Home » The deed…


The deed… — 13 Comments

  1. Hilarious! The entertainment industry and MoveOn.org succeeded in persuading two Republican electors to defect from Trump — but four to vote against Hillary!

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with parker (at 7:08 pm):

    “The whining and hysteria will continue unabated.”

    What next??

  3. Looks like I got an answer to my own (rhetorical) question, “what next??”, as neo quotes in her earlier blog post found further down the page:

    “[P]repare for the next phase: Jan. 6, when Congress formally tallies the results of those votes.

    “At that time, as few as two members of Congress – one in the House and one in the Senate – could lodge an objection to the results of the vote in a particular state or overall. While similarly unlikely to change the outcome, given current circumstances, it would be another wrench thrown into the transition of power – and another effort to make the case of opposition to the coming Trump presidency.”

    — — — — —

    [ sigh + incoherent mumble ] — M J R

  4. I don’t know. We may need to recount the electoral college- I heard the Russians hacked the live feeds.

  5. “So this is how it ends – in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembling a wake, the Democratic Party is limping off the stage and into the political winter.” Michael Goodwin, NY Post

  6. Richard Saunders: Yes, it is quite funny that more Electors who were elected to vote for Hillary defected than those who defected from Trump.

    The left asked for it, and they got it: Electors voting their conscience.

  7. Sigh… they just don’t get us Rs. In general, we tend to place a high value on playing by the rules because the rules are usually there for a good reason.

    But as typical for Dems, the end outweighs the means.

  8. George Says:
    December 19th, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    unrelated topic: see http://beta.hotair.com/archives/2016/12/19/safe-space-liberals-three-times-as-likely-to-unfriend-people-over-political-posts/

    perhaps under: liberals and conservatives

    Outstanding link. If the research can be confirmed it will be very significant information in a psychological sense.

    I think that many commenting here have related anecdotes of the sort, and observed that progressive acquaintances seemed more than ready, willing, and able, to cut others dead over disagreements. If validated this would confirm it.

    What then would this say anthropologically, about the complex or cluster of personality and character traits, values, worldview and attitudes we label as “progressive”?

  9. That’s been my experience. And I try not to gloat. But sometimes I answer an observation or statement by a lib which annoys them even more since the election.
    Example. Some guy in Brazil or someplace went to an anti-rape demo and held up a sign saying he wanted women to be safe.
    I said, “Okay. You want. What next?”
    I might have said, Then spend time in the dojo. And if you don’t end up in physical therapy, you’re doing it wrong, And go armed and/or be prepared to use anything at hand
    But virtue signaling in a demo is easier and more people get to see you doing it.

    I think I got unfriended because, although I didn’t say it, the theme was obvious, and annoying.

  10. It seems to me that too many on the hysterical Left (and especially the foolish intellectuals in the media and the universities) believe that they have to do their best to destroy the country in order to save the country.

    And that it’s not just dissent that is patriotic, but the need to slander, lie and tear down a candidate they simply cannot believe they lost to.

    It has begun to assume the dimensions of an outbreak of mass hysteria.

  11. The four faithless electors in Washington didn’t surprise me. The People’s Republic of Puget Sound is vastly underrated as a sinkhole of progressive group think. San Francisco has a rep, Puget Sound is doing its best to outdo it. I live among them. It is to weep.

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