Home » Kathy Griffin and the severed head of Trump


Kathy Griffin and the severed head of Trump — 21 Comments

  1. Can the Left that she represents have any common human decency for James Foley, Daniel Pearl and other fellow human beings that were slaughtered as you would cattle, only the instrument was probably intentionally more dull to inflict maximum agony. Those 28 Christians marched to the Mediterranean shore for their martyrdom often gives me pause. In hades their perps hopefully will endure a never ending decapitation.

  2. My goodness gracious: how bold, how courageous, how daring, how avant-garde. Oh, how I wish I could be like Kathy Griffin. All the beautiful people would admire me, would look up to me, would wish they could be as strikingly revolutionary as I am.

    Ooooops . . .

  3. If she’s lost her job over this…good.

    Her “apology” is only over the form of her action not the substance which is to actively publicly want to kill the sitting duly elected President of the United States…in the most grotesque way imaginable.

    Can leftists like her change Neo?
    I’m really serious…not trying to provoke.
    What about Alicia Garza?
    Or…I dunno…Emma Watson?

    You raise great questions about Professor Weinstein, but he seems rusted on to his progressivism…his incredible bravery aside.

    But like Noam Chomsky, who blames capitalists for ruining Venezuela, I suspect Prof Weinstein will ultimately take one for the team.

  4. Kathy Griffin, like Ted Kennedy and Gerry Studds belong to that group of people who would both legislate and lecture me on how I should be living my life.

    Yeah, right!

  5. I thought at first that Trump could retaliate with a photo of him holding a mock-up of Griffin’s severed, bloody head. But who’d believe it? What would Trump want with something that empty and ugly? Maybe use it as an umbrella stand, I guess.

  6. This might be peak Trump Derangement Syndrome but I doubt it.

    But surely sensible people are tired of constant Russia and nothing. CNN should go look for missing jets.

  7. The thing she missed is that her side lost. A conservative holding the severed head of Hillary would have been more accurate.

    I hope she is never seen again on TV.

  8. As neo points out, it’s not her desire to kill Trump that has aroused condemnation from the left. No. It’s the connection of the severed head with ISIS that is the determinative factor in her “having gone too far”. Had she photoshopped an image of her looking surprised, having ‘accidentally’ run over Trump in her car… she would have received the acclaim she seeks. She’s simply too filled with hate to figure out a politically correct way to express that hate.

  9. I am going to borrow a line from A time to kill, “now imagine the severed head is Obama’s”

  10. The “going too far” part was speaking progressive truths outside the progressive bubble, thus attracting attention the ugliness of the progressive left.

  11. Its definitely the link to ISIS that was “too far”. Her ideological partners do not want to be associated with an image that reminds the peasants of the dangers of terrorism, because even the peasants know beheadings are not cool and edgy.

  12. I would not be surprised if the apology had been written before the picture was taken.

    The whole thing was just a banzai attack against the President whose main purpose was to throw out the image and express progressive hate; the act was all and that the image was later retracted means nothing.

    I bet she was surprised she died.

  13. I have seen it and all I can say is this:

    “Look! She’s got blood coming out everywhere!”

  14. I saw Anne Coulter a few months ago when some TV host asked her “What overall roll or job do you see yourself engaging in?” “A polemicist.” she replied.

    But what annoys me about KG and he ilk are her various proclamations, “I’m a D list actor.” “I’m an (performance?) artist.” And when the s__t hits the fan, “Oh, I’m just a comedienne.” Bull. She’s a polemicist in sheep’s clothing.

  15. It is on par with our times, where celebrity seekers challenge boundaries of how shocking they can be just for the attention.

    Youtube is filled with such wannabe stars looking to be the next viral hit. The known celebrities cannot keep up anymore.

    I believe it is more so in this era of trump, where some of us even feel the need to seek respite from his symbiotic 24/7 coverage, in part because he uses social media the way he does.

    Wasn’t it back in the 90s when it seems society began to realize that there’s money in deliberately being “shocking” and behaving “badly”?

    roseanne barr come to mind?

    Even tipper gore was railing against music and computer games for similar reasons.

    Seems tame by today’s standards, doesn’t it?

  16. @TommyJay – a good point.

    I think we need to start looking at all these people (left or right), not as opinion leaders, with something worthwhile to say, but as entertainers and celebrities, who are seeking an audience, and looking to brand themselves for that audience.

  17. “Its definitely the link to ISIS that was “too far”.” – parker

    Probably so – an astute observation.

    Wasn’t long ago that folks made a big stink about a rodeo clown’s “obama act”.

    griffin kicked it up several notches – off the Lagasse scale (or was that up to eleven?).

  18. I’m looking forward to seeing this photo surface again in the near future – – – say late October 2020.

  19. AMartel Says:
    May 31st, 2017 at 7:09 pm
    The “going too far” part was speaking progressive truths outside the progressive bubble, thus attracting attention the ugliness of the progressive left.
    * * *
    This has been happening since Obama won and gave the Left cover to come out, but has certainly accelerated lately.
    * * *
    parker Says:
    May 31st, 2017 at 7:10 pm
    Its definitely the link to ISIS that was “too far”. Her ideological partners do not want to be associated with an image that reminds the peasants of the dangers of terrorism, because even the peasants know beheadings are not cool and edgy.
    * * *
    She forgot to allow for the covfefe.

    Of course, her partners ARE associated with the terrorists, in multiple ways, but they keep trying to scrub away the blood with immediate applications of candles and flowers. This was much too close to their true agenda.

  20. And NOW Griffin & her lawyer are holding a press conference to discuss the “bullying she’s endured by the Trump family”

    Great Caesar’s ghost!

    Poor child…she makes like she’s cut the head off a guy & SHE’S the victim. Now…can a leftist like her ever change? And what of her apology still holds water if any of it ever did?

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