. We just can’t pin it down because the truth is screened from public view. What we do know is that she’s showing many tics typical of either Parkinson’s or like brain trauma.

    She’s so mad that she’s seeking a position that stresses the mind like no other.

    Consequently, I deem her to be simply insane, fundamentally unbalanced.

    Whereas Trump is hardly likely to be worse than Bill Clinton — who was survivable.

    We’ve had plenty of boorish presidents. The system can ride them out.

    Stalin in a pants suit is a whole different animal.

    Just her phrase “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” is straight from Adolf’s play book. For him, as we all know, it was “International Jewish Bolshevism” … and a vast conspiracy, for sure.

    You’re looking at a VERY bitter soul who’s never overcome her rage against her father — and her husband.

    And, she ACTS OUT her rages.

    This is NOT a self-limiting personality, not a bit.

    In contrast, there are absolutely NO stories spinning around Trump that compare to those confessed by the Secret Service and DS details. Everyone loathes her.

    She’s the classic — at your feet — at your throat — personality.

    See also:

    S. Hussein

    She fits the profile — to a tee.

  41. DirtyJobsGuy Says:
    October 17th, 2016 at 3:54 pm
    …I noticed that the Democrats in town put up all their candidate signs from school board to president but the republicans only put up signs for the down ticket candidates…
    I was just thinking this morning that I haven’t seen ANY presidential signs in my neighborhood, even on the lawns that previously festooned with Obama banners.
    In this neck of the wood, there aren’t many GOP supporters at any level, but there were a couple of Romney signs besides mine.
    Today: nothing but a few low-level placards.

    SMOD 2016

  42. Bill, what is your estimate of the total number of “alt-right thugs” in the USA?

    I have no idea. But one of them is a top advisor to Trump and they are swarming all over the pro-Trump sites.

    He wins, they get very close to power.

  43. Pants suits are in for Satan this year. So flattering, and one can hide the tail. Flatters the profile. 🙂

  44. Bill,

    I am not so sure POTUS Trump would feel beholden to the alt-right. He is only beholden to Trump. IMO, it will not matter. The odds are he can not reach 270.


    Gosh, dang darn, you are an expert at winning over hearts and minds to the banner of the trumpian horde .Alienation is such a valuable tool. 😉

  45. But this is how Trump loses.

    The anti-woman thing has been effective. He was tagged as a racist at the outset on no evidence. Mexicans are not a race. And he never said ALL Mexicans are racists.

    His blowhard and bragging manner scares people. Seems extreme and dangerous. People consider themselves nice and moderate. Ergo, Trump is too risky. Hillary is calm and moderate. Nuke war!

    None of this has anything to do with the issues. And the conclusions I have posted here are purely superficial and inaccurate. Trump is not a racist, etc. Hillary is the risky one. She is the extremist. She will transform America for the worst.

    Hello hell.

  46. Cornhead,

    You have a dilemma; defend the donald aginst the hillary. In a sane, freedom loving society we would not have to decide betwween the 2. I get your POV. BTW, attending a Chelsea campign apperance shows you have a strong stomach. After the election lets meet in western Iowa for lunch and cry in a beer..

  47. Parker

    I am sick over this. But I fairly well predicted this outcome. Tagging him as a racist and woman abuser was enough. The media framed the picture. Nice, calm and moderate Hillary is the solution.

    Typo above. “Never said all Mexicans were rapists.”

    And speaking of Mexican rapists I am reminded of the 80 something Omaha woman who was raped in her home by an illegal alien a few years back. True!

  48. And the brilliant and cruel cynicism is that Hillary’s margin of victory is going to come from the establishment types and the moral values voters.

    Mook and Podesta have the last laugh. They outsmarted the conservatives.

  49. Cornhead: No one here is arguing for Hillary. No one in this topic has accused Trump of being a racist. No one here bases their Trump reluctance solely on his blowhard and bragging manner. That strikes me as an understatement close to disingenuousness.

    Personally I see Trump as the better part of the way to being evil or a psychopath. You are welcome to disagree, but I must base my choices on how I perceive the world, not how other people think I should.

    You may dismiss Trump as a possible instigator of nuclear war. I do not.

    He is a deeply destructive person. He had closed the gap with Hillary at the end of the July, then he nuked his position with those ill-considered attacks on the Muslim gold star couple.

    It took him two months to almost recover from that hit to his ratings then he started tweeting 2 AM attacks on an ex-beauty queen for gaining weight and now he is underwater again. This time he doesn’t have two months to recover.

    Trump’s problem is Trump himself, not voters.

  50. Cornhead.

    I am not sure why you think djt cares more than hrc. For the former its a talking point, for the later it is not constructive to the agenda. But so it goes. Cancer or polio.

    Time to sleep.

  51. When this country, the USA on this American continent, crumbles into internal factionalism, aka Civil War 2, “Open Borders” will no longer be something a centralized king can open or close.

    The context and situation will have… progressed or transformed into a stage people have difficulties seeing. Then again, humans always have difficulties seeing long term, strategically vs tactically.

  52. huxley: He is a deeply destructive person.

    The alt-Right sees that as a virtue rather than a flaw.

  53. It’s good to see a Catholic educated man discard the nonsense of Job, that stuff about integrity, and vote for someone whose entire life has been a giant refutation of Biblical teachings, someone who’s lined his pockets through fraud, bankruptcy and deceit, who flaunts his pride and wealth before God and the entire world, who lies when the truth would suffice; a man who mocks the deformed, belittles and degrades women as a matter of course, defames his righteous opponents, and brags about how he gets away with it; in short, a man who doesn’t care if he forfeits his soul to gain the whole world.

    Catholicism has been a Christian heresy for awhile now, even after the Reformation removed a lot of the issues such as paying the Pope for the salvation of souls on Earth. In all organizations, there are useful and righteous individuals, at times, but that doesn’t make the organization itself correct or righteous by principle.

    A person that is fine with the Catholic Popes that declared the Albigensian Holy War to purify the heretics of the time, is a person that can believe in a deal with a community leader or absolute authority leader to obey and comply under. The only instance where they won’t, is if the Pope tells them not to. But if your ethics and morality comes from the Papacy, that’s not Christian to begin with, nor does it end up that way.

  54. One argument in favor of voting for Trump that hasn’t been discussed in enough detail:

    If elected, Trump would make sure his Department of Justice initiated a comprehensive investigation of Rafael Cruz’s involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

  55. Cornhead…

    The moralists are choking on our reality.

    It’s a turd sandwich and we’re all going to have to take a bite.

    The last time a GOP nominee was purported to destroy the world, he ended the Cold War.

    The nightmare we face is that the Corporatist State has factionalized the MSM into being an organ of the Democrat machine.

    Our primary enemies are not Red China or Russia; they are Wall Street and the MSM.

    They operate as brain parasites that short-circuit all cultural logic for the most cynical of motives: lucre and crowd affiliation.

    Wikileaks is probably still in possession of horrific details. Otherwise, Assange’s Internet connection would ‘ve not been attacked.

    Like Watergate, the corruption is going all the way to the Oval Office.

    Parker, et. al. no-one is conflating Donald with sainthood.

    It’s the devil or the deep blue sea.

    It’s time to swim.

    The sex allegations are plainly a sham. We’ve see the same when Cain was smeared. EVERY single babe that smeared Cain retracted it all — often paying Cain significant damages.

    We should expect such smears with every candidate from now on — as they’ve proven effective.

    As for the violence at Trump rallies — the whole mad scheme has been orchestrated, that much is clear.

  56. One thing. It is in Trump’s nature to respond and defend himself when attacked. That’s why he got distracted with the women issue.

  57. The OWH endorsed HRC. It essentially said Hillary was the safe and prudent choice. In a way, conservative. And, on the surface, it looks that way. Trump is change. Trump looks dangerous. Only two daily newspapers have endorsed Trump.

    This is how Trump loses. Hillary looks safe.

  58. Into the mortar with habit (custom) and nature, there to grind each into an indecipherable paste. Choice — apart from being the entire point — has got nuttin’ to do with it.

  59. “One thing. It is in Trump’s nature to respond and defend himself when attacked. That’s why he got distracted with the women issue.” – Cornhead

    It is Pavlovian – and dems used it to their advantage.

  60. “The one group on the Trump side that I won’t give the “well-meaning” tag to are the alt-right thugs.” – Bill

    The challenge is telling the “alt-right thugs” apart from the “vociferous” trump supporters (who might have not supported him originally).

    Not to pick on Cornhead, as he made enough statements in the comments sections for us to know that he is not a full blooded trumpster, but….

    His article gives little recognition to the downside and risks to trump, nor attempt to refute them. He implies, as a given, that trump will do the things he expects. He spends most of his argument talking about the downsides and risks to clinton, resting his case largely on that.

    It is better stated and nicer in tone than the rabid trumpsters, even than the pubis decievius’ Flight 93 pieces. But that is too subtle to draw the line on.

  61. “Our primary enemies are not Red China or Russia; they are Wall Street and the MSM.” – blert

    This strike me as very wrong in some ways.

    One aspect is that China and Russia have a central organization, infrastructure, and operating philosophy that puts them in opposition to us.

    Another seems to hit at capitalism – e.g. “Corporatist State”, blurring the lines with cronyism, which does exist, but throwing such a wide net and lumping them in with China and Russia implies a level of organization that just doesn’t exist, unless one believes in conspiracy theories.

    “The sex allegations (wrt trump) are plainly a sham.”

    But if one believes this, then conspiracy theories it is.

    They are far from “plainly a sham” given how trump’s own words implicate him as capable and willing.

    You might not be nominating trump for sainthood, but you certainly are turning a blind eye to or preemptively forgiving of a heckuvalot.

  62. Maq – you should talk to some of the woman owners of small businesses re: Wall Street. They are some of the most adamant (I won’t say enthusiastic) Trump voters.
    As for the Donald, don’t try to tell me he is less moral than Hillary. I’m sorry, I really don’t care about sexual activities of others. I care that the media”s heads will explode if Trump wins and they will spend the next four years dogging his footsteps looking for something, as they did for George Bush. For Hillary, we will be in the midst of a nuclear stand off before we even find out about it.

  63. “As for the Donald, don’t try to tell me he is less moral than Hillary. I’m sorry, I really don’t care about sexual activities of others. (All?) I care that the media”s heads will explode if Trump wins – fiorina

    Not saying one is more vs less, just that BOTH are beyond the threshold of acceptable.

    That you care largely about the “media’s heads exploding” with a trump win says a lot. Heard that “F U” message sentiment elsewhere…

    The best “F U” would be someone who is principled and competent. We have neither with trump.

    And, in reaching for the balm of an “F U”, we will have to live with clinton for four years.

  64. I care that the media”s heads will explode if Trump wins

    You’re still fighting the last war, Fio. The Leftist alliance has moved far beyond the need to have the media shackle Republican Presidents with things like “mission accomplished”. They have far better ways now, given their mobilization of their strategic reserves in America.

  65. It’s a turd sandwich and we’re all going to have to take a bite.

    The weaklings might have to. Those who are independent and self reliant, who obey no authority on this earth other than their own or non human authorities, will have more freedom options.

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