Home » Another attempt to prosecute the makers of the Planned Parenthood videos


Another attempt to prosecute the makers of the Planned Parenthood videos — 10 Comments

  1. Meanwhile clandestine filming of animal cruelty is seen by the left as brave, cutting edge journalism. Perhaps we should start referring to unborn babies as animals.

  2. The founder of the ASPCA, Henry Bergh, was also responsible for the first laws against child abuse in this country. We had animal abuse laws, but no child abuse laws. He convinced the judge to see a small child– a young indentured girl, beaten to a pulp, gouged with scissors, which was legal under the law– as the same as a small animal, deserving and needing protection.

  3. Even if the prosecution is thrown out as it was in Texas the video makers have to spend time and money defending themselves. It’s like the prosecution of Governor McDonald in Virginia. The supreme court reversed the conviction, but the governor spent years in court and millions of dollars on legal fees. Even if you win, you lose.

  4. @ parker: You bring up an interesting point. People are more disgusted of the slaughtering of animals, um, sentient animals that is, than the butchering of a baby. The sentiments of “rights” and “liberation” is based on feelings, not sound philosophy or law. Maybe babies should be called animals in order to shift the narrative. Worth a shot.

  5. Sometimes, like when the PP death squads are caught on video talking about their goolish behavior to profit from carefully harvesting baby body parts, I get extremely angry. I almost feel like its time to burn their houses down. But then I remind myself I would be a murderer and no better than them.

    I realize there are specific cases where an abortion is necesssary to save the life of the mother. But that is an extremely rare situation. Our society has so little regard for human life.

  6. And not a single person confronted, investigated or charged in the racketeering uncovered. Troubled mothers are convinced to snuff out their growing but still unborn children with harvest friendly procedures, and then PP tosses out the carved up hash of remains for a quiet profit. Perhaps we’re not so far removed from the ultimate corruptions of human dignity worked out by Germans and Japanese in the last century. In any century, Denial works better and better with each progressive step. The shameless and determined prosecution of PP whistleblowers is perhaps, the near final act in our America as Dorian Gray tragedy. Just how much more of America’s ugly decay can be obscured from plain sight?

  7. Mark30339 Says:
    March 29th, 2017 at 5:43 pm
    And not a single person confronted, investigated or charged in the racketeering uncovered…. The shameless and determined prosecution of PP whistleblowers is perhaps, the near final act in our America as Dorian Gray tragedy. Just how much more of America’s ugly decay can be obscured from plain sight?
    * * *
    The blatant hypocrisy of the pro-abortion agenda (along with the Left in general) is part and parcel of the “Trump rebellion” phenomenon (where Trump himself is only an avatar and symbol).
    The Dorian Gray analogy is very apt.

  8. Setting aside for the moment the unimpeachable, yet inconvenient, scientific truth that human life evolves from conception, the question for people of the twilight faith is: when and by whose choice does a human life acquire and retain the right to life, to dignity?

    Then there is clinical cannibalism. Even if the abortion chambers are ruled a religious/moral rite by our society, there is a clear and progressive case that Planned Parenthood’s therapy, abortion, and cannibalism divisions have conflicts of interest. Select one, two, and abort the rest. Cannibalize their remains for lucrative parts and write down the financial loss.

    Never again, maybe.

  9. GRA,

    As an old farm boy I understand how to humanely treat animals. I have slaughtered chickens, rabbits, sheep, pigs, and cattle. I was taught to do it in a calm, quiet way that minimized stress on the animals. Animals that we ate. The pro abortion without any boundaries crowd willfully choose to deny unborn humans feel pain while they slaughter them for profit. They are beyond redemption. They should be required to eat the baby parts they can not sell.

    Then we can truly label them as cannibals and hunt them down without a daily bag limit. Yes, that is hyperbole, but a part of me wants to feed them to the hogs. Hogs are more human than the ghouls that worship at the alter of abortion.

  10. This is, of course, lawfare. The last resort of the Left, using Leftist prosecutors and Leftist judges.
    I wonder what gives the ironically-named Xavier Becerra, whose Christian name is derived from the 16th century St. Francis Xavier, the standing to file these charges in California in defense of the “right” of women to murder their unborn children.

    I understand the passion of the very few violent anti-abortionists who have committed crimes, including murder, against those who daily murder the unborn as a livelihood.
    Abortion is an outrage, and sometimes outrage turns into rage. Over 50 million murdered American babies since 1973, and rising.
    Demographically, the pro-abortion Left is eating its own replacements, its own seed corn. Perhaps there is some justice in that.

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