Home » Is bird poop canceling out cow flatulence?


Is bird poop canceling out cow flatulence? — 5 Comments

  1. I saw someting at Real Clear Science (I think) the other day that said that burps can be managed by adding a small amount of dried red algae to their food.

  2. I wonder what their models would say about migrating passenger pigeons. There was a time when they were so populous that a person could stand in one place and never see the sky for three days as they flew overhead.

  3. Atmospheric chemistry is so complicated and uncertain that almost everything can be guessed about it but nothing can be proved.

  4. Another humorous assertion: Russian newspaper “Zavtra” of communist-monarchist bent published a genealogy study claiming that the mother of Trump, Ann MacLeod, was a direct ascendant of the Viking chieftain Rurik, one of the founders of the Russian state and also the founder of Tsars dynasty which ruled Russia for 700 years. The last Tsar of this dynasty was Ivan The Terrible. There are still no responses from president-elect if he has any claims for Russian throne, but his popularity in Russia is growing so fast that soon will be comparable with that of Vladimir Putin.

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