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Drudge/Trump — 15 Comments

  1. “Do you know, the media was near death. … Trump saved media” – Drudge from Neo’s link to Zero Hedge article.

    Rather rich, coming from a guy who’s empire was also is in slow decline, but received a nice little up tick riding the trump train – see trend past 14 years…

    and, quite noticeable with the past five years trend, looks like it is now “mean reverting” along a declining line…


  2. What I noticed was the big uptick in links to WaPo and NYTimes, which I now try to scrupulously avoid. There was also an uptick in links that seize control with subscription splash screens and other garbage that gets through my pop-up blocker. My guess is that this is about the money honey; i.e. TDR’s bottom line.

  3. Had a relook at the last link… holy cow!

    Rather interesting that the next three countries, after the US, ranked by google “interest” are:

    Bosnia – Herzegovina

    What’s up with that? All more than Canada, our neighbor.

    And Poland follows Canada?

    Rather odd.

    Anyone have a good explanation, short of some conspiracy theory?

  4. Alex Jones & InfoWars has your answer.

    DJT went ‘sideways’ at day 70… the cruise missile strike, etc.

    Everyone from Cernovich on over was truly ticked.

    BTW, most of the hottest breaking news has been coming by way of Cernovich.

    This same crowd is THRILLED that DJT has given Comey the heave ho.

  5. The Fake News coming out of the NY Times and Bezos Post has reached retching levels.

    So, I always check the links before clicking through to these two click baiters.

  6. I have always enjoyed the dark side of Drudge because I like to know what the NYT and WaPo and others are saying about current issues. That way I have an idea about the information my good lefty friends are receiving and I can understand their point of view even though we will never agree.

    In the past when I was visiting and staying with dear friends in Dallas who are hard wired to the left and I tried to discuss the IRS debacle and the Fast and Furious gun scam I was met with blank stares. All of their information is funneled thought the left media and their brilliant daughters who live in NYC and Georgetown.

    It’s good to see the other side and I made sure I was noncommittal when Trump was elected while they were stunned. Now they are enjoying their sources turning Trump on a spit over hot coals and roasting him every day.

    The question now becomes does Trump, like Billy Clinton wear Teflon Suits and asbestos underwear?

  7. blert Says:
    May 12th, 2017 at 7:21 pm

    That’s been out there for months… yet the MSM = crickets.
    * * *
    It doesn’t help the narrative Dems good; GOP bad.

  8. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    May 12th, 2017 at 5:00 pm
    * *
    From the McCabe story, which I knew about but not these details: [me fisking]

    According to the OGE website, despite the box on the form for spouse income, it is not mandatory to fill in the blank, and it is not required to include contributions to a political campaign because there is a lower level of disclosure for the spouse.

    [Like, they don’t share incomes??]

    The chief of policy for Issue One, which describes itself as a “bipartisan organization dedicated to reducing the influence of money in politics,” said this is another example of how the disclosure system is flawed.

    “The OGE itself and operates as a ‘compliance’ agency — taking the information given to it by the covered government official and working with that. I have not heard of the office doing any further investigation to assess whether the information provided by the official is actually correct, unless that information is uncovered by outside forces like the media,” Meredith McGehee told Fox News, adding that her group is discussing possible changes with Capitol Hill offices.

    [anyone think they could get away with that on a security clearance application??]

    “There is a need to strengthen OGE’s authority — from clarifying its power to conduct investigations to giving it authority to conduct random audits to having it play a larger role for matters involving high-ranking executive branch officials,” she said.

    “If it’s not required, then why is there a spot on the form for spouse’s income?” retired FBI agent Jeff Danik said. Danik filed the FOIA requests with the FBI, and shared the financial disclosure forms with Fox News.

    “Isn’t it particularly convenient that loopholes in the ethics law are used to eliminate reporting hundreds of thousands of donated dollars benefiting the spouse of one of the most powerful FBI executives, while at the same time those laws demand that every dime in earnings on a minor stock account be disclosed?” he said. “That hardly seems transparent.”

    [Part of the swamp we’re supposed to be draining, but don’t get your hopes up.]

    [IIRC, Hilary didn’t have to list all of Bill’s various “income” streams either, the raison d’éªtre of the Foundation.

  9. This speaks directly to an issue that is very troubling. And I see no easy – and by easy, I mean Constitutional – remedy. The issue is the increasing influence of ‘political’ marriages. It’s beginning to seem as if everyone in office is married to someone else in politics or media. And this is on both sides of the aisle. We really are developing a separate ‘political class’. At best it creates an insular culture (think pre war British ruling class) and at worst it’s one big giant conflict of interest. I really would like to see an amendment limiting office holding and government appointments to a one per family limit. And no media positions for spouses of said officials as a security issue. Neo, any interest in a post on this? I’d like to hear your take and the replies.

  10. The first link for Drudge actually goes to the “Drudge Retort”. What happened?

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